• MESO: Mesoscale Discussion 2025

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 23:53:08 2024
    ACUS11 KWNS 282353
    SPC MCD 282352=20

    Mesoscale Discussion 2025
    NWS Storm Prediction Center Norman OK
    0652 PM CDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Areas affected...parts of north central South Dakota and south
    central North Dakota

    Concerning...Tornado Watch 661...

    Valid 282352Z - 290145Z

    The severe weather threat for Tornado Watch 661 continues.

    SUMMARY...Supercell development likely will persist near the Dakotas
    state border vicinity between Jamestown ND and Mobridge SD through
    8-9 PM CDT. These storms will pose a continuing risk for large hail
    in excess of 2 inches in diameter, with at least some further
    increase in tornadic potential possible.

    DISCUSSION...Intense thunderstorm initiation has been focused along
    surface troughing across the central Dakotas, most notably near and
    just north of the state border vicinity. This is near the nose of
    stronger surface heating characterized by temperatures approaching
    90 F, in the presence of lower/mid 70s F dew points. Coupled with
    forcing for ascent, this has been sufficient to overcome mid-level
    inhibition associated with warm and capping elevated mixed-layer

    At least some attempt at upscale growth is underway north of the
    sustained supercell development to the southwest of Fort Yates,
    across and north of the Bismarck vicinity. However, the mid-level
    cold core of the slow moving upstream low, progressing eastward
    along the central Montana international border area, will remain
    displaced well to the west of the weak southeastward advancing cold
    front. Strongest low-level forcing, in the form of
    lower/mid-tropospheric warm advection, appears likely to remain
    focused near the North and South Dakota state border area, between
    Jamestown ND and Mobridge SD, aided by an intensifying southerly
    low-level jet (to 50+ kt around 850 mb) through 01-02Z.

    This probably will maintain evolving supercell structures, perhaps
    within a small upscale growing cluster. Aided by southeasterly
    inflow of air characterized by CAPE in excess of 3000-4000 J/kg, in
    the presence of moderate southwesterly deep-layer shear, activity
    will continue to pose a risk for large hail. As clockwise-curved
    low-level hodographs slowly enlarge, the potential for tornadoes may
    still increase a bit further early this evening.

    ..Kerr.. 08/28/2024

    ...Please see https://urldefense.com/v3/__http://www.spc.noaa.gov__;!!DZ3fj= g!8OdYLh6yIsfinW_MaW0ZiHDqFMHuRxdap8zE_csZCxOTwd2LGpys5tK0ElC06oR97gHt45HsY= kf8Jxgsy5TZVduLSjw$ for graphic product...


    LAT...LON 45870028 46719973 46469867 45609907 45609975 45640042

    =3D =3D =3D
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