• State Sactioned Murder as Foreign Policy

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Thu Sep 19 02:29:21 2024
    Kremlin Sanctioned Murder: Global Significance

    Putin's foreign policies from The Kremlin includes the assassination of people who talk against the Russian State. So this is Russia present day, not way back to the Soviet Union, this is now, this is real, this is a massive threat.
    Putin's war mongering is real: he sees himself as the new Russian Tsar who can do whatever he wants to do without repercussions due to his nuclear stockpile. When your country has a foreign policy of murder of people who disagree with official policy, your country may be a terrorist state.

    "the greatest geopolitical catastrophe of the 20th century" : This was Vladimir Putin's assessment of the fall of The Soviet Union.

    "if you cross Vladimir Putin, there is no safe place on the Earth [for traitors]." : This was Putin's statement of Russia's foreign policy.

    These are direct quotes from Vladimir Putin. If your country has a foreign policy of assassinations, your country would be, unfortunately, be among many other nations that have this as a practice. America against Fidel Castro of Cuba, Israel against terrorist commanders, North Korea against family members, and others that would cause their opponents to be silenced. Personally I am totally against murder as a foreign policy. The reason for this is that I'm a Christian and death without being Born Again is a permanent judgment that will have people enter Hell and stay there for Eternity. In my opinion life sentences for major crimes should be the maximum punishment as if someone dies without receiving forgiveness and salvation from God, they will permanently be in Hell forever. I don't want anyone to be in that situation. So having a life sentence will allow the criminal time to come to Christ and have that person able to spend however longer they have in this world to repent and be saved. A forever punishment in Hell is not what God wants; Jesus Christ wants all people to come to a saving faith in him, that "none may be lost."

    From Canada we don't have foreign policies of murder of our opponents. We are a peace loving and practicing free country who don't practice murder, either political or in the judicial courts. Here we don't kill anyone, with the exception that a cop kills you, which is seen as acceptable on the reason that the criminal would kill other people. So to stop murder Canadian cops kill potential murderers, however this is the only time killing is accepted. Our foreign policies do not include the murder of our opponents at all whatsoever.
    We are peace loving, and forgiving of our criminals if they show that they are no longer a threat to our society. There are a very few people who have been given a life in jail sentence, but this is incarceration and not murder. Russia's killing policy of people on foreign soil is a direct threat against the sovereignty of other nations. This kind of thing starts wars: local, regional, and [Heaven forbid[ World War. Now, just to be clear, I'm not against soldiers at war. Sometimes war is necessary, but never to be sought out for territorial gain for the most part. We want peace and not war, whether cold war or hot war, we don't want it.

    With deep consideration,

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