• "Single justice procedure" for failing to respond to tv licensing lette

    From Adam H. Kerman@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 09:36:28 2024
    This was also on the same video channel Rhino found. How do people put
    up with this crap?

    Basically, if you ignore the threatening letter about unpaid tv license,
    there will be a proceeding in which your fate will be decided by a
    magistrate in a closed door hearing without your participation, called a
    single justice procedure. They've got nearly 100% conviction rate.


    Threats to enter home without permission.


    Here's another guy who reposted somebody's YouTube video successfully
    keeping the licensing thugs out of his home, who lied about a warrant.


    and the barrister's response


    He takes the position that the author of the video was in the wrong and
    was obliged under law to assist in their gathering of evidence.

    How do people put up with this crap?

    How to keep licensing officers away


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