• Re: Off Topic-Re: GNOME bans Manjaro Core Team Member for uttering "Lun

    From rbowman@21:1/5 to -hh on Sat Aug 3 21:41:09 2024
    On Sat, 3 Aug 2024 21:18:56 +0100, -hh wrote:

    A colleague made up this setup before CoVid .. he’s not only clobbered
    his electric bill, but he’s got extra panels for extra capacity, so he’s been basically been charging his 3 from it too, so he’s been doing all
    of his driving now for essentially free.

    How much did the panels, mounts, charge controllers, storage batteries,
    and AC converters cost? TANSTAAFL. There is the recurring costs of the batteries too. Even golf cart batteries don't last forever.

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  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to Peter Flass on Wed Jul 31 15:18:24 2024
    On 7/31/24 10:00, Peter Flass wrote:
    The Natural Philosopher <tnp@invalid.invalid> wrote:
    On 30/07/2024 21:23, % wrote:
    chrisv wrote:
    Bobbie Sellers wrote:

    Find a better group for your discussion of transgender expression and >>>>> the hateful rhetoric of the

    ... trans activists.

    Did not exist until they felt someone need to oppose the Anti-Transgender activists. They did not get there magically any
    more than the Civil Rights activist which came into being to dispute
    and overcome the racist views of the activists of the KKK and White Supremacists who wanted to keep the Black Codes in effect.
    If you do not know what the Black Codes were about then
    read up on the years subsequent to the Election of Rutherford B. Hayes
    who, a Republican, to get the electoral votes of the States. formerly
    the Confederacy, pulled the Federal troops from the rebel states
    where they had been insuring the rights of the Newly Freed..
    Much murder by whites of Black people ensued.
    About 80 years of near slavery and terror happened.


    The Left's whole assumption that reality is malleable - if not created -
    by the power of imagination, is simple superstitious magick.

    Actually, it’s physics

    Actually it is the Right wing in the USA which is intent on
    denying scientific proof of global warming as well as other problems
    such as over-population, gun violence, childhood hunger, shortages in
    housing since the Federal Programs housing programs ended and the
    oncoming epidemics. And since they are anti-science any thing that
    has been learned in the last 1000 years or so.

    It was capitalism that believed the world could be altered
    in order to make more money or as some would say productivety. It
    ignored the consequences of such alteration until it became obvious
    to climatologists
    But in 1937. the year I happened to born that a Scientist in
    the Petroleum industry pointed out the consequences of releasing too
    much carbon into the atmosphere. Instead of heeding the warning and
    so advising the public the Petroleum Industry doubled down on promoting
    the use of the fuels they had derived from ancient deposits of
    carboniferous materials such as crude oil or coal.

    You are what you are, and coming to terms with it is called 'growing up'
    and rubbing other peoples noses in it is just childish.

    You are remaining in a simplistic world without internality which is
    what the human world seems to be about. The Transgender person is
    stating an internal condition that may stem from genetic variance,
    early environment, or maybe the Divine sends transgender individuals
    to assure us mortals of the existence of a soul.

    Who the hell knows or cares? Transgenders are and have been as
    long as history. Probably were there in Prehistory.

    My TG friend was subjected to Electro Shock therapy to cure her of her statement that she was a woman but it had no effect but to strengthen
    her statement of womanhood. ES may have affected her memory though.

    I think she may have eloped from that venue.


    b l i s s - S F 4 e v e r at D S L E x t r e m e dot com

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  • From Bobbie Sellers@21:1/5 to chrisv on Thu Aug 1 18:24:34 2024
    On 8/1/24 16:08, chrisv wrote:
    Bobbie Sellers wrote:

    That depends on the meanings you assign to "radical" and to "leftist." >> The Republicans consider all labor activists to be "Leftists".
    And the Republicans consider everyone who supports progressive
    taxation and realistic taxation to be "radical". So that means that
    Biden is a radical leftist.

    The usual made-up nonsense from the left. It takes far more than
    those things to be called a "radical" leftists.

    Not made up at all as that is the power behind Trump
    as he offered billionaires assurance of further tax cuts at
    Mar al Lago recently for only a donation of a mere Billlion
    dollars to his campaign funds.

    The left is far worse, of course, often calling people "white
    supremacists" simply for voting Republican!

    Not if the Republican they are voting for is a tool of the
    Dominionists who really intend and they may not ever succeed in
    creating a White Chistian Nationalist Theocracy in the USA. Have you
    looked at the text of Project 2025?

    This WCNT has been in the works for a long time and 40
    years ago I was reading about the attempts to build up their media
    presence. They really believe despita all historial evidence
    to the contrary that the Founding Fathers were Christians.
    Yes you will find their names in church membership but that was
    the time when the Colonists were forced into support of the
    Anglican Church by the British laws. That is the reason for the
    rule that Congress shall not Establish any religion. The reason
    behind that were the murderous and wasteful European religious
    wars that ran on and on. The Founders were aware of that history
    and did not want to repeat it on the American Continent.


    b l i s s - S F 4 e v e r at D S L E x t r e m e dot com

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  • From The Natural Philosopher@21:1/5 to Bobbie Sellers on Fri Aug 2 07:31:23 2024
    On 02/08/2024 02:24, Bobbie Sellers wrote:
    On 8/1/24 16:08, chrisv wrote:
    Bobbie Sellers wrote:

        That depends on the meanings you assign to "radical" and to
        The Republicans consider all labor activists to be "Leftists".
        And the Republicans consider everyone who supports progressive
    taxation and realistic taxation to be "radical".  So that means that
    Biden is a radical leftist.

    The usual made-up nonsense from the left.  It takes far more than
    those things to be called a "radical" leftists.

        Not made up at all as that is the power behind Trump
    as he offered billionaires assurance of further tax cuts at
    Mar al Lago recently for only a donation of a mere Billlion
    dollars to his campaign funds.

    And the Democrat campaign is spotless?
    No one wins elections without billionaire backing

    You do seem to be rather naïve...


    "Socialist governments traditionally do make a financial mess. They
    always run out of other people's money. It's quite a characteristic of them"

    Margaret Thatcher

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