• Free Keyboard Webinar

    From Mike Dippel@DIGDIST to ALL on Mon Sep 12 13:17:56 2022
    This is a reminder that Marco Mendez will be hosting a seminar on September 27th at 1 PM EASTERN time, 10.AM on the west coast. It will be a question and answer session dealing with music theory and general music information. It will be non brand specific, and it will be free. Check it out on http://MarcoMendez.net on Sept 27th.

    The link to this seminar will b e posted within the next few days or so. Remember to tell anyone you know who plays a keyboard of any kind, and remember to tell them it is completely FREE.

    Those interested can start writing down any music-related (not a brand-specific) question they may have.
    þ Synchronet þ Digital Distortion: digitaldistortionbbs.com