• Resurrecting an old thread (Was: printing words without newlines?)

    From Kenny McCormack@21:1/5 to Kenny McCormack on Mon Jul 15 18:10:56 2024
    XPost: alt.comp.lang.awk

    In article <v1t9hi$u4lh$1@news.xmission.com>,
    Kenny McCormack <gazelle@shell.xmission.com> wrote:
    Improved version:

    { A[$1] = $2 }
    END {
    for (i=1; i<=NR; i++)
    printf("%s%s",A[i],i<NR ? " " : "\n")

    Note that the value of NR in END is sort of a gray area, but it works as >expected in GAWK, which is really all we care about.

    Here's an even tighter version. Saves about 20 bytes of code.
    Yes, I know this code makes a lot of assumptions, but all the assumptions
    are valid in the instant case (and that's all that matters):

    { A[$1] = $2 }
    END {
    for (i=1; i<=NR; i++) $i = A[i]

    Joni Ernst (2014): Obama should be impeached because 2 people have died of Ebola.
    Joni Ernst (2020): Trump is doing great things, because only 65,000 times as many people have died of COVID-19.

    Josef Stalin (1947): When one person dies, it is a tragedy; when a million die, it is merely statistics.

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    * Origin: fsxNet Usenet Gateway (21:1/5)