• Where are my 3D Printing Peeps?

    From TheNerd@954:895/64 to All on Sun May 12 16:54:28 2024
    Like most... Covid gave me a reason for a project. Mine was to build a 3D printer from scratch. I settled on a Core XY printer called a HyperCube (you can search it on Thingaverse and YouTube). It runs great most of the time :) Right now its down.. I had a major hot end disaster that I'm still trying to recover from but she's getting back to normal.

    Anyone else into 3D Printers?

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

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  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to TheNerd on Mon May 13 07:47:49 2024
    Anyone else into 3D Printers?

    I got into 3D printing back when the M3D Micro Printers came out. I had (thought) I ordered the Pro, but received the mini? So I pre-ordered the pro. Great little devices. Used QR codes for filament to update settings automagically.

    Fast forward a couple years, and wanting to print larger items, I bought the Ender-3. I was only ever able to get a few good prints off of that before putting it in storage. My current job has some of those HUGE (totally just forgot the name - they are like 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft enclosed in plexiglass). So I talked with the engineer who uses that one and he had me buy the BL Touch to see if my system would print better. He provided me with a working G-Code to have it level the bed (9 points) prior to printing.

    I just pre-ordered the Ender-3 v3 Plus to give me an even larger print area and updated technology.

    I also love my resin printer (I got into that after giving up on my Ender). I've only ever had a couple fails and those were due to my forgetting to update the settings for th resin I was using. But, print sizes are limited, so we shall see what the new Ender-3 does for me :)

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From TheNerd@954:895/64 to SirRonmit on Mon May 13 18:16:03 2024
    Fast forward a couple years, and wanting to print larger items, I bought the Ender-3. I was only ever able to get a few good prints off of that

    Larger is also something I want to do.. My bed is only 200x200 and my max height is 180. I'd like it to at least go taller so I'm going to order some 600 mm extrusions to do that. Its currently on a 400 mm vertical extrusion but half that is eaten up by the mechanics on the top and bottom of the printer. Thats a $100 upgrade I can do at least... the bed will require some design work I think. I'll need some way of holding it.

    before putting it in storage. My current job has some of those HUGE (totally just forgot the name - they are like 2 ft x 2 ft x 4 ft
    enclosed in plexiglass). So I talked with the engineer who uses that one

    Bamboo? Those appear to be the new hotness in fdm printing and are fully enclosed. I'd get a Prusa if I wanted to spend that kind of money. Those things are rock solid.

    and he had me buy the BL Touch to see if my system would print better.

    Best upgrade I got was a BL Touch. Didn't take much to get it going.

    He provided me with a working G-Code to have it level the bed (9 points) prior to printing.

    Get a Pi and hook it up with OctoPrint. It wil do all of that for you.

    I also love my resin printer (I got into that after giving up on my Ender). I've only ever had a couple fails and those were due to my forgetting to update the settings for th resin I was using. But, print sizes are limited, so we shall see what the new Ender-3 does for me :)

    I'd love to go Resin but I can't really do it right now. The router I'm saving for is going to be about 6 grand and I'm not quite half way there yet lol... <sigh> mouths to feed...


    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

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  • From SirRonmit@954:895/45 to TheNerd on Tue May 14 14:08:20 2024
    Get a Pi and hook it up with OctoPrint. It wil do all of that for you.

    Already have that going. I run Octoprint on a vDI (virtual desktop) on a server I grabbed from a place I used to work at -- that is also where my BBS runs from now and I also took all my old physical 386/486/Piii/etc. PCs and converted to vDI so I can power them on when I need to run some older software and keep it all off any network.

    I'd love to go Resin but I can't really do it right now. The router I'm saving for is going to be about 6 grand and I'm not quite half way there yet lol... <sigh> mouths to feed...

    I like my smaller CNC (if that was the type of router you were referring to). The motor is liquid cooled and it is classified as an Engraver (just like my 20W Longer I just got).

    Timothy Norris aka SirRonmit
    bbs.f4fbbs.com:2323 or :62323

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: Files 4 Fun BBS (954:895/45)
  • From TheNerd@954:895/64 to SirRonmit on Tue May 14 17:47:49 2024
    Already have that going. I run Octoprint on a vDI (virtual desktop) on a server I grabbed from a place I used to work at -- that is also where my BBS runs from now and I also took all my old physical 386/486/Piii/etc. PCs and converted to vDI so I can power them on when I need to run some older software and keep it all off any network.

    Lol.. sometimes I forget that OctoPrint runs on other platforms :)

    I like my smaller CNC (if that was the type of router you were referring to). The motor is liquid cooled and it is classified as an Engraver
    (just like my 20W Longer I just got).

    I want a OneFinity. the 4x4 model. With liquid cooled spindle etc. Not cheap but I know I can make it back by making dust catchers for rich women who like craft markets.. ;)

    -- NerdRage BBS - SysOp: TheNerd
    -- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net

    --- Mystic BBS v1.12 A48 (Windows/32)
    * Origin: NerdRage BBS -.- telnet: nerdragebbs.ddns.net (954:895/64)