• Armed Road-Rage Dink Gets His Instant Karma

    From 26yh.0712@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 21 01:57:03 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.guns, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.politics.usa


    An armed Indianapolis man was shot dead after barging over
    to a Chevy pickup truck driver and screaming in a suspected
    road-rage incident.

    In a newly released video, Gavin Dasaur, 29, is seen arguing
    and attempting to punch the unidentified driver while holding
    what seems to be a gun in his hand on July 16.

    As the driver smacks Dasaur's punch-throwing hand away, the
    enraged man can be seen shifting the weapon to his left hand
    while continuing to berate the driver.

    The man behind the wheel points their own gun at Dasaur and
    fires about three times at the young man.

    Deputies from the Indianapolis Police Department said they
    arrived at the scene to find Dasaur on the ground with
    gunshot wounds.

    He was rushed to a hospital for treatment but died of
    his injuries.

    . . .

    There is video.

    Deal with some minor traffic thing with screaming
    and banging and a gun in your hand and YOU GET WHAT

    In this case, kinda instantly.

    One less hyper-testosterone loon ...

    What the fuck IS it these days ? The most minor
    annoyance means Kill Everyone ..... this is NOT
    how to maintain a Society.

    Don't CARE - Red or Blue, Black or White, Xian
    or Islam, Rich or Poor ... go berserk like this
    and you DESERVE to be PUT DOWN by the cops or
    whomever is on-scene. No More Slack for loons.

    I'm way old enough to remember when such shit
    DID NOT HAPPEN - and it's time to go back to
    the future folks.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From John Doe@21:1/5 to All on Sun Jul 21 16:56:57 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.guns, alt.politics.republicans
    XPost: alt.politics.usa

    On 7/20/2024 11:57 PM, 26yh.0712 wrote:

    An armed Indianapolis man was shot dead after barging over
    to a Chevy pickup truck driver and screaming in a suspected
    road-rage incident.

    In a newly released video, Gavin Dasaur, 29, is seen arguing
    and attempting to punch the unidentified driver while holding
    what seems to be a gun in his hand on July 16.

    As the driver smacks Dasaur's punch-throwing hand away, the
    enraged man can be seen shifting the weapon to his left hand
     while continuing to berate the driver.

    The man behind the wheel points their own gun at Dasaur and
    fires about three times at the young man.

    Deputies from the Indianapolis Police Department said they
    arrived at the scene to find Dasaur on the ground with
    gunshot wounds.

    He was rushed to a hospital for treatment but died of
    his injuries.

    . . .

      There is video.

      Deal with some minor traffic thing with screaming
      and banging and a gun in your hand and YOU GET WHAT

      In this case, kinda instantly.

      One less hyper-testosterone loon ...

      What the fuck IS it these days ? The most minor
      annoyance means Kill Everyone ..... this is NOT
      how to maintain a Society.

      Don't CARE - Red or Blue, Black or White, Xian
      or Islam, Rich or Poor ... go berserk like this
      and you DESERVE to be PUT DOWN by the cops or
      whomever is on-scene. No More Slack for loons.

      I'm way old enough to remember when such shit
      DID NOT HAPPEN - and it's time to go back to
      the future folks.

    I absolutely agree that not everything boils down to which party one is
    in. Assholes abound.

    Unfortunately this kind of shit has always happened. We just have more
    lethal weapons at hand now.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)