• Test Only

    From Mickey@DIGDIST/OXFORDMI to All on Sat May 30 17:24:52 2015
    This is a test. If this were a real test, you would be told where to go. :-)

    SynchroNET 3.15
    Oxford Mills Remote @ telnet://oxfordmi.synchro.net:23
    Live Music Based IRC Chat @ irc:oxford.synchro.net 6667
    -+- --- ---
    another visitor! Stay awhile..... Stay FOREVER!

    ■ Synchronet ■ Oxford Mills Remote - manning.webhop.net
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST to Mickey on Sun May 31 09:41:33 2015
    Re: Test Only
    By: Mickey to All on Sat May 30 2015 17:24:52

    This is a test. If this were a real test, you would be told where to go. :-)

    I see your message here. :)

    ■ Synchronet ■ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com