• MEDIA: What to Know about Project 2025's Dangers to Science

    From John D Groenveld@21:1/5 to All on Wed Jul 31 10:39:55 2024
    Scientific American's Ben Guarino, Andrea Thompson, Tanya Lewis &
    Lauren J. Young on whether NeverBackDown.ORG's Steve Cortes and Ken
    Cuccinelli advised Casey DeSantis to make it Ron's top priority
    securing the go-ahead from David McIntosh's ClubForGrowth.ORG to
    deploy the likes of Mike Emmons onto Lachlan Murdoch's FoxNews.COM
    campaign stage to warn legacy American proles that Donald Trump will
    commission Big .EDU presidents and deans as privateers poaching the
    8+B globe's top two quintiles for scab workers: <URL:https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/project-2025-plan-for-trump-presidency-has-far-reaching-threats-to-science/>
    | Project 2025 could also make it harder for U.S. schools to attract
    | international students and for employers to hire them after their
    | education. Visa holders make up a significant portion of master's
    | and Ph.D. students in the country's engineering, health and science
    | programs: among first-time, full-time master's students, for
    | instance, scholars on temporary visas exceeded U.S. citizens and
    | permanent residents in 2022, according to National Science
    | Foundation data. After graduation, many foreign students remain in
    | the U.S. to work with an H-1B visa. But Project 2025 would eliminate
    | the lowest qualifying wage levels for H-1B workers set by the
    | Department of Labor--levels that are commonly applied to these
    | individuals' first jobs. This would effectively mean "excluding most
    | foreign-born graduates from these job opportunities," according to
    | an assessment released by the Niskanen Center, a pro-immigration
    | think tank.

    In Susie Wiles (or Bill Stepien before her (or Brad Parscale before
    him)) internal polling, how popular with 350M legacy American proles is
    Big .EDU president and deans leasing American classroom seats and
    laboratory stools to the 8+B globe for full-freight with promises of
    OPT work authorization and H-1B work visas at graduation?
    "One of the big reasons there are still so many unanswered questions
    about the Trump assassination plot is that officials are flat-out
    refusing to answer them. Sean Davis, editor at The Federalist, has
    put together a list of nine crucial questions that authorities
    haven't yet answered definitively--but definitely should have by
    now." - <URL:https://revolver.news/2024/07/nine-crucial-questions- about-the-trump-assassination-attempt/>

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