• The Two Most Tragic Songs of The Past 50 Years

    From 26yh.0712@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 20 02:58:53 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, soc.culture

    Odd subject, but worth considering.

    No, sorry, no 'lost romance' crap - a dime a

    I'm talking "pith", "existential", "core
    of the human condition".

    #1 : "The Sounds of Silence" (Simon & Garfunkel 1966)

    This is maybe the earliest pithy note of
    the "malaise" setting in in Western Civ.
    Yea, a lot of little interests have tried
    to co-op it to their needs, but ...

    STILL holds up quite nicely - maybe more
    now than in '66.

    #2 : "Everybody Knows" (Leonard Cohen 1998)

    Was effectively covered for one of those
    hero movies ... Cohen has a "gravel voice".

    As the title implies, "everybody knows" how
    horribly rigged The System is and will be -
    but carry on regardless ... somewhere between
    despair and denial. Likely this song would
    have been well-understood since the dawn
    of civilization (well, once translated
    into Sumerian).

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