• Engine repair

    From Joy Beeson@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 01:48:29 2024
    In sixty years of cycling, I've often gotten neat chainwheel prints on
    my leg, and once I demolished a front derailleur with my ankle, but
    I've never bumped a leg on a pedal.

    Until last Friday.

    After bringing me back from three hours in the emergency room and
    twelve stitches, spouse said that he has never bumped a leg on a

    Have any of you guys ever gotten a cut or a bruise from a pedal?

    This was a really-awkward stop. You can't see Winona Avenue from
    inside the tunnel on McKinley Street, so a car appeared just as I was
    standing up on the right pedal, and I had to put my left foot down
    very fast. We examined the pedal carefully without findig any trace
    of blood, and finally decided that it was the buckle on the toe strap
    that did the dirty.

    I'm putting Bacitraycin with zinc (the tech said the zinc was
    important) on twice a day. The tech who did spouse's latest biopsy
    was emphatic that nothing but Vasiline


    I meant to seague into an essay on wound care, but "Last Friday" was
    twelve days ago . . . yesterday, it being after midnight, and I'm just
    now stealing a few minutes to finish writing.

    On the twelfth day, the doctor took a few stitches out, examined the
    wound, re-closed with steristrips and told me to come back on Friday,
    which is tomorrow now.

    If I can't cross Winona on Bronson, from now on I'm going to get off,
    walk across, and re-mount in the driveway on the other side, as I did
    before they put in the roundabout. Unless some wierd happenstance
    leads to wanting to turn right at that intersection.

    And I really, really hate going everywhere by car, particularly in
    roundabouts where the huge outside mirror is exactly where I need to
    look for traffic. And there are two roundabouts on the route to the
    Parkview emergency room. But I've realized that I can do a major
    shopping at Aldi on the way back, since I'll already be on the other
    side of 30.

    Joy Beeson
    joy beeson at centurylink dot net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Roger Merriman@21:1/5 to Joy Beeson on Thu Aug 8 10:23:32 2024
    Joy Beeson <jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid> wrote:

    In sixty years of cycling, I've often gotten neat chainwheel prints on
    my leg, and once I demolished a front derailleur with my ankle, but
    I've never bumped a leg on a pedal.

    Until last Friday.

    After bringing me back from three hours in the emergency room and
    twelve stitches, spouse said that he has never bumped a leg on a

    Have any of you guys ever gotten a cut or a bruise from a pedal?

    This was a really-awkward stop. You can't see Winona Avenue from
    inside the tunnel on McKinley Street, so a car appeared just as I was standing up on the right pedal, and I had to put my left foot down
    very fast. We examined the pedal carefully without findig any trace
    of blood, and finally decided that it was the buckle on the toe strap
    that did the dirty.

    I'm putting Bacitraycin with zinc (the tech said the zinc was
    important) on twice a day. The tech who did spouse's latest biopsy
    was emphatic that nothing but Vasiline


    I meant to seague into an essay on wound care, but "Last Friday" was
    twelve days ago . . . yesterday, it being after midnight, and I'm just
    now stealing a few minutes to finish writing.

    On the twelfth day, the doctor took a few stitches out, examined the
    wound, re-closed with steristrips and told me to come back on Friday,
    which is tomorrow now.

    If I can't cross Winona on Bronson, from now on I'm going to get off,
    walk across, and re-mount in the driveway on the other side, as I did
    before they put in the roundabout. Unless some wierd happenstance
    leads to wanting to turn right at that intersection.

    And I really, really hate going everywhere by car, particularly in roundabouts where the huge outside mirror is exactly where I need to
    look for traffic. And there are two roundabouts on the route to the
    Parkview emergency room. But I've realized that I can do a major
    shopping at Aldi on the way back, since I'll already be on the other
    side of 30.

    Plenty of times, though not in utility cycling, I use MTB flats so they
    have significant spikes, and DMR as well they are sold in local shops so
    are available as they tend not to last forever.


    And as such if you do loose contact with the pedal ie crash or something
    close to they can attack one.

    Roger Merriman

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From AMuzi@21:1/5 to Joy Beeson on Thu Aug 8 07:53:40 2024
    On 8/8/2024 12:48 AM, Joy Beeson wrote:

    In sixty years of cycling, I've often gotten neat chainwheel prints on
    my leg, and once I demolished a front derailleur with my ankle, but
    I've never bumped a leg on a pedal.

    Until last Friday.

    After bringing me back from three hours in the emergency room and
    twelve stitches, spouse said that he has never bumped a leg on a

    Have any of you guys ever gotten a cut or a bruise from a pedal?

    This was a really-awkward stop. You can't see Winona Avenue from
    inside the tunnel on McKinley Street, so a car appeared just as I was standing up on the right pedal, and I had to put my left foot down
    very fast. We examined the pedal carefully without findig any trace
    of blood, and finally decided that it was the buckle on the toe strap
    that did the dirty.

    I'm putting Bacitraycin with zinc (the tech said the zinc was
    important) on twice a day. The tech who did spouse's latest biopsy
    was emphatic that nothing but Vasiline


    I meant to seague into an essay on wound care, but "Last Friday" was
    twelve days ago . . . yesterday, it being after midnight, and I'm just
    now stealing a few minutes to finish writing.

    On the twelfth day, the doctor took a few stitches out, examined the
    wound, re-closed with steristrips and told me to come back on Friday,
    which is tomorrow now.

    If I can't cross Winona on Bronson, from now on I'm going to get off,
    walk across, and re-mount in the driveway on the other side, as I did
    before they put in the roundabout. Unless some wierd happenstance
    leads to wanting to turn right at that intersection.

    And I really, really hate going everywhere by car, particularly in roundabouts where the huge outside mirror is exactly where I need to
    look for traffic. And there are two roundabouts on the route to the
    Parkview emergency room. But I've realized that I can do a major
    shopping at Aldi on the way back, since I'll already be on the other
    side of 30.

    I have a nice 6" line of puncture scars just above my right
    ankle from a chainring, but never from a pedal. Which is the
    same thing really just a slightly different impact point
    amid a chaotic event.
    Andrew Muzi
    Open every day since 1 April, 1971

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Catrike Ryder@21:1/5 to jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid on Thu Aug 8 10:12:15 2024
    On Thu, 08 Aug 2024 01:48:29 -0400, Joy Beeson
    <jbeeson@invalid.net.invalid> wrote:

    In sixty years of cycling, I've often gotten neat chainwheel prints on
    my leg, and once I demolished a front derailleur with my ankle, but
    I've never bumped a leg on a pedal.

    Until last Friday.

    After bringing me back from three hours in the emergency room and
    twelve stitches, spouse said that he has never bumped a leg on a

    Have any of you guys ever gotten a cut or a bruise from a pedal?

    This was a really-awkward stop. You can't see Winona Avenue from
    inside the tunnel on McKinley Street, so a car appeared just as I was >standing up on the right pedal, and I had to put my left foot down
    very fast. We examined the pedal carefully without findig any trace
    of blood, and finally decided that it was the buckle on the toe strap
    that did the dirty.

    I'm putting Bacitraycin with zinc (the tech said the zinc was
    important) on twice a day. The tech who did spouse's latest biopsy
    was emphatic that nothing but Vasiline


    I meant to seague into an essay on wound care, but "Last Friday" was
    twelve days ago . . . yesterday, it being after midnight, and I'm just
    now stealing a few minutes to finish writing.

    On the twelfth day, the doctor took a few stitches out, examined the
    wound, re-closed with steristrips and told me to come back on Friday,
    which is tomorrow now.

    If I can't cross Winona on Bronson, from now on I'm going to get off,
    walk across, and re-mount in the driveway on the other side, as I did
    before they put in the roundabout. Unless some wierd happenstance
    leads to wanting to turn right at that intersection.

    And I really, really hate going everywhere by car, particularly in >roundabouts where the huge outside mirror is exactly where I need to
    look for traffic. And there are two roundabouts on the route to the
    Parkview emergency room. But I've realized that I can do a major
    shopping at Aldi on the way back, since I'll already be on the other
    side of 30.

    I stood up too fast, passed out, and fell on the sharp pedal edge. I
    changed out the pedals, but can't do anything about my low blood
    pressure, nor my reclining position on the Catrike. I'm just more
    careful, now.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Joy Beeson@21:1/5 to All on Fri Aug 9 02:30:39 2024
    On Thu, 08 Aug 2024 10:23:32 GMT, Roger Merriman <roger@sarlet.com>

    And as such if you do loose contact with the pedal ie crash or something close to they can attack one.

    I suspect that the doctor assumed that I'd crashed, as he ordered an
    X-ray of the bones in my ankle.

    The tech who did the X-rays didn't have enough data for me to feel
    comfortable refusing it, but if I'd known that everybody, including
    the tech, had to get out of the room while it was done, I think I
    would have.

    Joy Beeson
    joy beeson at centurylink dot net

    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)