• Bug#982601: python3-paraview Conflicts: python3-vtk9

    From PICCA Frederic-Emmanuel@21:1/5 to All on Thu Aug 8 16:40:01 2024
    Hello, I am the facet-analyser maintainer/upstream (support)

    If fact the conflict comes from

    facet-analyser -> libinsighttoolkit5-dev -> lib-vtk9-dev -> python3-vtk9

    facet analyser which is a PV plugins depends also on paraview-dev.

    facet-analyser -> paraview-dev -> conflict with python3-vtk9

    the missing piece is

    or parview built with the system vtk9 (glop glop)

    or a libinsighttoolkit5-pvX.YY-dev build against the vtk of paraview... (pas glop)



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