• Linux multi-track recording software

    From Nightfox@DIGDIST to All on Sun Jul 16 13:25:36 2017
    Hi all,

    I have considered migrating to Linux at some point in the future. I'm curious what (if any) multi-track music recording software anyone likes to use for Linux? Is Linux at all considered a serious platform for music recording? It seems like Linux keeps getting more mature all the time, with improved Linux distros and software becoming available. Honestly I don't do much recording, and it's one of those things that I keep thinking of doing more but haven't gotten around to it..

    For Windows, my favorite multi-track recording software is Mixcraft. OS X has Garage Band, which I think is fairly good too. I know Audacity is available on all 3 platforms, and although it's free, I'm not sure it's as full-featured as Mixcraft or Garage Band.

    I did a quick search for Linux multi-track recording software, and one of the first links was Ardour:
    From the looks of it, it looks like it might be fairly good, with a UI similar to Mixcraft/Garage Band.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com
  • From Ragnarok@DIGDIST/DOCKSUD to Nightfox on Fri Feb 7 22:35:12 2020
    El 16/7/17 a las 18:25, Nightfox escribi­:
    Hi all,

    I have considered migrating to Linux at some point in the future. I'm curious what (if any) multi-track music recording software anyone likes to use for Linux? Is Linux at all considered a serious platform for music recording? It seems like Linux keeps getting more mature all the time, with improved Linux distros and software becoming available. Honestly I don't do much recording, and it's one of those things that I keep thinking of doing more but haven't gotten around to it..

    For Windows, my favorite multi-track recording software is Mixcraft. OS X has Garage Band, which I think is fairly good too. I know Audacity is available on
    all 3 platforms, and although it's free, I'm not sure it's as full-featured as
    Mixcraft or Garage Band.

    I did a quick search for Linux multi-track recording software, and one of the first links was Ardour:
    From the looks of it, it looks like it might be fairly good, with a UI similar
    to Mixcraft/Garage Band.

    ­ Synchronet ­ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com

    ardour rocks.
    ­ Synchronet ­ Dock Sud BBS TLD 24 HS - bbs.docksud.com.ar
  • From Nightfox@DIGDIST to Ragnarok on Fri Feb 7 21:26:36 2020
    Re: Re: Linux multi-track recording software
    By: Ragnarok to Nightfox on Fri Feb 07 2020 10:35 pm

    From the looks of it, it looks like it might be fairly good, with a UI
    similar to Mixcraft/Garage Band.

    ardour rocks.

    I forgot I posted that.. I'm still using Windows, but I was just recently thinking of installing Linux Mint on my PC to dual-boot with Windows to see how it works on my PC.

    ■ Synchronet ■ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com