• how can I detect if the shift key is currently down (on windows) (twapi

    From et99@21:1/5 to All on Sat Jul 27 17:33:47 2024
    I want to launch a windows batch job, which then runs a tcl program (passing in the file names dnd'd onto the batch file).

    I would like to also be able to detect if the shift key is currently down in the tcl program. I can't use a normal key binding since the shift key will be pressed (and held) down before the tcl program is launched.

    I asked chatGPT how this can be done, and it said:

    #include <windows.h>

    bool IsShiftKeyDown() {
    return (GetAsyncKeyState(VK_SHIFT) & 0x8000) != 0;

    when I asked how to do this with tcl, it said to use a direct windows api call using twapi, and gave this (wrong) answer:

    package require twapi

    proc is_shift_down {} {
    set result [twapi::call user32 GetAsyncKeyState VK_SHIFT]
    return [expr ($result & 0x8000) != 0]

    However, there is mentioned in the twapi docs that one can do a direct call, which this chatGPT example was attempting to do, but unfortunately, the docs says:

    "The Windows API may be directly accessed by Tcl commands that map to Windows functions. This interface is not documented in the TWAPI documentation."

    Assuming the above C code is correct, does anyone know how to use twapi to make that call?

    Or... is there some way that tcl can do it directly?

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