• MicroPlanet Gravity - Scoring Overview

    From D@21:1/5 to All on Tue Jul 2 14:22:44 2024
    MicroPlanet Gravity > Help [F1] > Index > Scoring > About Scoring (Overview): >Scoring Overview
    Tools - Scoring
    Gravity's scoring prioritize (and optionally colors) threads based the score >of the highest scored article within the containing thread. The values are >based on the articles visible in the thread list, according to the display >filter. As articles status changes, the view and thread sort may change as >articles drop out of the filter.
    You may see negative scored articles in high scored threads. Scoring by >itself does not perform actions on articles. However, you can use a score as >a condition in rules to mark articles as read and more. In Rule examples, we >show how to do that. You can also use score values in filters. As an example, >you could modify the default "Unread Articles" filter to include articles >with a positive score and not show low-scored articles.
    There are two ways to add score entries; the "Add Score Entry" (Quick Score) >and the Main Scoring Dialog.
    * Add words using the "Add Score Entry", or "Quick Score" (keyboard shortcut:
    "S"), which adds a score entry that applies to the current newsgroup.
    * The Main Scoring Dialog is like a control panel for all score phrases. Use
    this to create score "groups" with wild cards, so that certain score
    entries apply to more than one, or all newsgroups.
    * Score phrases can be wildcard, regular expression, or plain text. Whole
    words can be specified for any input.
    * Scores are added to individual articles, but score sorting is based on
    thread value, which is based on the highest scored articles within a thread.
    * To update scores after you have added score phrases, use the "Re-score
    current group" command (or do it automatically using the option in the
    "Add Score Entry" dialog).
    What You Can Do With Scoring
    Rules - You can use score values in rules to trigger certain rule actions, >such as mark articles read. You can also create rule actions to add score >values (positive or negative). See How-to use scores in rules for details. >Sort Threads - You can configure Gravity to sort threads in the thread pane >by the maximum article score within each thread. Threads with high scored >articles are moved to the top of the thread list.
    Color Threads - You can color code score ranges.
    Filters - You can use scores in advanced display filters. For example, you >can create a filter that only shows articles scored greater than zero.
    Create another filter that displays articles scored above 500, etc. You can >quickly reduce clutter and scan a group for the most important articles
    this way.
    [end quote]

    MicroPlanet Gravity v3.0.11 (2021):

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