• Re: stats 2024 1st half

    From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Mon Aug 5 19:27:44 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages *****
    num| Name                   | Nb Msg | size       | or. | %

     1 | The Doctor             |  6,273 | 17,599,241 | 616 | 50.64%
     2 | Blueshirt              |  1,621 |  3,377,227 |  58 | 13.09% xx
     3 | Daniel65               |    906 |  2,043,105 |  30 |  7.31% x
     4 | Daniel70               |    713 |  1,721,289 |  24 |  5.76% x
     5 | %                      |    630 |  1,709,005 |  99 |  5.09% x
     6 | The True Doctor        |    449 |  1,731,546 |  19 |  3.62%
     7 | solar penguin          |    440 |    872,803 |  17 |  3.55%
     8 | The Last Doctor        |    303 |  1,005,000 |  19 |  2.45%
     9 | Mickmane               |    235 |    498,996 |   7 |  1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599         |    164 |    397,343 |   1 |  1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov          |    156 |    249,407 |  37 |  1.26%
    12 | Your Name              |    123 |    289,801 |  17 |  0.99%
    13 | cheesetray             |     88 |    117,568 |   7 |  0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM,
    would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to
    make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 5 12:47:16 2024
    Daniel70 wrote:

    Blueshirt wrote on 5/8/24 9:18 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or
    so, our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past
    like his idol Stalin did.

    Umm! Was Comrade Stalin a good Church attending Christian??

    Actually he was, for a while. Stalin came from a religious
    family and trained to be a priest. So I'm sure he attended
    Church quite a bit before he left the seminary!

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for a lot of people, he saw the
    light and became an Atheist.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the
    end of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those
    posts from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    Ah!! Is that to make Gobble-de-gook's contributions here seem
    even greater than they actually were??

    Dave would still have been top of his RADW list, and even if
    somebody did post more messages than him he would massage the
    NotKnow figures to make sure that he was top.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to All on Mon Aug 5 12:18:03 2024
    Daniel70 wrote:

    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Mon Aug 5 21:38:21 2024
    Blueshirt wrote on 5/8/24 9:18 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Umm! Was Comrade Stalin a good Church attending Christian??

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    Ah!! Is that to make Gobble-de-gook's contributions here seem even
    greater than they actually were??

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Mon Aug 5 14:30:40 2024
    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages *****
    num| Name                   | Nb Msg |
    size       | or. | %

     1 | The Doctor             |  6,273 | 17,599,241 | 616
    | 50.64%
     2 | Blueshirt              |  1,621 |  3,377,227 | 
    58 | 13.09% xx
     3 | Daniel65               |    906 |  2,043,105
    |  30 |  7.31% x
     4 | Daniel70               |    713 |  1,721,289
    |  24 |  5.76% x
     5 | %                      |    630 |  >1,709,005 |  99 |  5.09% x
     6 | The True Doctor        |    449 |  1,731,546 |  19
    |  3.62%
     7 | solar penguin          |    440 |    872,803 | 
    17 |  3.55%
     8 | The Last Doctor        |    303 |  1,005,000 |  19
    |  2.45%
     9 | Mickmane               |    235 |   
    498,996 |   7 |  1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599         |    164 |    397,343 |  
    1 |  1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov          |    156 |    249,407 | 
    37 |  1.26%
    12 | Your Name              |    123 |    289,801
    |  17 |  0.99%
    13 | cheesetray             |     88 |    117,568
    |   7 |  0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM,
    would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLS*T .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to
    make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!

    I remind you,
    I blocked Google Groups after they lost control over their abusers.


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Mon Aug 5 14:29:01 2024
    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages *****
    num| Name                   | Nb Msg |
    size       | or. | %

     1 | The Doctor             |  6,273 | 17,599,241 | 616
    | 50.64%
     2 | Blueshirt              |  1,621 |  3,377,227 | 
    58 | 13.09% xx
     3 | Daniel65               |    906 |  2,043,105
    |  30 |  7.31% x
     4 | Daniel70               |    713 |  1,721,289
    |  24 |  5.76% x
     5 | %                      |    630 |  >1,709,005 |  99 |  5.09% x
     6 | The True Doctor        |    449 |  1,731,546 |  19
    |  3.62%
     7 | solar penguin          |    440 |    872,803 | 
    17 |  3.55%
     8 | The Last Doctor        |    303 |  1,005,000 |  19
    |  2.45%
     9 | Mickmane               |    235 |   
    498,996 |   7 |  1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599         |    164 |    397,343 |  
    1 |  1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov          |    156 |    249,407 | 
    37 |  1.26%
    12 | Your Name              |    123 |    289,801
    |  17 |  0.99%
    13 | cheesetray             |     88 |    117,568
    |   7 |  0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM,
    would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLS*T .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to
    make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023
    Google GRoups was permanently block from posting here.


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Mon Aug 5 14:33:09 2024
    In article <xn0op7fb5u1vue001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:

    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    That's NetKnwo

    and Google Groups was blocked in October 2023 for
    not controlling abusive practises.

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Mon Aug 5 14:34:22 2024
    In article <v8qdjd$ld02$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Blueshirt wrote on 5/8/24 9:18 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Umm! Was Comrade Stalin a good Church attending Christian??


    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    Ah!! Is that to make Gobble-de-gook's contributions here seem even
    greater than they actually were??

    WEll ...


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Mon Aug 5 14:35:16 2024
    In article <xn0op7g14v3gp3000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:

    Blueshirt wrote on 5/8/24 9:18 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or
    so, our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past
    like his idol Stalin did.

    Umm! Was Comrade Stalin a good Church attending Christian??

    Actually he was, for a while. Stalin came from a religious
    family and trained to be a priest. So I'm sure he attended
    Church quite a bit before he left the seminary!

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for a lot of people, he saw the
    light and became an Atheist.

    He is the the hero of Atheists everywhere.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the
    end of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those
    posts from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    Ah!! Is that to make Gobble-de-gook's contributions here seem
    even greater than they actually were??

    Dave would still have been top of his RADW list, and even if
    somebody did post more messages than him he would massage the
    NotKnow figures to make sure that he was top.

    Oh? Try for yourself.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Mon Aug 5 21:46:55 2024
    In article <j4ydnf_-693EsSz7nZ2dnZfqn_EAAAAA@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages *****
    num| Name                   | Nb Msg |
    size       | or. | %

      1 | The Doctor             |  6,273 | 17,599,241 |
    616 | 50.64%
      2 | Blueshirt              |  1,621 |  3,377,227
    |  58 | 13.09% xx
      3 | Daniel65               |    906 | 
    2,043,105 |  30 |  7.31% x
      4 | Daniel70               |    713 | 
    1,721,289 |  24 |  5.76% x
      5 | %                      |    630 |  >1,709,005 |  99 |  5.09% x
      6 | The True Doctor        |    449 |  1,731,546 | 
    19 |  3.62%
      7 | solar penguin          |    440 |    872,803
    |  17 |  3.55%
      8 | The Last Doctor        |    303 |  1,005,000 | 
    19 |  2.45%
      9 | Mickmane               |    235 |   
    498,996 |   7 |  1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599         |    164 |    397,343 |  
    1 |  1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov          |    156 |    249,407 | 
    37 |  1.26%
    12 | Your Name              |    123 |    289,801
    |  17 |  0.99%
    13 | cheesetray             |     88 |    117,568
    |   7 |  0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM,
    would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLS*T .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to
    make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!

    in some groups i post 100 per day

    Weell called.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Tue Aug 6 02:59:43 2024
    In article <hp6dnW_j6_n01iz7nZ2dnZfqn_EAAAAA@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <j4ydnf_-693EsSz7nZ2dnZfqn_EAAAAA@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages *****
    num| >Name                   >| Nb Msg |
    size       | or. | %


      1 | The
    Doctor             |  6,273 | >17,599,241 |
    616 | 50.64%
      2 | >Blueshirt              | 
    1,621 |  3,377,227
    |  58 | 13.09% xx
      3 | >Daniel65               >|    906 |Â
    2,043,105 |  30 |  7.31% x
      4 | >Daniel70               >|    713 |Â
    1,721,289 |  24 |  5.76% x
      5 | >%                      |    630 |Â
    1,709,005 |  99 |  5.09% x
      6 | The True Doctor       
    |    449 |  1,731,546 |Â
    19 |  3.62%
      7 | solar penguin          >|    440 |    872,803
    |  17 |  3.55%
      8 | The Last Doctor       
    |    303 |  1,005,000 |Â
    19 |  2.45%
      9 | >Mickmane               >|    235 |  Â
    498,996 |   7 |  1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599         |   
    164 |    397,343 | Â
    1 |  1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov         
    |    156 |    249,407 |Â
    37 |  1.26%
    12 | Your Name              >|    123 |    289,801
    |  17 |  0.99%
    13 | cheesetray             >|     88 |    117,568
    |   7 |  0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb, >>>> but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM, >>>> would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLS*T .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to >>>> make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!

    in some groups i post 100 per day

    Weell called.

    in some even more and once i did 4,046 in one month

    Now Dannyboy, and the Idlehands Club will have nightmare.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 19:58:56 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:
    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>, Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages ***** num| Name         >>>          | Nb Msg |
    size      | or. | %

     1 | The Doctor            | 6,273 | 17,599,241 | 616
    | 50.64%
    xxxxxxxxxx  2 | Blueshirt             | 1,621
    |Â 3,377,227 |Â
    58 | 13.09% xx
    Â 3 | Daniel65Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â 906 |Â
    |Â 30 |Â 7.31% x
    Â 4 | Daniel70Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â 713 |Â
    |Â 24 |Â 5.76% x
    Â 5 | %Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â 630 |Â
    1,709,005 |Â 99 |Â 5.09% x
     6 | The True Doctor       |   449 | 1,731,546 |Â
    |Â 3.62%
     7 | solar penguin         |   440 |   >>> 872,803 |Â
    17 |Â 3.55%
     8 | The Last Doctor       |   303 | 1,005,000 |Â
    |Â 2.45%
     9 | Mickmane              |   235 |  Â
    498,996 |Â Â 7 |Â 1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â 164 |Â Â Â 397,343
    |Â Â
    1 |Â 1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov         |   156 |   249,407

    37 |Â 1.26%
    12 | Your Name             |   123 |  Â
    |Â 17 |Â 0.99%
    13 | cheesetray            |    88 |  Â
    |Â Â 7 |Â 0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook. I know
    Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate,
    TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU,
    Gobble-de-gook, to make another post to add to YOUR All Time
    Precious Post Count!!

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet groups
    by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was permanently block
    from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, Shit-for-Brains, THAT permanently blocking
    of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb 2024, Shit-for-Brains!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 19:54:22 2024
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:33 am:
    In article <xn0op7fb5u1vue001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    That's NetKnwo

    (Snicker!! Snicker!!) How Typical!! Even when trying to 'correct' other
    people, Gobble-de-gook can't help himself from making an error!!
    (Snicker!! Snicker!!)

    But, still, it's another Post so increasing his All Important Precious
    Post Count!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 11:57:59 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so,
    our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE
    THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU,
    Gobble-de-gook, to make another post to add to YOUR All Time
    Precious Post Count!!

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023
    Google GRoups was permanently block from posting here.

    No Dave, that is not true. In fact it is a confounded lie!
    People did use Google Groups to post messages to RADW until the
    end of February... Tim, The CCK (etc.) It's true that some of
    Tim's were caught by spam filters used by the likes of
    eternal-september, but quite a lot of his messages did get
    through... You just took it upon yourself to excluded posts from
    GG from the NotKnow RADW statistics.

    BREAKING NEWS: You are not RADW... even though you might think
    you are!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 12:01:29 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so,
    our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE
    THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU,
    Gobble-de-gook, to make another post to add to YOUR All Time
    Precious Post Count!!

    I remind you,
    I blocked Google Groups after they lost control over their

    That is correct, you blocked them.

    But any stats list of posts to a newsgroups that excludes
    certain posts is not a faithful representation of the posts
    made. So why bother with a list of inaccurate stats? It serves
    no purpose whatsoever.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 12:05:21 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op7fb5u1vue001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so,
    our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE
    THAN 100 POSTS!!

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past
    like his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the
    end of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those
    posts from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    That's NetKnwo

    Actually Dave, and bearing in mind you can't even get the name
    of your organisation right, I think NotKnow is more apt.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 6 13:08:58 2024
    Daniel70 wrote:

    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was
    permanently block from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, Shit-for-Brains, THAT permanently
    blocking of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb
    2024, Shit-for-Brains!!

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in February
    2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make a stand against
    Google's tyranny and blocked them from his servers last year. So
    any stats taken from the NotKnow servers since then would not
    include any posts from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 12:22:50 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op7g14v3gp3000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for a lot of people, he saw the
    light and became an Atheist.

    He is the the hero of Atheists everywhere.

    Stalin must be your hero too as you behave like him...
    single-mindedly following a dogma and hating everything that
    doesn't fit your fundamentalist ideology.

    You even censor stat posts to a Usenet newsgroup and pretend
    people didn't post here! If you are going to do that in a group
    of twenty five people online what would you be like if you
    actually had power over a lot of people?!

    Dave would still have been top of his RADW list, and even if
    somebody did post more messages than him he would massage the
    NotKnow figures to make sure that he was top.

    Oh? Try for yourself.

    I have a newsreader that can collect the RADW posting stats from
    the Eweka servers for any specified time period and post them
    here, but who cares?

    You are always top of any list of RADW posters and have been for
    years as that's the way you think people judge you, like being
    the top poster here makes you special in the world, or
    something. Little knowing that the rest of us just laugh at your
    simple-minded point of view of getting your jollies from being
    number one on a meaningless list!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Tue Aug 6 13:29:41 2024
    In article <v8srsd$1hivc$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:33 am:
    In article <xn0op7fb5u1vue001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024


    I'd have to call BULLS*T on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about
    22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long
    lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past like
    his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the end
    of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those posts
    from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    That's NetKnwo

    (Snicker!! Snicker!!) How Typical!! Even when trying to 'correct' other >people, Gobble-de-gook can't help himself from making an error!!
    (Snicker!! Snicker!!)

    But, still, it's another Post so increasing his All Important Precious
    Post Count!!

    Nit! Picker!!


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 13:32:10 2024
    In article <xn0op8ta528rxak002@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so,
    our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE
    THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU,
    Gobble-de-gook, to make another post to add to YOUR All Time
    Precious Post Count!!

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023
    Google GRoups was permanently block from posting here.

    No Dave, that is not true. In fact it is a confounded lie!
    People did use Google Groups to post messages to RADW until the
    end of February... Tim, The CCK (etc.) It's true that some of
    Tim's were caught by spam filters used by the likes of
    eternal-september, but quite a lot of his messages did get
    through... You just took it upon yourself to excluded posts from
    GG from the NotKnow RADW statistics.

    That is NetKnow and the policy was taken when the
    South East Asian Spam Flood showed
    how week Google Groups and GMAIL is.

    BREAKING NEWS: You are not RADW... even though you might think
    you are!

    We know that.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 13:33:13 2024
    In article <xn0op8tka291ehk005@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op7fb5u1vue001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after
    about 22 Feb, but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so,
    our long lost mate, TIM, would have been able to post MORE
    THAN 100 POSTS!!

    Correct, Comrade Dave likes to remove people from the past
    like his idol Stalin did.

    Tim had 157 posts on RADW between January 1st 2024 and the
    end of February 2024, but Dave's Google purge removes those
    posts from the NotKnow version of RADW history.

    That's NetKnwo

    Actually Dave, and bearing in mind you can't even get the name
    of your organisation right, I think NotKnow is more apt.

    IYIO , but wrong as usual.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 13:34:53 2024
    In article <xn0op8tvz29ic0p007@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op7g14v3gp3000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Fortunately, or unfortunately for a lot of people, he saw the
    light and became an Atheist.

    He is the the hero of Atheists everywhere.

    Stalin must be your hero too as you behave like him...
    single-mindedly following a dogma and hating everything that
    doesn't fit your fundamentalist ideology.

    Marxism never works.

    You even censor stat posts to a Usenet newsgroup and pretend
    people didn't post here! If you are going to do that in a group
    of twenty five people online what would you be like if you
    actually had power over a lot of people?!

    Dave would still have been top of his RADW list, and even if
    somebody did post more messages than him he would massage the
    NotKnow figures to make sure that he was top.

    Oh? Try for yourself.

    I have a newsreader that can collect the RADW posting stats from
    the Eweka servers for any specified time period and post them
    here, but who cares?

    You are always top of any list of RADW posters and have been for
    years as that's the way you think people judge you, like being
    the top poster here makes you special in the world, or
    something. Little knowing that the rest of us just laugh at your >simple-minded point of view of getting your jollies from being
    number one on a meaningless list!

    Slice it as you like it.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 13:36:11 2024
    In article <xn0op8v882bazpk000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    Daniel70 wrote:

    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was
    permanently block from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, S*t-for-Brains, THAT permanently
    blocking of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb
    2024, S*t-for-Brains!!

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in February
    2024, Dave OTOH decided that N*tKnow would make a stand against
    Google's tyranny and blocked them from his servers last year. So
    any stats taken from the N*tKnow servers since then would not
    include any posts from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Tue Aug 6 13:40:08 2024
    In article <v8t7tp$1js04$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    Blueshirt wrote on 6/8/24 10:08 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was
    permanently block from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, S*t-for-Brains, THAT permanently
    blocking of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb
    2024, S*t-for-Brains!!

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in February
    2024, Dave OTOH decided that N*tKnow would make a stand against
    Google's tyranny and blocked them from his servers last year. So
    any stats taken from the N*tKnow servers since then would not
    include any posts from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.

    .... but still counted towards his All Important Precious Post Count!!

    Now write the function up!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to daniel47@nomail.afraid.org on Tue Aug 6 13:30:50 2024
    In article <v8ss4v$1hlha$1@dont-email.me>,
    Daniel70 <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:
    In article <v8q5ug$ju68$1@dont-email.me>, Daniel70
    <daniel47@nomail.afraid.org> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    ***** Users with most messages ***** num| Name         >>>>          | Nb Msg |
    size      | or. | %
    ----|------------------------|--------|------------|-----|------------------| >>>>

     1 | The Doctor            | 6,273 |
    17,599,241 | 616
    | 50.64%
    xxxxxxxxxx  2 | Blueshirt            Â
    |Â 1,621
    |Â 3,377,227 |Â
    58 | 13.09% xx
    Â 3 | Daniel65Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â
    906 |Â
    |Â 30 |Â 7.31% x
    Â 4 | Daniel70Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â
    713 |Â
    |Â 24 |Â 5.76% x
    Â 5 | %Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â
    Â |Â Â Â 630 |Â
    1,709,005 |Â 99 |Â 5.09% x
     6 | The True Doctor       |   449 |Â
    1,731,546 |Â
    |Â 3.62%
     7 | solar penguin         |   440 |   >>>> 872,803 |Â
    17 |Â 3.55%
     8 | The Last Doctor       |   303 |Â
    1,005,000 |Â
    |Â 2.45%
     9 | Mickmane              |  Â
    235 |Â Â Â
    498,996 |Â Â 7 |Â 1.90%
    10 | Hornplayer9599Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â |Â Â Â 164 |Â Â Â >397,343
    |Â Â
    1 |Â 1.32%
    11 | Agent Jakanov         |   156 | Â
    Â 249,407

    37 |Â 1.26%
    12 | Your Name             |   123
    |Â Â Â
    |Â 17 |Â 0.99%
    13 | cheesetray            |    88
    |Â Â Â
    |Â Â 7 |Â 0.71%


    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook. I know
    Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate,
    TIM, would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU,
    Gobble-de-gook, to make another post to add to YOUR All Time
    Precious Post Count!!

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet groups
    by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was permanently block
    from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, S*t-for-Brains, THAT permanently blocking
    of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb 2024, S*t-for-Brains!!

    For many sensible news providers by Oct / Nov 2023
    many saw enough from the abusive Google GRoups spammers.


    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Daniel70@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 23:19:56 2024
    Blueshirt wrote on 6/8/24 10:08 pm:
    Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 6/8/24 12:29 am:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023 Google GRoups was
    permanently block from posting here.

    Oh!! Sure!! But in case YOU, Shit-for-Brains, THAT permanently
    blocking of Google Groups didn't occur until approx 23 Feb
    2024, Shit-for-Brains!!

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in February
    2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make a stand against
    Google's tyranny and blocked them from his servers last year. So
    any stats taken from the NotKnow servers since then would not
    include any posts from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.

    .... but still counted towards his All Important Precious Post Count!!

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 20:43:25 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op8ta528rxak002@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023
    Google GRoups was permanently block from posting here.

    No Dave, that is not true. In fact it is a confounded lie!
    People did use Google Groups to post messages to RADW until
    the end of February... Tim, The CCK (etc.) It's true that
    some of Tim's were caught by spam filters used by the likes
    of eternal-september, but quite a lot of his messages did get
    through... You just took it upon yourself to excluded posts
    from GG from the NotKnow RADW statistics.

    That is NetKnow and the policy was taken when the
    South East Asian Spam Flood showed
    how week Google Groups and GMAIL is.

    Most people using Usenet knew that Google Groups was full of
    spammers, we just didn't get as worked up over it as you did.

    What did censoring stat posts achieve anyway? It's not like you
    stopped GG posters from sending messages to Usenet newsgroups.
    You just excluded them from NotKnow's servers... so your three*
    customers that pay you for Usenet access didn't get to read any
    of Tim's posts. Wow! I bet that made a BIG difference.

    [* Yes. I'm being generous... I'm in a good mood today.]

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Tue Aug 6 20:51:55 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op8v882bazpk000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in February
    2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make a stand
    against Google's tyranny and blocked them from his servers
    last year. So any stats taken from the NotKnow servers since
    then would not include any posts from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.


    It is indeed my opinion, but any sensible person would agree
    with me that a stats post that is compiled with [knowingly]
    inaccurate information is a waste of time.

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Tue Aug 6 22:08:08 2024
    In article <xn0op97582rjmwd004@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op8ta528rxak002@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In case you forgot, after the spamflloding of certain Usenet
    groups by Google Groups, in Oct 2023
    Google GRoups was permanently block from posting here.

    No Dave, that is not true. In fact it is a confounded lie!
    People did use Google Groups to post messages to RADW until
    the end of February... Tim, The CCK (etc.) It's true that
    some of Tim's were caught by spam filters used by the likes
    of eternal-september, but quite a lot of his messages did get
    through... You just took it upon yourself to excluded posts
    from GG from the N*tKnow RADW statistics.

    That is NetKnow and the policy was taken when the
    South East Asian Spam Flood showed
    how week Google Groups and GMAIL is.

    Most people using Usenet knew that Google Groups was full of
    spammers, we just didn't get as worked up over it as you did.

    What did censoring stat posts achieve anyway? It's not like you
    stopped GG posters from sending messages to Usenet newsgroups.
    You just excluded them from N*tKnow's servers... so your three*
    customers that pay you for Usenet access didn't get to read any
    of Tim's posts. Wow! I bet that made a BIG difference.

    [* Yes. I'm being generous... I'm in a good mood today.]

    That's NetKnow, and the GG foreign lnguange junking was the last straw for GGThat's NetKnow, and the GG foreign lnguange junking was the last straw for GG!!
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Blueshirt@21:1/5 to The Doctor on Wed Aug 7 18:12:33 2024
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op97cr2rukpv001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <xn0op8v882bazpk000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in
    February 2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make
    a stand against Google's tyranny and blocked them from
    his servers last year. So any stats taken from the
    NotKnow servers since then would not include any posts
    from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.


    It is indeed my opinion, but any sensible person would agree
    with me that a stats post that is compiled with [knowingly]
    inaccurate information is a waste of time.

    Show the inaccuracies.

    Well, if there are no posters from Google Groups included on
    your list that means your list contains no Tim, no CCK and no
    Roach, to name three... so how can a list be accurate if people
    are missing from it numbnuts! Your stats list is not complete
    therefore it is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

    Did you ever have any common sense Dave or did you have an
    accident when you were younger and get a bang on your head?

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to Blueshirt on Wed Aug 7 22:19:34 2024
    In article <xn0opahqs41j2lo002@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op97cr2rukpv001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <xn0op8v882bazpk000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in
    February 2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make
    a stand against Google's tyranny and blocked them from
    his servers last year. So any stats taken from the
    NotKnow servers since then would not include any posts
    from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.


    It is indeed my opinion, but any sensible person would agree
    with me that a stats post that is compiled with [knowingly]
    inaccurate information is a waste of time.

    Show the inaccuracies.

    Well, if there are no posters from Google Groups included on
    your list that means your list contains no Tim, no CCK and no
    Roach, to name three... so how can a list be accurate if people
    are missing from it numbnuts! Your stats list is not complete
    therefore it is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.


    Did you ever have any common sense Dave or did you have an
    accident when you were younger and get a bang on your head?

    You have no Common BS, just BS.
    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From The Doctor@21:1/5 to pursent100@gmail.com on Wed Aug 7 22:21:11 2024
    In article <peadnTffvsenIy77nZ2dnZfqn_GdnZ2d@giganews.com>,
    % <pursent100@gmail.com> wrote:
    Blueshirt wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:

    In article <xn0op97cr2rukpv001@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:
    The Doctor wrote:
    In article <xn0op8v882bazpk000@post.eweka.nl>,
    Blueshirt <blueshirt@indigo.news> wrote:

    Google blocked access to Usenet from its servers in
    February 2024, Dave OTOH decided that NotKnow would make
    a stand against Google's tyranny and blocked them from
    his servers last year. So any stats taken from the
    NotKnow servers since then would not include any posts
    from Google's servers.

    That doesn't mean none were made though. Making his list
    inaccurate and less relevant than they were before.


    It is indeed my opinion, but any sensible person would agree
    with me that a stats post that is compiled with [knowingly]
    inaccurate information is a waste of time.

    Show the inaccuracies.

    Well, if there are no posters from Google Groups included on
    your list that means your list contains no Tim, no CCK and no
    Roach, to name three... so how can a list be accurate if people
    are missing from it numbnuts! Your stats list is not complete
    therefore it is about as useful as a chocolate teapot.

    Did you ever have any common sense Dave or did you have an
    accident when you were younger and get a bang on your head?

    and as far as the post count goes he wins

    Member - Liberal International This is doctor@nk.ca Ici doctor@nk.ca
    Yahweh, King & country!Never Satan President Republic!Beware AntiChrist rising! Look at Psalms 14 and 53 on Atheism ;
    United Kingdom save the NAtion on 4 July 2024 vote Liberal Democrat

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Idlehands@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 20:11:40 2024
    On 2024-08-05 3:27 a.m., Daniel70 wrote:
    The Doctor wrote on 1/7/24 4:34 pm:
    Group : rec.arts.drwho
    Statistics : from 1/1/2024 to 6/30/2024

    I'd have to call BULLSHIT on this listing, Gobble-de-gook.
    I know Google-Groups stopped porting UseNet Groups after about 22 Feb,
    but I'm sure, in the first seven weeks or so, our long lost mate, TIM,
    would have been able to post MORE THAN 100 POSTS!!

    So I call BULLSHIT .... but, at least it allowed YOU, Gobble-de-gook, to
    make another post to add to YOUR All Time Precious Post Count!!

    Just for giggles here are the uncensored stats, the top 25 for the first
    half of 2024

    XanaNews Statistic for rec.arts.drwho. 2024-08-07 8:10:07 PM

    From article 1182726 (2024-01-01 12:10:36 AM) to article 1195982
    (2024-06-30 9:36:55 PM)

    Number of threads ................... 1076
    Number of articles .................. 13274
    Average articles per thread ......... 12.34
    Number of unanswered posts .......... 544
    Number of posts from XanaNews users .. 1785

    Top Threads

    Ranking Articles Subject
    ------- -------- ----------------------------------
    1 672 Doctor Who: RTD in the Radio Times.
    2 610 how many niggers have acted in Doctor Who since 1963?
    3 401 Is it any good?
    4 365 From the Archives .....
    5 343 Re: Evil Mad Hornet is Revenge/Greedy/Following
    6 299 RTD tells us how he’s going to just move forward
    7 252 Hello there. :)
    8 248 Ratings Apocalypse for Doctor Whoke!
    9 246 Cartoon Logic
    10 209 The Almost Companions
    11 199 Doctor Whoke S01E06 Rogue
    12 176 Doctor Who: S1.Ep3 Boom
    13 172 Midnights become my afternoons
    14 158 Ratings Asphyxiation for Doctor Whoke
    15 158 13th's Master, where did he come from?
    16 154 Which Decade was the best for Doctor Who?
    17 147 Ghost Light... "What?!"
    18 147 Doctor Whoke S01E04 73 Yards
    19 139 Doctor Who: Space Babies - New Preview Clip (BBC)
    20 136 Millie Gibson is OUT
    21 134 Whoniverse Script Library - 2023 Doctor Who Episodes
    22 128 It's Deja Vu all over again!!
    23 125 The Lemonade Treatment
    24 122 KNOCK KNOCK
    25 114 Tom Baker

    Top Posters

    Ranking Articles Name Most Used Newsreader
    ------- -------- -------------------------- --------------------
    1 6281 The Doctor trn
    2 1776 Blueshirt XanaNews
    3 935 Daniel65 Mozilla
    4 725 Daniel70 Mozilla
    5 719 % Mozilla
    6 457 solar penguin NewsTap
    7 455 The True Doctor Mozilla Thunderbird
    8 309 The Last Doctor NewsTap
    9 238 Mickmane OpenXP
    10 216 Idlehands Mozilla Thunderbird
    11 180 Hornplayer9599 Mozilla Thunderbird
    12 171 Agent Jakanov Xnews
    13 151 tsbr...@gmail.com G2
    14 127 Your Name Unison
    15 100 cheesetray Rocksolid Light
    16 57 Ubiquitous WinVN
    17 52 Mich Mozilla
    18 51 Katie Sanders G2
    19 39 Nomen Nescio
    20 32 Truthslave Mozilla
    21 24 Roach G2
    22 20 Andy Leighton slrn
    23 13 anim8rfsk NewsTap
    24 12 Arthur Lipscomb Mozilla Thunderbird
    25 9 John Hall Turnpike

    Facisim: The first step is to fascinate fools and muzzle the intelligent

    Bertrand Russell

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)