• Stacey Abrams Claims CNN Spread "Disinformation" For Highlighting Her F

    From Ubiquitous@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 2 04:30:48 2024
    XPost: alt.whine, alt.news-media

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams lashed out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was spreading ôdisinformationö about remarks that she did, in fact, make after losing her first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday night after Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the 2018 election and insisted that she had won and that the election was stolen.

    ôI do remember the time you told The New York Times, I won,ö Collins noted. ôYou did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did side with the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the challenges as well.ö

    Abrams fired back: ôKaitlan, thatÆs actually incorrect. And normally, I wouldnÆt cut you off. But youÆre repeating disinformation.ö

    Abrams said that she has ônever claimed to be the Governor of Georgia,ö which is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of times that ôit was a stolen election.ö

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: ôI didnÆt lose. I got the votes. But we wonÆt know exactly how many because of how they cheated.ö

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her ôheart of hearts, we won.ö


    WATCH: CNNÆS KAITLAN COLLINS: ôWell, I do remember the time you told
    the NYT, ôI won.ö You did describe it as a stolen election.ö

    STACEY ABRAMS: ôKaitlan, thatÆs actually incorrect. Normally I
    wouldnÆt cut you off, but youÆre repeating disinformation.ö ??

    ù Steve Guest (@SteveGuest) July 31, 2024

    Let's go Brandon!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From BTR1701@21:1/5 to Ubiquitous on Fri Aug 2 10:29:51 2024
    XPost: alt.whine, alt.news-media

    In article <v8igsc$2pkkp$10@dont-email.me>,
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams lashed out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was spreading "disinformation" about remarks that she did, in fact, make after losing her first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday night after Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the 2018 election and insisted that she had won and that the election was stolen.

    "I do remember the time you told The New York Times 'I won,'" Collins noted. "You did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did side with the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the challenges as well."

    Abrams fired back: "Kaitlan, that's actually incorrect and normally I wouldn't cut you off. But you're repeating disinformation."

    Abrams said that she has "never claimed to be the Governor of Georgia," which is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of times that "it was a stolen election".

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: "I didn't lose. I got the votes. But we won't know exactly how many because of how they cheated."

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her "heart of hearts, we won".

    But she's black (small B) and Democrat, so it's okay for her to deny an election and refuse to concede.

    Just like Hillary spent the four years of the Trump presidency claiming
    it was an illegitimate election, but that's okay.

    It only becomes "an existential threat to democracy" when a Republican
    does it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adam H. Kerman@21:1/5 to atropos@mac.com on Fri Aug 2 18:40:02 2024
    BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Let's properly cite the article that Ubi the shithead plagarized, falsely claiming to have written in his full-text copyright infringement.

    Stacey Abrams Claims CNN Spread 'Disinformation' For Highlighting Her
    False Stolen Election Claims
    The Daily Wire https://www.dailywire.com/news/stacey-abrams-claims-cnn-spread-disinformation-for-highlighting-her-false-stolen-election-claims

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams >>lashed out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was >>spreading "disinformation" about remarks that she did, in fact, make
    after losing her first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday night after >>Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the 2018 election and >>insisted that she had won and that the election was stolen.

    "I do remember the time you told The New York Times 'I won,'" Collins noted. >>"You did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did side with the >>Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the challenges as well."

    Abrams fired back: "Kaitlan, that's actually incorrect and normally I >>wouldn't cut you off. But you're repeating disinformation."

    Abrams said that she has "never claimed to be the Governor of Georgia," >>which is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of >>times that "it was a stolen election".

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: "I didn't lose. I got the votes. But we won't know >>exactly how many because of how they cheated."

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her "heart of hearts, we won".

    But she's black (small B) and Democrat, so it's okay for her to deny an >election and refuse to concede.

    There were problems with the Georgia voter registration process during
    that period that appear to have been fixed.

    There's no equivalence with Trump calling Raffensperger, ordering him to
    find a few more votes so that Trump could have been declared to have won Georgia.

    That's evidence of wide-scale problems that may have been enough to
    change Abrams outcome versus evidence of small-scale problems that
    weren't enough to change Trump's outcome, plus numerous claims without
    evidence of a stolen election.

    Your point fails.

    Just like Hillary spent the four years of the Trump presidency claiming
    it was an illegitimate election, but that's okay.

    Oh, good grief. Nobody thought that was ok. Nearly everybody who read
    Hillary's book thought it was sour grapes, that she made herself a
    laughing stock, that she failed to do an adequate post-election
    assessment of her political failures, and that it hurt her historical

    It only becomes "an existential threat to democracy" when a Republican
    does it.

    That's over-the-top rhetoric. I agree. But much of what Trump did post
    November 3 2020 was wrong, if not illegal and criminal. The attack ln
    Congress on January 6, 2021, was wrong, criminal, and illegal.

    There's no equivalence and there's no reason to apologize for this.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From BTR1701@21:1/5 to Adam H. Kerman on Fri Aug 2 12:41:08 2024
    In article <v8j962$2uno4$1@dont-email.me>,
    "Adam H. Kerman" <ahk@chinet.com> wrote:

    BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Let's properly cite the article that Ubi the shithead plagarized, falsely claiming to have written in his full-text copyright infringement.

    Stacey Abrams Claims CNN Spread 'Disinformation' For Highlighting Her
    False Stolen Election Claims
    The Daily Wire https://www.dailywire.com/news/stacey-abrams-claims-cnn-spread-disinformation-

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams >>lashed out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was >>spreading "disinformation" about remarks that she did, in fact, make >>after losing her first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday night after >>Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the 2018 election and >>insisted that she had won and that the election was stolen.

    "I do remember the time you told The New York Times 'I won,'" Collins >>noted.
    "You did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did side with the >>Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the challenges as well."

    Abrams fired back: "Kaitlan, that's actually incorrect and normally I >>wouldn't cut you off. But you're repeating disinformation."

    Abrams said that she has "never claimed to be the Governor of Georgia," >>which is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of >>times that "it was a stolen election".

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: "I didn't lose. I got the votes. But we won't know >>exactly how many because of how they cheated."

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her "heart of hearts, we won".

    But she's black (small B) and Democrat, so it's okay for her to deny an >election and refuse to concede.

    There were problems with the Georgia voter registration process during
    that period that appear to have been fixed.

    There's no equivalence with Trump calling Raffensperger, ordering him to
    find a few more votes so that Trump could have been declared to have won Georgia.

    That's evidence of wide-scale problems that may have been enough to
    change Abrams outcome versus evidence of small-scale problems that
    weren't enough to change Trump's outcome, plus numerous claims without evidence of a stolen election.

    Your point fails.

    Just like Hillary spent the four years of the Trump presidency claiming
    it was an illegitimate election, but that's okay.

    Oh, good grief. Nobody thought that was ok.

    Nobody except the entire legacy media establishment, which collectively
    nodded along sagely whenever she made these claims, never pushed back on
    her, and certainly never branded her "an existential threat to
    democracy" for her election denialism.

    It only becomes "an existential threat to democracy" when a Republican
    does it.

    That's over-the-top rhetoric. I agree. But much of what Trump did post November 3 2020 was wrong, if not illegal and criminal. The attack ln Congress on January 6, 2021, was wrong, criminal, and illegal.

    There's no equivalence and there's no reason to apologize for this.

    Which is why I wasn't apologizing for it.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Adam H. Kerman@21:1/5 to atropos@mac.com on Fri Aug 2 20:29:44 2024
    BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:
    "Adam H. Kerman" <ahk@chinet.com> wrote:
    BTR1701 <atropos@mac.com> wrote:
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Let's properly cite the article that Ubi the shithead plagarized, falsely >>claiming to have written in his full-text copyright infringement.

    Stacey Abrams Claims CNN Spread 'Disinformation' For Highlighting Her
    False Stolen Election Claims
    The Daily Wire >>https://www.dailywire.com/news/stacey-abrams-claims-cnn-spread-disinformation-for-highlighting-her-false-stolen-election-claims

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams >>>>lashed out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was >>>>spreading "disinformation" about remarks that she did, in fact, make >>>>after losing her first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday
    night after Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the >>>>2018 election and insisted that she had won and that the election
    was stolen.

    "I do remember the time you told The New York Times 'I won,'" Collins >>>>noted. "You did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did
    side with the Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the >>>>challenges as well."

    Abrams fired back: "Kaitlan, that's actually incorrect and normally I >>>>wouldn't cut you off. But you're repeating disinformation."

    Abrams said that she has "never claimed to be the Governor of Georgia," >>>>which is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of >>>>times that "it was a stolen election".

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: "I didn't lose. I got the votes. But we
    won't know exactly how many because of how they cheated."

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her "heart of hearts, we won".

    But she's black (small B) and Democrat, so it's okay for her to deny an >>>election and refuse to concede.

    There were problems with the Georgia voter registration process during
    that period that appear to have been fixed.

    There's no equivalence with Trump calling Raffensperger, ordering him to >>find a few more votes so that Trump could have been declared to have won >>Georgia.

    That's evidence of wide-scale problems that may have been enough to
    change Abrams outcome versus evidence of small-scale problems that
    weren't enough to change Trump's outcome, plus numerous claims without >>evidence of a stolen election.

    Your point fails.

    Just like Hillary spent the four years of the Trump presidency claiming >>>it was an illegitimate election, but that's okay.

    Oh, good grief. Nobody thought that was ok.

    Nobody except the entire legacy media establishment, which collectively >nodded along sagely whenever she made these claims, never pushed back on
    her, and certainly never branded her "an existential threat to
    democracy" for her election denialism.


    There are no shortage of idiots. No legitimate political analyst saw
    Hillary as anything but self deluded. Generally it didn't convince the
    American public that she didn't run an ineffective campaign.

    It only becomes "an existential threat to democracy" when a Republican >>>does it.

    That's over-the-top rhetoric. I agree. But much of what Trump did post >>November 3 2020 was wrong, if not illegal and criminal. The attack ln >>Congress on January 6, 2021, was wrong, criminal, and illegal.

    There's no equivalence and there's no reason to apologize for this.

    Which is why I wasn't apologizing for it.

    There's no reason to take it seriously at all.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From trotsky@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 3 02:50:16 2024
    XPost: alt.whine, alt.news-media

    On 8/2/24 12:29 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
    In article <v8igsc$2pkkp$10@dont-email.me>,
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Two-time failed Georgia Democratic gubernatorial nominee Stacey Abrams lashed
    out at CNN this week, falsely claiming that the network was spreading
    "disinformation" about remarks that she did, in fact, make after losing her >> first gubernatorial campaign in 2018.

    Abrams got into a spat with CNN host Kaitlan Collins on Tuesday night after >> Collins brought up how Abrams denied the results of the 2018 election and
    insisted that she had won and that the election was stolen.

    "I do remember the time you told The New York Times 'I won,'" Collins noted. >> "You did describe it as a stolen election. The courts did side with the
    Secretary of State, Brad Raffensperger, in some of the challenges as well." >>
    Abrams fired back: "Kaitlan, that's actually incorrect and normally I
    wouldn't cut you off. But you're repeating disinformation."

    Abrams said that she has "never claimed to be the Governor of Georgia," which
    is not something that Collins ever accused her of saying.

    After losing her election, Abrams refused to concede and claimed dozens of >> times that "it was a stolen election".

    In 2019, Abrams claimed: "I didn't lose. I got the votes. But we won't know >> exactly how many because of how they cheated."

    She also claimed in 2019 that she knows in her "heart of hearts, we won".

    But she's black (small B) and Democrat, so it's okay for her to deny an election and refuse to concede.

    The facts are out there but everyone on this group knows you lack both
    the brains and the balls to address them.


    ACLU of Georgia Releases the Palast Investigative Fund Report: The State
    Likely Removed Nearly 200,000 Citizens from the Voter Rolls Who Never Moved

    If you grow a pair of balls and find that you need help with this let me

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)