• Ray Combs on Cartoon Network Launch Event

    From The Great Radio Surfing Channel@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 1 21:34:26 2023
    Much like how there’s a time capsule on Nickelodeon Studios, there’s also a time capsule buried at Cartoon Network Studios when the channel came on the air in 1992. Ray Combs was the MC for the event. He begged Ted Turner to give him a job at CN or
    any of his networks in case if Family Feud was going to be canceled that season. When Ray heard there are no job openings l, Ray sounded upset: “I’m asking because Feud is fucked, and… once it’s gone…I don’t want to be on…. Prevue Guide or
    something. Please, sir, I can do Headline News!”

    Anyone have this event on tape?

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