• MEDIA: Gallup Poll Shows 55 Percent of Americans Want Less Migration

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Fri Jul 19 12:10:00 2024
    Via Breitbart Immigration, Breitbart.COM/immigration, see Neil Munro
    on whether Susie Wiles sees any hope for a 2028 GOP aspirant for
    WhiteHouse.GOV who does not run to Donald Trump's right on the
    National Question: <URL:https://www.breitbart.com/politics/2024/07/09/watch-sen-j-d-vance-grills-fed-chair-on-mass-immigration-driving-up-housing-prices-while-cutting-americans-wages/>
    | The poll also asked if immigration is good or bad for the country,
    | and showed that a rising minority described immigration as a "bad
    | thing."
    | This shift is echoed in other polls.
    | Immigration makes the country worse off, said 38 percent of 1,595
    | U.S. citizens in a June 9-11 poll by YouGov. Just 28 percent said
    | immigration makes the country "better off." The remaining 33 percent
    | said "not sure" or "does not make much difference."
    | The poll revealed a huge 30-point shift against migration since
    | President Joe Biden opened the nation's borders.

    Did NeverBackDown.ORG's Ken Cuccinelli and Steve Cortes advise Ron
    and Casey DeSantis to lobby the likes of Miriam Adelson, Robert
    Bigelow, Walter Buckley, Betsy DeVos, Ken Griffin, Julia Koch, Bernie
    Marcus, Lachlan Murdoch, Thomas Peterffy, Bruce Rauner, Chris Reyes,
    David Sacks and Steve Wynn to fund advertisements on Murdoch's
    FoxNews.COM with the likes of Mike Emmons warning legacy American
    proles in Iowa and New Hampshire that Donald Trump will sign the
    permanent bipartisan fusion party's bipartisan comprehensive
    immigration reform legislation passed by the likes of Mike Johnson
    and John Thune so long as the Cheap Labor Lobby authors include the
    magic words: merit-based?
    "If another 20 million actual American people vote for Donald J
    Trump the system has an offset. The millions of illegal aliens who
    have entered the country are generating millions of additional
    ballots that might be needed. The illegal aliens don't need to
    vote, they just need to generate ballots by registering their
    physical presence in the correct state or county as needed. The
    ballot collection and ballot counting groups will do the rest." -
    <URL:https://theconservativetreehouse.com/blog/2024/06/16/the-guy- who-organizes-ballot-counting-says-election-results-will-not-match-

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