• Re: [gentoo-user] Dolpin and panel won't lock correctly

    From Michael@21:1/5 to All on Tue Aug 6 16:28:18 2024
    On Tuesday, 6 August 2024 08:16:04 BST Dale wrote:

    As most know, I've built a new rig. I've fixed a lot of things over the
    past couple weeks but I've got one thing that I just can't figure out. Dolphin is the default file manager and it works well enough. It's
    better than the old Konqueror in most ways. I wish it would do man
    pages tho. Anyway, I have mine set to have the Folders panel open all
    the time on the left side. I on occasion use places etc but only show
    those on the odd occasion I need them. I like the Folder panel to show
    the root directory, root as in / where /boot, /home, /var and such is located. I got it to show it the way I wanted it to be and then tell it
    to lock the location with a right click and lock the location. Thing
    is, if I navigate to say /home/dale/Desktop, and anything inside that,
    it switches to what I'd call the /home/dale view. I can't get to /mnt
    or /run/media for USB sticks and such because those are no longer showing.

    You probably know this, the removable mounted or unmounted devices ought to show on the side panel under 'Devices', where you can click to mount or unmount them manually.

    The /mnt or any other /* directories will show up both when you click the / partition Label on the 'Devices' side panel section and when you click Root in the 'Places' section.

    I've went through the Configure Dolphin settings, I've tried to right
    click in other areas and it just won't stay where I put it. I've even
    tried closing all the Dolphin instances but one and get it set like I
    want and lock the panel. As soon as I go into /home stuff, the panel switches again to /home/dale view.

    It seems the top directory in the Folders side panel is dynamically adjusted when you decent through its subdirectories. Have you played with:

    Settings > Configure Dolphin > Startup > Show on startup

    to see if you can set / in there? I don't know if this might affect it permanently, rather than on startup, but its worth trying.

    Alternatively, is the dolphin window and size of fonts/icons as large in this desktop as it was in your old desktop?

    My old rig would stick to the /
    directory like I want. However, I gave KDE a fresh start when I moved
    to the new rig. The old config info was carried over from the KDE4
    version, maybe even KDE3. So, this is a fresh start and I figure there
    is a setting somewhere that will fix this but I just can't figure out
    where that is set.

    You can diff the old-new rig '~/.config/dolphirc' files to see if there is any setting relevant to the side panel.

    Anyone have a idea how to make Dolphin lock the panel at / and it not
    switch to /home/dale view?? I'd think locking is enough but maybe the
    lock setting isn't working and it is a bug. Maybe it is set somewhere
    else. I just can't figure out if it is a bug, bad setting or something




    :-) :-)

    P. S. Liking the new rig. Sometimes my main monitor blinks off and
    back on again. I can't figure out why yet but I'm working on it.
    Swapped cables so far. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. :-)

    Probably some power Energy Star® saving feature on the monitor? :-/


    iQIzBAABCAAdFiEEXqhvaVh2ERicA8Ceseqq9sKVZxkFAmayQRIACgkQseqq9sKV Zxl5ug//SH8CQzKUTA7T2w46vBkVgz7XEsmhFvRv70P6oTGbyJ+ctWTiXdDodatR q8Bzsum8DCeBOubupX3GZ/Lj1ZfXUGj3eeDf0/e3ELD9Tce923lCxswNO6Dp+ymO K7x81SN7teyjjNK9JTGD50e6bKFYHmmvFRuyUSMnRTkqbD3KFUmC2wKBDCRhIGX7 qPDdS1GgZIgmiS1dBvWDM4AGVABX81WhTI4g00Rrgt+XG3PfueHQcX/7azEY1a+Z +Q1xFscL/2p79mNIoP5jdDMztbMR773NsAP825sT7QCa4PiZfKVriiFXn1wzNnmC 5ndpgGB7UlqTwaX1wAhnRjKewNEu4hYtYTBaqGlUKKyEkENyLYeVWGFuWpMQUebd ZahRgpqKu21MS1kNNKhE4Xg3GNcQF6iGzIX9GbAWmAWApPqFddQOyDq97b0yoF5w F7BMZq65A0Znthxc7GSfB5PkfGDqBFSAtpjIZPPX5t+fKGymR1yrG6JrIP8/5iXk j7jqQPdeIPUgKv8p0096ZWQqSBfjC814ks3LN2CJaRJyS7jRhNtYTo4dH17i5hwk XGjIuu4qSAMNTNwTzzm3hXCQ8nYGUaikoJxEen0SrNSuLcdrsVONZeESURMrW94b V10tdOtUF2GOH32RMR2QW5nWEDsskAzXZc4sRMXlzRRrrMf3Yuo=
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    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Wols Lists@21:1/5 to Michael on Tue Aug 6 19:00:01 2024
    On 06/08/2024 16:28, Michael wrote:
    to see if you can set / in there? I don't know if this might affect it permanently, rather than on startup, but its worth trying.

    You can also set it on the startup command, so if you went in and edited
    the appropriate .desktop file, you can always tell it to start at /.


    --- SoupGate-Win32 v1.05
    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)
  • From Frank Steinmetzger@21:1/5 to All on Wed Aug 7 01:50:01 2024
    Am Tue, Aug 06, 2024 at 06:02:47PM -0500 schrieb Dale:

    The /mnt or any other /* directories will show up both when you click the /
    partition Label on the 'Devices' side panel section and when you click Root in
    the 'Places' section.

    True but I rarely use that panel, pane or whatever it is called.  Once I open /home and go a couple layers, the list gets VERY long.  It's so
    long that I tend to use the mouse pointer and the scroll bar to move.  A mouse wheel scroll would take a long time.

    You can hold the shift key while turning the wheel, this will cause it to scroll by page, not by three lines at a time. That’s a very nifty feature since at least KDE 3 (that was when I started my “Linux career”).

    It seems the top directory in the Folders side panel is dynamically adjusted
    when you decent through its subdirectories. Have you played with:

    Settings > Configure Dolphin > Startup > Show on startup

    to see if you can set / in there? I don't know if this might affect it permanently, rather than on startup, but its worth trying.

    Alternatively, is the dolphin window and size of fonts/icons as large in this
    desktop as it was in your old desktop?

    I tried that too.  It still does the /home/dale thing when I go into my
    home directory.  There has to be a setting somewhere since it works on
    my old rig.  I just can't find it.  I may boot the old rig and compare.  Maybe when I enable/disable something some new settings show up somewhere. 

    First I wanted to write that I don’t really believe there is an option for this. So you could simply go to home (with Alt+Home) and one level up with Alt+Cursor, so the folder panel goes back to root mode.

    And then I had one more look and simply clicked around a bit. I’ve never really used the folder panel; I usually stick to the Places panel. I noticed
    a suspicios menu item … and Heureka! Just right-click any folder in the panel and uncheck “Limit to home directory”.

    If only.  I'd have to connect everything back up to the old rig so I can boot.  Right now, nothing plugged into it.  I need to do some things on
    it tho.  Drag out the old keyboard, spare mouse and various other
    things.  Hmmmm, where am I going to put a monitor tho?????

    You could try headless with SSH, if it’s just moving files around that needs to be done.

    Anyone have a idea how to make Dolphin lock the panel at / and it not
    switch to /home/dale view?? I'd think locking is enough but maybe the
    lock setting isn't working and it is a bug.

    The “lock setting” is for locking the sidebar layout, not its content.

    P. S. Liking the new rig. Sometimes my main monitor blinks off and
    back on again. I can't figure out why yet but I'm working on it.
    Swapped cables so far. Waiting. Waiting. Waiting. :-)
    Probably some power Energy Star® saving feature on the monitor? :-/

    Well, it does it when I'm actually doing things like typing a email or something.  Plus, most energy saving stuff is disabled.  It has to stay
    on so I can watch TV anyway.

    Media players usually inhibit the suspend signal to the monitor anyways.

    Grüße | Greetings | Salut | Qapla’
    Please do not share anything from, with or about me on any social network.

    What were peanuts used for before there was TV?


    iQIzBAABCgAdFiEEVbE9o2D2lE5fhoVsizG+tUDUMMoFAmaytXwACgkQizG+tUDU MMrnKg/9HXtRYG18BCRWDAtsLVKuhAy/Z3NbPJfnZuhTUITblW+vrQNMBT51reK1 ltaB37J6Tk4UlxjlH/61nTX2Bq1QhotfMPp3xm4SG43WEyQPoX8dhjaZdiXWbnP4 DwfqwtQ0THec4jrJkcWHxcbedpxr57o9AujRnqNf27TO35l17cZoHfkwZ6L5ywte oiAFQVjvYiTWlxa+ic/XuWCZB/49xM9W6SvoISuQXGNsrOu7QleoDNbdHP0WrBx+ QJogq7Qo/Rv5Y48KDOWja4U4BjL0THz8oIr0UYEhtRj+iXB9nEVDj/0JQssZO0eH CnCjjCsTw8O/r2ZFVYDxGX0t1YnZkGvWSBlbDQOdOp9tWItT5nFi1zS7SSm1ijST N5a5USqJQz+ELwpZVlIJwNz2jCRIbs8MeYcsl502cnYgG/ptICQZDwomrXDsjwI1 7ycyKSSmNaxsDK0VWMoeRxdCVYNpaBR0i2HaAFa/EXwvpqhMIQoTHiV7lsFimZl+ xmI5qALZWViN2CZOH/70FIjFM2aM8gTZegs2OTKeFs+jmUdO7p3ZF23kgO8J+2Fk Lg90jAH54qvT5Hidpj6WlKB8xhWqFSKsDVEd7sfBmu1GGIgKnfL1s1a4mt94A+YL wRaadedttQWrXrVdcMZr+ZEVM3MRkq6LnWKqfRJTsFZX17WWYl8=
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  • From Wols Lists@21:1/5 to Dale on Wed Aug 7 09:30:01 2024
    On 07/08/2024 01:09, Dale wrote:
    Well choke me until I look like a Smurf.  ROFLMBO  That worked.  As soon as I clicked that, it went to the / directory.  It seems to stick
    there.  It actually changed it for every instance I have running too.
    It seems that Dolphin wants to run as one instance instead of multiple.
    I'm not sure about that yet tho.  I tend to have at least four instances
    of Dolphin open at the same time. Sometimes more if I'm downloaded trail camera pics or something.

    I find Dolphin has a habit of opening extra tabs, which I don't usually
    want. I have to explicitly ask for extra windows. And of course, it
    doesn't seem to implement "drag tab and it'll turn into a window" :-(


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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)