• Re: Greg Gutfeld Destroys Kamala's Record: "Most Egregious And Dangerou

    From trotsky@21:1/5 to Ubiquitous on Sat Jul 27 12:52:18 2024
    On 7/27/24 9:31 AM, Ubiquitous wrote:
    In article <OT2pO.172966$sE%9.113111@fx14.iad>, gmsingh@email.com wrote:
    On 7/26/24 1:56 PM, BTR1701 wrote:
    Ubiquitous <weberm@polaris.net> wrote:

    Greg Gutfeld destroyed Vice President Kamala Harris’ record and said >>>> the focus on the presumed Democratic presidential candidate should be
    that "she lied to the American people, aiding the most egregious and
    dangerous political cover-up in American history".

    "It's exactly what they did with Biden," Gutfeld continued. "Try to keep >>>> you in the 'he's sharp as a tack' world and not in the 'he's a basket
    case' world, which, as you know, was a lie Harris herself took part in >>>> for almost four years."

    The Fox news host said the fact that Harris helped hide Biden's failing >>>> health "should be the focus, not the linguistic linguine".

    "It's that she lied to the American people, aiding the most egregious and >>>> dangerous political cover-up in American history," Gutfeld said. "Then, >>>> when the time was right, she took his spot and his money."

    Don't forget her lies as California attorney general, when she titled
    Prop 47 "The Safe Streets and Neighborhoods Act" instead of the more
    accurate "Making Stealing California's Official Sport Act".

    I challenge anyone on the group to make sense of that last paragraph.
    Google returned zero hits on it.

    Selective reading comprehension problems noted. Get back to us when you have a real argument to make.

    Human pubic hair says what?

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