• [OT] Two tier policiing

    From Rhino@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 14:43:55 2024
    It's becoming increasingly clear that certain ethnic groups are
    essentially above the law. This video shows an apparently spontaneous
    parade down major streets like Regent Street and Oxford Street in
    London on a weekday at rush hour. A YouTuber calling himself The
    Wondering Englishman follows the parade and talks to some of the many
    police officers along the route, trying to find out when this parade
    was publicized in TFL (Transportation For London), which is apparently
    where all disruptions to traffic like parades or construction work are published. It becomes clear that no such information was ever
    published. Apparently, the Muslims decided to hold a parade, told their community about it, and then went ahead without any sort of permit.
    Police found out at the last minute and showed up in force but NOT to
    arrest the participants in the parade but to escort them.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WQ0J9OfPgc [14 minutes]

    The YouTuber points out that the paraders are carrying flags but that
    when native English people attempt to carry a St. George's flag, the
    flag of England (as opposed to the flag of the UK), they are forced to
    take them down. He observes that Sadiq Khan, the mayor of London, is
    himself a Muslim and apparently condones spontaneous actions like the
    parade and even provides expensive police resources to protect the
    paraders but treats non-Muslim demonstrations much more harshly. He
    also points out that London's population is now only 44% "white" with
    the numbers steadily declining.

    We saw much the same sort of thing in Toronto in recent months,
    particularly when pro-Hamas supporters illegally blocked the Avenue
    Road bridge over the 401 - which lies in a heavily Jewish neighbourhood
    - and the police arrived not with handcuffs and paddy wagons but coffee
    and doughnuts for the pro-Hamas crowd. That same police force also had
    some of its officers very close by when one pro-Hamas protester at
    another demonstration threatened explicitly to kill someone who was
    challenging his cause; the police did absolutely NOTHING although such
    a threat is clearly illegal.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From BTR1701@21:1/5 to Rhino on Fri Aug 2 12:48:03 2024
    In article <20240802144355.0000661a@example.com>,
    Rhino <no_offline_contact@example.com> wrote:

    It's becoming increasingly clear that certain ethnic groups are
    essentially above the law. This video shows an apparently spontaneous
    parade down major streets like Regent Street and Oxford Street in
    London on a weekday at rush hour. A YouTuber calling himself The
    Wondering Englishman follows the parade and talks to some of the many
    police officers along the route, trying to find out when this parade
    was publicized in TFL (Transportation For London), which is apparently
    where all disruptions to traffic like parades or construction work are published. It becomes clear that no such information was ever
    published. Apparently, the Muslims decided to hold a parade, told their community about it, and then went ahead without any sort of permit.
    Police found out at the last minute and showed up in force but NOT to
    arrest the participants in the parade but to escort them.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WQ0J9OfPgc [14 minutes]

    The YouTuber points out that the paraders are carrying flags but that
    when native English people attempt to carry a St. George's flag, the
    flag of England (as opposed to the flag of the UK), they are forced to
    take them down.

    When I was working a Michelle Obama visit in London, the copper I was
    paired with told me he was given a court order to take the St. George's
    flag down off the flagpole at his home because the local Muslims felt
    scared and intimidated by it.

    I can't even imagine being told by some judge here, even in lefty looney California, prohibiting me from flying the American flag at my own home
    because some illegal alien's feelings were hurt by it. Not only would I
    leave the flag up, I put up the Gadsden flag as well.

    We saw much the same sort of thing in Toronto in recent months,
    particularly when pro-Hamas supporters illegally blocked the Avenue
    Road bridge over the 401 - which lies in a heavily Jewish neighbourhood
    - and the police arrived not with handcuffs and paddy wagons but coffee
    and doughnuts for the pro-Hamas crowd. That same police force also had
    some of its officers very close by when one pro-Hamas protester at
    another demonstration threatened explicitly to kill someone who was challenging his cause; the police did absolutely NOTHING although such
    a threat is clearly illegal.

    Just like the UCLA police and LAPD stood aside and let the pro-Hamas
    rioters have free reign, watching as they intimidated Jewish students
    and denied them access to classes and other university facilities.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Rhino@21:1/5 to atropos@mac.com on Fri Aug 2 16:59:42 2024
    On Fri, 02 Aug 2024 12:48:03 -0700
    BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:

    In article <20240802144355.0000661a@example.com>,
    Rhino <no_offline_contact@example.com> wrote:

    It's becoming increasingly clear that certain ethnic groups are
    essentially above the law. This video shows an apparently
    spontaneous parade down major streets like Regent Street and Oxford
    Street in London on a weekday at rush hour. A YouTuber calling
    himself The Wondering Englishman follows the parade and talks to
    some of the many police officers along the route, trying to find
    out when this parade was publicized in TFL (Transportation For
    London), which is apparently where all disruptions to traffic like
    parades or construction work are published. It becomes clear that
    no such information was ever published. Apparently, the Muslims
    decided to hold a parade, told their community about it, and then
    went ahead without any sort of permit. Police found out at the last
    minute and showed up in force but NOT to arrest the participants in
    the parade but to escort them.

    https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_WQ0J9OfPgc [14 minutes]

    The YouTuber points out that the paraders are carrying flags but
    that when native English people attempt to carry a St. George's
    flag, the flag of England (as opposed to the flag of the UK), they
    are forced to take them down.

    When I was working a Michelle Obama visit in London, the copper I was
    paired with told me he was given a court order to take the St.
    George's flag down off the flagpole at his home because the local
    Muslims felt scared and intimidated by it.

    I can't even imagine being told by some judge here, even in lefty
    looney California, prohibiting me from flying the American flag at my
    own home because some illegal alien's feelings were hurt by it. Not
    only would I leave the flag up, I put up the Gadsden flag as well.

    We saw much the same sort of thing in Toronto in recent months, particularly when pro-Hamas supporters illegally blocked the Avenue
    Road bridge over the 401 - which lies in a heavily Jewish
    - and the police arrived not with handcuffs and paddy wagons but
    coffee and doughnuts for the pro-Hamas crowd. That same police
    force also had some of its officers very close by when one
    pro-Hamas protester at another demonstration threatened explicitly
    to kill someone who was challenging his cause; the police did
    absolutely NOTHING although such a threat is clearly illegal.

    Just like the UCLA police and LAPD stood aside and let the pro-Hamas
    rioters have free reign, watching as they intimidated Jewish students
    and denied them access to classes and other university facilities.

    The only conclusion I can come to is that the Muslims are so high up
    the intersectionality scale that our elites worship that they can't be
    defied. If they want to have a parade here or a demonstration there or
    make death threats somewhere else, no one is going to stand in their
    way and, in fact, the government will go some way to honouring their
    demands, whether by enforcing bans on flags they find offensive or
    bringing them snacks for illegal road closures.

    And, of course, it promises to get worse. The UK has already said they
    won't stand in the way of ICJ warrants on Netanyahu and some of his
    cabinet and the new Labour Prime Minister has said they plan to
    formally recognize Palestine. What happens when the Muslims demand that
    the UK drops recognition of Israel? What would a Democrat
    administration do if the same demand was made of them? Would Biden or
    Harris do even that to increase their support in Dearborn and Minnesota?


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)