• FIND MY App 3D Height Accuracy

    From Colour Sergeant Bourne@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 19 15:36:23 2024
    The iPhone and iPad Find My app has a 3D viewing option that seems to
    show the vertical position of the shared person in a tall building.

    Is that height accurate?

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  • From Jolly Roger@21:1/5 to Colour Sergeant Bourne on Fri Jul 19 21:44:54 2024
    On 2024-07-19, Colour Sergeant Bourne <bourne@rorke.za> wrote:

    The iPhone and iPad Find My app has a 3D viewing option that seems to
    show the vertical position of the shared person in a tall building.

    Is that height accurate?

    There's no black & white answer to this. Accuracy will naturally vary
    based on the environment and technologies in use. If you want a
    real-world answer in your own environment, go ahead and try it out for yourself.

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  • From Alan Browne@21:1/5 to Colour Sergeant Bourne on Fri Jul 19 18:15:37 2024
    On 2024-07-19 15:36, Colour Sergeant Bourne wrote:
    The iPhone and iPad Find My app has a 3D viewing option that seems to
    show the vertical position of the shared person in a tall building.


    Is that height accurate?

    Would depend on how the target iPhone is computing its position and

    GPS: then within 10-20 metres. GPS reception in a tall building would
    depend on the building cladding (some glass has metal film on it).
    Multipath of the signal between floor and ceiling would increase the error.

    Trilateration: (cell towers): no opinion - this would depend on
    knowledge of the elevation of the cell tower antennas being available to
    the target iPhone's positioning estimator. With such - possibly better
    than 10 - 20 m - but I'm skeptical.

    AirTag: not likely.

    Barometer: possible - as long as it recorded a a recent reference using
    GPS while it was in a good GPS signal area. 10 - 20m.

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