• DON'T Build Here ! Sinkhole Plague in Florida

    From 26xh.0712@21:1/5 to All on Mon Jul 8 01:25:42 2024
    XPost: talk.politics.misc, alt.politics.usa, alt.survival
    XPost: alt.investment


    . . .

    A lot of insurers dropped sinkhole damage already
    or charge unbearable premiums.

    Central Florida, pretty much from north to the
    south, is "Karst" limestone. Over aeons it has
    been EATEN AWAY underneath. All voids and caves
    and such. I actually dove into one area, full
    cave rig, and - well - it's all Swiss cheese
    with more Swiss than cheese. Even ground-
    penetrating radar can't look deep enough to
    see if there's a big void underneath.

    But the roof WILL cave in - and then the ground
    above gets sucked-down, sometimes QUICK. There
    have been recent deaths from "instant sinkholes"
    and a big condo building near Orlando also went down.

    In Florida they call that area the "lake district",
    but they aren't "lakes", they're sinkholes ...
    some half a mile across.

    5 million years from now the entire middle of
    Florida will be one long lake, 200 miles long
    and 50+ miles wide. With all the 'development'
    it may be a lot sooner. In short you're rolling
    the dice to build ANYTHING there. You have to
    pay $$$ for someone to drill several DEEP holes
    in the property to see if there's a void. If
    revealed, well, now you have to TELL any potential
    buyers, so the property is worth 79 cents.

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