• Ukraine v Russia: Defensive or Offensive War

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Fri Sep 6 19:27:59 2024
    Ukraine v Russia: Defensive or Offensive War

    NATO has not yet crossed Russia's Red Line, however countries that are part of the NATO alliance most certainly have. It is one thing to give Ukraine defensive weapons and quite another to give them weapons used to occupy Russian territory. As of this writing Ukraine has invaded Russia proper. This could turn the war into a regional conflict rather than just being between Russia and Ukraine. It is legitimate for countries that are part of the NATO alliance to give military aid of both defensive and offensive natured weapons. However, it is totally a bad idea to have the NATO alliance itself giving offensive weapons to Ukraine. It would be a horrible decision to have NATO directly giving offensive weapons to Ukraine. That could spark and all-out war between states that are affiliated with NATO against the Russian Federation. There is a red line here from the Russian perspective. Ukraine's defensive aggression is to be expected, while Ukraine's offensive aggression is unacceptable when done with NATO weaponry. Currently there are
    NATO-affiliated countries, such as France and Germany, who are providing Ukraine with offensive weaponry, but they are doing so outside of the NATO framework, acting on their own. If the time comes when NATO itself provides offensive weapons to Russia this will be crossing a crimson red line. This could cause a world war.

    It is good to stand up to bullies, however when that bully has an automatic weapon pointed at your head it is best to tread softly. Putin's war was and is a war of aggression. Ukraine did nothing to deserve this war against them.
    So what I'm getting to is that NATO itself should definitely not provide weapons for the purpose of Ukraine attacking Russia, but rather only for defense of their homeland. Why you might ask? Because from the Russian perspective there is a huge difference between Ukraine in defensive mode and Ukraine in offensive mode. Now Ukraine is fully allowed to attack Russia, but this should only be done with Ukraine's own weaponry and not the weapons provided to them by NATO. If NATO was seen to be arming Ukraine against Russia this could be misinterpreted as NATO itself being at war with Russia, which would be a massive crossing of a crimson red line. If NATO is drawn into this war it could mean a regional conflict if not a world war. If NATO keeps its distance from the war many lives would be saved and the war would not turn into a world war. Russia should be respected and feared, even if they are in the wrong.

    Pondering the future...

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A49 2023/04/30 (Linux/64)
    * Origin: thE qUAntUm wOrmhOlE, rAmsgAtE, uK. bbs.erb.pw (700:100/37)
  • From shitty@700:100/18 to warmfuzzy on Sat Sep 7 05:26:21 2024
    part of the NATO alliance most certainly have. It is one thing to give Ukraine defensive weapons and quite another to give them weapons used
    to occupy Russian territory. As of this writing Ukraine has invaded

    I agree with you on this. The voters who elected the leaders who support Ukraine's defense, did they ask for this? Yes they did. Will they do it again? I hope not.

    Putin's war was and is a war of aggression. Ukraine did nothing to deserve this war against them. So what I'm getting to is that NATO

    There's definitely more to the picture than what the media shows. They make it look like Ukraine is innocent of everything, but they're not. Civilians don't deserve to die, but there is a witness who backs Putin's claim of Ukraine running a bio lab. Russians are not happy about covid-19, and neither am I. There's also been news about Ukraine interfering with USA elections, in the Demcorats' favor, which could explain the historical amounts of money being given to Ukraine by US taxpayers.

    Democrats are reckless. They don't care about consequences; they only care about enriching themselves and about appeasing the world's elite. They don't care about where this war will take us.

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 2022/07/15 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: ..wizardsrainbow.com..323.436.5249..los angeles.. (700:100/18)