• Google Gemini reviews Doctor Who - State of Decay

    From The Doctor@21:1/5 to All on Sat Aug 3 13:45:33 2024
    XPost: uk.media.tv.sf.drwho, rec.arts.sf.tv, rec.arts.tv
    XPost: can.arts.sf

    ## State of Decay: A Darker Turn for Doctor Who

    **State of Decay** marks a departure from the more lighthearted
    tone of previous Doctor Who serials. It delves into darker themes
    of oppression, fear, and the corrupting influence of power.

    * **Atmospheric Horror:** The story effectively creates a sense
    of dread and unease, with the oppressive atmosphere of the village
    and the sinister nature of the Three Who Rule.

    * **Character Development:** The serial explores the characters
    in greater depth, particularly Adric, who begins to show signs
    of maturity and independence.

    * **Social Commentary:** The story touches on themes of class,
    power, and the dangers of unchecked authority, making it
    a thought-provoking watch.

    However, the serial is not without its flaws:

    * **Pacing Issues:** Some parts of the story drag, particularly
    in the middle episodes.

    * **Unresolved Plot Points:** Certain elements of the plot
    are left unexplained, which can be frustrating for viewers.

    Overall, **State of Decay** is a significant departure from
    the typical Doctor Who formula. While it might not be as universally
    loved as some other stories, it's a bold experiment that deserves
    credit for its ambition.

    **Rating:** 7 out of 10

    Would you like to know more about specific aspects of the story,
    such as the characters or the plot?
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