• MEDIA: Plyler v. Doe Decision Crushing School Districts

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 10:13:22 2024
    Institute for Sound Public Policy's Joe Guzzardi on whether Susie Wiles
    has noticed that legacy American proles who might be convinced to order
    and return ballots for Donald Trump favor American classroom seats and laboratory stools dedicated to American students: <URL:https://joeguzzardi.substack.com/p/plyler-v-doe-decision-crushing-school> | Regardless of SCOTUS' decision, taxpayers should not be obligated to
    | indefinitely fund the public school education of children illegally
    | present or the citizen children of illegal aliens. Fifty years after
    | Plyler, ample evidence supports Chief Justice Burger and the other
    | dissenters ---Associate Justices Byron White, William Rehnquist, and
    | Sandra Day O'Connor---that the Plyler ruling was incorrect and
    | should therefore be overturned or at least modified to reflect the
    | reality on the ground.

    Will Trump nominate Betsy DeVos to succeed Miguel Cardona at Ed.GOV
    and how much does Amy Swonger predict it will cost Trump to convince
    John Thune (or Rick Scott) to consent?

    "Dems have been throwing around comparisons of Trump to Hitler,
    accusing him of single-handedly "destroying" their "precious"
    democracy. Joe Biden tops them all, dribbling out dog whistles left
    and right for his unhinged, mentally unstable supporters, subtly
    urging them, with his fiery rhetoric, to go after President Trump."
    - <URL:https://revolver.news/2024/07/president-and-his-enablers- incited-j13-attack-on-our-democracy/>

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