• IMPORTANT: Updated League 618 Rules

    From Andrew Leary@CAPCITY2 to All on Mon Aug 12 01:38:56 2024
    Micronet Information Network IBBS League 618 Policies
    Last updated 12 August 2024 =======================================================================
    A good IBBS league is fun and adds more value to Micronet. However,
    to ensure smooth operation and good sportsmanship, the Micronet
    administration has set forth policies to make sure everyone's on even
    ground and being good sports.

    Please note that League 618 is not an official part of Micronet but is
    run by Andrew Leary as a favor to the network.

    Your participation in League 618 assumes that you agree to bide by this
    policy statement, so read this very carefully!

    1. The official league coordinator for Micronet is Andrew Leary at
    618:100/1. He has authority over all games and nodes that are
    participating in those games. What he says goes for everyone
    and he has absolute say-so over the league's function. I reserve
    the right, however, to have ultimate authority over the league if
    for some reason Andrew is unable or unwilling to fulfill his LC

    2. To be eligible to join League 618, you must be a Micronet node in
    good standing. You must use FTN for your Micronet feed, preferably
    BinkP. Private or Mail Only nodes are not eligible to join L618.
    You are required to establish a session password with the L618 Game Hub
    at 618:100/1. InterBBS game packets are only to be processed from your
    SECURE inbound. L618 members are expected to poll the Game Hub a minimum
    of once daily. The Game Hub is available 24 hours a day, and sending of
    game packets CRASH is encouraged.

    3. The only games that are available in the league are the games
    that Andrew is running. We strive to have a good variety of
    games available, however, we reserve the right to remove games
    from the league at any time, with or without reason or notice.
    There will be no other unsanctioned IBBS games running in
    Micronet and any node who tries to circumvent this will be
    immediately removed from Micronet.

    4. Cheating, of any type, will not be tolerated in any form. If it
    is discovered it is one of your users who is cheating, it is your
    responsibility to stop that user. If you cannot stop the user
    from cheating or if it is found that you are cheating, you will
    be issued a single warning. If you're caught cheating again as a
    sysop, your BBS will be removed from Micronet immediately and you
    will not be eligible to rejoin Micronet.

    5. It is expected that you keep your system up to date with the
    latest changes in the league games you participate in (especially
    config files and nodelists where applicable) to ensure that both
    the league and Micronet run smoothly. If you aren't running the
    latest IBBS configuration files or nodelists, your system may
    generate hundreds of bad game packets to be disbursed through the
    network. Please ensure that you keep up with the latest changes
    for the good of the league and Micronet.

    6. You must carry the L618_SYS and L618_SCR echoes at the minimum if
    your node is participating in the league. If your system is
    capable of carrying filebones, it's recommended that you carry
    the MIN_L618 filebone. That is where the LC will hatch out the
    latest nodelists, configuration files and what-not for the
    league. L618_SYS must be set to sysop access only and L618_SCR
    must be set to read-only access on your BBS.

    If you cannot receive a filebone, alternate arrangements will be
    made BUT YOU MUST TELL THE LC OR THE ZC! We don't automatically
    know these things. :)

    7. If there is a problem with one of the games, please let the LC
    know immediately via netmail, a post in either L618_SYS or
    MIN_ADMIN, or email to asstzc@minftn.net. If you can't contact
    the LC, please contact the ZC immediately via netmail, a post in
    either L618_SYS or MIN_ADMIN or via email at zc@minftn.net. It's
    imperative that these errors get fixed immediately.

    8. The latest league infopack is available at:

    WWW: http(s)://minftn.net/l618.zip

    FTP: bbs.outpostbbs.net in /network/micronet/min_l618/l618.zip

    9. If there's a game you want in the league, let us know.

    10. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions or even complaints,
    please let us know. Andrew can be contacted via netmail at 618:100/1
    or asstzc@minftn.net and I can be contacted via netmail at 618:618/1
    (preferred) or zc@minftn.net.

    Thank you for your participation in League 618!

    -- Sean Dennis/Andrew Leary
    Micronet Zone Coordinator, Micronet AZC/L618 Coordinator


    * Origin: Bits & Bytes BBS * L618 Coord. * bbs.bnbbbs.net (618:100/1)
    * Synchronet * CAPCITY2 * capcity2.synchro.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/Rlogin/HTTP