• From Russia With Blood (Book Review)

    From warmfuzzy@700:100/37 to All on Thu Sep 19 02:20:58 2024

    Book Review: From Russia With Blood

    "From Russia With Blood" (book): "The Kremlin's Ruthless Assassination Program: Vladimir Putin's Secret War on The West" ... by Heidi Blake

    10h 37m audio book from Audible.com


    From Russia With Blood is a documentary on Vladimir Putin and his rise to the Presidency of the Russian government. It details Russia's actions against those who defect from Russia and those who are not totally loyal. Loyalty is the most important thing in politics that will win favor with Putin or cause a short and untimely death of those who cross Putin. Loyalty is everything in Vladimir Putin's eyes. Defection is of the most wicked crime that a person can commit against him and his country. He noted in one of his speeches that disloyalty would result in death, no matter where in the world as person spirited themselves off to.

    The narrator of this book is pleasant to listen to. She has a nice voice with faultless English and a British accent. It goes for around $15 USD or one Audible credit.

    The book is highly intriguing, giving the listener a deep understanding with the political landscape of Russia and its current leader. The listener basically will receive a debriefing on current Russian politics and the understanding of the goings on with the Russian State and its intrigue. This book is a non-fiction that was made by a news outlet. Somehow this book hasn't yet resulted in the death of its author. It is an amazing piece of journalism. Have fun with this, I really think that you will like it.


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