• MEDIA: JD Vance: America Is a Nation of Citizens, Not Just an Idea

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 26 10:55:22 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advised
    Casey DeSantis to make Ron's top priority securing the permission of
    David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to deploy the likes of Mike Emmons
    onto Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM campaign stage to remind legacy
    American proles that Donald Trump took Jared Kushner's advice to
    downplay the National Question on the campaign trail against Joe Biden
    and Kamala Harris: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/2024-election/2024/07/18/jd-vance-america-nation-citizens-not-just-idea/>
    | That rival claim by elites opens the door to more wealth-shifting
    | migration, more citizenship-melting diversity, and further demotion
    | of the priorities held by ordinary Americans.
    | "Now, more than ever, we're short of workers," Sen. Chuck Schumer
    | (D-NY) said at a 2022 press conference where he dismissed pr0-
    | family, pro-birth policies in favor of more migration:
    || We have a [American] population that is not reproducing on its
    || own with the same level that it used to. The only way we're going to
    || have a great future in America is if we welcome and embrace
    || immigrants, the dreamers and all of them -- because our ultimate
    || goal is to help the Dreamers [illegals who were brought in by their
    || parents] get a path to citizenship for all 11 million -- or however
    || many undocumented there are here [emphasis added].
    | In 2018, immigration cheerleader Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC)
    | declared:
    || The American ideal is embraced by people all over the globe. It
    || was best said a long time ago, E Pluribus Unum - Out of Many, One.
    || Diversity has always been our strength, not our weakness. In
    || reforming immigration we cannot lose these American Ideals.
    | "America is an idea ... That's how we see you around the world, as
    | one of the greatest ideas in human history," Irish musician Bono
    | insisted in 2012.

    What will be the Roy Beck NumbersUSA.COM GPA for Mike DeWine's
    appointed replacement for Vance at John Thune (or Rick Scott's)
    "The group who promoted, pushed and ultimately influenced the JD
    Vance nomination consisted of: Charlie Kirk, Tucker Carlson, Elon
    Musk, Peter Thiel, Bill Ackman, David Sacks, Chamath Palihapitiya,
    Jacob Helberg and of course, Vivek Ramaswamy. On the inside of the
    Trump orbit, the network had Jason Miller and Donald Trump Jr also
    promoting JD Vance." - Sundance <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/07/18/team-jd- vance-begin-announcing-policy-proposals-starting-with-elon-inspired- carbon-taxes/>

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