• Is Kamala Harris Too Female To Be POTUS?

    From Wihte Supremacists For Trump@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 1 20:52:13 2024
    XPost: alt.fan.rush-limbaugh, alt.atheism.satire

    Our fearsome leader Trump, the intellectual lighthouse of the Republican
    cause, believes so. And so must you!

    Time for Jim Jordan to lead a congressional inquisition into her race and gender.

    Trump Doubles Down on ôKamala IsnÆt Blackö Argument With New Photo
    Robert McCoy
    Thu, August 1, 2024 at 12:35 PM EDT╖2 min read

    In a Truth Social post Thursday morning, Donald Trump appeared to suggest, again, that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Kamala Harris isnÆt really Black, ramping up his identity-based attacks to the horror of those
    in his party who consider racism a losing electoral strategy.

    Earlier in the week, many GOP strategists, including in the Trump camp,
    worried that attacks on HarrisÆs race and genderùwhich seemed all but inevitable considering TrumpÆs history of racism and misogynyùwould pose a serious liability for the campaign. ôWe hope he doesnÆt act like a crazy
    racist and sexist person, but we canÆt control him,ö a source close to the campaign told The Washington Post.

    These hopes were quickly dashed in the course of TrumpÆs interview with the National Association of Black Journalists Wednesday afternoon, in which the candidate claimed that, for years, Vice President Kamala Harris ôwas Indian
    all the way, and then suddenly she made a turn and she became a Black

    Politifact noted this was a ôfalse mischaracterization of HarrisÆ
    background and how she has spoken about, and identified with, her race and ethnicity.ö Harris, whose mother is Indian and father is Black, has
    ôembraced her Black identity and multicultural background in several ways.ö

    By Wednesday evening, many Republicans were dismayed. One House Republican
    told Axios the interview ôwas not a demonstration on how to win over
    undecided voters,ö and another said it ôraised concerns about whether Trump
    can contain his impulses.ö

    But Trump dug in his heels again on Truth Social Thursday morning, posting
    a family photo in which a young Kamala Harris wore a sari, with the snide caption, ôThank you Kamala for the nice picture you sent from many years
    ago! Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian heritage are very
    much appreciated.ö
    Donald Trump Truth Social screenshot: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
    Thank you Kamala for the nice picture you sent from many years ago! Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much
    appreciated. (photo of Kamala Harris wearing a black and red sari, and four
    of her family members. All are dressed in Indian traditional attire.) 9.52k ReTruth 29.4 Likes August 01, 2024, 9:56 A.M.
    Donald Trump Truth Social screenshot: Donald J. Trump @realDonaldTrump
    Thank you Kamala for the nice picture you sent from many years ago! Your warmth, friendship, and love of your Indian Heritage are very much
    appreciated. (photo of Kamala Harris wearing a black and red sari, and four
    of her family members. All are dressed in Indian traditional attire.) 9.52k ReTruth 29.4 Likes August 01, 2024, 9:56 A.M.

    Commenting on TrumpÆs obstinate commitment to mocking HarrisÆs biracial background, political analyst and X user ettingermentum wrote, ôHow does he even theoretically see this helping him,ö and commentator Tim Miller sarcastically posted, ôGotta say I am extremely impressed with the
    strategic discipline that [Trump campaign manager Chris LaCivita] has
    brought to this campaign. I doubted the punditry that indicated Trump could
    be tamed à but the proof is in the pudding.ö

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