• HVYRAIN: Excessive Rainfall Discussion

    From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 08:16:33 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 280815

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    415 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk areas.

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue to support a more
    north-south outlook area compared to Day 1, though nonetheless
    still quite similar. Instability and moisture parameters (afternoon
    and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain similar, and thus the
    anticipation of more isolated/localized instances of flash flooding
    than otherwise, particularly after 18Z coinciding with peak
    diurnal heating.

    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...
    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next=20
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and=20
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread=20
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level=20
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4=20
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not=20
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3=20
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now, keeping
    the ERO below the Slight threshold over this region Wed night=20
    include (a) the continued high spread in guidance QPFs (including=20
    CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion of the=20
    convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi Vectors,=20
    given the shear between the low- level flow and mean 850-300 mb=20

    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-=20
    Northern Mid Atlantic...=20
    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the=20 central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and=20 instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along=20
    this boundary, while the east to northeast storm motions (parallel
    to the low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell=20
    training, especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less).
    WPC QPF and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the
    previous forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res
    CAM window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper divergence...low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over
    northern NY-New England will favor more widespread convection, especially
    when coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack of robust
    low-level moist inflow/transport will likely not sustain/prolong
    strong updrafts and intense hourly/sub-hourly rainfall rates. As a
    result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from yesterday's Day 2=20
    ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    The biggest change from yesterday's Day 3 ERO was to upgrade a
    portion of the Marginal Risk to Slight across parts of the Lower MO
    Valley into the Upper MS Valley. Have also added a Marginal Risk
    across the central-western LA and Middle-Upper TX Gulf Coast.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...=20
    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will=20
    continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low lifting north
    into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the progression of synoptic
    features, the bulk of the deep-layer forcing and more anomalous
    low-level inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Upper MS=20
    Valley and southern Canada. Instability will not be as high over
    the northern portion of Slight Risk area (along the path of the
    triple point). However, owing largely to the SSW LLJ, especially=20
    as it becomes more aligned with the mean 850-300 mb flow, the
    eastward progression of the quasi-linear convective segments will
    slow during the period as per the weakening Corfidi Vectors
    (decreasing forward propagation). Therefore the risk for cell
    training will increase along and ahead of the front.=20

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall=20
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    across MD-VA. However plenty of deep-layer instability should=20
    linger west of the DelMarVa, especially west of I-95, which along=20
    with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized=20
    convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper=20
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper=20
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with=20
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which=20
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb=20
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk area
    stretching from NM-West TX northeast to the Lower Great Lakes. Have
    also continued with the Marginal Risk (from Day 2) along the TX-LA
    Gulf coast.=20

    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...
    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO=20
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the=20
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the=20
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along=20
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust=20
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated=20
    flash flood threat.=20

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Pattern Fri-Fri night is quite similar to Thu, with the lingering
    subtle shortwave energy and weak low-mid level cyclonic flow. Much
    like Thursday, despite the optimal thermodynamic profile (high PW,
    high WBZ heights, tall/skinny CAPEs), weak 0-6km bulk shear would
    support more pulse-type convection and thus short-lived intense
    sub-hourly rainfall rates. Have therefore maintained the Marginal
    Risk that was introduced on Day 2 (Thu).=20


    Day 1 threat area:=20 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-UXNQb4XAIPrgkoVSxabCiWgXghf5BEwCDWkKrFq2KaGHs5KLSkrZWrOMGkxnAu= DZgkvPZ1-sDwDBr5YE8e3a-T1bZo$ Day 2 threat area:=20 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-UXNQb4XAIPrgkoVSxabCiWgXghf5BEwCDWkKrFq2KaGHs5KLSkrZWrOMGkxnAu= DZgkvPZ1-sDwDBr5YE8e3cyX9a7M$ Day 3 threat area:=20 https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-UXNQb4XAIPrgkoVSxabCiWgXghf5BEwCDWkKrFq2KaGHs5KLSkrZWrOMGkxnAu= DZgkvPZ1-sDwDBr5YE8e3qoKtvPg$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 08:18:11 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 280817

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    417 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 2 ERO Marginal Risk=20

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue to support a more
    north-south outlook area compared to Day 1, though nonetheless
    still quite similar. Instability and moisture parameters (afternoon
    and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain similar, and thus the
    anticipation of more isolated/localized instances of flash flooding
    than otherwise, particularly after 18Z coinciding with peak
    diurnal heating.

    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...
    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now, keeping
    the ERO below the Slight threshold over this region Wed night
    include (a) the continued high spread in guidance QPFs (including
    CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion of the
    convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi Vectors,
    given the shear between the low- level flow and mean 850-300 mb

    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Northern Mid Atlantic...
    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the east to northeast storm motions (parallel
    to the low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell
    training, especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less).
    WPC QPF and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the
    previous forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res
    CAM window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper divergence...low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over
    northern NY-New England will favor more widespread convection, especially
    when coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack of robust
    low-level moist inflow/transport will likely not sustain/prolong
    strong updrafts and intense hourly/sub-hourly rainfall rates. As a
    result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from yesterday's Day 2
    ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    The biggest change from yesterday's Day 3 ERO was to upgrade a
    portion of the Marginal Risk to Slight across parts of the Lower MO
    Valley into the Upper MS Valley. Have also added a Marginal Risk
    across the central-western LA and Middle-Upper TX Gulf Coast.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...
    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will
    continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low lifting north
    into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the progression of synoptic
    features, the bulk of the deep-layer forcing and more anomalous
    low-level inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Upper MS
    Valley and southern Canada. Instability will not be as high over
    the northern portion of Slight Risk area (along the path of the
    triple point). However, owing largely to the SSW LLJ, especially
    as it becomes more aligned with the mean 850-300 mb flow, the
    eastward progression of the quasi-linear convective segments will
    slow during the period as per the weakening Corfidi Vectors
    (decreasing forward propagation). Therefore the risk for cell
    training will increase along and ahead of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    across MD-VA. However plenty of deep-layer instability should
    linger west of the DelMarVa, especially west of I-95, which along
    with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized
    convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk area
    stretching from NM-West TX northeast to the Lower Great Lakes. Have
    also continued with the Marginal Risk (from Day 2) along the TX-LA
    Gulf coast.

    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...
    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated
    flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Pattern Fri-Fri night is quite similar to Thu, with the lingering
    subtle shortwave energy and weak low-mid level cyclonic flow. Much
    like Thursday, despite the optimal thermodynamic profile (high PW,
    high WBZ heights, tall/skinny CAPEs), weak 0-6km bulk shear would
    support more pulse-type convection and thus short-lived intense
    sub-hourly rainfall rates. Have therefore maintained the Marginal
    Risk that was introduced on Day 2 (Thu).


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_fNH1D6tCt_pL-sQTMjJ4CQJXfcPsFLvJ-0sjwGiLmAucVDk9UPdUeXTjoKyfwK= 25CSAKyjP9UfeVoTKyTAjLpXVvcM$ Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_fNH1D6tCt_pL-sQTMjJ4CQJXfcPsFLvJ-0sjwGiLmAucVDk9UPdUeXTjoKyfwK= 25CSAKyjP9UfeVoTKyTAjvDKqbNE$ Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_fNH1D6tCt_pL-sQTMjJ4CQJXfcPsFLvJ-0sjwGiLmAucVDk9UPdUeXTjoKyfwK= 25CSAKyjP9UfeVoTKyTAjMSfZNzs$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 08:29:29 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 280829

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    429 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 2 ERO Marginal Risk

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue to support a more
    north-south outlook area compared to Day 1, though nonetheless
    still quite similar. Instability and moisture parameters (afternoon
    and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain similar, and thus the
    anticipation of more isolated/localized instances of flash flooding
    than otherwise, particularly after 18Z coinciding with peak
    diurnal heating.

    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...
    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now,
    reasons for keeping the ERO below the Slight threshold over this=20
    region Wed night include (a) the continued high spread in guidance=20
    QPFs (including CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion=20
    of the convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi=20
    Vectors, given the shear between the low-level flow and mean=20
    850-300 mb wind.

    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Northern Mid Atlantic...
    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the=20
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training,=20
    especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less). WPC QPF=20
    and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the previous=20
    forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res CAM=20
    window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper divergence...
    low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over northern NY-=20
    New England will favor more widespread convection, especially when=20 coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack of robust low-=20
    level moist inflow/transport will likely not sustain/prolong strong
    updrafts and intense hourly/sub-hourly rainfall rates. As a=20
    result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from yesterday's Day 2=20
    ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    The biggest change from yesterday's Day 3 ERO was to upgrade a
    portion of the Marginal Risk to Slight across parts of the Lower MO
    Valley into the Upper MS Valley. Have also added a Marginal Risk
    across the central-western LA and Middle-Upper TX Gulf Coast.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...
    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will
    continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low lifting north
    into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the progression of synoptic
    features, the bulk of the deep-layer forcing and more anomalous
    low-level inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Upper MS
    Valley and southern Canada. Compared to the southern portions of
    the Slight Risk area, generally speaking instability will not be=20
    as high over the northern portion (i.e. along the path of the=20
    triple point). However, owing largely to the SSW LLJ, especially as
    it becomes more aligned with the mean 850-300 mb flow, the=20
    eastward progression of the quasi-linear convective segments will=20
    slow during the period as per the weakening Corfidi Vectors=20
    (decreasing forward propagation). Therefore the risk for cell=20
    training will increase along and ahead of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    across MD-VA. However plenty of deep-layer instability should
    linger west of the DelMarVa, especially west of I-95, which along
    with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized
    convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk area
    stretching from NM-West TX northeast to the Lower Great Lakes. Have
    also continued with the Marginal Risk (from Day 2) along the TX-LA
    Gulf coast.

    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...
    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated
    flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Pattern Fri-Fri night is quite similar to Thu, with the lingering
    subtle shortwave energy and weak low-mid level cyclonic flow. Much
    like Thursday, despite the optimal thermodynamic profile (high PW,
    high WBZ heights, tall/skinny CAPEs), weak 0-6km bulk shear would
    support more pulse-type convection and thus short-lived intense
    sub-hourly rainfall rates. Have therefore maintained the Marginal
    Risk that was introduced on Day 2 (Thu).


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_Kujl8e2Qg4W2SlyV9tDofDK9RnRyI03qOP9v7itCyNYvxJLIlHldSJzDzgIS1_= MNvxM7NGSUjR6jcsCHB7Thd3eAQ8$ Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_Kujl8e2Qg4W2SlyV9tDofDK9RnRyI03qOP9v7itCyNYvxJLIlHldSJzDzgIS1_= MNvxM7NGSUjR6jcsCHB7TnT8xg7I$ Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_Kujl8e2Qg4W2SlyV9tDofDK9RnRyI03qOP9v7itCyNYvxJLIlHldSJzDzgIS1_= MNvxM7NGSUjR6jcsCHB7Tu2MvniY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 15:45:37 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 281545

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 AM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    ...16Z Update Summary...

    Minor adjustments were made to the MRGL risk area across the Ohio Valley/Midwest/Mid-Atlantic with a general expansion on the
    northern end into Southeast MI to account for a low-end urban flash
    flood risk over the Detroit Metro. Little to no deviation in the=20
    previous risk areas over the plains and Southwestern U.S were made
    this update.


    16Z Update: Changes were very minor to the MRGL risk across the
    Southwest with the main focus continuing to lie over the NM
    terrain, mainly the burn scar locations within the Rockies and
    Sacramento's. PWAT anomalies continue to meander around 1-1.5
    deviations above normal with sufficient low-level buoyancy progged
    through afternoon heating. Some remnant cloud cover this morning
    will inhibit some of the convective potential early on, however the
    focal points within the terrain will still manage to muster enough destabilization to initiate a period of thunderstorms capable of
    localized flooding, especially within those sensitive burn scar
    areas. The most notable areas within the MRGL are covered by a
    Flash Flood Watch to account for the potential.=20

    Will make a small mention of a non-zero flash flood threat within
    the Lower Trans Pecos and Concho Valley in West TX. Antecedent soil
    moisture is down <10% in the area leading to more beneficial
    rainfall within cell development this afternoon. That said, the
    rates within any stronger storms will be capable of exceeding 2"/hr
    based off the latest HREF probability fields. This could allow for
    an isolated flash flood risk within any urbanized areas and/or low
    water crossings.=20=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue
    to support a more north-south outlook area compared to Day 1,=20
    though nonetheless still quite similar. Instability and moisture=20
    parameters (afternoon and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain=20
    similar, and thus the anticipation of more isolated/localized=20
    instances of flash flooding than otherwise, particularly after 18Z=20 coinciding with peak diurnal heating.


    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...

    16Z Update: Little to no change was needed for the MRGL risk across
    the Dakotas into Northwest MN as guidance remains consistent within
    their presentations of a quick-moving complex of thunderstorms
    capable of locally heavy rainfall. Some discrepancy in exactly
    where the heaviest rain will occur with signals mixed between the
    SD/ND border up to the Canadian border. The environment is primed
    for impact somewhere within the confines of the Central and=20
    Eastern Dakotas, so didn't feel it was necessary to change the
    previous forecast with some split in the specific locations of the
    convection. The MRGL risk was maintained and falls within the low
    to middle end of the risk spectrum.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now,
    reasons for keeping the ERO below the Slight threshold over this
    region Wed night include (a) the continued high spread in guidance
    QPFs (including CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion
    of the convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi
    Vectors, given the shear between the low-level flow and mean
    850-300 mb wind.


    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Mid Atlantic...=20

    16Z Update: The biggest change this period involved a minor
    expansion of the MRGL risk to the north to encompass the Detroit=20
    Metro. Current visible satellite across Southern MI depicts a=20
    small circulation migrating eastward off Lake Michigan with some=20
    CAMs now picking up on this feature leading to convection=20
    downstream later in the afternoon. Frontal boundary is just north=20
    of the line from Grand Rapids over into Detroit with a southern=20
    motion anticipated through the day time hours. Thin axis of=20
    instability located across Southeastern MI coupled with the=20
    approaching energy to the west will allow for a pocket of enhanced=20
    low-level convergence capable of a few thunderstorms initiating=20
    just to the west of Detroit, eventually moving overhead during the=20
    peak instability. The threat is low-end within the flash flood=20
    potential, but the proxy of Detroit with lower FFGs due to=20
    urbanization factors corresponding to rates that could breach 1"/hr
    allowed for the previous MRGL risk to be expanded northward to=20
    account for the threat.=20

    Further south, the front to the north will make progress into the=20
    Ohio Valley with an axis of thunderstorms developing along and out=20
    ahead of the front. A broad axis of instability is noted within the
    current theta-E analysis extending from Southern IL across into
    IN/OH with a secondary instability max located within the Central
    Mid-Atlantic. Front over the Northern Mid-Atlantic will migrate
    south with a convergent pattern developing in-of the front as it
    approaches Southern PA into Northern MD. Guidance isn't as keen on
    the potential, but there's enough of a signal remaining to maintain
    the previous MRGL risk given the focal point of the front, as well
    as the strong instability presence located over the above area.
    Adjustments to the northern fringe of the risk area were made in
    conjunction with the HREF blended mean QPF footprint and
    neighborhood probability for >2".=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the=20 central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and=20 instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along=20
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the=20
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training,=20
    especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less). WPC QPF=20
    and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the previous=20
    forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res CAM=20
    window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper=20
    divergence... low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over=20
    northern NY- New England will favor more widespread convection,=20
    especially when coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack
    of robust low- level moist inflow/transport will likely not=20
    sustain/prolong strong updrafts and intense hourly/sub- hourly=20
    rainfall rates. As a result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from
    yesterday's Day 2 ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the=20
    latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    The biggest change from yesterday's Day 3 ERO was to upgrade a
    portion of the Marginal Risk to Slight across parts of the Lower MO
    Valley into the Upper MS Valley. Have also added a Marginal Risk
    across the central-western LA and Middle-Upper TX Gulf Coast.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...
    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold front will
    continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low lifting north
    into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the progression of synoptic
    features, the bulk of the deep-layer forcing and more anomalous
    low-level inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Upper MS
    Valley and southern Canada. Compared to the southern portions of
    the Slight Risk area, generally speaking instability will not be
    as high over the northern portion (i.e. along the path of the
    triple point). However, owing largely to the SSW LLJ, especially as
    it becomes more aligned with the mean 850-300 mb flow, the
    eastward progression of the quasi-linear convective segments will
    slow during the period as per the weakening Corfidi Vectors
    (decreasing forward propagation). Therefore the risk for cell
    training will increase along and ahead of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...
    Lingering quasi-stationary boundary across the Mid Atlantic will
    couple with increasing right entrance region forcing via an upper
    level jet streak traversing NY-New England. Over time, the CAD
    signature becomes evident from the guidance -- i.e. cooler/more
    stable low-level air and a south-southwest dip in the surface
    across MD-VA. However plenty of deep-layer instability should
    linger west of the DelMarVa, especially west of I-95, which along
    with the forcing, should allow for more widespread/organized
    convection and a localized flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Few changes were made to yesterday's Day 4 ERO Marginal Risk area
    stretching from NM-West TX northeast to the Lower Great Lakes. Have
    also continued with the Marginal Risk (from Day 2) along the TX-LA
    Gulf coast.

    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...
    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated
    flash flood threat.

    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...
    Pattern Fri-Fri night is quite similar to Thu, with the lingering
    subtle shortwave energy and weak low-mid level cyclonic flow. Much
    like Thursday, despite the optimal thermodynamic profile (high PW,
    high WBZ heights, tall/skinny CAPEs), weak 0-6km bulk shear would
    support more pulse-type convection and thus short-lived intense
    sub-hourly rainfall rates. Have therefore maintained the Marginal
    Risk that was introduced on Day 2 (Thu).


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-P53c_LAXSLZPhbzcLbMON5Ln3CInLY3BXVryazSYJ7x3w76gph49vTLxSbgpWD= u44c-SlEOjxxqXxu6Ry1yrERBPw0$ Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-P53c_LAXSLZPhbzcLbMON5Ln3CInLY3BXVryazSYJ7x3w76gph49vTLxSbgpWD= u44c-SlEOjxxqXxu6Ry1ykvk49Rk$ Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-P53c_LAXSLZPhbzcLbMON5Ln3CInLY3BXVryazSYJ7x3w76gph49vTLxSbgpWD= u44c-SlEOjxxqXxu6Ry1yrUrQigQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Aug 28 19:50:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 281950

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    350 PM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Aug 28 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    ...16Z Update Summary...

    Minor adjustments were made to the MRGL risk area across the Ohio Valley/Midwest/Mid-Atlantic with a general expansion on the
    northern end into Southeast MI to account for a low-end urban flash
    flood risk over the Detroit Metro. Little to no deviation in the
    previous risk areas over the plains and Southwestern U.S were made
    this update.


    16Z Update: Changes were very minor to the MRGL risk across the
    Southwest with the main focus continuing to lie over the NM
    terrain, mainly the burn scar locations within the Rockies and
    Sacramento's. PWAT anomalies continue to meander around 1-1.5
    deviations above normal with sufficient low-level buoyancy progged
    through afternoon heating. Some remnant cloud cover this morning
    will inhibit some of the convective potential early on, however the
    focal points within the terrain will still manage to muster enough destabilization to initiate a period of thunderstorms capable of
    localized flooding, especially within those sensitive burn scar
    areas. The most notable areas within the MRGL are covered by a
    Flash Flood Watch to account for the potential.

    Will make a small mention of a non-zero flash flood threat within
    the Lower Trans Pecos and Concho Valley in West TX. Antecedent soil
    moisture is down <10% in the area leading to more beneficial
    rainfall within cell development this afternoon. That said, the
    rates within any stronger storms will be capable of exceeding 2"/hr
    based off the latest HREF probability fields. This could allow for
    an isolated flash flood risk within any urbanized areas and/or low
    water crossings.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue
    to support a more north-south outlook area compared to Day 1,
    though nonetheless still quite similar. Instability and moisture
    parameters (afternoon and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain
    similar, and thus the anticipation of more isolated/localized
    instances of flash flooding than otherwise, particularly after 18Z
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating.


    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...

    16Z Update: Little to no change was needed for the MRGL risk across
    the Dakotas into Northwest MN as guidance remains consistent within
    their presentations of a quick-moving complex of thunderstorms
    capable of locally heavy rainfall. Some discrepancy in exactly
    where the heaviest rain will occur with signals mixed between the
    SD/ND border up to the Canadian border. The environment is primed
    for impact somewhere within the confines of the Central and
    Eastern Dakotas, so didn't feel it was necessary to change the
    previous forecast with some split in the specific locations of the
    convection. The MRGL risk was maintained and falls within the low
    to middle end of the risk spectrum.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now,
    reasons for keeping the ERO below the Slight threshold over this
    region Wed night include (a) the continued high spread in guidance
    QPFs (including CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion
    of the convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi
    Vectors, given the shear between the low-level flow and mean
    850-300 mb wind.


    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Mid Atlantic...

    16Z Update: The biggest change this period involved a minor
    expansion of the MRGL risk to the north to encompass the Detroit
    Metro. Current visible satellite across Southern MI depicts a
    small circulation migrating eastward off Lake Michigan with some
    CAMs now picking up on this feature leading to convection
    downstream later in the afternoon. Frontal boundary is just north
    of the line from Grand Rapids over into Detroit with a southern
    motion anticipated through the day time hours. Thin axis of
    instability located across Southeastern MI coupled with the
    approaching energy to the west will allow for a pocket of enhanced
    low-level convergence capable of a few thunderstorms initiating
    just to the west of Detroit, eventually moving overhead during the
    peak instability. The threat is low-end within the flash flood
    potential, but the proxy of Detroit with lower FFGs due to
    urbanization factors corresponding to rates that could breach 1"/hr
    allowed for the previous MRGL risk to be expanded northward to
    account for the threat.

    Further south, the front to the north will make progress into the
    Ohio Valley with an axis of thunderstorms developing along and out
    ahead of the front. A broad axis of instability is noted within the
    current theta-E analysis extending from Southern IL across into
    IN/OH with a secondary instability max located within the Central
    Mid-Atlantic. Front over the Northern Mid-Atlantic will migrate
    south with a convergent pattern developing in-of the front as it
    approaches Southern PA into Northern MD. Guidance isn't as keen on
    the potential, but there's enough of a signal remaining to maintain
    the previous MRGL risk given the focal point of the front, as well
    as the strong instability presence located over the above area.
    Adjustments to the northern fringe of the risk area were made in
    conjunction with the HREF blended mean QPF footprint and
    neighborhood probability for >2".


    ..Previous Discussion..

    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training,
    especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less). WPC QPF
    and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the previous
    forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res CAM
    window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper
    divergence... low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over
    northern NY- New England will favor more widespread convection,
    especially when coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack
    of robust low- level moist inflow/transport will likely not
    sustain/prolong strong updrafts and intense hourly/sub- hourly
    rainfall rates. As a result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from
    yesterday's Day 2 ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the
    latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk across the Midwest was generally maintained with only
    minor adjustments necessary. Additional SLGT risks were added
    across the Piedmont of VA into the WV Panhandle, as well as along
    the Southeast TX coast. The MRGL risk was expanded further
    southwest into NM.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...

    20Z Update: The previous forecast remains steadfast with little
    variance from run-to-run creating a general continuity in the MRGL
    and SLGT risk proposals across the Midwest and Central Plains.
    Increasing ascent from a vigorous upper low over the Northern
    Plains will generate a period of scattered to widespread convection
    with embedded heavy rainfall within the strongest cell cores. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for >2" and >3" are both fairly
    aggressive (40-70%) within the outlined SLGT risk area with the
    core of the potential lying across the Corn Belt of IA into
    Southern MN. This area has been dry as of late, so some of the
    precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong mid-
    level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of flooding,
    especially within any urban footprint.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold
    front will continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low=20
    lifting north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the=20
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep-layer=20
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will=20
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. Compared to=20
    the southern portions of the Slight Risk area, generally speaking=20 instability will not be as high over the northern portion (i.e.=20
    along the path of the triple point). However, owing largely to the=20
    SSW LLJ, especially as it becomes more aligned with the mean=20
    850-300 mb flow, the eastward progression of the quasi-linear=20
    convective segments will slow during the period as per the=20
    weakening Corfidi Vectors (decreasing forward propagation).=20
    Therefore the risk for cell training will increase along and ahead=20
    of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...

    20Z Update: A SLGT risk has been introduced across the VA Piedmont
    down into portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA
    line, including the WV Panhandle and Allegheny Front. Backdoor
    front will be co-located within the confines of the above area with
    a fairly well-depicted axis of low-level instability and
    anticipated surface convergence. A core of elevated theta-E will
    align with the front from northwest to southeast during the
    afternoon hours while a jet streak to the northeast catches the
    Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-entrance region of the
    jet leading to appreciable upper forcing during peak
    destabilization. Widespread convective activity will initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front, drifting
    eastward under the guide of a very slow forecast storm motion as
    indicated from the latest forecast soundings off various CAMs and
    global guidance. MLCAPE between 2500-3500 J/kg will be common
    within the vicinity of the front, so ample surface based
    instability will be present to maximize potential of any
    thunderstorm development. Local amounts of 2-4" will be plausible
    based on the recent HREF blended QPF output and enhanced
    probabilistic signals based off the 12z CAMs. In coordination with
    the local WFOs in the region, a SLGT risk was added with emphasis
    on areas west of the Potomac in WV/VA.=20


    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    20Z Update: The premise noted in the previous forecast still
    maintains merit with little change in the overall pattern. The most
    notable difference is the uptick in the QPF based within the
    ensemble mean(s), as well as a strong consensus within the CAMs
    that elevated the probabilities for totals exceeding 5" with some
    lower end potential for upwards of 8" along the TX coast. HREF EAS
    signal for 2" is also relatively robust with a solid 40-60% marker
    along the coastal plain extending from Eastern Matagorda up through
    Galveston into the Upper TX coast into the Lower Sabine. EAS for 3"
    is also within the 15-20% range, which considering the conservative
    nature of the parameter is a pretty notable output over the areas
    mentioned above. The current evolution maintains the heaviest
    rainfall and accompanying rates away from the urban center of
    Houston, but sits just south of the city. Considering the recent
    trends and the anomalous moisture source off the Gulf helping aid
    the pattern, a SLGT risk was added along the TX coast between
    Matagorda up through Port Arthur and the far Southwest corner of


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana Coasts...

    A continuation from D2 will spill over into Friday as a weak
    disturbance from the Western Gulf will pivot northward into Eastern
    TX with a prevailing south to southeast flow funneling tropical
    moisture into the coastal plain of Southeast TX and Southwest LA.
    Still some discrepancy within the recent global deterministic on
    the depth of the protrusion of the elevated moisture field and
    accompanying heavy rain footprint across the region. Despite the
    differences, the environment is very much favorable with the
    recently ML and ensemble mean QPF output indicating another round
    of heavy precip impacting areas that will have seen a considerable
    amount of rain the prior 24 hrs. The trajectory of the mid-level
    disturbance off the Gulf will make the difference in exactly where
    the best heavy rain axis will occur as ascent provided under the
    guide of the complex will determine where the more appreciable
    totals would occur. As of now, a general 2-4" with locally higher
    is expected, leading to a chance for 2-day totals to exceed 8" in
    areas that see repeated action in both D2 and D3 time frames. A
    SLGT risk was added to very similar locations to D2 with a small
    extension eastward into more of Southwest LA as the southerly fetch
    off the Gulf is forecast to bisect that region when analyzing
    ensemble outputs.=20


    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...

    20Z Update: There were very little changes necessary to the
    expansive MRGL extending from the Southwest through the Great
    Lakes. Convective pattern will be driven by relevant moisture
    anomalies aligned along the cold front as it slowly migrates to the
    south and east with high pressure pressing down from the north.=20
    Currently, there is no one favored area of convective=20
    organization, however the zone within the Mid- Mississippi Valley=20
    and down across West TX is the most likely candidate for any=20
    potential upgrade. Both areas have been dry recently, so the=20
    antecedent conditions work against the potential, so maintained
    continuity given the pattern remaining the same from the previous


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO=20
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the=20
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the=20
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along=20
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust=20
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated=20
    flash flood threat.=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_jhzdcSw9g8HyFnJzDR07_QhEPTWLx8WcQWhqKYMnBiLZsKHD8BEYH4SYJOVPLu= 4ft6zv8aERYpodaWfSGgIkrGyYTY$ Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_jhzdcSw9g8HyFnJzDR07_QhEPTWLx8WcQWhqKYMnBiLZsKHD8BEYH4SYJOVPLu= 4ft6zv8aERYpodaWfSGgII3RofUE$ Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!_jhzdcSw9g8HyFnJzDR07_QhEPTWLx8WcQWhqKYMnBiLZsKHD8BEYH4SYJOVPLu= 4ft6zv8aERYpodaWfSGgIFv4WZIk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 00:59:08 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 290058

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    858 PM EDT Wed Aug 28 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024


    ...01Z Update...
    Based on current radar/satellite trends and recent hi-res guidance
    - the biggest adjustment was to reduce the extent of the Marginal=20
    Risk area previously extending from the mid Mississippi Valley to=20
    the Mid Atlantic. In the northern Plains and the Southwest, made=20
    only minor adjustments.


    ...16Z Update Summary...

    Minor adjustments were made to the MRGL risk area across the Ohio Valley/Midwest/Mid-Atlantic with a general expansion on the
    northern end into Southeast MI to account for a low-end urban flash
    flood risk over the Detroit Metro. Little to no deviation in the
    previous risk areas over the plains and Southwestern U.S were made
    this update.


    16Z Update: Changes were very minor to the MRGL risk across the
    Southwest with the main focus continuing to lie over the NM
    terrain, mainly the burn scar locations within the Rockies and
    Sacramento's. PWAT anomalies continue to meander around 1-1.5
    deviations above normal with sufficient low-level buoyancy progged
    through afternoon heating. Some remnant cloud cover this morning
    will inhibit some of the convective potential early on, however the
    focal points within the terrain will still manage to muster enough destabilization to initiate a period of thunderstorms capable of
    localized flooding, especially within those sensitive burn scar
    areas. The most notable areas within the MRGL are covered by a
    Flash Flood Watch to account for the potential.

    Will make a small mention of a non-zero flash flood threat within
    the Lower Trans Pecos and Concho Valley in West TX. Antecedent soil
    moisture is down <10% in the area leading to more beneficial
    rainfall within cell development this afternoon. That said, the
    rates within any stronger storms will be capable of exceeding 2"/hr
    based off the latest HREF probability fields. This could allow for
    an isolated flash flood risk within any urbanized areas and/or low
    water crossings.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Guidance mid-level vorticity progs continue
    to support a more north-south outlook area compared to Day 1,
    though nonetheless still quite similar. Instability and moisture
    parameters (afternoon and evening CAPE and PW profiles) remain
    similar, and thus the anticipation of more isolated/localized
    instances of flash flooding than otherwise, particularly after 18Z
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating.


    ...Eastern Dakotas-Western Minnesota...

    16Z Update: Little to no change was needed for the MRGL risk across
    the Dakotas into Northwest MN as guidance remains consistent within
    their presentations of a quick-moving complex of thunderstorms
    capable of locally heavy rainfall. Some discrepancy in exactly
    where the heaviest rain will occur with signals mixed between the
    SD/ND border up to the Canadian border. The environment is primed
    for impact somewhere within the confines of the Central and
    Eastern Dakotas, so didn't feel it was necessary to change the
    previous forecast with some split in the specific locations of the
    convection. The MRGL risk was maintained and falls within the low
    to middle end of the risk spectrum.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Strong, deep-layer warm and moisture advection ahead of the next
    vigorous mid-upper level trough (closed 500-300 mb low) and
    associated surface fronts will favor more organized/widespread
    elevated convection by Wed night ahead of the advancing low-level
    warm front. After 00Z, 850 mb southerly flow increases to 40-50 kts
    from west to east across the outlook area, which is around 4
    standard deviations above normal per the SREF and GEFS. Not
    surprisingly, 850-700 mb moisture flux anomalies also climb to +3
    to +4. Given the strength of the low-mid layer moisture transport
    and uptick in IVT, isolated QPF totals of 3-5" per some of the 00Z
    CAM runs should not come as a surprise. However, at least for now,
    reasons for keeping the ERO below the Slight threshold over this
    region Wed night include (a) the continued high spread in guidance
    QPFs (including CAMs), along with (b) progressive southeast motion
    of the convection growing upscale (MCS) per the forecast Corfidi
    Vectors, given the shear between the low-level flow and mean
    850-300 mb wind.


    ...Eastern Portions of the Mid Mississippi Valley-Ohio Valley-
    Mid Atlantic...

    16Z Update: The biggest change this period involved a minor
    expansion of the MRGL risk to the north to encompass the Detroit
    Metro. Current visible satellite across Southern MI depicts a
    small circulation migrating eastward off Lake Michigan with some
    CAMs now picking up on this feature leading to convection
    downstream later in the afternoon. Frontal boundary is just north
    of the line from Grand Rapids over into Detroit with a southern
    motion anticipated through the day time hours. Thin axis of
    instability located across Southeastern MI coupled with the
    approaching energy to the west will allow for a pocket of enhanced
    low-level convergence capable of a few thunderstorms initiating
    just to the west of Detroit, eventually moving overhead during the
    peak instability. The threat is low-end within the flash flood
    potential, but the proxy of Detroit with lower FFGs due to
    urbanization factors corresponding to rates that could breach 1"/hr
    allowed for the previous MRGL risk to be expanded northward to
    account for the threat.

    Further south, the front to the north will make progress into the
    Ohio Valley with an axis of thunderstorms developing along and out
    ahead of the front. A broad axis of instability is noted within the
    current theta-E analysis extending from Southern IL across into
    IN/OH with a secondary instability max located within the Central
    Mid-Atlantic. Front over the Northern Mid-Atlantic will migrate
    south with a convergent pattern developing in-of the front as it
    approaches Southern PA into Northern MD. Guidance isn't as keen on
    the potential, but there's enough of a signal remaining to maintain
    the previous MRGL risk given the focal point of the front, as well
    as the strong instability presence located over the above area.
    Adjustments to the northern fringe of the risk area were made in
    conjunction with the HREF blended mean QPF footprint and
    neighborhood probability for >2".


    ..Previous Discussion..

    W-E frontal boundary will sink southward on Wednesday, then remain quasi-stationary Wed night as the mid-upper trough traverses the central-northern Rockies and High Plains. Deep-layer moisture and
    instability will be sufficient for areas of heavy rainfall along
    this boundary, while the easterly storm motions (parallel to the
    low-mid level fronts) would support the risk of cell training,
    especially when the Corfidi Vectors drop to 5 kt or less). WPC QPF
    and smart blends (NBM and HREF) have come up from the previous
    forecast, with the D1 period now fully within the high-res CAM
    window. Uptick in right-entrance region forcing (upper
    divergence... low-level FGEN) from the upper level jet streak over
    northern NY- New England will favor more widespread convection,
    especially when coinciding with peak diurnal heating. However, lack
    of robust low- level moist inflow/transport will likely not
    sustain/prolong strong updrafts and intense hourly/sub- hourly
    rainfall rates. As a result, have maintained the Marginal Risk from
    yesterday's Day 2 ERO, albeit with a few tweaks based on the
    latest guidance trends.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk across the Midwest was generally maintained with only
    minor adjustments necessary. Additional SLGT risks were added
    across the Piedmont of VA into the WV Panhandle, as well as along
    the Southeast TX coast. The MRGL risk was expanded further
    southwest into NM.

    ...Lower MO Valley and Corn Belt into the Upper MS Valley...

    20Z Update: The previous forecast remains steadfast with little
    variance from run-to-run creating a general continuity in the MRGL
    and SLGT risk proposals across the Midwest and Central Plains.
    Increasing ascent from a vigorous upper low over the Northern
    Plains will generate a period of scattered to widespread convection
    with embedded heavy rainfall within the strongest cell cores. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for >2" and >3" are both fairly
    aggressive (40-70%) within the outlined SLGT risk area with the
    core of the potential lying across the Corn Belt of IA into
    Southern MN. This area has been dry as of late, so some of the
    precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong mid-
    level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of flooding,
    especially within any urban footprint.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Aforementioned upper trough and associated surface cold
    front will continue eastward Thu-Thu night as the mid-upper low
    lifting north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep-layer
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. Compared to
    the southern portions of the Slight Risk area, generally speaking
    instability will not be as high over the northern portion (i.e.
    along the path of the triple point). However, owing largely to the
    SSW LLJ, especially as it becomes more aligned with the mean
    850-300 mb flow, the eastward progression of the quasi-linear
    convective segments will slow during the period as per the
    weakening Corfidi Vectors (decreasing forward propagation).
    Therefore the risk for cell training will increase along and ahead
    of the front.

    Farther south (IA and eastern NE), the pre-frontal activity should
    be more forward-propagating, however much higher deep-layer
    instability south of the triple point, especially by late Thu-Thu
    night, will maintain the risk of more intense hourly rainfall
    rates (1.75-2.00+ inches) a little while longer (beyond 00Z Fri)
    per the 00Z HREF exceedance probabilities.

    ...Mid Atlantic Region...

    20Z Update: A SLGT risk has been introduced across the VA Piedmont
    down into portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA
    line, including the WV Panhandle and Allegheny Front. Backdoor
    front will be co-located within the confines of the above area with
    a fairly well-depicted axis of low-level instability and
    anticipated surface convergence. A core of elevated theta-E will
    align with the front from northwest to southeast during the
    afternoon hours while a jet streak to the northeast catches the
    Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-entrance region of the
    jet leading to appreciable upper forcing during peak
    destabilization. Widespread convective activity will initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front, drifting
    eastward under the guide of a very slow forecast storm motion as
    indicated from the latest forecast soundings off various CAMs and
    global guidance. MLCAPE between 2500-3500 J/kg will be common
    within the vicinity of the front, so ample surface based
    instability will be present to maximize potential of any
    thunderstorm development. Local amounts of 2-4" will be plausible
    based on the recent HREF blended QPF output and enhanced
    probabilistic signals based off the 12z CAMs. In coordination with
    the local WFOs in the region, a SLGT risk was added with emphasis
    on areas west of the Potomac in WV/VA.


    ...Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    20Z Update: The premise noted in the previous forecast still
    maintains merit with little change in the overall pattern. The most
    notable difference is the uptick in the QPF based within the
    ensemble mean(s), as well as a strong consensus within the CAMs
    that elevated the probabilities for totals exceeding 5" with some
    lower end potential for upwards of 8" along the TX coast. HREF EAS
    signal for 2" is also relatively robust with a solid 40-60% marker
    along the coastal plain extending from Eastern Matagorda up through
    Galveston into the Upper TX coast into the Lower Sabine. EAS for 3"
    is also within the 15-20% range, which considering the conservative
    nature of the parameter is a pretty notable output over the areas
    mentioned above. The current evolution maintains the heaviest
    rainfall and accompanying rates away from the urban center of
    Houston, but sits just south of the city. Considering the recent
    trends and the anomalous moisture source off the Gulf helping aid
    the pattern, a SLGT risk was added along the TX coast between
    Matagorda up through Port Arthur and the far Southwest corner of


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Underneath the broad upper ridge, models show a subtle mid-upper
    level shortwave lifting gradually northward toward the central-
    western LA Coast on Thu. Subtle upper-level forcing (DPVA/upper
    divergence) along with persistent (albeit not overly robust) low-
    level moisture transport from the GOMEX will make for a localized
    flash food risk, especially coinciding with peak diurnal heating
    Thu afternoon. PW values increasing to 2.3-2.4 inches along with
    MLCAPEs between 1000-2000 J/Kg (tall/skinny distribution) and WBZ
    heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an optimal
    thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall. Sub-hourly rainfall rates
    of 2-3" will be possible underneath the strongest cores. By the
    same token, 0-6km bulk shear generally 20kts or less will lead to
    more pulse-type convection and thus more short-lived intense
    rainfall rates. Still enough of a flash flood risk to support a
    Marginal Outlook area in the ERO, especially given the uptick in
    southeasterly low-level flow from the Gulf on Thursday, which
    would be of equal or greater magnitude compared to the 850-300 mb
    wind. Corfidi Vectors aligning in the opposite direction than the
    inflow would support increased upwind propagation and cell


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...Southeast Texas and Southwest Louisiana Coasts...

    A continuation from D2 will spill over into Friday as a weak
    disturbance from the Western Gulf will pivot northward into Eastern
    TX with a prevailing south to southeast flow funneling tropical
    moisture into the coastal plain of Southeast TX and Southwest LA.
    Still some discrepancy within the recent global deterministic on
    the depth of the protrusion of the elevated moisture field and
    accompanying heavy rain footprint across the region. Despite the
    differences, the environment is very much favorable with the
    recently ML and ensemble mean QPF output indicating another round
    of heavy precip impacting areas that will have seen a considerable
    amount of rain the prior 24 hrs. The trajectory of the mid-level
    disturbance off the Gulf will make the difference in exactly where
    the best heavy rain axis will occur as ascent provided under the
    guide of the complex will determine where the more appreciable
    totals would occur. As of now, a general 2-4" with locally higher
    is expected, leading to a chance for 2-day totals to exceed 8" in
    areas that see repeated action in both D2 and D3 time frames. A
    SLGT risk was added to very similar locations to D2 with a small
    extension eastward into more of Southwest LA as the southerly fetch
    off the Gulf is forecast to bisect that region when analyzing
    ensemble outputs.


    ...Southern Rockies-Plains into the Mid MS Valley, Northern OH
    Valley, and Lower Great Lakes...

    20Z Update: There were very little changes necessary to the
    expansive MRGL extending from the Southwest through the Great
    Lakes. Convective pattern will be driven by relevant moisture
    anomalies aligned along the cold front as it slowly migrates to the
    south and east with high pressure pressing down from the north.
    Currently, there is no one favored area of convective
    organization, however the zone within the Mid- Mississippi Valley
    and down across West TX is the most likely candidate for any
    potential upgrade. Both areas have been dry recently, so the
    antecedent conditions work against the potential, so maintained
    continuity given the pattern remaining the same from the previous


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Elongated Marginal Risk inherited from yesterday's Day 4 ERO
    continues to look good; made a minor adjustment by extending the
    southern periphery farther south across TX-AR-MO-KY given the
    latest guidance trends. QG forcing, kinematic, and forcing along
    the expansive frontal boundary will doesn't appear to be robust
    given the upper level pattern; however, pooling of above normal PWs
    ahead of the front along with the diurnal instability will support
    the potential for locally excessive rainfall and thus an isolated
    flash flood threat.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-ZVoYxoFS8XPd5u26iRL782pAKlgHOhM4Fib5knQC3YCcyJQzD1wfFii82O7LG2= YmmcKVajMrq7unY3gJGgbh_dC06c$ Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/98epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-ZVoYxoFS8XPd5u26iRL782pAKlgHOhM4Fib5knQC3YCcyJQzD1wfFii82O7LG2= YmmcKVajMrq7unY3gJGgb0A_wYck$ Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/99epoints.txt= __;!!DZ3fjg!-ZVoYxoFS8XPd5u26iRL782pAKlgHOhM4Fib5knQC3YCcyJQzD1wfFii82O7LG2= YmmcKVajMrq7unY3gJGgblHgtigE$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 08:23:33 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 290823

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 AM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    Lower Missouri Valley to the Upper Midwest...

    Height falls associated with an upper trough and surface cold=20
    front will continue eastward today and tonight as a deep mid-=20
    upper low lifts north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the=20
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep- layer=20
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will=20
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for greater than 2 inch and greater than
    3 inch amounts remain fairly aggressive (40-70%) within the
    previously issued Slight risk area with the core of the potential=20
    being located over parts of Iowa and southern Minnesota. As=20
    mentioned before...this area has been dry as of late, so some of=20
    the precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong=20
    mid- level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of=20
    flooding, especially within any urban footprint.

    Mid Atlantic Region...

    Maintained the Slight risk area across the VA Piedmont down into=20
    portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA line with
    only minor modifications. There will be a fairly well-depicted=20
    axis of low- level instability and anticipated surface convergence
    in proximity to a backdoor front settling in to the area. A core=20
    of elevated theta-E will align with the front from northwest to=20
    southeast during the afternoon hours while a jet streak to the=20
    northeast catches the Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-=20
    entrance region of the jet leading to appreciable upper forcing=20
    during peak destabilization. Convective activity is expected to initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front then drift=20
    eastward. various CAMs and global guidance. MLCAPE between=20
    2500-3500 J/kg will be common within the vicinity of the front, so=20
    ample surface based instability will be present to maximize=20
    potential of any thunderstorm development.=20

    Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    Models show a subtle mid-upper level shortwave lifting gradually=20
    northward toward the central- western LA Coast today and tonight.=20
    Subtle upper- level forcing along with persistent (albeit not=20
    overly robust) low- level moisture transport from the Gulf of
    Mexico will result in a localized flash food risk, especially=20
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating . Precipitable water values=20
    increase to 2.3-2.4 inches along with MLCAPEs between 1000-2000=20
    J/Kg and WBZ heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an
    optimal thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall as shown in the=20
    NAM and ARW guidance. This should result in rainfall rates of 2-3=20
    inch on a sub-hourly time scale will be possible underneath the=20
    strongest cores. Given that the overall forecast reasoning has not=20
    changed and the latest and the latest guidance continues to show 3=20
    to 5+ inch amounts hugging the coastline...saw little reason to=20
    make more than minor nudges to the Slight risk and Marginal risk=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Gulf Coast...

    There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall along the immediate
    Gulf coast region of southeast Texas into a small portion of=20
    adjacent Louisiana...with a Marginal risk area extending as far=20
    north as the upper Great Lakes in response to gulf moisture=20
    streaming northward ahead of a well-defined cold front advancing=20
    eastward. In addition...a well defined circulation that has=20
    persisted a couple of days over the Gulf of Mexico and Texas will=20
    meander eastward into Arkansas. While its impact will be waning as=20
    the system fills...it still could allow for additional convective=20
    flare-ups along and near the Gulf of Mexico. Precipitable water=20
    values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from eastern Texas into=20
    Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then extending north and east=20
    ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5 standard anomalies above=20
    climatology being an indication of the moisture-laden atmosphere=20
    still in place. Discrepancies linger in the guidance on placement=20
    and amounts in where the deepest moisture gets funneled...with the
    above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role. Between=20
    the NBM still showing 2 to 4+ inch amounts along the southeast=20
    Texas coast on Day 2 alone and a more than 6 inches for a 2-day=20
    total in proximity to the 28/12Z guidance and already covered by=20
    yesterday's Day 3 outlook...saw little reason to make any changes=20
    to the Slight Risk area.

    Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that is
    initially drawn northward and then northeastward towards the Great
    Lakes ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and=20
    eastward. By 00Z Saturday...moisture anomalies of 2 standardized
    anomalies will be in place. The overall upper forcing still does
    not appear to be terribly robust but the diurnal instability
    supports at least the potential for locally excessive rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    There is a Slight risk of excessive rainfall once again over
    portions of the Upper Texas coast and adjacent portions of=20
    Louisiana with a broad Marginal risk are extending northward and=20
    eastward as gulf moisture streams northward ahead of...and=20
    eventually intersects with...a cold front. The 29/00Z suite of=20
    guidance focuses highest rainfall amounts from Saturday into early=20
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana=20
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of=20
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a=20
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this=20
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS). Two inch=20
    precipitable water values are forecast to extend from eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana. During the=20
    ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front reaches=20
    portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the=20
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and=20
    Arkansas. Expectations are that downpours will be possible along=20
    and ahead of the front. Given the amount of moisture and weaker=20
    steering flow, though, the southern portion of the Marginal area=20
    has a better chance for excessive rainfall while storms to the=20
    north should be more progressive leading to a nominally low/more=20
    isolated excessive rainfall risk. The question remains whether or=20
    ot the stronger dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates.=20
    Will leave as a Marginal risk area for the time being in deference=20
    to the NBM amounts and guidance from the CSU ML EROs.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!94rcDmbNoW620Tpa1Da1KM6Fi5pTT8AqPB_4sQ_5rxkD= OKu3tceorok7-oqCDH3ceWm-K-g7iRmntrFlhtwp4VUasKc$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!94rcDmbNoW620Tpa1Da1KM6Fi5pTT8AqPB_4sQ_5rxkD= OKu3tceorok7-oqCDH3ceWm-K-g7iRmntrFlhtwpjkAJF38$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!94rcDmbNoW620Tpa1Da1KM6Fi5pTT8AqPB_4sQ_5rxkD= OKu3tceorok7-oqCDH3ceWm-K-g7iRmntrFlhtwpjW0YbiY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 15:39:53 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 291539

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1139 AM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    ...16Z Update...


    The primary changes to the ERO for this period were focused across
    the Mid-Atlantic. The guidance has expanded northward as far as
    where the strongest storms capable of producing flash flooding are
    expected to develop later this afternoon through this evening. In
    coordination with CTP/State College, PA and LWX/Sterling, VA
    forecast offices, the Slight Risk across the Virginia Piedmont was
    expanded well to the north to include much of central Pennsylvania
    today, as well as nudged eastward to include the Washington DC

    Guidance suggests a small but potent shortwave in the upper Midwest
    will race southeastward into the northern Mid-Atlantic tonight.
    Combined with lift from the right entrance region of the jet as
    well as PWATs above 1.5 inches, there will be ample forcing for
    thunderstorms across Pennsylvania this afternoon and evening, while
    the greatest moisture stays south across the Delmarva. This
    discontinuity should help to prevent more widespread impacts from

    ...Gulf Coast...

    No significant changes were made other than nudging the Marginal to
    include New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The tropical low responsible
    for the rain will continue to send slow-moving bands of heavy rain
    into the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts into tonight, with the
    heaviest rain expected after midnight local. The Slight for the
    Upper Texas Gulf Coast is primarily for the urban centers of
    Beaumont and Galveston, as there remains considerable uncertainty
    as to how far inland the bands will maintain themselves as they
    move away from their Gulf fuel source.=20


    The potent front across the Midwest and Plains will produce an area
    of fast moving but training storms across this region this
    afternoon and evening. The guidance has been very consistent with
    this feature, so no changes were made.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Lower Missouri Valley to the Upper Midwest...

    Height falls associated with an upper trough and surface cold
    front will continue eastward today and tonight as a deep mid-
    upper low lifts north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep- layer
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for greater than 2 inch and greater than
    3 inch amounts remain fairly aggressive (40-70%) within the
    previously issued Slight risk area with the core of the potential
    being located over parts of Iowa and southern Minnesota. As
    mentioned before...this area has been dry as of late, so some of
    the precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong
    mid- level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of
    flooding, especially within any urban footprint.

    Mid Atlantic Region...

    Maintained the Slight risk area across the VA Piedmont down into
    portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA line with
    only minor modifications. There will be a fairly well-depicted
    axis of low- level instability and anticipated surface convergence
    in proximity to a backdoor front settling in to the area. A core
    of elevated theta-E will align with the front from northwest to
    southeast during the afternoon hours while a jet streak to the
    northeast catches the Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-
    entrance region of the jet leading to appreciable upper forcing
    during peak destabilization. Convective activity is expected to initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front then drift
    eastward. various CAMs and global guidance. MLCAPE between
    2500-3500 J/kg will be common within the vicinity of the front, so
    ample surface based instability will be present to maximize
    potential of any thunderstorm development.

    Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    Models show a subtle mid-upper level shortwave lifting gradually
    northward toward the central- western LA Coast today and tonight.
    Subtle upper- level forcing along with persistent (albeit not
    overly robust) low- level moisture transport from the Gulf of
    Mexico will result in a localized flash food risk, especially
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating . Precipitable water values
    increase to 2.3-2.4 inches along with MLCAPEs between 1000-2000
    J/Kg and WBZ heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an
    optimal thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall as shown in the
    NAM and ARW guidance. This should result in rainfall rates of 2-3
    inch on a sub-hourly time scale will be possible underneath the
    strongest cores. Given that the overall forecast reasoning has not
    changed and the latest and the latest guidance continues to show 3
    to 5+ inch amounts hugging the coastline...saw little reason to
    make more than minor nudges to the Slight risk and Marginal risk


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    Gulf Coast...

    There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall along the immediate
    Gulf coast region of southeast Texas into a small portion of
    adjacent Louisiana...with a Marginal risk area extending as far
    north as the upper Great Lakes in response to gulf moisture
    streaming northward ahead of a well-defined cold front advancing
    eastward. In addition...a well defined circulation that has
    persisted a couple of days over the Gulf of Mexico and Texas will
    meander eastward into Arkansas. While its impact will be waning as
    the system fills...it still could allow for additional convective
    flare-ups along and near the Gulf of Mexico. Precipitable water
    values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from eastern Texas into
    Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then extending north and east
    ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5 standard anomalies above
    climatology being an indication of the moisture-laden atmosphere
    still in place. Discrepancies linger in the guidance on placement
    and amounts in where the deepest moisture gets funneled...with the
    above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role. Between
    the NBM still showing 2 to 4+ inch amounts along the southeast
    Texas coast on Day 2 alone and a more than 6 inches for a 2-day
    total in proximity to the 28/12Z guidance and already covered by
    yesterday's Day 3 outlook...saw little reason to make any changes
    to the Slight Risk area.

    Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that is
    initially drawn northward and then northeastward towards the Great
    Lakes ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and
    eastward. By 00Z Saturday...moisture anomalies of 2 standardized
    anomalies will be in place. The overall upper forcing still does
    not appear to be terribly robust but the diurnal instability
    supports at least the potential for locally excessive rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    There is a Slight risk of excessive rainfall once again over
    portions of the Upper Texas coast and adjacent portions of
    Louisiana with a broad Marginal risk are extending northward and
    eastward as gulf moisture streams northward ahead of...and
    eventually intersects with...a cold front. The 29/00Z suite of
    guidance focuses highest rainfall amounts from Saturday into early
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS). Two inch
    precipitable water values are forecast to extend from eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana. During the
    ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front reaches
    portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Expectations are that downpours will be possible along
    and ahead of the front. Given the amount of moisture and weaker
    steering flow, though, the southern portion of the Marginal area
    has a better chance for excessive rainfall while storms to the
    north should be more progressive leading to a nominally low/more
    isolated excessive rainfall risk. The question remains whether or
    ot the stronger dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates.
    Will leave as a Marginal risk area for the time being in deference
    to the NBM amounts and guidance from the CSU ML EROs.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_SYcRWNB8cRjgro0Q3vmA8PKNKqG-Cy4n0tS5pqIJCCX= RbGyOZRh_hc3pjYKbqDd1ycAtbwkLH6kqFibWhXvTLIP4eE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_SYcRWNB8cRjgro0Q3vmA8PKNKqG-Cy4n0tS5pqIJCCX= RbGyOZRh_hc3pjYKbqDd1ycAtbwkLH6kqFibWhXv4ktD330$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_SYcRWNB8cRjgro0Q3vmA8PKNKqG-Cy4n0tS5pqIJCCX= RbGyOZRh_hc3pjYKbqDd1ycAtbwkLH6kqFibWhXvG3CCcN4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Aug 29 20:00:41 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 292000

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Aug 29 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    ...16Z Update...


    The primary changes to the ERO for this period were focused across
    the Mid-Atlantic. The guidance has expanded northward as far as
    where the strongest storms capable of producing flash flooding are
    expected to develop later this afternoon through this evening. In
    coordination with CTP/State College, PA and LWX/Sterling, VA
    forecast offices, the Slight Risk across the Virginia Piedmont was
    expanded well to the north to include much of central Pennsylvania
    today, as well as nudged eastward to include the Washington DC

    Guidance suggests a small but potent shortwave in the upper Midwest
    will race southeastward into the northern Mid-Atlantic tonight.
    Combined with lift from the right entrance region of the jet as
    well as PWATs above 1.5 inches, there will be ample forcing for
    thunderstorms across Pennsylvania this afternoon and evening, while
    the greatest moisture stays south across the Delmarva. This
    discontinuity should help to prevent more widespread impacts from

    ...Gulf Coast...

    No significant changes were made other than nudging the Marginal to
    include New Orleans and Baton Rouge. The tropical low responsible
    for the rain will continue to send slow-moving bands of heavy rain
    into the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts into tonight, with the
    heaviest rain expected after midnight local. The Slight for the
    Upper Texas Gulf Coast is primarily for the urban centers of
    Beaumont and Galveston, as there remains considerable uncertainty
    as to how far inland the bands will maintain themselves as they
    move away from their Gulf fuel source.


    The potent front across the Midwest and Plains will produce an area
    of fast moving but training storms across this region this
    afternoon and evening. The guidance has been very consistent with
    this feature, so no changes were made.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Lower Missouri Valley to the Upper Midwest...

    Height falls associated with an upper trough and surface cold
    front will continue eastward today and tonight as a deep mid-
    upper low lifts north into western Ontario by 12Z Fri. Given the
    progression of synoptic features, the bulk of the deep- layer
    forcing and more anomalous low-level inflow/moisture flux will
    pivot across the Upper MS Valley and southern Canada. HREF
    neighborhood probabilities for greater than 2 inch and greater than
    3 inch amounts remain fairly aggressive (40-70%) within the
    previously issued Slight risk area with the core of the potential
    being located over parts of Iowa and southern Minnesota. As
    mentioned before...this area has been dry as of late, so some of
    the precip will be beneficial, but anomalous moisture and strong
    mid- level ascent could generate rainfall rates capable of
    flooding, especially within any urban footprint.

    Mid Atlantic Region...

    Maintained the Slight risk area across the VA Piedmont down into
    portions of Southeast VA and as far north as the WV/MD/PA line with
    only minor modifications. There will be a fairly well-depicted
    axis of low- level instability and anticipated surface convergence
    in proximity to a backdoor front settling in to the area. A core
    of elevated theta-E will align with the front from northwest to
    southeast during the afternoon hours while a jet streak to the
    northeast catches the Central Mid Atlantic just within the right-
    entrance region of the jet leading to appreciable upper forcing
    during peak destabilization. Convective activity is expected to initiate
    across the Blue Ridge and adjacent Appalachian Front then drift
    eastward. various CAMs and global guidance. MLCAPE between
    2500-3500 J/kg will be common within the vicinity of the front, so
    ample surface based instability will be present to maximize
    potential of any thunderstorm development.

    Louisiana and Middle-Upper Texas Coast...

    Models show a subtle mid-upper level shortwave lifting gradually
    northward toward the central- western LA Coast today and tonight.
    Subtle upper- level forcing along with persistent (albeit not
    overly robust) low- level moisture transport from the Gulf of
    Mexico will result in a localized flash food risk, especially
    coinciding with peak diurnal heating . Precipitable water values
    increase to 2.3-2.4 inches along with MLCAPEs between 1000-2000
    J/Kg and WBZ heights climbing to aoa 15,000 feet will establish an
    optimal thermodynamic profile for heavy rainfall as shown in the
    NAM and ARW guidance. This should result in rainfall rates of 2-3
    inch on a sub-hourly time scale will be possible underneath the
    strongest cores. Given that the overall forecast reasoning has not
    changed and the latest and the latest guidance continues to show 3
    to 5+ inch amounts hugging the coastline...saw little reason to
    make more than minor nudges to the Slight risk and Marginal risk


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    No significant changes were needed to the inherited risk areas
    across the country. The focus for heavy rain will continue to be
    with the tropical low in the northwestern Gulf, bringing repeated
    rounds of slow-moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the
    Texas/Louisiana border area east of Houston. The focus for any
    potential flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban
    areas around Beaumont/Port Arthur. The surrounding Marginal risk
    was expanded to include the New Orleans area for a similar reason,
    that it takes much less total rainfall over the city to result in
    flash flooding.

    Elsewhere, just minuscule changes to the area of rain along a long
    cold front stretching from New Mexico to New York. No well-
    organized areas of rain potentially precluding a Slight Risk area
    were identified with the latest round of guidance, so the Marginal
    remains in place.


    ...Gulf Coast...

    There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall along the immediate
    Gulf coast region of southeast Texas into a small portion of
    adjacent Louisiana...with a Marginal risk area extending as far
    north as the upper Great Lakes in response to gulf moisture
    streaming northward ahead of a well-defined cold front advancing
    eastward. In addition...a well defined circulation that has
    persisted a couple of days over the Gulf of Mexico and Texas will
    meander eastward into Arkansas. While its impact will be waning as
    the system fills...it still could allow for additional convective
    flare-ups along and near the Gulf of Mexico. Precipitable water
    values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from eastern Texas into
    Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then extending north and east
    ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5 standard anomalies above
    climatology being an indication of the moisture-laden atmosphere
    still in place. Discrepancies linger in the guidance on placement
    and amounts in where the deepest moisture gets funneled...with the
    above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role. Between
    the NBM still showing 2 to 4+ inch amounts along the southeast
    Texas coast on Day 2 alone and a more than 6 inches for a 2-day
    total in proximity to the 28/12Z guidance and already covered by
    yesterday's Day 3 outlook...saw little reason to make any changes
    to the Slight Risk area.

    Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that is
    initially drawn northward and then northeastward towards the Great
    Lakes ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and
    eastward. By 00Z Saturday...moisture anomalies of 2 standardized
    anomalies will be in place. The overall upper forcing still does
    not appear to be terribly robust but the diurnal instability
    supports at least the potential for locally excessive rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    Once again no major changes were made to the inherited risk areas
    across the country. The nearly stationary tropical low will make
    for a third straight day of showers and thunderstorms along the
    Gulf Coast, still highlighting the portion of the coast along the Texas/Louisiana border with very little changing. Forecast rainfall
    amounts are meager into west Texas, and dropping of the Marginal
    there was considered, but given instability and available moisture,
    an isolated storm or 2 may have heavy enough rainfall to result in
    localized flash flooding, so the Marginal was shrunk in the area
    for now.=20

    Into the Northeast, the primary area of concern will be into
    Pennsylvania, with several pieces of global guidance suggesting a
    local maximum of rainfall will occur over central PA. The signal
    there wasn't quite high enough to warrant enough certainty for an
    upgrade, but consistency in future guidance may result in a future
    upgrade in this area should amounts continue to increase and
    dependent on how much rain is seen in the area this afternoon and
    evening, which could prime the soils for more flooding on Saturday.

    The Marginal was expanded west to include the Ozarks of northern
    Arkansas and southern Missouri with this update given an increase=20
    in forecast rainfall there compounded by topographic effects.=20


    ...Previous Discussion...

    There is a Slight risk of excessive rainfall once again over
    portions of the Upper Texas coast and adjacent portions of
    Louisiana with a broad Marginal risk are extending northward and
    eastward as gulf moisture streams northward ahead of...and
    eventually intersects with...a cold front. The 29/00Z suite of
    guidance focuses highest rainfall amounts from Saturday into early
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS). Two inch
    precipitable water values are forecast to extend from eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana. During the
    ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front reaches
    portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Expectations are that downpours will be possible along
    and ahead of the front. Given the amount of moisture and weaker
    steering flow, though, the southern portion of the Marginal area
    has a better chance for excessive rainfall while storms to the
    north should be more progressive leading to a nominally low/more
    isolated excessive rainfall risk. The question remains whether or
    ot the stronger dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates.
    Will leave as a Marginal risk area for the time being in deference
    to the NBM amounts and guidance from the CSU ML EROs.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW-i6p5Tg8tPZkhOoB-aaHPXiyCdEfeouT0Xgg6DuWj= rRgkOUbhB5TjvXE4vfUeo6058T2adKMgNHQHF-c66IQrv20$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW-i6p5Tg8tPZkhOoB-aaHPXiyCdEfeouT0Xgg6DuWj= rRgkOUbhB5TjvXE4vfUeo6058T2adKMgNHQHF-c6u0ef1bo$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW-i6p5Tg8tPZkhOoB-aaHPXiyCdEfeouT0Xgg6DuWj= rRgkOUbhB5TjvXE4vfUeo6058T2adKMgNHQHF-c6LwnpxAQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 01:09:46 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 300109

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    909 PM EDT Thu Aug 29 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024


    01Z Update...


    Focused the Slight Risk to ongoing activity over central VA to=20
    southern MD as well as central PA per recent radar trends. Recent
    HRRRs are struggling to maintain the central VA activity despite
    ample instability though it is more appropriate over central=20
    PA. Continued southerly flow into southeast VA should maintain
    widespread VA activity. Please see MPD 0947 for further=20
    information on this area.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Maintained the Slight over the upper TX coast with the tropical-=20
    appearing low responsible for the rain will continue to send slow-=20
    moving bands of heavy rain into the Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts
    into tonight, with the heaviest rain expected after midnight. The=20
    Slight for the Upper Texas Gulf Coast is primarily for the urban=20
    centers of Beaumont and Galveston, though recent HRRRs suggest the
    inland extent of activity may reach into the Houston metro, so the
    Slight was expanded a bit.


    The potent front associated with an upper trough will continue=20
    eastward tonight as a deep mid- upper low lifts north into western
    Ontario overnight. Given the progression of synoptic features, the
    bulk of the deep- layer forcing and more anomalous low-level=20
    inflow/moisture flux will pivot across the Midwest and Plains will
    continued to produce an area of fast moving, but training storms.=20
    This activity is generally progressive and this area has been dry=20
    as of late, so some of the precip will be beneficial, but anomalous
    moisture and strong mid-level ascent could generate rainfall rates
    capable of flooding, especially within any urban footprint.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    No significant changes were needed to the inherited risk areas
    across the country. The focus for heavy rain will continue to be
    with the tropical low in the northwestern Gulf, bringing repeated
    rounds of slow-moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the
    Texas/Louisiana border area east of Houston. The focus for any
    potential flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban
    areas around Beaumont/Port Arthur. The surrounding Marginal risk
    was expanded to include the New Orleans area for a similar reason,
    that it takes much less total rainfall over the city to result in
    flash flooding.

    Elsewhere, just minuscule changes to the area of rain along a long
    cold front stretching from New Mexico to New York. No well-
    organized areas of rain potentially precluding a Slight Risk area
    were identified with the latest round of guidance, so the Marginal
    remains in place.


    ...Gulf Coast...

    There is a Slight Risk of excessive rainfall along the immediate
    Gulf coast region of southeast Texas into a small portion of
    adjacent Louisiana...with a Marginal risk area extending as far
    north as the upper Great Lakes in response to gulf moisture
    streaming northward ahead of a well-defined cold front advancing
    eastward. In addition...a well defined circulation that has
    persisted a couple of days over the Gulf of Mexico and Texas will
    meander eastward into Arkansas. While its impact will be waning as
    the system fills...it still could allow for additional convective
    flare-ups along and near the Gulf of Mexico. Precipitable water
    values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from eastern Texas into
    Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then extending north and east
    ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5 standard anomalies above
    climatology being an indication of the moisture-laden atmosphere
    still in place. Discrepancies linger in the guidance on placement
    and amounts in where the deepest moisture gets funneled...with the
    above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role. Between
    the NBM still showing 2 to 4+ inch amounts along the southeast
    Texas coast on Day 2 alone and a more than 6 inches for a 2-day
    total in proximity to the 28/12Z guidance and already covered by
    yesterday's Day 3 outlook...saw little reason to make any changes
    to the Slight Risk area.

    Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that is
    initially drawn northward and then northeastward towards the Great
    Lakes ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and
    eastward. By 00Z Saturday...moisture anomalies of 2 standardized
    anomalies will be in place. The overall upper forcing still does
    not appear to be terribly robust but the diurnal instability
    supports at least the potential for locally excessive rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    Once again no major changes were made to the inherited risk areas
    across the country. The nearly stationary tropical low will make
    for a third straight day of showers and thunderstorms along the
    Gulf Coast, still highlighting the portion of the coast along the Texas/Louisiana border with very little changing. Forecast rainfall
    amounts are meager into west Texas, and dropping of the Marginal
    there was considered, but given instability and available moisture,
    an isolated storm or 2 may have heavy enough rainfall to result in
    localized flash flooding, so the Marginal was shrunk in the area
    for now.

    Into the Northeast, the primary area of concern will be into
    Pennsylvania, with several pieces of global guidance suggesting a
    local maximum of rainfall will occur over central PA. The signal
    there wasn't quite high enough to warrant enough certainty for an
    upgrade, but consistency in future guidance may result in a future
    upgrade in this area should amounts continue to increase and
    dependent on how much rain is seen in the area this afternoon and
    evening, which could prime the soils for more flooding on Saturday.

    The Marginal was expanded west to include the Ozarks of northern
    Arkansas and southern Missouri with this update given an increase
    in forecast rainfall there compounded by topographic effects.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    There is a Slight risk of excessive rainfall once again over
    portions of the Upper Texas coast and adjacent portions of
    Louisiana with a broad Marginal risk are extending northward and
    eastward as gulf moisture streams northward ahead of...and
    eventually intersects with...a cold front. The 29/00Z suite of
    guidance focuses highest rainfall amounts from Saturday into early
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS). Two inch
    precipitable water values are forecast to extend from eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana. During the
    ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front reaches
    portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Expectations are that downpours will be possible along
    and ahead of the front. Given the amount of moisture and weaker
    steering flow, though, the southern portion of the Marginal area
    has a better chance for excessive rainfall while storms to the
    north should be more progressive leading to a nominally low/more
    isolated excessive rainfall risk. The question remains whether or
    ot the stronger dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates.
    Will leave as a Marginal risk area for the time being in deference
    to the NBM amounts and guidance from the CSU ML EROs.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7rhdp3siz4Cdr8g6PMu9HAefj6rkptHFOBq2XLAiqfZv= hol3Kk5dwhWlCxUyvgx7dBZYxUuOiXEdX_4EL5QvMT5p3R4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7rhdp3siz4Cdr8g6PMu9HAefj6rkptHFOBq2XLAiqfZv= hol3Kk5dwhWlCxUyvgx7dBZYxUuOiXEdX_4EL5QvsRqCZCk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7rhdp3siz4Cdr8g6PMu9HAefj6rkptHFOBq2XLAiqfZv= hol3Kk5dwhWlCxUyvgx7dBZYxUuOiXEdX_4EL5QvqhUx0MU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 08:27:17 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 300826

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    426 AM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...
    Moderate to heavy rainfall expected along the Gulf coast as deep
    moisture advects northwards as a tropical low drifts in the
    northwest portions of the Gulf of Mexico. Repeated rounds of slow-
    moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the Texas/Louisiana=20
    border area east of Houston. Guidance depict 1 to 4 inches for=20
    areal average along the coast with isolated higher amounts=20
    possible. Some of the hi-res guidance have very isolated maximums=20
    of 6 to 11 inches. Areal averages of The focus for any potential=20
    flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban areas=20
    around Beaumont/Port Arthur and points east. A Slight Risk is in=20
    effect from the Houston area east to Vermillion Bay. The=20
    surrounding Marginal risk was expanded to include areas near/west=20
    of Mobile.

    ...Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that=20
    is streaming into the north/northeast towards the Great Lakes=20
    ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and eastward.
    Precipitable water values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from=20
    eastern Texas into Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then=20
    extending north and east ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5=20
    standard anomalies above climatology being an indication of the=20 moisture-laden atmosphere still in place. There continues to be
    some variance on where the deepest moisture gets funneled... with=20
    the above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role.
    Although the overall upper forcing still does not appear to be=20
    terribly robust, the diurnal instability supports at least the=20
    potential for locally excessive rainfall. A broad Marginal Risk was
    maintained for this period from New Mexico/Texas to Wisconsin/New


    Portions of the region will have PW values greater than 2 inches
    along with slow moving storms near the front. This environment
    looks to be quite favorable for localized heavy rain with some of
    the guidance showing probabilities of 3 inches/3 hour 30-50%=20
    across Northeast North Carolina. A Marginal Risk area was raised
    for portions of southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fire across portions of
    New Mexico and Texas as the trailing cold front slows its
    progression over the region. Some of these storms will be capable=20
    of producing hourly rain rates greater than 0.50/1 inch per hour.=20
    A Marginal Risk area was maintained for this part of the country.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Showers and thunderstorms will persist along the Gulf coast along
    the nearly stationary tropical low and frontal boundary. The Slight
    Risk area that was in effect has bee maintained as well as expanded
    eastward to just east of Vermillion Bay. A broad Marginal risk area
    extends northward and eastward as gulf moisture streams northward=20
    ahead of...and eventually intersects with...a cold front. Guidance
    shows the highest amounts occurring from Saturday into early=20
    Sunday over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana=20
    where a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of=20
    2.25 inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a=20
    nearly 2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this=20
    time of year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the
    gulf coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS).=20

    ...Lower Mississippi Valley to New England...

    Two inch precipitable water values are forecast to extend from=20
    eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana.=20
    During the ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front=20
    reaches portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Moderate to heavy rain will be possible for areas along
    and ahead of the advecting boundary.

    Given the amount of moisture and weaker steering flow, though, the
    southern portion of the Marginal area has a better chance for=20
    excessive rainfall while storms to the north should be more=20
    progressive leading to a nominally low/more isolated excessive=20
    rainfall risk. The question remains whether or ot the stronger=20
    dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates. Some of the
    guidance do signal a concentration of QPF and increasing threat for
    excessive rainfall over portions of central pennsylvania.
    Antecedent conditions will have lowered FFGs across this part of
    the region thus becoming more favorable for growing flooding
    concerns. After coordination with the local forecast office decided
    to hold off for another cycle to reassess the need for a possible
    upgrade to a Slight Risk for central portions of Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorm activity is expected to linger with the
    capability of producing excessive rainfall. The threat for
    localized flood concerns will remain elevated thus a Marginal Risk
    was maintained for this period.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    The highest rainfall in this multi-day heavy rain event will have
    likely already occurred however showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to linger over the region near the coastline. A Marginal
    Risk remains in affect from the southeast Texas coastline to
    eastern Louisiana coastline.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...

    Moderate to locally heavy rainfall will persist across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic as a cold front approaches the region. Some of
    these areas will have lowered FFGs by this period and may be more
    susceptible for additional rainfall to increase the threat for=20
    local flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk area was maintained from=20
    eastern Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic region.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7eTeOybOycINEoPRMGXYrXxstViEGsSMNcMte9Mz6ZZ7= iXy2VPnyzJd829nwL4ONX4Gbcyj6CkELReQSLsad_y1Dyrw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7eTeOybOycINEoPRMGXYrXxstViEGsSMNcMte9Mz6ZZ7= iXy2VPnyzJd829nwL4ONX4Gbcyj6CkELReQSLsadFCGFSy0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7eTeOybOycINEoPRMGXYrXxstViEGsSMNcMte9Mz6ZZ7= iXy2VPnyzJd829nwL4ONX4Gbcyj6CkELReQSLsadMTQjero$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 15:34:56 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 301534

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1134 AM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The Slight risk along the Gulf Coast was expanded east to include
    metro New Orleans in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast
    office. Ongoing waves of heavy rainfall moving over New Orleans has
    resulted in several flash flood warnings over the past couple days,
    and the heavy rain will continue today and into tonight as well.
    Given the plentiful atmospheric moisture in place the atmosphere
    remains supportive of additional storms capable of heavy rainfall.
    The storms over the Gulf have been associated with a nearly
    stationary trough, which continues to funnel Gulf moisture into the
    Mississippi Delta region.=20

    The Marginal in Virginia and the Carolinas was expanded westward to
    include the southern Appalachians with this update. Additional
    heavy rainfall is expected in this region after yesterday's storms.
    They produced localized flash flooding yesterday, and today's
    activity should be more widespread. The terrain effects will
    support more impactful flash flooding where storms produce
    sufficient rainfall due to the fast moving nature of the flood

    The front from New Mexico northeast to the lower Great Lakes
    remains unchanged. A few higher signals in west Texas as well as
    Missouri suggests local effects could reach Slight risk levels, but
    the signal and forcing should be limited enough to prevent a more
    widespread flooding threat. No significant changes were made.=20


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Moderate to heavy rainfall expected along the Gulf coast as deep
    moisture advects northwards as a tropical low drifts in the
    northwest portions of the Gulf of Mexico. Repeated rounds of slow-
    moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the Texas/Louisiana
    border area east of Houston. Guidance depict 1 to 4 inches for
    areal average along the coast with isolated higher amounts
    possible. Some of the hi-res guidance have very isolated maximums
    of 6 to 11 inches. Areal averages of The focus for any potential
    flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban areas
    around Beaumont/Port Arthur and points east. A Slight Risk is in
    effect from the Houston area east to Vermillion Bay. The
    surrounding Marginal risk was expanded to include areas near/west
    of Mobile.

    ...Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that
    is streaming into the north/northeast towards the Great Lakes
    ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and eastward.
    Precipitable water values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from
    eastern Texas into Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then
    extending north and east ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5
    standard anomalies above climatology being an indication of the
    moisture-laden atmosphere still in place. There continues to be
    some variance on where the deepest moisture gets funneled... with
    the above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role.
    Although the overall upper forcing still does not appear to be
    terribly robust, the diurnal instability supports at least the
    potential for locally excessive rainfall. A broad Marginal Risk was
    maintained for this period from New Mexico/Texas to Wisconsin/New


    Portions of the region will have PW values greater than 2 inches
    along with slow moving storms near the front. This environment
    looks to be quite favorable for localized heavy rain with some of
    the guidance showing probabilities of 3 inches/3 hour 30-50%
    across Northeast North Carolina. A Marginal Risk area was raised
    for portions of southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fire across portions of
    New Mexico and Texas as the trailing cold front slows its
    progression over the region. Some of these storms will be capable
    of producing hourly rain rates greater than 0.50/1 inch per hour.
    A Marginal Risk area was maintained for this part of the country.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Showers and thunderstorms will persist along the Gulf coast along
    the nearly stationary tropical low and frontal boundary. The Slight
    Risk area that was in effect has bee maintained as well as expanded
    eastward to just east of Vermilion Bay. A broad Marginal risk area
    extends northward and eastward as gulf moisture streams northward=20
    ahead of...and eventually intersects with...a cold front. Guidance=20
    shows the highest amounts occurring from Saturday into early Sunday
    over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana where=20
    a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of 2.25=20
    inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a nearly=20
    2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this time of=20
    year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the gulf=20
    coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS).

    ...Lower Mississippi Valley to New England...

    Two inch precipitable water values are forecast to extend from
    eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana.
    During the ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front
    reaches portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Moderate to heavy rain will be possible for areas along
    and ahead of the advecting boundary.

    Given the amount of moisture and weaker steering flow, though, the
    southern portion of the Marginal area has a better chance for
    excessive rainfall while storms to the north should be more
    progressive leading to a nominally low/more isolated excessive
    rainfall risk. The question remains whether or ot the stronger
    dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates. Some of the
    guidance do signal a concentration of QPF and increasing threat for
    excessive rainfall over portions of central pennsylvania.
    Antecedent conditions will have lowered FFGs across this part of
    the region thus becoming more favorable for growing flooding
    concerns. After coordination with the local forecast office decided
    to hold off for another cycle to reassess the need for a possible
    upgrade to a Slight Risk for central portions of Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorm activity is expected to linger with the
    capability of producing excessive rainfall. The threat for
    localized flood concerns will remain elevated thus a Marginal Risk
    was maintained for this period.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    The highest rainfall in this multi-day heavy rain event will have
    likely already occurred however showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to linger over the region near the coastline. A Marginal
    Risk remains in affect from the southeast Texas coastline to
    eastern Louisiana coastline.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...

    Moderate to locally heavy rainfall will persist across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic as a cold front approaches the region. Some of
    these areas will have lowered FFGs by this period and may be more
    susceptible for additional rainfall to increase the threat for
    local flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk area was maintained from
    eastern Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic region.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Obz29tXT1IhTY71ejYL8ySD7Yr0vplquPhhcTAIr8bL= jfqab5wPCEXZcAle6n8kE-5muhBscUoECeOpwwFF3hpngsE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Obz29tXT1IhTY71ejYL8ySD7Yr0vplquPhhcTAIr8bL= jfqab5wPCEXZcAle6n8kE-5muhBscUoECeOpwwFF7ssPQkc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Obz29tXT1IhTY71ejYL8ySD7Yr0vplquPhhcTAIr8bL= jfqab5wPCEXZcAle6n8kE-5muhBscUoECeOpwwFFbirEe4o$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Aug 30 20:18:37 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 302018

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    418 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Aug 30 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The Slight risk along the Gulf Coast was expanded east to include
    metro New Orleans in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast
    office. Ongoing waves of heavy rainfall moving over New Orleans has
    resulted in several flash flood warnings over the past couple days,
    and the heavy rain will continue today and into tonight as well.
    Given the plentiful atmospheric moisture in place the atmosphere
    remains supportive of additional storms capable of heavy rainfall.
    The storms over the Gulf have been associated with a nearly
    stationary trough, which continues to funnel Gulf moisture into the
    Mississippi Delta region.

    The Marginal in Virginia and the Carolinas was expanded westward to
    include the southern Appalachians with this update. Additional
    heavy rainfall is expected in this region after yesterday's storms.
    They produced localized flash flooding yesterday, and today's
    activity should be more widespread. The terrain effects will
    support more impactful flash flooding where storms produce
    sufficient rainfall due to the fast moving nature of the flood

    The front from New Mexico northeast to the lower Great Lakes
    remains unchanged. A few higher signals in west Texas as well as
    Missouri suggests local effects could reach Slight risk levels, but
    the signal and forcing should be limited enough to prevent a more
    widespread flooding threat. No significant changes were made.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Moderate to heavy rainfall expected along the Gulf coast as deep
    moisture advects northwards as a tropical low drifts in the
    northwest portions of the Gulf of Mexico. Repeated rounds of slow-
    moving heavy rain cells from the Gulf into the Texas/Louisiana
    border area east of Houston. Guidance depict 1 to 4 inches for
    areal average along the coast with isolated higher amounts
    possible. Some of the hi-res guidance have very isolated maximums
    of 6 to 11 inches. Areal averages of The focus for any potential
    flooding in this small area will be mainly in the urban areas
    around Beaumont/Port Arthur and points east. A Slight Risk is in
    effect from the Houston area east to Vermilion Bay. The=20
    surrounding Marginal risk was expanded to include areas near/west=20
    of Mobile.

    ...Great Lakes to Southern Rockies/Southern High Plains...

    Convection will continue to be driven by deep gulf moisture that
    is streaming into the north/northeast towards the Great Lakes
    ahead of a well defined cold front pushing southward and eastward.
    Precipitable water values of 2 to 2.25 inches are widespread from
    eastern Texas into Louisiana and Arkansas with an axis then
    extending north and east ahead of the front being some 2 to 2.5
    standard anomalies above climatology being an indication of the
    moisture-laden atmosphere still in place. There continues to be
    some variance on where the deepest moisture gets funneled... with
    the above- mentioned upper level feature playing a key role.
    Although the overall upper forcing still does not appear to be
    terribly robust, the diurnal instability supports at least the
    potential for locally excessive rainfall. A broad Marginal Risk was
    maintained for this period from New Mexico/Texas to Wisconsin/New


    Portions of the region will have PW values greater than 2 inches
    along with slow moving storms near the front. This environment
    looks to be quite favorable for localized heavy rain with some of
    the guidance showing probabilities of 3 inches/3 hour 30-50%
    across Northeast North Carolina. A Marginal Risk area was raised
    for portions of southeast Virginia and northeast North Carolina.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    12Z HREF guidance have increased in the potential for flash
    flooding across much of the Appalachians, especially Pennsylvania
    and New York. A slow-moving cold front will interact with the
    terrain as the front funnels well above normal atmospheric moisture
    northward along the chain. Given heavy rainfall in some portions of Pennsylvania, western Maryland and the eastern Panhandle of West
    Virginia yesterday, soils in some areas are well-saturated and
    therefore will be more prone to flooding. While chances for
    flooding decrease into east-central West Virginia, the potential
    for heavy rain and terrain influences may still result in widely
    scattered instances of localized flash flooding, despite the recent
    dry weather. In coordination with CTP/State College, PA;
    LWX/Sterling, VA; BGM/Binghamton, NY; and RLX/Charleston, WV
    forecast offices, a Slight risk area was introduced for the=20
    central Appalachians for Saturday.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Ongoing heavy rain along much of the Louisiana Gulf Coast has
    saturated soils in the area today. A slow moving trough of low
    pressure will continue to funnel abundant Gulf moisture northward
    into the coast in the form of heavy and slow-moving showers and
    thunderstorms. Multiple flash flood warnings have been issued
    around New Orleans the past few days, and the same pattern with the
    same heavy rain threat for that area will continue into Saturday.
    Thus, in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the
    Slight Risk area for the Gulf Coast was extended eastward to cover
    New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.


    In coordination with MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Marginal Risk
    area was introduced with this update for the urban I-95 corridor in
    southeast Florida. Similarly heavy rain will continue into the
    Keys, so the Marginal also includes the Keys. A separate slow
    moving area of showers and storms associated with a tropical wave
    will move into South Florida Saturday. Heavy rains both in recent
    days and ongoing in Florida have saturated soils, with some areas
    seeing up to 7 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. Thus, with
    similar or more widespread rainfall expected Saturday, isolated
    flash flooding is probable.

    ...West Texas...

    No significant changes were made, but the threat seems to have
    shifted south out of the Panhandle, so the Marginal was trimmed on
    the north side.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fire across portions of
    New Mexico and Texas as the trailing cold front slows its
    progression over the region. Some of these storms will be capable
    of producing hourly rain rates greater than 0.50/1 inch per hour.
    A Marginal Risk area was maintained for this part of the country.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Showers and thunderstorms will persist along the Gulf coast along
    the nearly stationary tropical low and frontal boundary. The Slight
    Risk area that was in effect has bee maintained as well as expanded
    eastward to just east of Vermilion Bay. A broad Marginal risk area
    extends northward and eastward as gulf moisture streams northward
    ahead of...and eventually intersects with...a cold front. Guidance
    shows the highest amounts occurring from Saturday into early Sunday
    over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana where
    a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of 2.25
    inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a nearly
    2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this time of
    year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the gulf
    coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS).

    ...Lower Mississippi Valley to New England...

    Two inch precipitable water values are forecast to extend from
    eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana.
    During the ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front
    reaches portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Moderate to heavy rain will be possible for areas along
    and ahead of the advecting boundary.

    Given the amount of moisture and weaker steering flow, though, the
    southern portion of the Marginal area has a better chance for
    excessive rainfall while storms to the north should be more
    progressive leading to a nominally low/more isolated excessive
    rainfall risk. The question remains whether or ot the stronger
    dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates. Some of the
    guidance do signal a concentration of QPF and increasing threat for
    excessive rainfall over portions of central pennsylvania.
    Antecedent conditions will have lowered FFGs across this part of
    the region thus becoming more favorable for growing flooding
    concerns. After coordination with the local forecast office decided
    to hold off for another cycle to reassess the need for a possible
    upgrade to a Slight Risk for central portions of Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024

    ...2030Z Update...

    No major changes were made as the highest threat for flash flooding
    Sunday will be isolated areas in west Texas, along the Gulf Coast,
    and into the central Appalachians and mid-Atlantic. The Marginal in
    the Mid-Atlantic was expanded north over much of West Virginia due
    to increasing signal for heavy rain and expectation of some heavy
    rain there on Saturday.=20

    The rain will shift southward enough along the Gulf coast that much
    of the guidance suggests the heaviest rains will fall off the
    coast. For sure additional showers and storms will impact the Upper
    Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts, but should not be quite as heavy
    or widespread as in previous days.

    Conversely, signals have been increasing across much of Far West
    Texas on Sunday. A higher-end Marginal is considered in place in
    and around Midland, and there's potential a Slight may need to be
    considered with future updates. Given how dry the area has been a
    bit higher signal and better consistency in the guidance was needed
    before committing to such an upgrade.=20


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorm activity is expected to linger with the
    capability of producing excessive rainfall. The threat for
    localized flood concerns will remain elevated thus a Marginal Risk
    was maintained for this period.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    The highest rainfall in this multi-day heavy rain event will have
    likely already occurred however showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to linger over the region near the coastline. A Marginal
    Risk remains in affect from the southeast Texas coastline to
    eastern Louisiana coastline.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...

    Moderate to locally heavy rainfall will persist across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic as a cold front approaches the region. Some of
    these areas will have lowered FFGs by this period and may be more
    susceptible for additional rainfall to increase the threat for
    local flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk area was maintained from
    eastern Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic region.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7_WFoe5XWFEW7eCx8JVkAcWVTzZoD2byagIANnFEh0od= UXQYpSc5dUKolAykautQwHrKDQU_iInClOtIptJ6HY9XMN8$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7_WFoe5XWFEW7eCx8JVkAcWVTzZoD2byagIANnFEh0od= UXQYpSc5dUKolAykautQwHrKDQU_iInClOtIptJ6eIdup44$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7_WFoe5XWFEW7eCx8JVkAcWVTzZoD2byagIANnFEh0od= UXQYpSc5dUKolAykautQwHrKDQU_iInClOtIptJ6-oIa45Q$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 01:39:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 310139

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    939 PM EDT Fri Aug 30 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Gulf Coast...

    A bit of a lull in activity this evening over the central Gulf=20
    Coast/Upper TX Coast with the low off Galveston, but renewed
    convection is expected along the upper TX coast rest of the evening
    and continuing overnight with eastward expansion over southern LA.
    Slight Risk remains in effect overnight from New Orleans to


    Activity that expanded over NC this evening has generally shifted
    into northern SC, arcing back over eastern NC toward Hampton Roads
    and over the northern NC/TN border. Satellite trends indicate
    further fresh development along the NC/SC border, so further heavy
    rain is expected, though northern SC did not get rain in the past
    day. Nonetheless the Marginal Risk was shifted to areas along/ahead
    of current activity.

    ...New Mexico across southern Plains/Midwest...

    The front remains stationary over TX with slow progression over the
    Midwest. Downward trends are seen in Midwest activity with
    scattered heavy activity in southwest TX and southern NM. The
    Marginal Risk was narrowed a bit for current coverage.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    12Z HREF guidance have increased in the potential for flash
    flooding across much of the Appalachians, especially Pennsylvania
    and New York. A slow-moving cold front will interact with the
    terrain as the front funnels well above normal atmospheric moisture
    northward along the chain. Given heavy rainfall in some portions of Pennsylvania, western Maryland and the eastern Panhandle of West
    Virginia yesterday, soils in some areas are well-saturated and
    therefore will be more prone to flooding. While chances for
    flooding decrease into east-central West Virginia, the potential
    for heavy rain and terrain influences may still result in widely
    scattered instances of localized flash flooding, despite the recent
    dry weather. In coordination with CTP/State College, PA;
    LWX/Sterling, VA; BGM/Binghamton, NY; and RLX/Charleston, WV
    forecast offices, a Slight risk area was introduced for the
    central Appalachians for Saturday.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Ongoing heavy rain along much of the Louisiana Gulf Coast has
    saturated soils in the area today. A slow moving trough of low
    pressure will continue to funnel abundant Gulf moisture northward
    into the coast in the form of heavy and slow-moving showers and
    thunderstorms. Multiple flash flood warnings have been issued
    around New Orleans the past few days, and the same pattern with the
    same heavy rain threat for that area will continue into Saturday.
    Thus, in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the
    Slight Risk area for the Gulf Coast was extended eastward to cover
    New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast.


    In coordination with MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Marginal Risk
    area was introduced with this update for the urban I-95 corridor in
    southeast Florida. Similarly heavy rain will continue into the
    Keys, so the Marginal also includes the Keys. A separate slow
    moving area of showers and storms associated with a tropical wave
    will move into South Florida Saturday. Heavy rains both in recent
    days and ongoing in Florida have saturated soils, with some areas
    seeing up to 7 inches of rain in the last 24 hours. Thus, with
    similar or more widespread rainfall expected Saturday, isolated
    flash flooding is probable.

    ...West Texas...

    No significant changes were made, but the threat seems to have
    shifted south out of the Panhandle, so the Marginal was trimmed on
    the north side.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorms are expected to fire across portions of
    New Mexico and Texas as the trailing cold front slows its
    progression over the region. Some of these storms will be capable
    of producing hourly rain rates greater than 0.50/1 inch per hour.
    A Marginal Risk area was maintained for this part of the country.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Showers and thunderstorms will persist along the Gulf coast along
    the nearly stationary tropical low and frontal boundary. The Slight
    Risk area that was in effect has bee maintained as well as expanded
    eastward to just east of Vermilion Bay. A broad Marginal risk area
    extends northward and eastward as gulf moisture streams northward
    ahead of...and eventually intersects with...a cold front. Guidance
    shows the highest amounts occurring from Saturday into early Sunday
    over portions of the Upper Texas coast and nearby Louisiana where
    a moisture plume with precipitable water values in excess of 2.25
    inches should be positioned at the start of the period (a nearly
    2.5 standardized anomaly greater than climatology for this time of
    year and above the 90th climatological percentile along the gulf
    coastline shown by both the ECENS and GEFS).

    ...Lower Mississippi Valley to New England...

    Two inch precipitable water values are forecast to extend from
    eastern Texas northeastward in a corridor to far southern Indiana.
    During the ensuing 24 hours...the northern portion of the front
    reaches portions of New England and the Mid-Atlantic region but the
    southern portion of the front makes little progress into Texas and
    Arkansas. Moderate to heavy rain will be possible for areas along
    and ahead of the advecting boundary.

    Given the amount of moisture and weaker steering flow, though, the
    southern portion of the Marginal area has a better chance for
    excessive rainfall while storms to the north should be more
    progressive leading to a nominally low/more isolated excessive
    rainfall risk. The question remains whether or ot the stronger
    dynamics farther north will enhance amounts/rates. Some of the
    guidance do signal a concentration of QPF and increasing threat for
    excessive rainfall over portions of central pennsylvania.
    Antecedent conditions will have lowered FFGs across this part of
    the region thus becoming more favorable for growing flooding
    concerns. After coordination with the local forecast office decided
    to hold off for another cycle to reassess the need for a possible
    upgrade to a Slight Risk for central portions of Pennsylvania.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024

    ...2030Z Update...

    No major changes were made as the highest threat for flash flooding
    Sunday will be isolated areas in west Texas, along the Gulf Coast,
    and into the central Appalachians and mid-Atlantic. The Marginal in
    the Mid-Atlantic was expanded north over much of West Virginia due
    to increasing signal for heavy rain and expectation of some heavy
    rain there on Saturday.

    The rain will shift southward enough along the Gulf coast that much
    of the guidance suggests the heaviest rains will fall off the
    coast. For sure additional showers and storms will impact the Upper
    Texas and Louisiana Gulf Coasts, but should not be quite as heavy
    or widespread as in previous days.

    Conversely, signals have been increasing across much of Far West
    Texas on Sunday. A higher-end Marginal is considered in place in
    and around Midland, and there's potential a Slight may need to be
    considered with future updates. Given how dry the area has been a
    bit higher signal and better consistency in the guidance was needed
    before committing to such an upgrade.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...New Mexico and Texas...

    Showers and thunderstorm activity is expected to linger with the
    capability of producing excessive rainfall. The threat for
    localized flood concerns will remain elevated thus a Marginal Risk
    was maintained for this period.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    The highest rainfall in this multi-day heavy rain event will have
    likely already occurred however showers and thunderstorms are
    expected to linger over the region near the coastline. A Marginal
    Risk remains in affect from the southeast Texas coastline to
    eastern Louisiana coastline.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...

    Moderate to locally heavy rainfall will persist across portions of
    the Mid-Atlantic as a cold front approaches the region. Some of
    these areas will have lowered FFGs by this period and may be more
    susceptible for additional rainfall to increase the threat for
    local flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk area was maintained from
    eastern Tennessee Valley to the Mid-Atlantic region.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9hFiCrbd6LiSS7AWxTlChwbeaUcMd3QCzo7_FW3meS7a= XTNZK5K5uEHpTJGmcb0WXU8FW4J48rLMEKFRTc9zv6s-fv0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9hFiCrbd6LiSS7AWxTlChwbeaUcMd3QCzo7_FW3meS7a= XTNZK5K5uEHpTJGmcb0WXU8FW4J48rLMEKFRTc9zJS3iYd0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9hFiCrbd6LiSS7AWxTlChwbeaUcMd3QCzo7_FW3meS7a= XTNZK5K5uEHpTJGmcb0WXU8FW4J48rLMEKFRTc9zMDj4GgE$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 08:24:06 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 310823

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    423 AM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Day 1 Valid 12Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...Texas to the Mid-Atlantic and New England...

    A slow-moving cold front over the Midwest will move into the=20
    central Appalachians this afternoon. Surface dew points in the 60s=20
    and rising precipitable water values to around 1.75 inches (+2=20
    sigma or 98th percentile) will support both a severe weather threat
    (see SPC outlook) and a heavy rain threat. Though convection=20
    should be progressive with the front (or pre-frontal trough), FFG=20
    values are around 1-2"/hr and 00Z HREF neighborhood probs show=20
    values rising to 40-80% for >1"/hr and 10-40% for >2"/hr. Focus of=20
    highest threat will lie from eastern WV northward through central=20
    PA and into the Southern Tier of NYS where the complex terrain can=20
    add to the flash flooding sensitivity coincident with slightly=20
    higher than average soil moisture. Maintained the Slight Risk from=20
    the previous forecast with little change in shape. Along the front=20
    in general, a Marginal risk was maintained from New England back=20
    through the mid-MS Valley/Mid-South into TX where convection will=20
    be a bit less coherent and the threat for any flash flooding will=20
    be lower, but non-zero.=20

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Decaying mid-level vort max will drift eastward along the coast,=20
    detached from any surface trough just offshore. However, in-situ=20
    moisture remains highly anomalous -- precipitable water values=20
    around 2.25 inches which is about +2 to +3 sigma. Most of the hi-
    res guidance keeps the heaviest rainfall today along and just off=20
    the coast but hint at drawing some heavier cores inland a bit=20
    toward the I-10 corridor in LA. Maintained the Slight Risk outline=20
    for southern Louisiana given the continued threat of heavier rain=20

    Above normal moisture (PW > 2") will linger over southeast FL=20
    where afternoon convection could support some local downpours=20
    (2-3"/hr rates) that may induce some flooding over the urban areas=20
    from ~PBI to MIA/HST and perhaps into the Keys.=20

    Added a Marginal Risk for the Mogollon Rim as a weak mid-level=20
    vort center pushes through the region. Though precipitable water=20
    values are around normal, sufficient instability this afternoon=20
    could support some isolated heavier rain cores with 1"/hr rates.


    Day 2 Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...
    250mb upper trough moving out of northern Mexico and southern=20
    AZ/NM and mid-level vort max (perhaps weakly closed low) will creep
    closer to far western Texas day 2. Sufficient moisture (though=20
    near normal) will be in place over the region to sustain some=20
    isolated excessive rainfall via afternoon convection.=20

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Meandering weakness in the mid/lower-levels will again help drive=20
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern=20
    Louisiana. Maintained a Marginal Risk for now given the uncertainty
    in the day 1 period with respect to heavier rain placement (on or=20
    offshore) and amounts. Again, the highest rainfall may linger just=20
    off the coast but potential is certainly there to nudge inland.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic region...
    Cold front will continue to push through the area to the east and=20
    south, squeezing the best forcing into southern Virginia and into=20
    North Carolina where afternoon convection may yield 1-2" amounts=20
    and a localized threat of flash flooding. There and to the west=20
    over western VA into WV, FFG guidance is lower and some lingering=20
    rain may eclipse those values as the front works through.=20


    Day 3 Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on=20
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance=20
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5" in various locations but the=20
    spread is quite large -- nearly covering the whole state in their=20
    QPF max region among the deterministic, ensemble, and AI guidance.=20
    The CSU machine learning first guess fields suggest a broad Slight=20
    Risk over the Hill Country which is, perhaps, a best consensus=20
    placement, but prefer to hold off an upgrade to a Slight Risk for=20
    now until at least the ensembles come into better agreement.=20

    Cold front will sink into the Carolinas which will nudge the=20
    excessive rainfall threat south from day 2. Best dynamics move=20
    offshore with the trough axis but the Marginal Risk should cover=20
    any isolated flooding threat due to afternoon convection.=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW3uSKoyAkjKFneZGiMtzWLreMFCBe8XUVrryK7aOy5= 7-72Cu8jQYB4e72d-i3lATpSw9BJJIK_KlKAYZd7mWBf-rw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW3uSKoyAkjKFneZGiMtzWLreMFCBe8XUVrryK7aOy5= 7-72Cu8jQYB4e72d-i3lATpSw9BJJIK_KlKAYZd7ZecnNPc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9eW3uSKoyAkjKFneZGiMtzWLreMFCBe8XUVrryK7aOy5= 7-72Cu8jQYB4e72d-i3lATpSw9BJJIK_KlKAYZd7Cz4sKkk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 15:48:39 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 311548

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1148 AM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Appalachians...

    No changes were needed with the Day 1 ERO risk areas. A slow moving
    cold front over the Midwest will move into the central Appalachians
    this afternoon. Both a severe and heavy rain threat are expected
    across this region. The highest threat will be in the Central
    Appalachians Slight Risk area where training storms interacting
    with the terrain as well as antecedent wet soil conditions in the
    WV Panhandle and central Pennsylvania will all support a flash
    flooding threat.

    ...Louisiana Gulf Coast...

    Also no changes were needed along the Louisiana Gulf coast as a
    stationary trough of low pressure continues to feed plentiful Gulf
    moisture into the region. Urban areas such as New Orleans are at
    higher threat for flash flooding. Saturated soil conditions are
    also present here, resulting in almost complete turnover of any
    heavy rainfall into runoff.=20


    Above normal moisture will linger over southeast FL where afternoon
    convection could support some local downpours with 2-3 inch per
    hour rates. That may induce some flooding over urban areas from
    West Palm Beach south through the Keys.


    Signals remain elevated enough in the latest guidance to support
    the continued Marginal Risk along the Mogollon Rim. A weak vort
    center will push through the region, which combined with sufficient
    instability could support some isolated heavier rain cores with
    1"/hour rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    250 mb upper trough moving out of northern Mexico and southern=20
    AZ/NM and mid-level vort max (perhaps weakly closed low) will=20
    creep close to far western Texas day 2. Sufficient moisture=20
    (through near normal) will be in place over the region to sustain=20
    some isolated excessive rainfall via afternoon convection.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive=20
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern=20
    Louisiana. Maintained a Marginal Risk for now given the uncertainty
    in the day 1 period with respect to heavy rain placement (on or=20
    offshore) and amounts. Again, the highest rainfall may linger just
    off the coast but potential is certainly there to nudge inland.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    Cold front will continue to push through the area to the east and=20
    south, squeezing the best forcing into southern Virginia and into=20
    North Carolina where afternoon convection may yield 1-2 inch=20
    amounts and a localized threat of flash flooding. There and to the
    west over western VA into WV, FFG guidance is lower and some=20
    lingering rain may eclipse those values as the front works through.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024



    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on=20
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches in various locations but
    the spread is quite large -- nearly covering the whole state in
    their QPF max region among the deterministic, ensemble, and AI=20
    guidance. The CSU machine learning first guess fields suggest a=20
    broad Slight Risk over the Hill Country, which is, perhaps, a best
    consensus placement, but prefer to hold off an upgrade to a Slight
    Risk for now until at least the ensembles come into better=20


    Cold front will sink into the Carolinas which will nudge the
    excessive rainfall threat south from day 2/Sunday. Best dynamics
    move offshore with the trough axis but the Marginal Risk should
    cover any isolated flooding threat due to the afternoon convection.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8sLM-HSqw2oHsMmi5XtbRyMsYpBfzeS-vFmOwKNyny0a= XOrHgvpQeC75UQ2DHblrTNZtyKNplYaVTpGxfYA7lW7cSj0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8sLM-HSqw2oHsMmi5XtbRyMsYpBfzeS-vFmOwKNyny0a= XOrHgvpQeC75UQ2DHblrTNZtyKNplYaVTpGxfYA7JSfWPY4$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8sLM-HSqw2oHsMmi5XtbRyMsYpBfzeS-vFmOwKNyny0a= XOrHgvpQeC75UQ2DHblrTNZtyKNplYaVTpGxfYA7lNF1cJA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Aug 31 20:07:31 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 312007

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    407 PM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Aug 31 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Appalachians...

    No changes were needed with the Day 1 ERO risk areas. A slow moving
    cold front over the Midwest will move into the central Appalachians
    this afternoon. Both a severe and heavy rain threat are expected
    across this region. The highest threat will be in the Central
    Appalachians Slight Risk area where training storms interacting
    with the terrain as well as antecedent wet soil conditions in the
    WV Panhandle and central Pennsylvania will all support a flash
    flooding threat.

    ...Louisiana Gulf Coast...

    Also no changes were needed along the Louisiana Gulf coast as a
    stationary trough of low pressure continues to feed plentiful Gulf
    moisture into the region. Urban areas such as New Orleans are at
    higher threat for flash flooding. Saturated soil conditions are
    also present here, resulting in almost complete turnover of any
    heavy rainfall into runoff.


    Above normal moisture will linger over southeast FL where afternoon
    convection could support some local downpours with 2-3 inch per
    hour rates. That may induce some flooding over urban areas from
    West Palm Beach south through the Keys.


    Signals remain elevated enough in the latest guidance to support
    the continued Marginal Risk along the Mogollon Rim. A weak vort
    center will push through the region, which combined with sufficient
    instability could support some isolated heavier rain cores with
    1"/hour rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    No major changes were made to the risk areas on Sunday. For the
    mid-Atlantic, the signal into eastern West Virginia decreased in
    favor of an increased signal into the Delmarva. Thus, the portion
    of the Marginal in West Virginia was trimmed in favor of an
    expanded Marginal east of I-95.

    Along the Gulf Coast, guidance continues to keep heavy rain
    associated with the tropical low just off the Texas and Louisiana
    coasts. Given most of the heavy rain the past few days have only=20
    resulted in flash flooding into urban areas such as New Orleans,=20
    the consistent nature of the heaviest rain staying offshore has
    precluded another day with a Slight risk upgrade for now. That
    said, given that soils there are saturated, any northward shift in
    the guidance could mean a Slight may be needed.

    No major changes were needed in west Texas and New Mexico. Any
    rainfall that occurs Sunday will saturate soils as a precursor to
    Monday/Labor Day's rain.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    250 mb upper trough moving out of northern Mexico and southern
    AZ/NM and mid-level vort max (perhaps weakly closed low) will
    creep close to far western Texas day 2. Sufficient moisture
    (through near normal) will be in place over the region to sustain
    some isolated excessive rainfall via afternoon convection.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained a Marginal Risk for now given the uncertainty
    in the day 1 period with respect to heavy rain placement (on or
    offshore) and amounts. Again, the highest rainfall may linger just
    off the coast but potential is certainly there to nudge inland.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    Cold front will continue to push through the area to the east and
    south, squeezing the best forcing into southern Virginia and into
    North Carolina where afternoon convection may yield 1-2 inch
    amounts and a localized threat of flash flooding. There and to the
    west over western VA into WV, FFG guidance is lower and some
    lingering rain may eclipse those values as the front works through.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Increasing rainfall forecasts and CSU first guess field input both
    have increased confidence in a Slight Risk upgrade across much of
    the Hill Country of Texas. Expected widespread rainfall totals
    Monday of 1-3 inches with locally higher amounts will likely result
    in widely scattered instances of flash flooding. Despite recent dry
    conditions, any rain from Sunday will prime some of the soils, but
    elsewhere, the expectation of heavy rain will likely cause
    localized flash flooding in the usually flashy areas. In
    coordination with SJT/San Angelo, TX; EWX/San Antonio, TX;=20
    LUB/Lubbock, TX; and OUN/Norman, OK forecast offices, the Slight
    Risk upgrade was introduced with this update.


    Signals for heavy rain have been both shifting south and
    decreasing. The Marginal Risk has been shifted more towards the
    coast due to these changes in the forecast.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches in various locations but
    the spread is quite large -- nearly covering the whole state in
    their QPF max region among the deterministic, ensemble, and AI
    guidance. The CSU machine learning first guess fields suggest a
    broad Slight Risk over the Hill Country, which is, perhaps, a best
    consensus placement, but prefer to hold off an upgrade to a Slight
    Risk for now until at least the ensembles come into better


    Cold front will sink into the Carolinas which will nudge the
    excessive rainfall threat south from day 2/Sunday. Best dynamics
    move offshore with the trough axis but the Marginal Risk should
    cover any isolated flooding threat due to the afternoon convection.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4fL58eXgZjIDghDgpZGFKn6VM7ejpdWjoVMZ1lrwjZ9F= rw-UtiJ-L2jHPmS33Us61cZGFhJ4LNXzrrvPykSjI1o1S9s$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4fL58eXgZjIDghDgpZGFKn6VM7ejpdWjoVMZ1lrwjZ9F= rw-UtiJ-L2jHPmS33Us61cZGFhJ4LNXzrrvPykSjQHWBAvA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4fL58eXgZjIDghDgpZGFKn6VM7ejpdWjoVMZ1lrwjZ9F= rw-UtiJ-L2jHPmS33Us61cZGFhJ4LNXzrrvPykSjxvLymTs$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 00:23:12 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 010022

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    822 PM EDT Sat Aug 31 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Central and Southern Appalachians...

    Repeating/training storms ahead of a slow moving cold front and interacting with the terrain with antecedent wet soil conditions will continue
    to support a flash flooding threat into the overnight for mainly
    southwest Pennsylvania and north-central West Virginia. The Slight
    Risk was refocused over this area. Further info can be found in MPD
    0958 which is in effect until 05Z.=20

    Earlier activity east of the Appalachian Crest into the central=20
    Mid- Atlantic has worked over that area, so the Slight Risk was=20
    withdrawn from areas like the eastern WV Panhandle.

    Scattered activity over the southern Appalachians/Cumberland
    Plateau will continue into the overnight with additional isolated
    flash flood threats. The Marginal Risk is maintained there.

    ...West-Central Gulf Coast...

    Slow low persisting off the Upper TX Coast continues to feed=20
    plentiful Gulf moisture over the coast with renewed overnight
    expected again along and ahead of the low. Saturated soil=20
    conditions are present near the coast which will promote more
    runoff that normal. The Slight Risk is maintained for the rest of
    the night.

    ...Mid-South to North Texas...

    Limited the Marginal Risk to these areas for widely scattered
    diurnally initiated activity that should generally wane rest of=20
    this evening. The presence of the slow moving cold front will
    continue to allow a localized flash flood threat.


    High pressure centered over the southern Rockies will continue to=20=20
    support enough southerly flow over the Mogollon Rim to warrant
    keeping the Marginal Risk overnight for the threat of additional
    1"/hr rain rates over central AZ terrain.


    Outflow from Cuban activity should allow heavy rain in the Keys
    overnight, but not enough to warrant a flash flood threat, so the
    Marginal has been pulled.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    No major changes were made to the risk areas on Sunday. For the
    mid-Atlantic, the signal into eastern West Virginia decreased in
    favor of an increased signal into the Delmarva. Thus, the portion
    of the Marginal in West Virginia was trimmed in favor of an
    expanded Marginal east of I-95.

    Along the Gulf Coast, guidance continues to keep heavy rain
    associated with the tropical low just off the Texas and Louisiana
    coasts. Given most of the heavy rain the past few days have only
    resulted in flash flooding into urban areas such as New Orleans,
    the consistent nature of the heaviest rain staying offshore has
    precluded another day with a Slight risk upgrade for now. That
    said, given that soils there are saturated, any northward shift in
    the guidance could mean a Slight may be needed.

    No major changes were needed in west Texas and New Mexico. Any
    rainfall that occurs Sunday will saturate soils as a precursor to
    Monday/Labor Day's rain.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    250 mb upper trough moving out of northern Mexico and southern
    AZ/NM and mid-level vort max (perhaps weakly closed low) will
    creep close to far western Texas day 2. Sufficient moisture
    (through near normal) will be in place over the region to sustain
    some isolated excessive rainfall via afternoon convection.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained a Marginal Risk for now given the uncertainty
    in the day 1 period with respect to heavy rain placement (on or
    offshore) and amounts. Again, the highest rainfall may linger just
    off the coast but potential is certainly there to nudge inland.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    Cold front will continue to push through the area to the east and
    south, squeezing the best forcing into southern Virginia and into
    North Carolina where afternoon convection may yield 1-2 inch
    amounts and a localized threat of flash flooding. There and to the
    west over western VA into WV, FFG guidance is lower and some
    lingering rain may eclipse those values as the front works through.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Increasing rainfall forecasts and CSU first guess field input both
    have increased confidence in a Slight Risk upgrade across much of
    the Hill Country of Texas. Expected widespread rainfall totals
    Monday of 1-3 inches with locally higher amounts will likely result
    in widely scattered instances of flash flooding. Despite recent dry
    conditions, any rain from Sunday will prime some of the soils, but
    elsewhere, the expectation of heavy rain will likely cause
    localized flash flooding in the usually flashy areas. In
    coordination with SJT/San Angelo, TX; EWX/San Antonio, TX;
    LUB/Lubbock, TX; and OUN/Norman, OK forecast offices, the Slight
    Risk upgrade was introduced with this update.


    Signals for heavy rain have been both shifting south and
    decreasing. The Marginal Risk has been shifted more towards the
    coast due to these changes in the forecast.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches in various locations but
    the spread is quite large -- nearly covering the whole state in
    their QPF max region among the deterministic, ensemble, and AI
    guidance. The CSU machine learning first guess fields suggest a
    broad Slight Risk over the Hill Country, which is, perhaps, a best
    consensus placement, but prefer to hold off an upgrade to a Slight
    Risk for now until at least the ensembles come into better


    Cold front will sink into the Carolinas which will nudge the
    excessive rainfall threat south from day 2/Sunday. Best dynamics
    move offshore with the trough axis but the Marginal Risk should
    cover any isolated flooding threat due to the afternoon convection.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_iU-Fs7gik48-QY5kxoBOeMaBRGe5JorBpp7oZGcnQq2= KtTeLtADozvm7mdi8Gx-DDnqaG5jgYpEufZZ5q4N8h9w6KY$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_iU-Fs7gik48-QY5kxoBOeMaBRGe5JorBpp7oZGcnQq2= KtTeLtADozvm7mdi8Gx-DDnqaG5jgYpEufZZ5q4NdqjtUUI$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_iU-Fs7gik48-QY5kxoBOeMaBRGe5JorBpp7oZGcnQq2= KtTeLtADozvm7mdi8Gx-DDnqaG5jgYpEufZZ5q4Nyite1Qs$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 08:17:17 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 010817

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    417 AM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    An approaching 250 mb upper trough will move into far West Texas=20
    today while a surface boundary lingers across the Hill Country.=20
    Precipitable water values are forecast to be around 1.5-1.75" which
    is about +1 to +2 sigma with the typical NW to SE gradient.=20
    Afternoon convection should percolate today and could fall over=20
    areas that have seen a few inches of rain on Saturday (with lower=20
    FFG values as a result). Coverage should be somewhat isolated so=20
    the Marginal Risk will suffice.=20

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive=20
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern=20
    Louisiana. Maintained the Marginal Risk as the bulk of the guidance
    keeps the heaviest rain offshore, though it will be close (again)=20
    just like on Saturday.=20

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    A cold front will approach the Appalchians this afternoon as the=20
    lead boundary dissipates, leaving a trough over the coastal plain.=20
    The best forcing for afternoon convection will lie there, generally
    over far southeastern Virginia into central/eastern North Carolina.
    00Z HREF probs of exceeding FFG values are around 10-20% (via 1-2=20
    inch per hour rates), though there are hints at some higher rates=20
    still. Activity should be mostly progressive, suggesting a=20
    localized threat of flash flooding. Kept the Marginal Risk for this


    Day 2 Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024



    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on=20
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance=20
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU=20
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight=20
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency=20
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is=20
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del=20
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these=20
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which=20
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best=20
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk=20
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to=20
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3 Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable=20
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then=20
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain=20
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a=20
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the=20
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,=20
    lending credence to a future upgrade.=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qipffhs2DHEV-NTMGMUukwuDCkmvlshDbQVkylGZJII= HaCguFwZjQ-YOyL8jspoqutaFTf9wCIN8A88gLXTatILyKU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qipffhs2DHEV-NTMGMUukwuDCkmvlshDbQVkylGZJII= HaCguFwZjQ-YOyL8jspoqutaFTf9wCIN8A88gLXTtNBfer4$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qipffhs2DHEV-NTMGMUukwuDCkmvlshDbQVkylGZJII= HaCguFwZjQ-YOyL8jspoqutaFTf9wCIN8A88gLXTGxrPDX8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 08:38:14 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 010838

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    An approaching 250 mb upper trough will move into far West Texas
    today while a surface boundary lingers across the Hill Country.
    Precipitable water values are forecast to be around 1.5-1.75" which
    is about +1 to +2 sigma with the typical NW to SE gradient.
    Afternoon convection should percolate today and could fall over
    areas that have seen a few inches of rain on Saturday (with lower
    FFG values as a result). Coverage should be somewhat isolated so
    the Marginal Risk will suffice.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained the Marginal Risk as the bulk of the guidance
    keeps the heaviest rain offshore, though it will be close (again)
    just like on Saturday.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    A cold front will approach the Appalchians this afternoon as the
    lead boundary dissipates, leaving a trough over the coastal plain.
    The best forcing for afternoon convection will lie there, generally
    over far southeastern Virginia into central/eastern North Carolina.
    00Z HREF probs of exceeding FFG values are around 10-20% (via 1-2
    inch per hour rates), though there are hints at some higher rates
    still. Activity should be mostly progressive, suggesting a
    localized threat of flash flooding. Kept the Marginal Risk for this


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,
    lending credence to a future upgrade.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5skwvlyWI9p8EKECw0L3zMr-TG-HCct5OdpME_jto8ZA= nIG_VNgYeLUkHNUzb_LVobDMxH1ZL32tBrMhfJtKHlnaIuA$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5skwvlyWI9p8EKECw0L3zMr-TG-HCct5OdpME_jto8ZA= nIG_VNgYeLUkHNUzb_LVobDMxH1ZL32tBrMhfJtKakRLgrc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5skwvlyWI9p8EKECw0L3zMr-TG-HCct5OdpME_jto8ZA= nIG_VNgYeLUkHNUzb_LVobDMxH1ZL32tBrMhfJtKxFdxhHU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 15:45:01 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 011544

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1144 AM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...16Z Update...


    In coordination with AKQ/Wakefield, VA and MHX/Morehead City, NC=20
    forecast offices, a Slight risk upgrade was introduced with this=20
    update. Precipitable Water values are near 2 inches according to=20
    SPC Mesoanalysis this morning. A slow-moving but potent cold front=20
    will emerge out of the Appalachians and with diurnal heating and
    weak steering flow, slow-moving and potentially training
    thunderstorms will impact VA and NC this afternoon. Portions of
    eastern NC saw heavy rains in recent days which is still draining,
    resulting in depressed FFG values in the area. The area of greatest
    concern in southeast Virginia is the urban Hampton Roads area with
    any training or overperforming storms that may occur this afternoon
    and evening.=20

    ...Ozarks & Tennessee Valley...

    Heavy rain developing ahead of a sagging cold front over the area
    may cause localized flash flooding, particularly in urban areas and
    anywhere where terrain my focus area floodwaters. The inherited
    Marginal risk was expanded west for this possibility. The primary
    threat will be over the next few hours, with lessening coverage and
    flooding potential by this evening through tonight.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Much of the area rainfall has remained off the coast as forecast.
    The Marginal Risk in this area was trimmed towards the coast, and
    flooding concerns will be localized to any coastal areas that have
    had heavy rains in the last few days as well as urban areas such as
    New Orleans.

    ...West Texas...

    No significant changes were made here as any locally heavy rainfall
    will largely set up the area for more common instances of flooding
    for the Day 2/Monday period. An isolated instance or 2 of flash
    flooding can't be ruled out.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    An approaching 250 mb upper trough will move into far West Texas
    today while a surface boundary lingers across the Hill Country.
    Precipitable water values are forecast to be around 1.5-1.75" which
    is about +1 to +2 sigma with the typical NW to SE gradient.
    Afternoon convection should percolate today and could fall over
    areas that have seen a few inches of rain on Saturday (with lower
    FFG values as a result). Coverage should be somewhat isolated so
    the Marginal Risk will suffice.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained the Marginal Risk as the bulk of the guidance
    keeps the heaviest rain offshore, though it will be close (again)
    just like on Saturday.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    A cold front will approach the Appalachians this afternoon as the
    lead boundary dissipates, leaving a trough over the coastal plain.
    The best forcing for afternoon convection will lie there, generally
    over far southeastern Virginia into central/eastern North Carolina.
    00Z HREF probs of exceeding FFG values are around 10-20% (via 1-2
    inch per hour rates), though there are hints at some higher rates
    still. Activity should be mostly progressive, suggesting a
    localized threat of flash flooding. Kept the Marginal Risk for this


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024



    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,
    lending credence to a future upgrade.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8RScUF4ro6iMYixHNKClyR_8jyrVKCzuWOBKhGeOn-RZ= ftp8vi7Rci9aV06aMlgNsc36B5VQEeDft54kv9GGxF8LnXM$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8RScUF4ro6iMYixHNKClyR_8jyrVKCzuWOBKhGeOn-RZ= ftp8vi7Rci9aV06aMlgNsc36B5VQEeDft54kv9GGZwUbVrY$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8RScUF4ro6iMYixHNKClyR_8jyrVKCzuWOBKhGeOn-RZ= ftp8vi7Rci9aV06aMlgNsc36B5VQEeDft54kv9GGwTb5K-M$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 1 20:08:19 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 012007

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    407 PM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 01 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...16Z Update...


    In coordination with AKQ/Wakefield, VA and MHX/Morehead City, NC
    forecast offices, a Slight risk upgrade was introduced with this
    update. Precipitable Water values are near 2 inches according to
    SPC Mesoanalysis this morning. A slow-moving but potent cold front
    will emerge out of the Appalachians and with diurnal heating and
    weak steering flow, slow-moving and potentially training
    thunderstorms will impact VA and NC this afternoon. Portions of
    eastern NC saw heavy rains in recent days which is still draining,
    resulting in depressed FFG values in the area. The area of greatest
    concern in southeast Virginia is the urban Hampton Roads area with
    any training or overperforming storms that may occur this afternoon
    and evening.

    ...Ozarks & Tennessee Valley...

    Heavy rain developing ahead of a sagging cold front over the area
    may cause localized flash flooding, particularly in urban areas and
    anywhere where terrain my focus area floodwaters. The inherited
    Marginal risk was expanded west for this possibility. The primary
    threat will be over the next few hours, with lessening coverage and
    flooding potential by this evening through tonight.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Much of the area rainfall has remained off the coast as forecast.
    The Marginal Risk in this area was trimmed towards the coast, and
    flooding concerns will be localized to any coastal areas that have
    had heavy rains in the last few days as well as urban areas such as
    New Orleans.

    ...West Texas...

    No significant changes were made here as any locally heavy rainfall
    will largely set up the area for more common instances of flooding
    for the Day 2/Monday period. An isolated instance or 2 of flash
    flooding can't be ruled out.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeastern New Mexico and West Texas...

    An approaching 250 mb upper trough will move into far West Texas
    today while a surface boundary lingers across the Hill Country.
    Precipitable water values are forecast to be around 1.5-1.75" which
    is about +1 to +2 sigma with the typical NW to SE gradient.
    Afternoon convection should percolate today and could fall over
    areas that have seen a few inches of rain on Saturday (with lower
    FFG values as a result). Coverage should be somewhat isolated so
    the Marginal Risk will suffice.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    Meandering weakness in the mid-lower levels will again help drive
    some heavier rainfall along the Upper TX Coast into southern
    Louisiana. Maintained the Marginal Risk as the bulk of the guidance
    keeps the heaviest rain offshore, though it will be close (again)
    just like on Saturday.

    ...Eastern Tennessee Valley and Mid-Atlantic Region...

    A cold front will approach the Appalachians this afternoon as the
    lead boundary dissipates, leaving a trough over the coastal plain.
    The best forcing for afternoon convection will lie there, generally
    over far southeastern Virginia into central/eastern North Carolina.
    00Z HREF probs of exceeding FFG values are around 10-20% (via 1-2
    inch per hour rates), though there are hints at some higher rates
    still. Activity should be mostly progressive, suggesting a
    localized threat of flash flooding. Kept the Marginal Risk for this


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    No significant changes were made, but there were a few smaller=20
    adjustments. The latest guidance is honing in on where the=20
    heaviest rain will be, and has been trending southward and a bit=20
    heavier with how high the highest bullseye totals will be. As such,
    the northern and western ends of the Slight were trimmed away from
    the NM and OK borders. Meanwhile somewhat higher rainfall totals=20
    are possible across portions of the Hill Country.=20

    Elsewhere across Texas, the greatest rainfall amounts may be along
    the Gulf Coast from Houston/Galveston southwestward through Corpus
    Christi. However, due to higher FFG values since much of this coast
    has been relatively dry, only isolated flash flooding is expected
    at this point in that area. However, any localized organization
    could cause more widely scattered instances of flash flooding.
    Thus, a Slight for portions of the upper and middle Texas Coasts
    may be needed with future updates.


    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area. Most of the
    heaviest rain remains largely off the coast, so the primary
    flooding threat will be in any urban or immediate coastal areas.
    Additional trimming or even a cancellation of the Marginal here is
    possible with future updates...especially if trends shifting the
    heaviest rains south and east continue.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    In coordination with SJT/San Angelo, TX forecast office, a Slight
    risk area for portions of central Texas was added with this update.
    A large portion of the flooding potential Day 3/Tuesday will be
    contingent on a verified forecast from Day 2/Monday, as Monday will
    have the heavier rain/stronger storms of the two days. However,
    even the lesser amounts of rain expected Tuesday should still cause
    flooding issues in the area with a widespread 1-1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts.=20

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A small Marginal Risk area was added to northern Idaho and western
    Montana with this update. A potent shortwave trough will interact
    with up to 2 sigma above normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday.=20
    PWATs rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,
    lending credence to a future upgrade.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5SUsnNYAusLcgF09bsoW1BGP6D4oK8kTIzcbHZmEjXLO= g55V3AIzLtPWSXq1eNrFOFjEhA56LCHq-724yOpqTyVNUWQ$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5SUsnNYAusLcgF09bsoW1BGP6D4oK8kTIzcbHZmEjXLO= g55V3AIzLtPWSXq1eNrFOFjEhA56LCHq-724yOpqaE8Vzwc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5SUsnNYAusLcgF09bsoW1BGP6D4oK8kTIzcbHZmEjXLO= g55V3AIzLtPWSXq1eNrFOFjEhA56LCHq-724yOpqucuifVk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 00:25:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 020025

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    825 PM EDT Sun Sep 1 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Southern Mid-Atlantic to southern Appalachians...

    Slight Risk expanded to central NC given training scenario with a
    near parallel-stratiform MCS approaching Raleigh which was hit with
    heavy rain this afternoon. A moist pre-frontal environment with PW
    of 2.0 to 2.2 inches (according to SPC Mesoanalysis/RAP) is being
    reinforced with southerly flow this evening. The slow- moving but=20
    potent cold front will emerge out of the central Appalachians
    overnight and slowly push activity east over Hampton Roads and
    eastern NC which saw heavy rains in recent days and is still=20
    draining, resulting in depressed FFG values in the area.=20

    Some activity over the southern Appalachians and Piedmont east over
    northern GA and SC may organize a bit in the low shear environment
    and lead to additional isolated flooding where a Marginal Risk

    ...Upper Texas Coast...

    Cyclonic flow off Upper Texas Coast will once again allow overnight
    repeating activity into a generally narrow strip the coast with=20
    confidence most south of Houston per recent HRRRs. Given that this
    is farther south than the activity last night, the Marginal Risk
    was trimmed from LA and limited to the Upper Texas Coast.

    ...West Texas...

    An 250 mb upper trough centered over NM will continue to drift east
    overnight while a surface trough lingers over west Texas. move=20
    into far West Texas today while a surface boundary lingers across=20
    the Hill Country. PW of 1.5-1.6" (about +1 to +2 sigma) and MUCAPE
    of 1000-2000 J/kg will continue to allow activity to redevelop this
    evening, allowing the Marginal Risk to be maintained from North
    through West Texas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    No significant changes were made, but there were a few smaller
    adjustments. The latest guidance is honing in on where the
    heaviest rain will be, and has been trending southward and a bit
    heavier with how high the highest bullseye totals will be. As such,
    the northern and western ends of the Slight were trimmed away from
    the NM and OK borders. Meanwhile somewhat higher rainfall totals
    are possible across portions of the Hill Country.

    Elsewhere across Texas, the greatest rainfall amounts may be along
    the Gulf Coast from Houston/Galveston southwestward through Corpus
    Christi. However, due to higher FFG values since much of this coast
    has been relatively dry, only isolated flash flooding is expected
    at this point in that area. However, any localized organization
    could cause more widely scattered instances of flash flooding.
    Thus, a Slight for portions of the upper and middle Texas Coasts
    may be needed with future updates.


    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area. Most of the
    heaviest rain remains largely off the coast, so the primary
    flooding threat will be in any urban or immediate coastal areas.
    Additional trimming or even a cancellation of the Marginal here is
    possible with future updates...especially if trends shifting the
    heaviest rains south and east continue.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort and upper trough will move into West Texas on
    Monday atop increased moisture from the southeast. Guidance
    continues to show modest QPF of 1-5 inches near and around the Hill
    Country, with various foci in the deterministic models. ECMWF-AIFS
    was still decidedly north compared to the other models. The CSU
    machine learning first guess fields still suggest a broad Slight
    Risk over the Hill Country, so at least there is some consistency
    over the past 24-36 hours in this guidance vs the models (which is
    the point). FFG values are lowest near/south of San Angelo to Del
    Rio (due to recent rain) where the HREF probs of exceeding these
    values reach ~50%.


    Cold front will sink farther into the Carolinas from day 1, which
    will nudge the excessive rainfall threat south as well. Best
    dynamics move offshore with the trough axis so the Marginal Risk
    should cover any remaining isolated flooding threat due to
    afternoon convection.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    In coordination with SJT/San Angelo, TX forecast office, a Slight
    risk area for portions of central Texas was added with this update.
    A large portion of the flooding potential Day 3/Tuesday will be
    contingent on a verified forecast from Day 2/Monday, as Monday will
    have the heavier rain/stronger storms of the two days. However,
    even the lesser amounts of rain expected Tuesday should still cause
    flooding issues in the area with a widespread 1-1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A small Marginal Risk area was added to northern Idaho and western
    Montana with this update. A potent shortwave trough will interact
    with up to 2 sigma above normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday.
    PWATs rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Mid-level vort will be exiting the region though precipitable
    water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma initially, then
    decreasing late Tuesday). Depending on how much (and where) rain
    falls on day 2, there is room to upgrade some of this region to a
    Slight Risk pending better model agreement in future runs. For now,
    ensemble consensus is just east of the Hill Country but individual
    models are quite varied north/south. First guess fields from the
    CSU machine learning algorithm do show a Slight Risk outline,
    lending credence to a future upgrade.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4Q7x9lMjYxDdgDNpxG4imux4H19_njw2hiAccyUWafCn= s6fPXUJMrUmAqisXqOfQu3TzZ68ovJfJsGiH8Txoe-RghJE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4Q7x9lMjYxDdgDNpxG4imux4H19_njw2hiAccyUWafCn= s6fPXUJMrUmAqisXqOfQu3TzZ68ovJfJsGiH8Txow1JRfJI$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4Q7x9lMjYxDdgDNpxG4imux4H19_njw2hiAccyUWafCn= s6fPXUJMrUmAqisXqOfQu3TzZ68ovJfJsGiH8TxoEZ7UIo0$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 08:30:28 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 020830

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Mon Sep 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024



    An upper level trough with a mid-level vort will be advancing into
    western Texas during this period. Meanwhile a surface low hugging
    the South Texas Coast will maintain easterly flow from the Gulf
    allowing PW values of 2+ inches to pool over much of the state. The
    latest guidance continues to depict areal averages of 1 to 5 inches
    of QPF across the Hill Country into east-central Texas and along
    much of the Texas coastline. Recent rainfall has increased soil
    saturation across the state thus lowering FFGs. The hi-res guidance
    is showing training of slow moving convection capable of 1 to 2.5=20 inches/hour rain rates which could easily lead to scattered areas
    of excessive rainfall and localized flash flooding. A Slight Risk
    areas remains in effect for west-central and central Texas.
    Additionally, a Slight Risk was added for the coastline today where
    storms will be producing rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour.=20=20


    A cold front sinking through the Mid-Atlantic region will continue
    to move showers and thunderstorms southward over the Carolinas
    today. Guidance keeps the bulk of the QPF offshore during this
    period where there are better dynamics in place however there will
    still be an isolated threat for localized excessive rainfall and
    flooding. A Marginal Risk area was maintained for eastern portions
    of the Carolinas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although=20
    precipitable water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma=20
    initially, then decreasing late Tuesday). A large portion of the=20
    flooding potential will be contingent on a verified forecast from=20
    Day 1/Monday, as Monday will have the heavier rain/stronger storms=20
    of the two days. However, even the lesser amounts of rain expected=20
    Tuesday should still cause flooding issues in the area with a=20
    widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast with locally higher amounts. A
    Slight Risk remains in effect for central portions of the state.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A potent shortwave trough will interact with up to 2 sigma above=20
    normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday. PW values rising to near 1
    inch will support storms capable of heavy rain that may produce=20
    isolated flash flooding should the storms impact particularly flood
    sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The influx of anomalous Gulf Moisture will persist all across the=20
    southern tier states while the upper trough and vort exits the=20
    plains and into the Mississippi Valley. The surface front will=20
    continue to be draped west to east across the South continuing to=20
    provide focus for showers and thunderstorms across the region.=20
    During the late afternoon and evening hours there will be an=20
    intensification of instability and forcing to boost rainfall rates=20
    across the Lower Mississippi Valley, particularly over Louisiana,=20
    western Mississippi and southeast Arkansas. Most of the guidance=20
    are suggesting that 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part=20
    of the region thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and=20
    local flooding potential. There is the potential for a few=20
    locations for local maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern=20 Louisiana/Arkansas. Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and=20
    southern Mississippi could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. A Slight=20
    Risk area was raised for parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-ap0tYZn3_QeBTewqxdaUklRT2oRalYSGp9UhHyX4Klx= wBJIQSTgPXzQjksRQ9aLncThG23sSv0W3BPnHyrr4xQg-tk$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-ap0tYZn3_QeBTewqxdaUklRT2oRalYSGp9UhHyX4Klx= wBJIQSTgPXzQjksRQ9aLncThG23sSv0W3BPnHyrrtf5FpWQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-ap0tYZn3_QeBTewqxdaUklRT2oRalYSGp9UhHyX4Klx= wBJIQSTgPXzQjksRQ9aLncThG23sSv0W3BPnHyrr-K-i7eM$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 15:58:54 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 021558

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1158 AM EDT Mon Sep 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...North Central Texas...

    No significant changes were made to the inherited ERO risk areas.
    Heavy rain ongoing across the area will continue through the day.
    The CAMs guidance has continued to increase across the Hill County
    and portions of central Texas, generally west of Ft. Worth,
    southeast of Lubbock, and around and northeast of San Angelo. For
    that reason, that area of north central Texas is considered in a
    higher-end Slight risk. Widely scattered to scattered instances of
    flash flooding are probable with locally significant and
    considerable flash flooding possible. The rocky soils and some
    terrain will convert much of the rainfall into runoff...increasing
    the potential for flash flooding.

    ...Texas Gulf Coast...

    The inherited Slight Risk along the Texas Gulf Coast remains
    largely the same, with minor tweaks this morning. Heavy rainfall
    associated with westward moving convection with a stationary
    tropical low may cause localized flash flooding, particularly in
    any low-lying and urban areas today. Thus far the most organized
    convection has been stationary over Galveston, extending west to
    the south of Houston. However, these kinds of localized heavy rains
    that may train will continue to be a flooding concern for the rest
    of the day into tonight.=20


    The biggest change to the ERO this midday is to trim nearly all of
    SC and GA out of the Marginal Risk. The heaviest rains today are
    now expected to remain offshore of SC and GA based on the latest
    CAMs guidance. Heavy showers are impacting the North Carolina
    beaches and the southern Outer Banks, which remain in a low-end
    Marginal, but once again the vast majority of the heaviest rains
    are expected to remain offshore over the Gulf Stream.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    An upper level trough with a mid-level vort will be advancing into
    western Texas during this period. Meanwhile a surface low hugging
    the South Texas Coast will maintain easterly flow from the Gulf
    allowing PW values of 2+ inches to pool over much of the state. The
    latest guidance continues to depict areal averages of 1 to 5 inches
    of QPF across the Hill Country into east-central Texas and along
    much of the Texas coastline. Recent rainfall has increased soil
    saturation across the state thus lowering FFGs. The hi-res guidance
    is showing training of slow moving convection capable of 1 to 2.5
    inches/hour rain rates which could easily lead to scattered areas
    of excessive rainfall and localized flash flooding. A Slight Risk
    areas remains in effect for west-central and central Texas.
    Additionally, a Slight Risk was added for the coastline today where
    storms will be producing rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour.


    A cold front sinking through the Mid-Atlantic region will continue
    to move showers and thunderstorms southward over the Carolinas
    today. Guidance keeps the bulk of the QPF offshore during this
    period where there are better dynamics in place however there will
    still be an isolated threat for localized excessive rainfall and
    flooding. A Marginal Risk area was maintained for eastern portions
    of the Carolinas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma
    initially, then decreasing late Tuesday). A large portion of the
    flooding potential will be contingent on a verified forecast from
    Day 1/Monday, as Monday will have the heavier rain/stronger storms
    of the two days. However, even the lesser amounts of rain expected
    Tuesday should still cause flooding issues in the area with a
    widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast with locally higher amounts. A
    Slight Risk remains in effect for central portions of the state.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A potent shortwave trough will interact with up to 2 sigma above
    normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday. PW values rising to near 1
    inch will support storms capable of heavy rain that may produce
    isolated flash flooding should the storms impact particularly flood
    sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The influx of anomalous Gulf Moisture will persist all across the
    southern tier states while the upper trough and vort exits the
    plains and into the Mississippi Valley. The surface front will
    continue to be draped west to east across the South continuing to
    provide focus for showers and thunderstorms across the region.
    During the late afternoon and evening hours there will be an
    intensification of instability and forcing to boost rainfall rates
    across the Lower Mississippi Valley, particularly over Louisiana,
    western Mississippi and southeast Arkansas. Most of the guidance
    are suggesting that 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part
    of the region thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and
    local flooding potential. There is the potential for a few
    locations for local maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas. Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and
    southern Mississippi could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. A Slight
    Risk area was raised for parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_7CyrNKaYOT9oGTZMe8vlyp70pGGyQ0ZeOvcTXz4luM3= ECci04buLnMQXXnIXtBJEwink9vGOwhJn09ElxGgzFg0pN0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_7CyrNKaYOT9oGTZMe8vlyp70pGGyQ0ZeOvcTXz4luM3= ECci04buLnMQXXnIXtBJEwink9vGOwhJn09ElxGgR_hn7dM$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_7CyrNKaYOT9oGTZMe8vlyp70pGGyQ0ZeOvcTXz4luM3= ECci04buLnMQXXnIXtBJEwink9vGOwhJn09ElxGgNieyaBw$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 2 20:13:16 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 022012

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    412 PM EDT Mon Sep 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 02 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...North Central Texas...

    No significant changes were made to the inherited ERO risk areas.
    Heavy rain ongoing across the area will continue through the day.
    The CAMs guidance has continued to increase across the Hill County
    and portions of central Texas, generally west of Ft. Worth,
    southeast of Lubbock, and around and northeast of San Angelo. For
    that reason, that area of north central Texas is considered in a
    higher-end Slight risk. Widely scattered to scattered instances of
    flash flooding are probable with locally significant and
    considerable flash flooding possible. The rocky soils and some
    terrain will convert much of the rainfall into runoff...increasing
    the potential for flash flooding.

    ...Texas Gulf Coast...

    The inherited Slight Risk along the Texas Gulf Coast remains
    largely the same, with minor tweaks this morning. Heavy rainfall
    associated with westward moving convection with a stationary
    tropical low may cause localized flash flooding, particularly in
    any low-lying and urban areas today. Thus far the most organized
    convection has been stationary over Galveston, extending west to
    the south of Houston. However, these kinds of localized heavy rains
    that may train will continue to be a flooding concern for the rest
    of the day into tonight.


    The biggest change to the ERO this midday is to trim nearly all of
    SC and GA out of the Marginal Risk. The heaviest rains today are
    now expected to remain offshore of SC and GA based on the latest
    CAMs guidance. Heavy showers are impacting the North Carolina
    beaches and the southern Outer Banks, which remain in a low-end
    Marginal, but once again the vast majority of the heaviest rains
    are expected to remain offshore over the Gulf Stream.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    An upper level trough with a mid-level vort will be advancing into
    western Texas during this period. Meanwhile a surface low hugging
    the South Texas Coast will maintain easterly flow from the Gulf
    allowing PW values of 2+ inches to pool over much of the state. The
    latest guidance continues to depict areal averages of 1 to 5 inches
    of QPF across the Hill Country into east-central Texas and along
    much of the Texas coastline. Recent rainfall has increased soil
    saturation across the state thus lowering FFGs. The hi-res guidance
    is showing training of slow moving convection capable of 1 to 2.5
    inches/hour rain rates which could easily lead to scattered areas
    of excessive rainfall and localized flash flooding. A Slight Risk
    areas remains in effect for west-central and central Texas.
    Additionally, a Slight Risk was added for the coastline today where
    storms will be producing rates of 1 to 3 inches/hour.


    A cold front sinking through the Mid-Atlantic region will continue
    to move showers and thunderstorms southward over the Carolinas
    today. Guidance keeps the bulk of the QPF offshore during this
    period where there are better dynamics in place however there will
    still be an isolated threat for localized excessive rainfall and
    flooding. A Marginal Risk area was maintained for eastern portions
    of the Carolinas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    A new Slight Risk area was introduced for the Middle Texas Coast
    with this afternoon's update. A slow moving tropical low will
    continue to bring periods of heavy rain in the form of slow-moving
    showers and thunderstorms from the Gulf into the adjacent Texas
    Coast. Any rainfall from today will saturate the soils for the next
    round of rain on Tuesday. Similar amounts of rain are expected on
    both days, so any potential flooding from today will be worse on
    Tuesday. Most areas will not see steady rain the entire time, but
    very localized areas of training storms resulting in flash

    For north central Texas, very few changes were needed as continued
    rain from Monday is still expected to hit the portion of north
    central Texas between Ft. Worth, Abilene, and San Angelo. Lesser
    amounts of rain are expected Tuesday as compared with today, but
    with scattered flash flooding ongoing currently, additional rain in
    these same areas will continue or worsen existing flooding. The
    Slight risk area was expanded a row of counties eastward in keeping
    with the latest guidance trends.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    A low end Marginal was introduced with this update for the
    potential of slow moving and training storms to the east of the low
    along a stalling front into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The
    area has been somewhat drier than points further east, but the
    abundance of atmospheric moisture and instability as well as the
    slow-moving nature of the synoptic systems did increase the
    confidence that an isolated flash flood or two could develop in
    these portions of MS & AL where heavy rain from slow moving storms
    persists the longest.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma
    initially, then decreasing late Tuesday). A large portion of the
    flooding potential will be contingent on a verified forecast from
    Day 1/Monday, as Monday will have the heavier rain/stronger storms
    of the two days. However, even the lesser amounts of rain expected
    Tuesday should still cause flooding issues in the area with a
    widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast with locally higher amounts. A
    Slight Risk remains in effect for central portions of the state.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A potent shortwave trough will interact with up to 2 sigma above
    normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday. PW values rising to near 1
    inch will support storms capable of heavy rain that may produce
    isolated flash flooding should the storms impact particularly flood
    sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    The combination of a stalled out front, tropical low, and abundant
    moisture and instability will all make for a rainy day along nearly
    the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the way to the Florida
    Peninsula on Wednesday. The focus for the heaviest rains will be in
    the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the Florida
    Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from New
    Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in

    With the greatest forcing pushing south with time, rainfall amounts
    further north into the mid-Mississippi Valley have come way down.
    So the biggest change to the ERO was to downgrade the Slight and
    Marginal risk areas into MO/KY/TN, much of AR, and northern MS.
    Given the multiple days of scattered shower and storm activity into
    Louisiana and the adjacent Gulf Coast late last week, the Slight
    was expanded both west and east along the Gulf Coast to highlight
    the potential for heavy rain and adjacent flooding, especially in
    urban areas.=20

    With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New Orleans,
    continued increases in rainfall there may require an eventual
    targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue. Further, potential
    for heavy rain may continue into the Middle Texas Coast Wednesday,
    so another Slight for coastal sections may also need to be
    considered with future updates.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The influx of anomalous Gulf Moisture will persist all across the
    southern tier states while the upper trough and vort exits the
    plains and into the Mississippi Valley. The surface front will
    continue to be draped west to east across the South continuing to
    provide focus for showers and thunderstorms across the region.
    During the late afternoon and evening hours there will be an
    intensification of instability and forcing to boost rainfall rates
    across the Lower Mississippi Valley, particularly over Louisiana,
    western Mississippi and southeast Arkansas. Most of the guidance
    are suggesting that 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part
    of the region thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and
    local flooding potential. There is the potential for a few
    locations for local maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas. Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and
    southern Mississippi could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. A Slight
    Risk area was raised for parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SlyYVFagzmS0_85wU6WEhruy7i7rIsSExm7UBu745kj= j0lw3Zc4zIeWQ3pix9KYvbSBD4WC6DQe-MZcDm4FvT7npGc$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SlyYVFagzmS0_85wU6WEhruy7i7rIsSExm7UBu745kj= j0lw3Zc4zIeWQ3pix9KYvbSBD4WC6DQe-MZcDm4FR5zZbBQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SlyYVFagzmS0_85wU6WEhruy7i7rIsSExm7UBu745kj= j0lw3Zc4zIeWQ3pix9KYvbSBD4WC6DQe-MZcDm4FCfNxFgw$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 00:51:59 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 030051

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    851 PM EDT Mon Sep 2 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Central/West Texas to the Middle Texas Coast...

    An upper level trough centered over far west Texas will continue to
    provide lift to a moist and unstable airmass fed by 20kt easterly
    low level flow from the western Gulf. low a mid- level vort will=20
    be advancing into western Texas during this period. Heavy rain over
    this area all day has continued to lower FFGs with scattered
    instances of flash flooding ongoing. Instability is trending south,
    as is the focus for additional heavy rain overnight. Therefore, the
    Slight Risk was trimmed on the north side a bit per recent HRRRs.
    Further information can be found in MPD 0965.

    Meanwhile a trough along the middle TX Coast will allow some=20
    overnight focus of activity south of the earlier heavy activity=20
    over Galveston to around Corpus Christi. Recent HRRRs suggest an
    addition 2-3" possible overnight, so the Slight Risk was focused
    farther south than previous to account for the overnight threat.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...

    Reinvigoration of activty over eastern SC warrants shifting the
    Marginal Risk back south to cover the southern NC Coast and the
    northeastern SC coast overnight. The stationary front a little ways
    inland from the coast will continue to provide a focus for
    development in an environment of 2-2.2" PW and instability around
    1000 J/kg. Low level northeasterly flow ahead of the front is
    counteracted by light northwesterly mean flow which may allow
    localized training of activity and a quick 2" of rainfall which
    over sensitive areas may cause flash flooding.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    A new Slight Risk area was introduced for the Middle Texas Coast
    with this afternoon's update. A slow moving tropical low will
    continue to bring periods of heavy rain in the form of slow-moving
    showers and thunderstorms from the Gulf into the adjacent Texas
    Coast. Any rainfall from today will saturate the soils for the next
    round of rain on Tuesday. Similar amounts of rain are expected on
    both days, so any potential flooding from today will be worse on
    Tuesday. Most areas will not see steady rain the entire time, but
    very localized areas of training storms resulting in flash

    For north central Texas, very few changes were needed as continued
    rain from Monday is still expected to hit the portion of north
    central Texas between Ft. Worth, Abilene, and San Angelo. Lesser
    amounts of rain are expected Tuesday as compared with today, but
    with scattered flash flooding ongoing currently, additional rain in
    these same areas will continue or worsen existing flooding. The
    Slight risk area was expanded a row of counties eastward in keeping
    with the latest guidance trends.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    A low end Marginal was introduced with this update for the
    potential of slow moving and training storms to the east of the low
    along a stalling front into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The
    area has been somewhat drier than points further east, but the
    abundance of atmospheric moisture and instability as well as the
    slow-moving nature of the synoptic systems did increase the
    confidence that an isolated flash flood or two could develop in
    these portions of MS & AL where heavy rain from slow moving storms
    persists the longest.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high (+1 to +2 sigma
    initially, then decreasing late Tuesday). A large portion of the
    flooding potential will be contingent on a verified forecast from
    Day 1/Monday, as Monday will have the heavier rain/stronger storms
    of the two days. However, even the lesser amounts of rain expected
    Tuesday should still cause flooding issues in the area with a
    widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast with locally higher amounts. A
    Slight Risk remains in effect for central portions of the state.

    The heaviest rains in the state are expected to be along the Gulf
    Coast from Galveston south and west through Corpus Christi. Locally
    heavy rains to 2 inches per hour will be possible. For now the
    greatest flooding threat remains confined to any urban areas, but
    should Monday's rains overperform here then a Slight may be needed
    for the hardest hit areas with future updates.


    A potent shortwave trough will interact with up to 2 sigma above
    normal atmospheric moisture on Tuesday. PW values rising to near 1
    inch will support storms capable of heavy rain that may produce
    isolated flash flooding should the storms impact particularly flood
    sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...2030Z Update...

    The combination of a stalled out front, tropical low, and abundant
    moisture and instability will all make for a rainy day along nearly
    the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the way to the Florida
    Peninsula on Wednesday. The focus for the heaviest rains will be in
    the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the Florida
    Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from New
    Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in

    With the greatest forcing pushing south with time, rainfall amounts
    further north into the mid-Mississippi Valley have come way down.
    So the biggest change to the ERO was to downgrade the Slight and
    Marginal risk areas into MO/KY/TN, much of AR, and northern MS.
    Given the multiple days of scattered shower and storm activity into
    Louisiana and the adjacent Gulf Coast late last week, the Slight
    was expanded both west and east along the Gulf Coast to highlight
    the potential for heavy rain and adjacent flooding, especially in
    urban areas.

    With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New Orleans,
    continued increases in rainfall there may require an eventual
    targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue. Further, potential
    for heavy rain may continue into the Middle Texas Coast Wednesday,
    so another Slight for coastal sections may also need to be
    considered with future updates.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The influx of anomalous Gulf Moisture will persist all across the
    southern tier states while the upper trough and vort exits the
    plains and into the Mississippi Valley. The surface front will
    continue to be draped west to east across the South continuing to
    provide focus for showers and thunderstorms across the region.
    During the late afternoon and evening hours there will be an
    intensification of instability and forcing to boost rainfall rates
    across the Lower Mississippi Valley, particularly over Louisiana,
    western Mississippi and southeast Arkansas. Most of the guidance
    are suggesting that 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part
    of the region thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and
    local flooding potential. There is the potential for a few
    locations for local maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas. Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and
    southern Mississippi could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. A Slight
    Risk area was raised for parts of Louisiana, Mississippi and


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SD5tmdMs4TmEbklRSSyts5pdGfv5uN1cwVBaEWQo4I1= ajIyZToxN4Big3wFXq56ys6pNr6OFdybNAHNr9PoLkCE8UI$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SD5tmdMs4TmEbklRSSyts5pdGfv5uN1cwVBaEWQo4I1= ajIyZToxN4Big3wFXq56ys6pNr6OFdybNAHNr9Powd2zluw$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8SD5tmdMs4TmEbklRSSyts5pdGfv5uN1cwVBaEWQo4I1= ajIyZToxN4Big3wFXq56ys6pNr6OFdybNAHNr9PoLjy95o8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 08:03:50 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 030803

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    403 AM EDT Tue Sep 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024



    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although=20
    precipitable water values will remain high. Flooding issues will be
    possible in the area with a widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast=20
    with locally higher amounts. A Slight Risk remains in effect for=20
    central portions of the state although it was expanded y 1 tier of
    counties to the south to reflect the latest trends in the guidance.
    A slow moving tropical low will continue to bring periods of heavy
    rain in the form of slow- moving showers and thunderstorms from=20
    the Gulf into the adjacent Texas Coast. Most areas will not see=20
    steady rain the entire time, but very localized areas of training=20
    storms resulting in flash flooding. The heaviest rains in the=20
    state are expected to be along the Gulf Coast from Galveston south=20
    and west through Corpus Christi. Locally heavy rains to 2 inches=20
    per hour will be possible.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    The Marginal Risk was maintained for the potential of slow moving=20
    and training storms to the east of the low along a stalling front=20
    into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The abundance of atmospheric
    moisture and instability, as well as, the slow-moving nature of=20
    the synoptic systems increases confidence that an isolated flash=20
    flood or two could develop along this stretch of coast.=20


    There is potential for isolated to scattered heavy rainfall as an
    advancing shortwave encounters an anomalously moist airmass. PW=20
    values rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy=20
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms=20
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 2 Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across=20
    the South, albeit further south than previous forecast cycles. This
    frontal boundary will provide focus for showers and thunderstorms
    to spread across the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the=20
    way to the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday. Most of the guidance=20
    shows 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part of the region=20
    thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and local flooding=20 potential.=20

    There is the potential for a few locations for local=20
    maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas.=20
    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi=20
    could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. The focus for the heaviest rains
    will be in the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the=20
    Florida Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from=20
    New Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in
    place. With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New=20
    Orleans, continued increases in rainfall there may require an=20
    eventual targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue.

    Given the trends, the back edge of the Marginal Risk was trimmed
    eastward toward the Texas coast in addition to reducing the
    northern boundary by 1 tier of counties across Alabama and


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The area of precipitation mentioned for the Day 2 period will=20
    shift eastward across the central Gulf Coast with the heaviest QPF
    still focusing across portions of southeast Louisiana, southern
    Alabama, southern Mississippi and clipping western portions of the
    Florida panhandle. Again, there was a notable southern shift in=20
    placement within a majority of the guidance from previous
    cycles.coastlineThe inherited Marginal Risk areas was removed=20
    from southern Tennessee and northern portions of Alabama,=20
    Mississippi and northwest Georgia while trimmed eastward across=20
    central Louisiana. The Slight Risk spans along the Gulf Coast from=20 west-central Louisiana to eastern Choctawhatchee Bay Florida.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9s2-VScCoqLSMI2wz5QVxm-OHmaFhCYLTKT--tyqHjTZ= CPZB0744EUIrhwtsTvm7Gbv-nKrTbbmW0F0ObGHevcpwRuE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9s2-VScCoqLSMI2wz5QVxm-OHmaFhCYLTKT--tyqHjTZ= CPZB0744EUIrhwtsTvm7Gbv-nKrTbbmW0F0ObGHeBqeqrgY$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9s2-VScCoqLSMI2wz5QVxm-OHmaFhCYLTKT--tyqHjTZ= CPZB0744EUIrhwtsTvm7Gbv-nKrTbbmW0F0ObGHen_BYb6o$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 13:28:26 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 031328

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    928 AM EDT Tue Sep 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...13Z Outlook Update...

    Slight risk areas were combined and expanded to include more of=20
    south Texas (near the Del Rio area). This morning, slow-moving=20
    convection has materialized and produced areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr=20
    rain rates just east of the Rio Grande. These storms are in a=20
    sufficiently moist/unstable enviornment with weak flow aloft for=20
    continued heavy rainfall. Low FFG thresholds (near zero in spots)
    were also noted. The flash flood threat should persist for most of
    the D1 forecast period under this regime. Reference MPD #0968 for=20
    additional mesoscale details.

    ...Southeastern Mississippi eastward to northern Florida...
    Latest CAMs indicate a robust axis of convection materializing amid
    weak flow aloft from the Pine Belt of Mississippi eastward to the
    Jacksonville Metro area. HREF probabilities of 24-hr, 3 inch+=20=20 precipitation totals maximize near Jacksonville, where models=20
    depict a persistent fetch of deep convection originating along a=20
    frontal boundary over the Gulf Stream. Multiple rounds of=20
    precipitation are expected today through the early overnight=20
    hours especially across northeastern Florida. Localized flash=20
    flood potential is expected where rainfall can occur over=20 sensitive/urbanized locales. The Marginal risk has been expanded=20 northwestward and eastward to include areas of isolated flash flood

    The remainder of the forecast is unchanged. Refer to the previous
    discussion below for more details.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high. Flooding issues will be
    possible in the area with a widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts. A Slight Risk remains in effect for
    central portions of the state although it was expanded y 1 tier of
    counties to the south to reflect the latest trends in the guidance.
    A slow moving tropical low will continue to bring periods of heavy
    rain in the form of slow- moving showers and thunderstorms from
    the Gulf into the adjacent Texas Coast. Most areas will not see
    steady rain the entire time, but very localized areas of training
    storms resulting in flash flooding. The heaviest rains in the
    state are expected to be along the Gulf Coast from Galveston south
    and west through Corpus Christi. Locally heavy rains to 2 inches
    per hour will be possible.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    The Marginal Risk was maintained for the potential of slow moving
    and training storms to the east of the low along a stalling front
    into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The abundance of atmospheric
    moisture and instability, as well as, the slow-moving nature of
    the synoptic systems increases confidence that an isolated flash
    flood or two could develop along this stretch of coast.


    There is potential for isolated to scattered heavy rainfall as an
    advancing shortwave encounters an anomalously moist airmass. PW
    values rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South, albeit further south than previous forecast cycles. This
    frontal boundary will provide focus for showers and thunderstorms
    to spread across the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the
    way to the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday. Most of the guidance
    shows 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part of the region
    thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and local flooding

    There is the potential for a few locations for local
    maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas.
    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. The focus for the heaviest rains
    will be in the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the
    Florida Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from
    New Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in
    place. With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New
    Orleans, continued increases in rainfall there may require an
    eventual targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue.

    Given the trends, the back edge of the Marginal Risk was trimmed
    eastward toward the Texas coast in addition to reducing the
    northern boundary by 1 tier of counties across Alabama and


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The area of precipitation mentioned for the Day 2 period will
    shift eastward across the central Gulf Coast with the heaviest QPF
    still focusing across portions of southeast Louisiana, southern
    Alabama, southern Mississippi and clipping western portions of the
    Florida panhandle. Again, there was a notable southern shift in
    placement within a majority of the guidance from previous
    cycles.coastlineThe inherited Marginal Risk areas was removed
    from southern Tennessee and northern portions of Alabama,
    Mississippi and northwest Georgia while trimmed eastward across
    central Louisiana. The Slight Risk spans along the Gulf Coast from
    west-central Louisiana to eastern Choctawhatchee Bay Florida.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SOk52gvJXcyCiaO0XFd-4pmI2Yl8lsVmPyvyQMeb3wy= mFD22WkF02U8MMCj1OXtK1qeUXAay0uxdhn56QNYCcxm9b8$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SOk52gvJXcyCiaO0XFd-4pmI2Yl8lsVmPyvyQMeb3wy= mFD22WkF02U8MMCj1OXtK1qeUXAay0uxdhn56QNYB4yehbQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SOk52gvJXcyCiaO0XFd-4pmI2Yl8lsVmPyvyQMeb3wy= mFD22WkF02U8MMCj1OXtK1qeUXAay0uxdhn56QNYQrkr4o4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 3 20:01:16 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 032000

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 PM EDT Tue Sep 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 03 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...13Z Outlook Update...

    Slight risk areas were combined and expanded to include more of
    south Texas (near the Del Rio area). This morning, slow-moving
    convection has materialized and produced areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr
    rain rates just east of the Rio Grande. These storms are in a
    sufficiently moist/unstable environment with weak flow aloft for
    continued heavy rainfall. Low FFG thresholds (near zero in spots)
    were also noted. The flash flood threat should persist for most of
    the D1 forecast period under this regime. Reference MPD #0968 for
    additional mesoscale details.

    ...Southeastern Mississippi eastward to northern Florida...
    Latest CAMs indicate a robust axis of convection materializing amid
    weak flow aloft from the Pine Belt of Mississippi eastward to the
    Jacksonville Metro area. HREF probabilities of 24-hr, 3 inch+
    precipitation totals maximize near Jacksonville, where models
    depict a persistent fetch of deep convection originating along a
    frontal boundary over the Gulf Stream. Multiple rounds of
    precipitation are expected today through the early overnight
    hours especially across northeastern Florida. Localized flash
    flood potential is expected where rainfall can occur over
    sensitive/urbanized locales. The Marginal risk has been expanded
    northwestward and eastward to include areas of isolated flash flood

    The remainder of the forecast is unchanged. Refer to the previous
    discussion below for more details.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high. Flooding issues will be
    possible in the area with a widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts. A Slight Risk remains in effect for
    central portions of the state although it was expanded y 1 tier of
    counties to the south to reflect the latest trends in the guidance.
    A slow moving tropical low will continue to bring periods of heavy
    rain in the form of slow- moving showers and thunderstorms from
    the Gulf into the adjacent Texas Coast. Most areas will not see
    steady rain the entire time, but very localized areas of training
    storms resulting in flash flooding. The heaviest rains in the
    state are expected to be along the Gulf Coast from Galveston south
    and west through Corpus Christi. Locally heavy rains to 2 inches
    per hour will be possible.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    The Marginal Risk was maintained for the potential of slow moving
    and training storms to the east of the low along a stalling front
    into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The abundance of atmospheric
    moisture and instability, as well as, the slow-moving nature of
    the synoptic systems increases confidence that an isolated flash
    flood or two could develop along this stretch of coast.


    There is potential for isolated to scattered heavy rainfall as an
    advancing shortwave encounters an anomalously moist airmass. PW
    values rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    As 12Z guidance rolled in today, the precipitation shield was not
    as progressive as previous forecast cycles. A blend of CAMs/global
    guidance has shifted the focus for heavier rainfall to be along the
    Upper Texas coast where they will be located closest to an
    organizing and elongated area of low pressure in the western Gulf
    of Mexico. NAEFS continues to depict a swath of PWs that are
    topping the 99th climatological percentile from as far south as
    Brownsville to as far east as Pensacola. The area most at risk will
    likely be found from the Upper Texas coast to southern Louisiana where
    the combination of surface-850mb theta-e advection directly into=20
    or quasi-parallel to the stationary front will trigger more=20
    widespread thunderstorm activity. Southeast TX also still sports=20
    80% soil moisture percentiles within the 0-40cm layer according to
    NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there would be more sensitive to=20
    2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    The other adjustment to the forecast was to expand the Marginal
    Risk east over the Florida Panhandle where an influx of anomalous
    PWs and modest instability along the stalled frontal boundary may
    trigger additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential
    downpours. Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be
    areas whose soils are more saturated following today's thunderstorm
    activity and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.=20


    --Previous Discussion--

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South, albeit further south than previous forecast cycles. This
    frontal boundary will provide focus for showers and thunderstorms
    to spread across the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the
    way to the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday. Most of the guidance
    shows 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part of the region
    thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and local flooding

    There is the potential for a few locations for local
    maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas.
    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. The focus for the heaviest rains
    will be in the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the
    Florida Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from
    New Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in
    place. With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New
    Orleans, continued increases in rainfall there may require an
    eventual targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue.

    Given the trends, the back edge of the Marginal Risk was trimmed
    eastward toward the Texas coast in addition to reducing the
    northern boundary by 1 tier of counties across Alabama and


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    Similar to the Day 2 update, guidance has trended slower with the
    progression of the QPF associated with an elongated area of low
    pressure in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. This led to the threat
    areas being drawn further west this cycle with the focus for heavy
    rainfall being centered over southern Louisiana. However, there=20
    remains a notable amount of spread in both the northern extent of=20
    the QPF axis and in rainfall totals. The GEFS remains more of a=20
    northern outlier compared to ECENS/GEPS members. While dispersion=20
    is on the higher side on Day 3, there is a better consensus for
    heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs=20
    99th climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The
    region is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that
    will sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection=20
    into the nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast=20
    changes are likely given so much of this setup lies with the=20
    development of low pressure along the Gulf Coast.=20

    Elsewhere, a Marginal Risk was added over portions of the Southern
    Rockies due to the PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE
    out ahead of an approaching cold front. Given the region's=20
    sensitive soils, both from saturated soils and burn scars, opted to
    issue a Marginal Risk for the localized flash flood potential=20
    there Thursday afternoon and evening.


    --Previous Discussion--

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The area of precipitation mentioned for the Day 2 period will
    shift eastward across the central Gulf Coast with the heaviest QPF
    still focusing across portions of southeast Louisiana, southern
    Alabama, southern Mississippi and clipping western portions of the
    Florida panhandle. Again, there was a notable southern shift in
    placement within a majority of the guidance from previous
    cycles.coastlineThe inherited Marginal Risk areas was removed
    from southern Tennessee and northern portions of Alabama,
    Mississippi and northwest Georgia while trimmed eastward across
    central Louisiana. The Slight Risk spans along the Gulf Coast from
    west-central Louisiana to eastern Choctawhatchee Bay Florida.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7YuvPkgnOtMCDId0vR7TPKK35mK0FcWNGFp-b_vCQ_af= F6Q0yq7GfSIm_OhtFwpEU1TgfXYAjbMjmgXe2uh7t-lKxpo$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7YuvPkgnOtMCDId0vR7TPKK35mK0FcWNGFp-b_vCQ_af= F6Q0yq7GfSIm_OhtFwpEU1TgfXYAjbMjmgXe2uh7IAbfq7A$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7YuvPkgnOtMCDId0vR7TPKK35mK0FcWNGFp-b_vCQ_af= F6Q0yq7GfSIm_OhtFwpEU1TgfXYAjbMjmgXe2uh7l3KaTTg$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 00:50:38 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 040050

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    850 PM EDT Tue Sep 3 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024


    ...01Z Update...
    Removed the Marginal risk area from the northern Rockies given
    radar trends. With loss of daytime heating...little additional
    instability is expected and the potential for any additional heavy
    rainfall has diminished.

    Trimmed some area of the Slight and Marginal risk on the western
    and northern side...leaving the focus across the central portion of
    the state south- and eastward to the Gulf coast. High resolution
    convective allowing models continue to suggest some organization to
    the convection into the overnight hours with potential for heavy to
    excessive rainfall.

    Introduced a Marginal risk in the northeast corner of the Florida
    peninsula into nearby coastal Georgia where a weak circulation
    riding along a quasi stationary boundary could help pull enough
    ingredients together for localized heavy rainfall later tonight and
    into the early morning hours. Also in Florida, realigned a
    previously issued Marginal risk area and confined it closer to the
    Apalachee Bay area where radar has been showing a persistent band
    of showers over the Gulf waters that were beginning to drift
    northward. The expectation is that the threat of heaviest rainfall
    and any associated excessive rainfall should be close to the coast.


    ...13Z Outlook Update...

    Slight risk areas were combined and expanded to include more of
    south Texas (near the Del Rio area). This morning, slow-moving
    convection has materialized and produced areas of 1-2.5 inch/hr
    rain rates just east of the Rio Grande. These storms are in a
    sufficiently moist/unstable environment with weak flow aloft for
    continued heavy rainfall. Low FFG thresholds (near zero in spots)
    were also noted. The flash flood threat should persist for most of
    the D1 forecast period under this regime. Reference MPD #0968 for
    additional mesoscale details.

    ...Southeastern Mississippi eastward to northern Florida...
    Latest CAMs indicate a robust axis of convection materializing amid
    weak flow aloft from the Pine Belt of Mississippi eastward to the
    Jacksonville Metro area. HREF probabilities of 24-hr, 3 inch+
    precipitation totals maximize near Jacksonville, where models
    depict a persistent fetch of deep convection originating along a
    frontal boundary over the Gulf Stream. Multiple rounds of
    precipitation are expected today through the early overnight
    hours especially across northeastern Florida. Localized flash
    flood potential is expected where rainfall can occur over
    sensitive/urbanized locales. The Marginal risk has been expanded
    northwestward and eastward to include areas of isolated flash flood

    The remainder of the forecast is unchanged. Refer to the previous
    discussion below for more details.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    The mid-level vort is expected to exit the region although
    precipitable water values will remain high. Flooding issues will be
    possible in the area with a widespread 1 to 1.5 inches forecast
    with locally higher amounts. A Slight Risk remains in effect for
    central portions of the state although it was expanded y 1 tier of
    counties to the south to reflect the latest trends in the guidance.
    A slow moving tropical low will continue to bring periods of heavy
    rain in the form of slow- moving showers and thunderstorms from
    the Gulf into the adjacent Texas Coast. Most areas will not see
    steady rain the entire time, but very localized areas of training
    storms resulting in flash flooding. The heaviest rains in the
    state are expected to be along the Gulf Coast from Galveston south
    and west through Corpus Christi. Locally heavy rains to 2 inches
    per hour will be possible.

    ...Mississippi and Alabama Gulf Coast...

    The Marginal Risk was maintained for the potential of slow moving
    and training storms to the east of the low along a stalling front
    into coastal Mississippi and Alabama. The abundance of atmospheric
    moisture and instability, as well as, the slow-moving nature of
    the synoptic systems increases confidence that an isolated flash
    flood or two could develop along this stretch of coast.


    There is potential for isolated to scattered heavy rainfall as an
    advancing shortwave encounters an anomalously moist airmass. PW
    values rising to near 1 inch will support storms capable of heavy
    rain that may produce isolated flash flooding should the storms
    impact particularly flood sensitive or more urban areas.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    As 12Z guidance rolled in today, the precipitation shield was not
    as progressive as previous forecast cycles. A blend of CAMs/global
    guidance has shifted the focus for heavier rainfall to be along the
    Upper Texas coast where they will be located closest to an
    organizing and elongated area of low pressure in the western Gulf
    of Mexico. NAEFS continues to depict a swath of PWs that are
    topping the 99th climatological percentile from as far south as
    Brownsville to as far east as Pensacola. The area most at risk will
    likely be found from the Upper Texas coast to southern Louisiana where
    the combination of surface-850mb theta-e advection directly into
    or quasi-parallel to the stationary front will trigger more
    widespread thunderstorm activity. Southeast TX also still sports
    80% soil moisture percentiles within the 0-40cm layer according to
    NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there would be more sensitive to
    2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    The other adjustment to the forecast was to expand the Marginal
    Risk east over the Florida Panhandle where an influx of anomalous
    PWs and modest instability along the stalled frontal boundary may
    trigger additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential
    downpours. Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be
    areas whose soils are more saturated following today's thunderstorm
    activity and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    --Previous Discussion--

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South, albeit further south than previous forecast cycles. This
    frontal boundary will provide focus for showers and thunderstorms
    to spread across the entire Gulf Coast from south Texas all the
    way to the Florida Peninsula on Wednesday. Most of the guidance
    shows 1 to 3 inches will concentrate over this part of the region
    thus increasing the risk for excessive rainfall and local flooding

    There is the potential for a few locations for local
    maximums to exceed 6 inches near northern Louisiana/Arkansas.
    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 4 inches as well. The focus for the heaviest rains
    will be in the central Gulf Coast from Louisiana east through the
    Florida Panhandle. Locally heavy rains are likely, especially from
    New Orleans east through Pensacola, where a higher-end Slight is in
    place. With increasing amounts of rain forecast in and around New
    Orleans, continued increases in rainfall there may require an
    eventual targeted Moderate Risk should trends continue.

    Given the trends, the back edge of the Marginal Risk was trimmed
    eastward toward the Texas coast in addition to reducing the
    northern boundary by 1 tier of counties across Alabama and


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    Similar to the Day 2 update, guidance has trended slower with the
    progression of the QPF associated with an elongated area of low
    pressure in the northwest Gulf of Mexico. This led to the threat
    areas being drawn further west this cycle with the focus for heavy
    rainfall being centered over southern Louisiana. However, there
    remains a notable amount of spread in both the northern extent of
    the QPF axis and in rainfall totals. The GEFS remains more of a
    northern outlier compared to ECENS/GEPS members. While dispersion
    is on the higher side on Day 3, there is a better consensus for
    heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs
    99th climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The
    region is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that
    will sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection
    into the nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast
    changes are likely given so much of this setup lies with the
    development of low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    Elsewhere, a Marginal Risk was added over portions of the Southern
    Rockies due to the PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE
    out ahead of an approaching cold front. Given the region's
    sensitive soils, both from saturated soils and burn scars, opted to
    issue a Marginal Risk for the localized flash flood potential
    there Thursday afternoon and evening.


    --Previous Discussion--

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The area of precipitation mentioned for the Day 2 period will
    shift eastward across the central Gulf Coast with the heaviest QPF
    still focusing across portions of southeast Louisiana, southern
    Alabama, southern Mississippi and clipping western portions of the
    Florida panhandle. Again, there was a notable southern shift in
    placement within a majority of the guidance from previous
    cycles.coastlineThe inherited Marginal Risk areas was removed
    from southern Tennessee and northern portions of Alabama,
    Mississippi and northwest Georgia while trimmed eastward across
    central Louisiana. The Slight Risk spans along the Gulf Coast from
    west-central Louisiana to eastern Choctawhatchee Bay Florida.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-M0UOd-2N-KzBg12K8P6LQJMCH_4iMvfGagOabdpxUgs= WYNQNlZZwN1pF7lYR7N4sDXY3Xu5R6QRR-m3BXyF3Q6eI_g$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-M0UOd-2N-KzBg12K8P6LQJMCH_4iMvfGagOabdpxUgs= WYNQNlZZwN1pF7lYR7N4sDXY3Xu5R6QRR-m3BXyF-KPjefA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-M0UOd-2N-KzBg12K8P6LQJMCH_4iMvfGagOabdpxUgs= WYNQNlZZwN1pF7lYR7N4sDXY3Xu5R6QRR-m3BXyFLrRiIXU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 08:24:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 040824

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    424 AM EDT Wed Sep 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South provide focus for convection to spread from south Texas=20
    to Florida Peninsula. The latest guidance has continued to favor a=20
    less progressive eastward advancement with the precipitation=20
    shield. A blend of CAMs/global guidance has shifted the focus for=20
    heavier rainfall to be along the Upper Texas coast where they will=20
    be located closest to an organizing and elongated area of low=20
    pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico. General consensus has 2 to
    5 inches along the coast between Corpus Christi and Lake Charles. Southeast
    TX also still sports >80% soil moisture percentiles within the=20
    0-40cm layer according to NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there=20
    would be more sensitive to 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 2 inches as well. Locally heavy rains are likely,
    especially from New Orleans east to Mobile. For the Florida=20
    Panhandle there will be an influx of anomalous PWs and modest=20
    instability along the stalled frontal boundary that may trigger=20
    additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential downpours.
    Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be areas whose
    soils are more saturated following Tuesday's thunderstorm activity
    and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The latest guidance keeps a slower progression of the QPF=20
    associated with an elongated area of low pressure in the northwest=20
    Gulf of Mexico. As such, the Slight Risk area was expanded further
    west along the Gulf Coast, between Houston and Corpus Christi, to=20
    account for the westward trend. While dispersion is on the higher=20
    side on Day 2, there is a better consensus for heavier rainfall=20
    along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs >99th=20
    climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The region
    is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will=20
    sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection into the=20
    nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast changes are
    likely given so much of this setup lies with the development of=20
    low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    The frontal boundary is expected to slowly progress eastward during
    this period will draped along the Gulf Coast and the Southeast.
    Deep moisture will continue to override the boundary helping to
    concentrate the heaviest QPF along the central and eastern Gulf=20
    coast. A Slight Risk remains in effect from southeast Louisiana to
    the Florida Panhandle while a Marginal Risk area spans from south-
    central Louisiana to northeast Florida and northward to South
    Carolina. Areal averages of 1 to 2 inches will be common across the
    region with the possibility of very isolated maxes of 3 to 5=20
    inches, especially along the coastline.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4e_K3K6Uph5FbVf0DJpCh4bWcPcMU0SyyJLK0aiKp_3P= 7hLySc-wziZSzbYI3Xv9vObiQlAFC8xU8PWhlDnf0WJMvu0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4e_K3K6Uph5FbVf0DJpCh4bWcPcMU0SyyJLK0aiKp_3P= 7hLySc-wziZSzbYI3Xv9vObiQlAFC8xU8PWhlDnfl7W2zBA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4e_K3K6Uph5FbVf0DJpCh4bWcPcMU0SyyJLK0aiKp_3P= 7hLySc-wziZSzbYI3Xv9vObiQlAFC8xU8PWhlDnfnTkTlgk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 15:46:42 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 041546

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1146 AM EDT Wed Sep 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    There was little change necessary given run-to-run consistency on
    the rainfall maxima forecast across the TX and Central Gulf coasts.
    Currently, surface low pressure is drifting eastward across Deep=20
    South TX with prevailing onshore flow in-of the Corpus Christi area
    up through the Upper TX coast. The setup will continue with=20
    onshore flow situated within the coastal plain with a secondary=20
    east- southeast steering component situated across Eastern LA and=20
    MS coasts. A tight instability gradient confined near the coast is
    within proxy of the quasi-stationary front bisecting much of the=20
    Gulf Coast leading to the delineation point of where the heaviest=20
    rain will occur. 12z sounding out of KLIX to KCRP were indicative=20
    of sufficient anomalous PWATs (2.3-2.6") and a deep warm cloud=20
    layer supportive of convective potential with efficient rates to=20
    drive flash flood concerns. A general 2-3"/hr will be possible=20
    within the strongest convective cores, especially this afternoon as
    further destabilization within the boundary layer will send SBCAPE
    indices between 2000-3000 J/kg during peak instability. This=20
    aligns well with a strong correlated signal within the latest HREF=20 neighborhood probs for >3" in spots along the coast from KCRP over=20
    to KLIX. A general maintenance of the previous SLGT risk was
    adopted with only a minor extension further down the TX coast=20
    towards KCRP to align with recent radar/observational trends.

    Further east, a convergent pattern in-of of the Jacksonville metro
    has been well-documented over the past succession of runs with some
    flash flood warnings issued over the course of the morning between
    the I-10/95 junction. This signal has begun to wane as of the
    recent radar scans, but a few pockets of heavy rain are still
    possible through the remainder of the period thanks to a mesolow
    off the Northeast FL coast continues to meander providing that
    persistent focused convergent signature near the metro. The MRGL
    was maintained as a result.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South provide focus for convection to spread from south Texas
    to Florida Peninsula. The latest guidance has continued to favor a
    less progressive eastward advancement with the precipitation
    shield. A blend of CAMs/global guidance has shifted the focus for
    heavier rainfall to be along the Upper Texas coast where they will
    be located closest to an organizing and elongated area of low
    pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico. General consensus has 2 to
    5 inches along the coast between Corpus Christi and Lake Charles. Southeast
    TX also still sports >80% soil moisture percentiles within the
    0-40cm layer according to NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there
    would be more sensitive to 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 2 inches as well. Locally heavy rains are likely,
    especially from New Orleans east to Mobile. For the Florida
    Panhandle there will be an influx of anomalous PWs and modest
    instability along the stalled frontal boundary that may trigger
    additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential downpours.
    Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be areas whose
    soils are more saturated following Tuesday's thunderstorm activity
    and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The latest guidance keeps a slower progression of the QPF
    associated with an elongated area of low pressure in the northwest
    Gulf of Mexico. As such, the Slight Risk area was expanded further
    west along the Gulf Coast, between Houston and Corpus Christi, to
    account for the westward trend. While dispersion is on the higher
    side on Day 2, there is a better consensus for heavier rainfall
    along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs >99th
    climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The region
    is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will
    sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection into the
    nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast changes are
    likely given so much of this setup lies with the development of
    low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    The frontal boundary is expected to slowly progress eastward during
    this period will draped along the Gulf Coast and the Southeast.
    Deep moisture will continue to override the boundary helping to
    concentrate the heaviest QPF along the central and eastern Gulf
    coast. A Slight Risk remains in effect from southeast Louisiana to
    the Florida Panhandle while a Marginal Risk area spans from south-
    central Louisiana to northeast Florida and northward to South
    Carolina. Areal averages of 1 to 2 inches will be common across the
    region with the possibility of very isolated maxes of 3 to 5
    inches, especially along the coastline.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-FQg49AxQOz9LAAVD0rXvOPlgHG8V5_lNNwL01H2NhJO= 8gTH6xnunb2AhozV83alcWRSvuz0zg93Sw1G3XJa9M2F7wE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-FQg49AxQOz9LAAVD0rXvOPlgHG8V5_lNNwL01H2NhJO= 8gTH6xnunb2AhozV83alcWRSvuz0zg93Sw1G3XJas97Ts70$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-FQg49AxQOz9LAAVD0rXvOPlgHG8V5_lNNwL01H2NhJO= 8gTH6xnunb2AhozV83alcWRSvuz0zg93Sw1G3XJaaLVQ9Ms$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 4 20:30:41 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 042030

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 PM EDT Wed Sep 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 04 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    There was little change necessary given run-to-run consistency on
    the rainfall maxima forecast across the TX and Central Gulf coasts.
    Currently, surface low pressure is drifting eastward across Deep
    South TX with prevailing onshore flow in-of the Corpus Christi area
    up through the Upper TX coast. The setup will continue with
    onshore flow situated within the coastal plain with a secondary
    east- southeast steering component situated across Eastern LA and
    MS coasts. A tight instability gradient confined near the coast is
    within proxy of the quasi-stationary front bisecting much of the
    Gulf Coast leading to the delineation point of where the heaviest
    rain will occur. 12z sounding out of KLIX to KCRP were indicative
    of sufficient anomalous PWATs (2.3-2.6") and a deep warm cloud
    layer supportive of convective potential with efficient rates to
    drive flash flood concerns. A general 2-3"/hr will be possible
    within the strongest convective cores, especially this afternoon as
    further destabilization within the boundary layer will send SBCAPE
    indices between 2000-3000 J/kg during peak instability. This
    aligns well with a strong correlated signal within the latest HREF
    neighborhood probs for >3" in spots along the coast from KCRP over
    to KLIX. A general maintenance of the previous SLGT risk was
    adopted with only a minor extension further down the TX coast
    towards KCRP to align with recent radar/observational trends.

    Further east, a convergent pattern in-of of the Jacksonville metro
    has been well-documented over the past succession of runs with some
    flash flood warnings issued over the course of the morning between
    the I-10/95 junction. This signal has begun to wane as of the
    recent radar scans, but a few pockets of heavy rain are still
    possible through the remainder of the period thanks to a mesolow
    off the Northeast FL coast continues to meander providing that
    persistent focused convergent signature near the metro. The MRGL
    was maintained as a result.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across
    the South provide focus for convection to spread from south Texas
    to Florida Peninsula. The latest guidance has continued to favor a
    less progressive eastward advancement with the precipitation
    shield. A blend of CAMs/global guidance has shifted the focus for
    heavier rainfall to be along the Upper Texas coast where they will
    be located closest to an organizing and elongated area of low
    pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico. General consensus has 2 to
    5 inches along the coast between Corpus Christi and Lake Charles. Southeast
    TX also still sports >80% soil moisture percentiles within the
    0-40cm layer according to NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting soils there
    would be more sensitive to 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 2 inches as well. Locally heavy rains are likely,
    especially from New Orleans east to Mobile. For the Florida
    Panhandle there will be an influx of anomalous PWs and modest
    instability along the stalled frontal boundary that may trigger
    additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential downpours.
    Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be areas whose
    soils are more saturated following Tuesday's thunderstorm activity
    and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    ...2000 UTC Update...
    Changes made to the Day 2 ERO were fairly minor, based on the
    latest (12Z) guidance/trends. Did expand the Marginal across the
    Southeast Coast, including GA and Central FL. Deep-layer
    instability may be lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient rainfall rates as the quasi-stationary front
    shifts a bit northward by Thu night as the upper shortwave trough
    dips across the western Gulf Coast.=20

    ...Previous discussion...
    The latest guidance keeps a slower progression of the QPF=20
    associated with an elongated area of low pressure in the northwest=20
    Gulf of Mexico. As such, the Slight Risk area was expanded further=20
    west along the Gulf Coast, between Houston and Corpus Christi, to=20
    account for the westward trend. While dispersion is on the higher=20
    side on Day 2, there is a better consensus for heavier rainfall=20
    along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs >99th=20
    climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The region
    is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will=20
    sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection into the=20
    nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast changes are
    likely given so much of this setup lies with the development of=20
    low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    ...2000 UTC Update...
    Based on the latest guidance trends (including smart blends such as
    the NBM and WPC biased-corrected QPF), along with the most recent
    NBM exceedance probabilities and CSU UFVS-verified first-guess
    fields, have expanded the Slight Right across the Southeast given
    the digging trough across the western Gulf Coast region and
    increasing (and persistent) low-level frontogenesis along the=20 central-eastern Gulf Coast to the GA Coast. While narrowing with
    time on Day 3, the corridor of favorable thermodynamics (PWs of 2.2
    to 2.5" with tall/skinny CAPE profile) and low-level FGEN along=20
    the quasi-stationary surface boundary will favor the more intense=20
    short term rainfall rates. This is essentially where the Slight
    Risk was drawn, which also correlates well with the highest 24hr
    QPF exceedance probabilities from the NBM.=20


    ...Previous Discussion...
    The frontal boundary is expected to slowly progress eastward=20
    during this period will draped along the Gulf Coast and the=20
    Southeast. Deep moisture will continue to override the boundary=20
    helping to concentrate the heaviest QPF along the central and=20
    eastern Gulf coast. A Slight Risk remains in effect from southeast=20
    Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle while a Marginal Risk area spans
    from south- central Louisiana to northeast Florida and northward=20
    to South Carolina. Areal averages of 1 to 2 inches will be common=20
    across the region with the possibility of very isolated maxes of 3=20
    to 5 inches, especially along the coastline.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5JKPCros0GVdh8TaJ9Mk6FIXq9ATBOvHOZ98u4mPtBSB= L6ECWOaCgVOanskEPa41dYlRXWvze0B3_9wtIpyvo3d7JIE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5JKPCros0GVdh8TaJ9Mk6FIXq9ATBOvHOZ98u4mPtBSB= L6ECWOaCgVOanskEPa41dYlRXWvze0B3_9wtIpyvcP6lTxI$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5JKPCros0GVdh8TaJ9Mk6FIXq9ATBOvHOZ98u4mPtBSB= L6ECWOaCgVOanskEPa41dYlRXWvze0B3_9wtIpyvVs-oyRo$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 00:57:20 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 050057

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    857 PM EDT Wed Sep 4 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...
    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Few changes were made to the D1 ERO, based on the latest
    observational, mesoanalysis, and guidance trends (including 18Z=20
    HREF and recent HRRRs). We were able to split the Marginal Risk=20
    areas into two separate areas, leaving the bulk of the FL Panhandle
    out of the outlook.=20


    ...Previous discussion...
    The surface front will continue to be draped west to east across=20
    the South provide focus for convection to spread from south Texas=20
    to Florida Peninsula. The latest guidance has continued to favor a=20
    less progressive eastward advancement with the precipitation=20
    shield. A blend of CAMs/global guidance has shifted the focus for=20
    heavier rainfall to be along the Upper Texas coast where they will=20
    be located closest to an organizing and elongated area of low=20
    pressure in the western Gulf of Mexico. General consensus has 2 to=20
    5 inches along the coast between Corpus Christi and Lake Charles.=20
    Southeast TX also still sports >80% soil moisture percentiles=20
    within the 0-40cm layer according to NASA SPoRT-LIS, suggesting=20
    soils there would be more sensitive to 2-3"/hr rainfall rates.

    Onshore flow across southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi
    could yield 1 to 2 inches as well. Locally heavy rains are likely,
    especially from New Orleans east to Mobile. For the Florida
    Panhandle there will be an influx of anomalous PWs and modest
    instability along the stalled frontal boundary that may trigger
    additional thunderstorms capable of producing torrential downpours.
    Areas most at risk for possible flash flooding will be areas whose
    soils are more saturated following Tuesday's thunderstorm activity
    and as far east as the Jacksonville metro area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Lower Mississippi Valley...

    ...2000 UTC Update...
    Changes made to the Day 2 ERO were fairly minor, based on the
    latest (12Z) guidance/trends. Did expand the Marginal across the
    Southeast Coast, including GA and Central FL. Deep-layer
    instability may be lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient rainfall rates as the quasi-stationary front
    shifts a bit northward by Thu night as the upper shortwave trough
    dips across the western Gulf Coast.

    ...Previous discussion...
    The latest guidance keeps a slower progression of the QPF
    associated with an elongated area of low pressure in the northwest
    Gulf of Mexico. As such, the Slight Risk area was expanded further
    west along the Gulf Coast, between Houston and Corpus Christi, to
    account for the westward trend. While dispersion is on the higher
    side on Day 2, there is a better consensus for heavier rainfall
    along the central Gulf Coast given the bulk of PWs >99th
    climatological percentile residing along the Gulf Coast. The region
    is also closer to the surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will
    sustain a steadfast regime of low level theta-e advection into the
    nearby stationary frontal boundary. Additional forecast changes are
    likely given so much of this setup lies with the development of
    low pressure along the Gulf Coast.

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    ...2000 UTC Update...
    Based on the latest guidance trends (including smart blends such as
    the NBM and WPC biased-corrected QPF), along with the most recent
    NBM exceedance probabilities and CSU UFVS-verified first-guess
    fields, have expanded the Slight Right across the Southeast given
    the digging trough across the western Gulf Coast region and
    increasing (and persistent) low-level frontogenesis along the
    central-eastern Gulf Coast to the GA Coast. While narrowing with
    time on Day 3, the corridor of favorable thermodynamics (PWs of 2.2
    to 2.5" with tall/skinny CAPE profile) and low-level FGEN along
    the quasi-stationary surface boundary will favor the more intense
    short term rainfall rates. This is essentially where the Slight
    Risk was drawn, which also correlates well with the highest 24hr
    QPF exceedance probabilities from the NBM.


    ...Previous Discussion...
    The frontal boundary is expected to slowly progress eastward
    during this period will draped along the Gulf Coast and the
    Southeast. Deep moisture will continue to override the boundary
    helping to concentrate the heaviest QPF along the central and
    eastern Gulf coast. A Slight Risk remains in effect from southeast
    Louisiana to the Florida Panhandle while a Marginal Risk area spans
    from south- central Louisiana to northeast Florida and northward
    to South Carolina. Areal averages of 1 to 2 inches will be common
    across the region with the possibility of very isolated maxes of 3
    to 5 inches, especially along the coastline.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-_TKoZXZmRMOBV6C5hm2l-3jpxfuRyuV1kn-ErgUL3W3= lYhhpYd5efgIsPEgE98IS9rw5vwnYDeUkGQgFbm6JpQ8ll4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-_TKoZXZmRMOBV6C5hm2l-3jpxfuRyuV1kn-ErgUL3W3= lYhhpYd5efgIsPEgE98IS9rw5vwnYDeUkGQgFbm6Qifz9-Q$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-_TKoZXZmRMOBV6C5hm2l-3jpxfuRyuV1kn-ErgUL3W3= lYhhpYd5efgIsPEgE98IS9rw5vwnYDeUkGQgFbm6z7lPNv8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 08:28:42 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 050828

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 AM EDT Thu Sep 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024


    ...Gulf Coast, Lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast...

    In coordination with local forecast offices near the Mississippi
    Delta region, a Moderate Risk area was hoisted for this period to=20
    include portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. There
    is consensus for heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast=20
    given the bulk of PWs >99th climatological percentile residing=20
    along the Gulf Coast. The region is also closer to the=20
    surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will sustain a steadfast=20
    regime of low level theta-e advection into the nearby stationary=20
    frontal boundary. Additionally, the latest guidance shows a=20
    potential for locally higher amounts upwards of 10" per NBM 95th=20
    percentile to focus in the vicinity of the New Orleans metro and=20
    points east and south. A Slight Risk spans from the southeast Texas
    coast to southern Mississippi.

    Deep-layer instability across portions of the Southeast may be=20
    lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient=20
    rainfall rates as the quasi- stationary front shifts a bit=20
    northward by tonight as the upper shortwave trough dips across the
    western Gulf Coast. A Marginal Risk spans from extreme southern
    South Carolina to central Florida and westward to the central Texas

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    During this period the trough will be digging across the western=20
    Gulf Coast region and increasing (and persistent) low-level=20
    frontogenesis along the central-eastern Gulf Coast to the Georgia
    Coast. While narrowing with time, the corridor of favorable=20
    thermodynamics (PWs of 2.2 to 2.5" with tall/skinny CAPE profile)=20
    and low-level FGEN along the quasi-stationary surface boundary will
    favor the more intense short term rainfall rates. This is=20
    essentially where the Slight Risk was drawn, which also correlates=20
    well with the highest 24hr QPF exceedance probabilities from the=20

    While there is some spread on exactly where the highest QPF will
    focus there is a general consensus for 1 to 3 inches across the=20
    region. Local maxes may be closer to with the possibility of very=20
    isolated maxes of 4 to 7 inches, especially along the coastline.
    The NAM, although hedging toward being an outlier solution for=20
    this period, does show isolated maximums closer to 10 inches. At=20
    this time, a Slight Risk seems to adequately cover the level of=20
    threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns. There may be=20
    the need to upgrade with a targeted Moderate Risk along the central
    Gulf Coast should guidance continue to trended up.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Slow moving convection will continue to focus along the draped
    frontal system along the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Abundant
    Gulf moisture will continue to feed into the region leading to
    higher rainfall rates. Multi-day rains will have increased soil
    saturation and lowered flash flood guidance by this period thus
    there will be a continued threat for excessive rainfall and local
    flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk is in effect across northern
    Florida and southern Georgia.


    An upper trough/low will pivot across the region during this=20
    period sending showers and thunderstorms across the Northeast where
    multiple recent rains have increased soil sensitivity. A Marginal
    Risk area is in effect for eastern New York, northeast
    Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and northwest Vermont.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7IVNrBvSj5KcAHHZr54MwWJOK8Vypxgn_6ObsNQmfLgo= WPk0c0tQA-7FWcctl56eBKFx65qdjmOja8TfHlJMwy_-G1Q$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7IVNrBvSj5KcAHHZr54MwWJOK8Vypxgn_6ObsNQmfLgo= WPk0c0tQA-7FWcctl56eBKFx65qdjmOja8TfHlJMh0qNgdQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7IVNrBvSj5KcAHHZr54MwWJOK8Vypxgn_6ObsNQmfLgo= WPk0c0tQA-7FWcctl56eBKFx65qdjmOja8TfHlJMumwkb40$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 15:50:52 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 051550

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1150 AM EDT Thu Sep 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    16Z Update...
    Introduced a Slight risk area over portions of coastal Florida into
    adjacent coastal Georgia where convection based on a combination of
    short term radar imagery showing convection lingering off-shore
    from an area where heavy to excessive rainfall fell on
    Wednesday...plus at least some hint that convection could still
    build westward during the day. With high precipitable water values,
    high freezing levels and weak steering level flow...felt a Slight
    Risk was warranted where the ingredients tended to overlap. On the
    other hand, deterministic QPF from any given global model and a
    number of the higher resolution CAMs are fairly light, the
    occurrence of excessive rainfall is far from certain.=20=20

    Along the Gulf coast...the previously issued Moderate and
    surrounding Slight risk areas appear to be in pretty good shape and
    only minor adjustments were made. Satellite/radar imagery during
    the morning continue to keep a majority of the coldest cloud
    tops/greatest rainfall rates off-shore and along the immediate
    coast where 2 to 3 inch per hour rainfall rates appear to be most
    likely. However...signals persist for those kind of rates to spread
    northward in association with deep-layer moisture flux convergence
    as suggested by the HRRR. If that were to happen...concern is for impactful flooding in more populated/urbanized regions with more widespread=20
    impervious land coverage.=20

    No change made in New Mexico.


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast, Lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast...

    In coordination with local forecast offices near the Mississippi
    Delta region, a Moderate Risk area was hoisted for this period to
    include portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. There
    is consensus for heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast
    given the bulk of PWs >99th climatological percentile residing
    along the Gulf Coast. The region is also closer to the
    surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will sustain a steadfast
    regime of low level theta-e advection into the nearby stationary
    frontal boundary. Additionally, the latest guidance shows a
    potential for locally higher amounts upwards of 10" per NBM 95th
    percentile to focus in the vicinity of the New Orleans metro and
    points east and south. A Slight Risk spans from the southeast Texas
    coast to southern Mississippi.

    Deep-layer instability across portions of the Southeast may be
    lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient
    rainfall rates as the quasi- stationary front shifts a bit
    northward by tonight as the upper shortwave trough dips across the
    western Gulf Coast. A Marginal Risk spans from extreme southern
    South Carolina to central Florida and westward to the central Texas

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...

    During this period the trough will be digging across the western
    Gulf Coast region and increasing (and persistent) low-level
    frontogenesis along the central-eastern Gulf Coast to the Georgia
    Coast. While narrowing with time, the corridor of favorable
    thermodynamics (PWs of 2.2 to 2.5" with tall/skinny CAPE profile)
    and low-level FGEN along the quasi-stationary surface boundary will
    favor the more intense short term rainfall rates. This is
    essentially where the Slight Risk was drawn, which also correlates
    well with the highest 24hr QPF exceedance probabilities from the

    While there is some spread on exactly where the highest QPF will
    focus there is a general consensus for 1 to 3 inches across the
    region. Local maxes may be closer to with the possibility of very
    isolated maxes of 4 to 7 inches, especially along the coastline.
    The NAM, although hedging toward being an outlier solution for
    this period, does show isolated maximums closer to 10 inches. At
    this time, a Slight Risk seems to adequately cover the level of
    threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns. There may be
    the need to upgrade with a targeted Moderate Risk along the central
    Gulf Coast should guidance continue to trended up.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Slow moving convection will continue to focus along the draped
    frontal system along the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Abundant
    Gulf moisture will continue to feed into the region leading to
    higher rainfall rates. Multi-day rains will have increased soil
    saturation and lowered flash flood guidance by this period thus
    there will be a continued threat for excessive rainfall and local
    flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk is in effect across northern
    Florida and southern Georgia.


    An upper trough/low will pivot across the region during this
    period sending showers and thunderstorms across the Northeast where
    multiple recent rains have increased soil sensitivity. A Marginal
    Risk area is in effect for eastern New York, northeast
    Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and northwest Vermont.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7izP7H8Pmg9PMT6-0MD7si0wSfH2_OG6Z5tZ2Gx9B8nO= y0lIHuD8pBbxpMp0dwcran2lzk151ElCeQet7NPZsnqPOjk$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7izP7H8Pmg9PMT6-0MD7si0wSfH2_OG6Z5tZ2Gx9B8nO= y0lIHuD8pBbxpMp0dwcran2lzk151ElCeQet7NPZhIef5r8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7izP7H8Pmg9PMT6-0MD7si0wSfH2_OG6Z5tZ2Gx9B8nO= y0lIHuD8pBbxpMp0dwcran2lzk151ElCeQet7NPZY_BXMEA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 5 20:20:08 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 052019

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    419 PM EDT Thu Sep 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 05 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    16Z Update...
    Introduced a Slight risk area over portions of coastal Florida into
    adjacent coastal Georgia where convection based on a combination of
    short term radar imagery showing convection lingering off-shore
    from an area where heavy to excessive rainfall fell on
    Wednesday...plus at least some hint that convection could still
    build westward during the day. With high precipitable water values,
    high freezing levels and weak steering level flow...felt a Slight
    Risk was warranted where the ingredients tended to overlap. On the
    other hand, deterministic QPF from any given global model and a
    number of the higher resolution CAMs are fairly light, the
    occurrence of excessive rainfall is far from certain.

    Along the Gulf coast...the previously issued Moderate and
    surrounding Slight risk areas appear to be in pretty good shape and
    only minor adjustments were made. Satellite/radar imagery during
    the morning continue to keep a majority of the coldest cloud
    tops/greatest rainfall rates off-shore and along the immediate
    coast where 2 to 3 inch per hour rainfall rates appear to be most
    likely. However...signals persist for those kind of rates to spread
    northward in association with deep-layer moisture flux convergence
    as suggested by the HRRR. If that were to happen...concern is for impactful flooding in more populated/urbanized regions with more widespread
    impervious land coverage.

    No change made in New Mexico.


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast, Lower Mississippi Valley and Southeast...

    In coordination with local forecast offices near the Mississippi
    Delta region, a Moderate Risk area was hoisted for this period to
    include portions of southeast Louisiana and southern Mississippi. There
    is consensus for heavier rainfall along the central Gulf Coast
    given the bulk of PWs >99th climatological percentile residing
    along the Gulf Coast. The region is also closer to the
    surface-850mb southeasterly flow that will sustain a steadfast
    regime of low level theta-e advection into the nearby stationary
    frontal boundary. Additionally, the latest guidance shows a
    potential for locally higher amounts upwards of 10" per NBM 95th
    percentile to focus in the vicinity of the New Orleans metro and
    points east and south. A Slight Risk spans from the southeast Texas
    coast to southern Mississippi.

    Deep-layer instability across portions of the Southeast may be
    lacking, however PWs of 2.2-2.4" will make for highly-efficient
    rainfall rates as the quasi- stationary front shifts a bit
    northward by tonight as the upper shortwave trough dips across the
    western Gulf Coast. A Marginal Risk spans from extreme southern
    South Carolina to central Florida and westward to the central Texas

    ...New Mexico and Colorado...

    Convection is expected to fire up ahead of an approaching cold
    front thanks to PWs topping 0.75" and up to 500 J/kg of MUCAPE.
    Soils across this part of the region are sensitive given recent
    moisture and burn scars. The Marginal Risk area was maintained for
    the localized flash flood potential for the afternoon and evening.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...
    Introduced a Moderate risk that was largely confined to southeast=20
    Louisiana where low pressure riding along a quasi- stationary front
    will continue to focus and support areas of heavy to potentially=20
    heavy rainfall on top of widespread moderate to heavy rainfall in=20
    the Day 1 period. A mid and upper level trough will be digging=20
    across the western Gulf Coast region which increases low- level=20 frontogenesis along the central-eastern Gulf Coast to the Georgia=20
    Coast. Heaviest short-term rainfall rates should be confined to a=20
    corridor where precipitable water values of 2.2 to 2.5 inches,=20
    tall/skinny CAPE profile and greatest low-level FGEN along the=20
    quasi- stationary surface boundary align.=20

    While there continues to be some spread on exactly where the=20
    highest QPF will focus...two camps of thought are developing with
    the broader/coarser guidance being slower to move the heaviest
    rainfall off shore while the higher resolution guidance favored a
    faster solution that brings more drying in from the north with
    correspondingly lower QPF. Given the probabilistic nature of the
    Excessive Rainfall Outlook, opted to introduce the Moderate risk
    area to highlight the potential for additional heavy rainfall with
    some overlap into the lower QPF shown by the higher res guidance
    favored by the WPC QPF desk. Either way...there is a general=20
    consensus for 1 to 3 inch amounts in the rain area and several
    pieces of guidance that indicate isolated maxes of 4 to 8 inches,=20
    especially along the coastline.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    2030 UTC Update...
    Trimmed away some areal coverage of the Marginal Risk area in the
    Northeast U.S. given an overall lack of instability to help support
    rainfall rates (an idea supported by pretty meager model QPF).
    Otherwise, few changes needed.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Slow moving convection will continue to focus along the draped
    frontal system along the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Abundant
    Gulf moisture will continue to feed into the region leading to
    higher rainfall rates. Multi-day rains will have increased soil
    saturation and lowered flash flood guidance by this period thus
    there will be a continued threat for excessive rainfall and local
    flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk is in effect across northern
    Florida and southern Georgia.


    An upper trough/low will pivot across the region during this
    period sending showers and thunderstorms across the Northeast where
    multiple recent rains have increased soil sensitivity. A Marginal
    Risk area is in effect for eastern New York, northeast
    Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and northwest Vermont.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7aNHnrI3Bm0XSuoiueWPI2wBCh3dlAbfYhO2GwOXkaX8= l-zUrQw_TwjZcL99guA0JWgHeho9Vhzu2OPUq6zpiSovw0Y$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7aNHnrI3Bm0XSuoiueWPI2wBCh3dlAbfYhO2GwOXkaX8= l-zUrQw_TwjZcL99guA0JWgHeho9Vhzu2OPUq6zptqn_uUU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7aNHnrI3Bm0XSuoiueWPI2wBCh3dlAbfYhO2GwOXkaX8= l-zUrQw_TwjZcL99guA0JWgHeho9Vhzu2OPUq6zpOCa0JB4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 00:58:40 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 060058

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    858 PM EDT Thu Sep 5 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024


    01Z Update...=20

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Surface low is centered about 100mi southeast of Matagorda Bay
    Texas and the stationary front extending east (but offshore into
    the Bay) should provide the focus for heavy rainfall overnight.
    Recent RAP runs depict a northward drift to this low late tonight which
    may allow instability, currently limited to along/off the Upper TX
    and LA coasts, to push somewhat inland, but likely remain south of
    I-10. Convergent low level flow over the front into the Central
    Gulf Coast should continue to allow localized enhanced rain over
    areas that have been quite saturated over the past day. Therefore,
    decided to maintain the Moderate Risk over the Baton Rouge to NOLA
    urban corridor and the Slight Risk from just south of Galveston=20
    across southern LA/MS.

    Heavy rain will move toward/into the FL Panhandle overnight, though
    since the rain has been sequestered offshore for most of the past
    day, the Marginal Risk there should suffice for overnight.

    ...Georgia Coast and Jacksonville Metro...

    Convection will continue to develop overnight in the onshore flow=20
    north of a stationary front near St. Augustine with sufficient=20
    instability, high precipitable water values, high freezing levels=20
    and weak steering level flow. Areas of the southern GA Coast are
    saturated from heavy rain over the past day, so the Slight Risk is
    maintained for overnight.=20

    ...New Mexico...

    Introduced a Slight Risk to the highly flash flood prone
    Sacramento mountains that still have fresh burn scars from this
    season given the regional radar depiction of heavy cells
    approaching with a strong cold front pushing down eastern NM.
    Otherwise, the mainly diurnal convective storms should diminish
    around midnight with the Marginal Risk maintained elsewhere over

    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf states and Southeast...
    Introduced a Moderate risk that was largely confined to southeast
    Louisiana where low pressure riding along a quasi- stationary front
    will continue to focus and support areas of heavy to potentially
    heavy rainfall on top of widespread moderate to heavy rainfall in
    the Day 1 period. A mid and upper level trough will be digging
    across the western Gulf Coast region which increases low- level
    frontogenesis along the central-eastern Gulf Coast to the Georgia
    Coast. Heaviest short-term rainfall rates should be confined to a
    corridor where precipitable water values of 2.2 to 2.5 inches,
    tall/skinny CAPE profile and greatest low-level FGEN along the
    quasi- stationary surface boundary align.

    While there continues to be some spread on exactly where the
    highest QPF will focus...two camps of thought are developing with
    the broader/coarser guidance being slower to move the heaviest
    rainfall off shore while the higher resolution guidance favored a
    faster solution that brings more drying in from the north with
    correspondingly lower QPF. Given the probabilistic nature of the
    Excessive Rainfall Outlook, opted to introduce the Moderate risk
    area to highlight the potential for additional heavy rainfall with
    some overlap into the lower QPF shown by the higher res guidance
    favored by the WPC QPF desk. Either way...there is a general
    consensus for 1 to 3 inch amounts in the rain area and several
    pieces of guidance that indicate isolated maxes of 4 to 8 inches,
    especially along the coastline.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    2030 UTC Update...
    Trimmed away some areal coverage of the Marginal Risk area in the
    Northeast U.S. given an overall lack of instability to help support
    rainfall rates (an idea supported by pretty meager model QPF).
    Otherwise, few changes needed.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Slow moving convection will continue to focus along the draped
    frontal system along the Gulf Coast and Southeast U.S. Abundant
    Gulf moisture will continue to feed into the region leading to
    higher rainfall rates. Multi-day rains will have increased soil
    saturation and lowered flash flood guidance by this period thus
    there will be a continued threat for excessive rainfall and local
    flooding concerns. A Marginal Risk is in effect across northern
    Florida and southern Georgia.


    An upper trough/low will pivot across the region during this
    period sending showers and thunderstorms across the Northeast where
    multiple recent rains have increased soil sensitivity. A Marginal
    Risk area is in effect for eastern New York, northeast
    Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and northwest Vermont.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!41hdENBUZdMFxfAlxJctL5EeatwPdiR19A-zBgzFHjV7= 9HgZ-JbtegMIDCgzlDCibQ7_X2gdCCDpHFVTCblplZxI6ho$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!41hdENBUZdMFxfAlxJctL5EeatwPdiR19A-zBgzFHjV7= 9HgZ-JbtegMIDCgzlDCibQ7_X2gdCCDpHFVTCblpyAqd07I$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!41hdENBUZdMFxfAlxJctL5EeatwPdiR19A-zBgzFHjV7= 9HgZ-JbtegMIDCgzlDCibQ7_X2gdCCDpHFVTCblpvwtFt24$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 08:04:26 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 060804

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    404 AM EDT Fri Sep 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...Gulf Coast & Southeast...

    A very slow moving tropical low will track east along a stationary
    front draped along the Gulf Coast today. Near record amounts of
    atmospheric moisture in place across the Gulf will be drawn
    northward into the front ahead of the low. PWATs currently are
    around 2.6 inches and will not change much through the day. This
    would be over 3 sigma above normal for this time of year...which
    for southeastern Louisiana is no small feat.

    The southerly flow ahead of the low will keep a steady supply of
    deep Gulf moisture tracking into the Gulf Coast primarily...but
    will spread east across portions of the Southeast in the Slight
    Risk. The big question about heavy rain will be how much
    instability will be available for any showers and thunderstorms.
    Since it's currently raining over much of Louisiana and will
    continue into tonight, any instability will need to be advected in
    to the Gulf. That said, given the near record levels of moisture
    available, it will not take much to result in 2+ inch per hour
    rates with the strongest convection. The area's soils are quite
    water-logged from multiple days of rains, so today's rainfall
    should fully convert to runoff...greatly increasing the flooding

    In coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the Moderate
    Risk area was left unchanged with this update, with the greatest
    threat for the greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas due to
    lower FFGs. The Slight was nudged a row of counties north, and
    removed from most of northeast Florida. Due to recent heavy rains
    across much of the Peninsula however, the Marginal risk was
    expanded to include the Orlando, Tampa, and Ft. Myers metros.

    ...New Mexico...

    A small low-confidence Marginal Risk area was added for the=20
    Sacramento Mountains of south-central New Mexico with this update.
    Afternoon showers and thunderstorms may form right over the very
    flood prone burn scars near Ruidoso, which could cause local flash
    flooding once again. However, it would require just that scenario
    to unfold for flooding to occur which is low confidence since the
    storm would have to form right over the correct spot, a microscale
    challenge that's nearly impossible to know for sure well in
    advance. The pattern supports one more day of area showers and
    storms, prompting the localized upgrade.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024



    The stationary front from Friday will drift southeastward across
    the Southeast on Saturday. For the Central Gulf Coast, it would
    probably be more accurate to call it a cold front, as the front
    will make steady progress across southern Louisiana and into the
    northwestern Gulf. Meanwhile across the Southeast, the front will
    stall out over the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia and up the
    Carolina coast. It's in this region where training storms may cause
    localized flash flooding. Moisture will not be a problem at all as
    PWATs will be from 2 inches in the Carolinas to nearly 2.5 inches
    in the Florida Panhandle. Thus, just as on Friday, the big limiting
    factor for heavy rainfall will be instability, as very slow moving
    fronts tend to be very lacking in that department due to extensive
    cloud cover.=20

    In coordination with TAE/Tallahassee, FL forecast office, a Slight
    Risk area was introduced with this update. Storms are likely to be
    robust rain makers out over the northern Gulf on Saturday. With
    very weak steering flow and limited instability inland however,=20
    the area with greatest likelihood for the storms to impact land=20
    will be around the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle. The most
    likely hazard area was highlighted in the Slight. The expectation=20
    is that any storms that move into the Emerald Coast will greatly=20
    struggle to maintain the heavy rainfall rates more than a few miles
    inland from the coast, so the Slight is only for the immediate=20

    The Marginal Risk area was expanded several rows of counties north
    with this update, while in the Carolinas it was more like a couple
    states. The primary driving factor for these changes is the slowing
    of the front in recent model runs. Thus, the rain may persist for a
    bit longer than expected into Saturday morning on the northern edge
    of the Marginal Risk area. Meanwhile Saturday will be another day
    with potential strong thunderstorms capable of heavy rains across
    the northern Florida Peninsula. This hard-hit area is likely to see
    multiple days of afternoon thunderstorms capable of isolated flash


    The inherited Marginal Risk area was removed in coordination with BTV/Burlington, VT and ALY/Albany, NY forecast offices. Fast-moving
    storms with this fast-moving front in this part of the country,=20
    very limited/no instability, and somewhat dry weather in recent
    days should all preclude any flash flooding in this area.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...Louisiana to the Atlantic Coast...

    The stalled out front will weaken in place through the day on
    Sunday. This once again should prevent most areas from getting
    prodigious amounts of rain, despite abundant atmospheric moisture.
    Further, there is increasing disagreement in the guidance as to
    where the axis of heaviest rainfall associated with the front will
    be on Sunday. Guidance trends have been towards the northwest,
    resulting in a large expansion of the Marginal in that direction
    due to the aforementioned uncertainty. It's likely given how wet
    this entire area of the country has been that an area of Slight
    Risk impacts will occur somewhere within the Marginal risk, but
    where that will be is highly uncertain right now. Thus, it's likely
    a Slight Risk upgrade will be needed with increased confidence.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    A Marginal Risk area was added to the Brownsville to South Padre
    Island area of Deep South Texas with this update. A tropical wave
    will have moved through the Caribbean and into the western Gulf by
    Sunday. Associated heavy rainfall may impact the immediate Deep
    South Texas coast. Recent heavy rainfall has lowered FFGs here
    which may not fully recover by the arrival of this heavy rainfall
    due to potential additional shower and thunderstorm activity both
    today and Saturday prior to this period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_mlXu8x8vVqoOs1mBpMpJPCpcG3ah9Lspr6rupkMt5Kf= KoC0j88Sb4hk4vac6nJ4MqkkWDlf3PqFkLhYUo5wJRmBlUs$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_mlXu8x8vVqoOs1mBpMpJPCpcG3ah9Lspr6rupkMt5Kf= KoC0j88Sb4hk4vac6nJ4MqkkWDlf3PqFkLhYUo5wt6ENgbE$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_mlXu8x8vVqoOs1mBpMpJPCpcG3ah9Lspr6rupkMt5Kf= KoC0j88Sb4hk4vac6nJ4MqkkWDlf3PqFkLhYUo5wI2Rq274$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 15:45:06 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 061544

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1144 AM EDT Fri Sep 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The previous forecast garnered only minor adjustments within the
    targeted MDT and SLGT risk areas across the Southeastern U.S.
    Recent radar/satellite composite continues to indicate a focal of
    heavy rain bands in-of Southeast LA within the eastern periphery of
    a surface wave migrating along the quasi-stationary front bisecting
    the region. A plethora of cloud cover through the morning and
    afternoon will limit surface based destabilization, however the
    environment is still very much conducive for heavy rainfall
    prospects thanks to a strong +2-3 deviation PWAT anomaly centered
    over the Central Gulf coast. 12z soundings out of KLIX and KLCH
    indicated PWATs ~2.4" with warm cloud layer depths between
    15.5-16.5k ft MSL which correlates to efficient, tropical type rain
    processes that would enhance local rain rates within any stronger
    convective cores. 12z HREF and associated CAMs are in agreement for
    the late-morning through the afternoon time frame as the peak for
    rainfall during the period with a slow shift southward of the
    front as the pattern evolves upstream with a secondary front
    beginning to press south out of the Tennessee Valley. Probability
    fields remain bullish for localized totals exceeding 5" (60-90%)=20
    within the confines of the MDT risk area Scattered heavy cores are=20
    plausible to the north of the surface front thanks to remnant=20
    elevated moisture and better destabilization during the afternoon=20
    hrs. A focused pulse of heavy rain initiated across Central MS this
    morning thanks to a weak shortwave pulse riding along the southern
    periphery of the mid- level trough swinging through the Deep=20
    South. A SLGT risk was added a bit further north to account for the
    weak disturbance which could trigger more convection downstream in
    AL/GA prompting a touch better focus of heavy rain and flash=20
    flooding considering the moist environment in place.=20

    Not much has changed in the other areas of interest within FL and
    coastal CA/SC as the stationary front remains draped over Northern
    FL and the coastal GA region. A weak surface low is progged to=20
    develop across Northeast FL and migrate slowly to the northeast as=20
    it rides the front. A focused point of surface convergence within=20
    the western flank of the flow is pinpointing a secondary heavy rain
    axis near Savannah later this afternoon. Some guidance has this a=20
    bit further south, but the prospects for a narrow corridor of heavy
    rain is in the cards during peak diurnal instability, so the SLGT=20
    within that area was warranted.=20

    Lastly, the isolated convective threat across the Sacramento
    Mountains is still anticipated with the targeted MRGL positioned
    over Ruidoso where the active burn scar creates a micro-focus for
    flash flooding concerns within the town and surrounding terrain.
    Considering the convective prospects within the latest CAMs, there
    was no reason to remove the risk area and will maintain continuity.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..=20

    ...Gulf Coast & Southeast...

    A very slow moving tropical low will track east along a stationary
    front draped along the Gulf Coast today. Near record amounts of
    atmospheric moisture in place across the Gulf will be drawn
    northward into the front ahead of the low. PWATs currently are
    around 2.6 inches and will not change much through the day. This
    would be over 3 sigma above normal for this time of year...which
    for southeastern Louisiana is no small feat.

    The southerly flow ahead of the low will keep a steady supply of
    deep Gulf moisture tracking into the Gulf Coast primarily...but
    will spread east across portions of the Southeast in the Slight
    Risk. The big question about heavy rain will be how much
    instability will be available for any showers and thunderstorms.
    Since it's currently raining over much of Louisiana and will
    continue into tonight, any instability will need to be advected in
    to the Gulf. That said, given the near record levels of moisture
    available, it will not take much to result in 2+ inch per hour
    rates with the strongest convection. The area's soils are quite
    water-logged from multiple days of rains, so today's rainfall
    should fully convert to runoff...greatly increasing the flooding

    In coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the Moderate
    Risk area was left unchanged with this update, with the greatest
    threat for the greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas due to
    lower FFGs. The Slight was nudged a row of counties north, and
    removed from most of northeast Florida. Due to recent heavy rains
    across much of the Peninsula however, the Marginal risk was
    expanded to include the Orlando, Tampa, and Ft. Myers metros.

    ...New Mexico...

    A small low-confidence Marginal Risk area was added for the
    Sacramento Mountains of south-central New Mexico with this update.
    Afternoon showers and thunderstorms may form right over the very
    flood prone burn scars near Ruidoso, which could cause local flash
    flooding once again. However, it would require just that scenario
    to unfold for flooding to occur which is low confidence since the
    storm would have to form right over the correct spot, a microscale
    challenge that's nearly impossible to know for sure well in
    advance. The pattern supports one more day of area showers and
    storms, prompting the localized upgrade.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024



    The stationary front from Friday will drift southeastward across
    the Southeast on Saturday. For the Central Gulf Coast, it would
    probably be more accurate to call it a cold front, as the front
    will make steady progress across southern Louisiana and into the
    northwestern Gulf. Meanwhile across the Southeast, the front will
    stall out over the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia and up the
    Carolina coast. It's in this region where training storms may cause
    localized flash flooding. Moisture will not be a problem at all as
    PWATs will be from 2 inches in the Carolinas to nearly 2.5 inches
    in the Florida Panhandle. Thus, just as on Friday, the big limiting
    factor for heavy rainfall will be instability, as very slow moving
    fronts tend to be very lacking in that department due to extensive
    cloud cover.

    In coordination with TAE/Tallahassee, FL forecast office, a Slight
    Risk area was introduced with this update. Storms are likely to be
    robust rain makers out over the northern Gulf on Saturday. With
    very weak steering flow and limited instability inland however,
    the area with greatest likelihood for the storms to impact land
    will be around the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle. The most
    likely hazard area was highlighted in the Slight. The expectation
    is that any storms that move into the Emerald Coast will greatly
    struggle to maintain the heavy rainfall rates more than a few miles
    inland from the coast, so the Slight is only for the immediate

    The Marginal Risk area was expanded several rows of counties north
    with this update, while in the Carolinas it was more like a couple
    states. The primary driving factor for these changes is the slowing
    of the front in recent model runs. Thus, the rain may persist for a
    bit longer than expected into Saturday morning on the northern edge
    of the Marginal Risk area. Meanwhile Saturday will be another day
    with potential strong thunderstorms capable of heavy rains across
    the northern Florida Peninsula. This hard-hit area is likely to see
    multiple days of afternoon thunderstorms capable of isolated flash


    The inherited Marginal Risk area was removed in coordination with BTV/Burlington, VT and ALY/Albany, NY forecast offices. Fast-moving
    storms with this fast-moving front in this part of the country,
    very limited/no instability, and somewhat dry weather in recent
    days should all preclude any flash flooding in this area.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...Louisiana to the Atlantic Coast...

    The stalled out front will weaken in place through the day on
    Sunday. This once again should prevent most areas from getting
    prodigious amounts of rain, despite abundant atmospheric moisture.
    Further, there is increasing disagreement in the guidance as to
    where the axis of heaviest rainfall associated with the front will
    be on Sunday. Guidance trends have been towards the northwest,
    resulting in a large expansion of the Marginal in that direction
    due to the aforementioned uncertainty. It's likely given how wet
    this entire area of the country has been that an area of Slight
    Risk impacts will occur somewhere within the Marginal risk, but
    where that will be is highly uncertain right now. Thus, it's likely
    a Slight Risk upgrade will be needed with increased confidence.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    A Marginal Risk area was added to the Brownsville to South Padre
    Island area of Deep South Texas with this update. A tropical wave
    will have moved through the Caribbean and into the western Gulf by
    Sunday. Associated heavy rainfall may impact the immediate Deep
    South Texas coast. Recent heavy rainfall has lowered FFGs here
    which may not fully recover by the arrival of this heavy rainfall
    due to potential additional shower and thunderstorm activity both
    today and Saturday prior to this period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4LwgVCXmD7AY6dFln4x_sRvmw4VEyVE-K8vqHUdjI4-K= cpHJr-_W9B8h3NKFI6fQtOBuMStEE5j087xCnCq5JzieRwE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4LwgVCXmD7AY6dFln4x_sRvmw4VEyVE-K8vqHUdjI4-K= cpHJr-_W9B8h3NKFI6fQtOBuMStEE5j087xCnCq5xFLPIus$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4LwgVCXmD7AY6dFln4x_sRvmw4VEyVE-K8vqHUdjI4-K= cpHJr-_W9B8h3NKFI6fQtOBuMStEE5j087xCnCq5E5t6P24$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 6 20:10:50 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 062010

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    410 PM EDT Fri Sep 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Sep 06 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The previous forecast garnered only minor adjustments within the
    targeted MDT and SLGT risk areas across the Southeastern U.S.
    Recent radar/satellite composite continues to indicate a focal of
    heavy rain bands in-of Southeast LA within the eastern periphery of
    a surface wave migrating along the quasi-stationary front bisecting
    the region. A plethora of cloud cover through the morning and
    afternoon will limit surface based destabilization, however the
    environment is still very much conducive for heavy rainfall
    prospects thanks to a strong +2-3 deviation PWAT anomaly centered
    over the Central Gulf coast. 12z soundings out of KLIX and KLCH
    indicated PWATs ~2.4" with warm cloud layer depths between
    15.5-16.5k ft MSL which correlates to efficient, tropical type rain
    processes that would enhance local rain rates within any stronger
    convective cores. 12z HREF and associated CAMs are in agreement for
    the late-morning through the afternoon time frame as the peak for
    rainfall during the period with a slow shift southward of the
    front as the pattern evolves upstream with a secondary front
    beginning to press south out of the Tennessee Valley. Probability
    fields remain bullish for localized totals exceeding 5" (60-90%)
    within the confines of the MDT risk area Scattered heavy cores are
    plausible to the north of the surface front thanks to remnant
    elevated moisture and better destabilization during the afternoon
    hrs. A focused pulse of heavy rain initiated across Central MS this
    morning thanks to a weak shortwave pulse riding along the southern
    periphery of the mid- level trough swinging through the Deep
    South. A SLGT risk was added a bit further north to account for the
    weak disturbance which could trigger more convection downstream in
    AL/GA prompting a touch better focus of heavy rain and flash
    flooding considering the moist environment in place.

    Not much has changed in the other areas of interest within FL and
    coastal CA/SC as the stationary front remains draped over Northern
    FL and the coastal GA region. A weak surface low is progged to
    develop across Northeast FL and migrate slowly to the northeast as
    it rides the front. A focused point of surface convergence within
    the western flank of the flow is pinpointing a secondary heavy rain
    axis near Savannah later this afternoon. Some guidance has this a
    bit further south, but the prospects for a narrow corridor of heavy
    rain is in the cards during peak diurnal instability, so the SLGT
    within that area was warranted.

    Lastly, the isolated convective threat across the Sacramento
    Mountains is still anticipated with the targeted MRGL positioned
    over Ruidoso where the active burn scar creates a micro-focus for
    flash flooding concerns within the town and surrounding terrain.
    Considering the convective prospects within the latest CAMs, there
    was no reason to remove the risk area and will maintain continuity.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Gulf Coast & Southeast...

    A very slow moving tropical low will track east along a stationary
    front draped along the Gulf Coast today. Near record amounts of
    atmospheric moisture in place across the Gulf will be drawn
    northward into the front ahead of the low. PWATs currently are
    around 2.6 inches and will not change much through the day. This
    would be over 3 sigma above normal for this time of year...which
    for southeastern Louisiana is no small feat.

    The southerly flow ahead of the low will keep a steady supply of
    deep Gulf moisture tracking into the Gulf Coast primarily...but
    will spread east across portions of the Southeast in the Slight
    Risk. The big question about heavy rain will be how much
    instability will be available for any showers and thunderstorms.
    Since it's currently raining over much of Louisiana and will
    continue into tonight, any instability will need to be advected in
    to the Gulf. That said, given the near record levels of moisture
    available, it will not take much to result in 2+ inch per hour
    rates with the strongest convection. The area's soils are quite
    water-logged from multiple days of rains, so today's rainfall
    should fully convert to runoff...greatly increasing the flooding

    In coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA forecast office, the Moderate
    Risk area was left unchanged with this update, with the greatest
    threat for the greater New Orleans and Baton Rouge areas due to
    lower FFGs. The Slight was nudged a row of counties north, and
    removed from most of northeast Florida. Due to recent heavy rains
    across much of the Peninsula however, the Marginal risk was
    expanded to include the Orlando, Tampa, and Ft. Myers metros.

    ...New Mexico...

    A small low-confidence Marginal Risk area was added for the
    Sacramento Mountains of south-central New Mexico with this update.
    Afternoon showers and thunderstorms may form right over the very
    flood prone burn scars near Ruidoso, which could cause local flash
    flooding once again. However, it would require just that scenario
    to unfold for flooding to occur which is low confidence since the
    storm would have to form right over the correct spot, a microscale
    challenge that's nearly impossible to know for sure well in
    advance. The pattern supports one more day of area showers and
    storms, prompting the localized upgrade.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk across the Central Gulf Coast was expanded back
    further west to adjust to the latest trends within CAMs on
    lingering heavy convection along the slow moving frontal boundary
    Saturday morning. Additional MRGL risks were added to portions of
    the Western U.S, including the Desert Southwest and parts of the
    Southern Rockies between the NM/CO border. Details on the
    additional MRGL's included in the, "Southwest" and "Southern
    Rockies" sub- headings below.



    20Z Update: The previous forecast SLGT risk was generally=20
    maintained with a small adjustment back westward to include the=20
    Southeastern Parishes of LA and along the immediate AL/MS coasts.=20
    The trend is for the western portion of the quasi-stationary front=20
    to move a bit slower than previous forecast as of the latest 12z=20
    HREF output of mean dew point temps. The change would allow for a=20
    lingering heavy rainfall potential within the Parishes south of=20
    Lake Pontchartrain before finally vacating the area by the=20
    afternoon hours. The heavy rainfall threat is still aligned most=20
    favorable within the confines of the Florida Panhandle where the=20
    strongest anomalous PWAT signal remains during the morning and=20
    early afternoon hours prior to the heavy rain threat moving off=20
    into the adjacent coastal waters. 12z HREF neighborhood=20
    probabilities for >3" remain elevated (40-60%) along the above=20
    areas, but there is a precipitous drop off in the probabilities=20
    for >5", but still a low- end potential for higher impacts within=20
    the Emerald Coast. This is coincident on the timing of the mean=20
    trough to the north swinging eastward allowing for a push of drier=20
    air advecting in from the north that will put an end of the heavy=20
    rain threat across the Gulf Coast. A further adjustment could be=20 necessitated if the front is progged to move faster/slower in the=20
    later forecast updates, a lot contingent on how the CAMs handle the
    dry air press from the north, and any convective outflows that can
    propel the boundary off the coast faster than modeled. This will=20
    be something to monitor closely, although the threat for a higher=20
    risk category is low, so the SLGT risk will likely be the highest=20
    category forecast.


    ..Previous Discussion...

    The stationary front from Friday will drift southeastward across
    the Southeast on Saturday. For the Central Gulf Coast, it would
    probably be more accurate to call it a cold front, as the front
    will make steady progress across southern Louisiana and into the
    northwestern Gulf. Meanwhile across the Southeast, the front will
    stall out over the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia and up the
    Carolina coast. It's in this region where training storms may cause
    localized flash flooding. Moisture will not be a problem at all as
    PWATs will be from 2 inches in the Carolinas to nearly 2.5 inches
    in the Florida Panhandle. Thus, just as on Friday, the big limiting
    factor for heavy rainfall will be instability, as very slow moving
    fronts tend to be very lacking in that department due to extensive
    cloud cover.

    In coordination with TAE/Tallahassee, FL forecast office, a Slight
    Risk area was introduced with this update. Storms are likely to be
    robust rain makers out over the northern Gulf on Saturday. With
    very weak steering flow and limited instability inland however,
    the area with greatest likelihood for the storms to impact land
    will be around the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle. The most
    likely hazard area was highlighted in the Slight. The expectation
    is that any storms that move into the Emerald Coast will greatly
    struggle to maintain the heavy rainfall rates more than a few miles
    inland from the coast, so the Slight is only for the immediate

    The Marginal Risk area was expanded several rows of counties north
    with this update, while in the Carolinas it was more like a couple
    states. The primary driving factor for these changes is the=20
    slowing of the front in recent model runs. Thus, the rain may=20
    persist for a bit longer than expected into Saturday morning on the
    northern edge of the Marginal Risk area. Meanwhile Saturday will=20
    be another day with potential strong thunderstorms capable of heavy
    rains across the northern Florida Peninsula. This hard-hit area is
    likely to see multiple days of afternoon thunderstorms capable of=20
    isolated flash flooding.



    A prominent mid-level ridge axis will remain parked over the Great
    Basin with the clockwise flow controlling the steering pattern
    over the Southwestern U.S. A modest PWAT advection regime will
    unfold across the interior Southwest through parts of Southern CA,
    Southern NV, and Western AZ creating a better threat of scattered
    convective pulses in-of the Deserts and focused terrain (Mogollon
    Rim and Peninsular Range). Areal averaged SBCAPE forecast calls for
    values between 750-1500 J/kg within the confines of the above
    locations, within the +1 deviation moisture anomaly anticipated by
    the afternoon hours Saturday. Convective pattern will likely yield
    some locally enhanced rainfall rates that would exacerbate the
    flash flooding threat, especially over the more prone locations in
    the terrain and flashier dry creek beds and arroyos found in those
    locations. A MRGL risk was added within the corridor of expected
    convection with a low-end (5-10%) threat of flash flooding within
    any stronger convective cores.=20

    ...Southern Rockies...

    The same ridge engulfing the Southwestern U.S will lie right
    overhead of the Southern Rockies as the eastern flank of the high
    will settle along the terrain of the Rockies. Sufficient diurnal destabilization within the confines of the Southern Rockies will
    lead to an isolated to widely scattered shower/storm threat with a
    few cells capable of dropping upwards of 1-1.5" of rainfall in a
    few hours time span. This threat is low-end potential for a risk,
    however the area depicted within the CAMs for "highest" potential
    is littered within remnant burn scars, and within a location that
    has seen a decent amount of rainfall in the past week to put the
    0-40m soil moisture anomalies up around the 90-98th percentile.
    This adds enough to the threat to allow for an additional targeted
    MRGL risk to account for the convective expectations overlapping
    the increasingly sensitive area of the Southern Rockies.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    A minor adjustment was made to the MRGL risk area encompassing the
    Gulf Coast with a shaving of the western edge of the risk area with
    the threat now more confined to Florida and the Southeast coast.
    This was in conjunction to the latest ensemble bias corrected QPF
    forecast and NBM mean QPF output situated a little further south
    with the moisture delineation and the frontal boundary back west a
    bit further off the LA/MS/AL coasts. QPF is pretty mundane
    currently across the Southeast, so there's a chance the risk area
    fades entirely. Did not want to remove given the time frame still
    being a few days away from impact, as well as a lack of CAMs
    support that could sway the setup one way or another.=20

    Across Deep South TX, the pattern is still leaning towards a more
    active setup with deeper moisture advecting northward into the
    lower RGV with convection pivoting around the northern flank of a
    disturbance nestled over the Western Gulf. The GFS is the most
    bullish on the threat with other globals less privy to the setup.
    The recent ML output from the Graphcast and AIFS models seem to
    deviate away from the higher end scenarios the GFS is pushing, but
    a better middle ground compared to the slower and further north=20
    advancement of the wave via the ECMWF. The blend was still=20
    depicting some of the heavier rains within the mean QPF field, so=20
    maintained continuity from the previous forecast, but will be a=20
    time frame to monitor for changes in the overall orientation, or=20
    even removal of the risk depending on how the synoptic evolution=20
    transpires within the coming days.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Louisiana to the Atlantic Coast...

    The stalled out front will weaken in place through the day on
    Sunday. This once again should prevent most areas from getting
    prodigious amounts of rain, despite abundant atmospheric moisture.
    Further, there is increasing disagreement in the guidance as to
    where the axis of heaviest rainfall associated with the front will
    be on Sunday. Guidance trends have been towards the northwest,
    resulting in a large expansion of the Marginal in that direction
    due to the aforementioned uncertainty. It's likely given how wet
    this entire area of the country has been that an area of Slight
    Risk impacts will occur somewhere within the Marginal risk, but
    where that will be is highly uncertain right now. Thus, it's likely
    a Slight Risk upgrade will be needed with increased confidence.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    A Marginal Risk area was added to the Brownsville to South Padre
    Island area of Deep South Texas with this update. A tropical wave
    will have moved through the Caribbean and into the western Gulf by
    Sunday. Associated heavy rainfall may impact the immediate Deep
    South Texas coast. Recent heavy rainfall has lowered FFGs here
    which may not fully recover by the arrival of this heavy rainfall
    due to potential additional shower and thunderstorm activity both
    today and Saturday prior to this period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!730J2s5cLtGQl9vWYUK4kjDGXCHQ0BoHMxlj8Kow6rMS= _PCFkF35NBzlMyH6oiGQv4bHHcTZRF8aIX0mUjt3KQAMnM0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!730J2s5cLtGQl9vWYUK4kjDGXCHQ0BoHMxlj8Kow6rMS= _PCFkF35NBzlMyH6oiGQv4bHHcTZRF8aIX0mUjt3uQp46HU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!730J2s5cLtGQl9vWYUK4kjDGXCHQ0BoHMxlj8Kow6rMS= _PCFkF35NBzlMyH6oiGQv4bHHcTZRF8aIX0mUjt3AxwsYEc$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 00:54:10 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 070053

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Fri Sep 6 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Gulf Coast & Southeast...

    Maintained the Moderate Risk over southeast LA given the persistent,
    convergent activity extending east of an mesolow from Lake=20
    Pontchartrain through the MS Gulf Coast and Mobile Bay which could deviate/spread over New Orleans or other urban locales with
    impervious surfaces and cause further flash flooding overnight. The deep/warm/moist/tropical environment with 2.5" PW and some=20
    instability south from I-10 with a frontal boundary near the shore
    and increasing divergence aloft from a SWly jet streak developing
    over northern MS/AL is conducive to localized copious rainfall that
    is difficult to forecast. Therefore the only changes were to
    tighten the outlook areas toward the coast.

    Most of the Slight Risk over the Southeast was dropped with an
    extension to the FL Panhandle and now a separate area over the GA=20
    coast where a low offshore and an approaching mesolow over southern
    GA may yet allow some heavy rainfall near Savannah (something the=20
    HRRR has been advertising for several runs).

    The warm sector south of the frontal zone is over the FL Peninsula
    with some continued inland heavy activity that may yet cause some
    localized concerns in any sensitive areas.

    ...Upper Ohio Valley...

    Lingering instability of 500-1000 J/kg and PW of 1.5" has allowed
    evening activity with localized rates over 1"/hr to persist over=20
    southern OH and northern KY. Deep layer WSW flow of 30kt is=20
    allowing the activity to move well, but the motion is fairly=20
    parallel to the approaching cold front allowing for some repeating=20
    segments. As this activity shifts into WV, the FFG quickly=20
    decreases, bringing a Marginal excessive rain threat for the rest
    of the evening. The instability gradient over WV should cause
    activity to wane before reaching the crest of the central
    Appalachians/the Allegheny Front, so the Marginal Risk stops short
    of that feature.

    ...New Mexico...

    Post-fropa activity has waned over southern NM, so the Marginal was


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk across the Central Gulf Coast was expanded back
    further west to adjust to the latest trends within CAMs on
    lingering heavy convection along the slow moving frontal boundary
    Saturday morning. Additional MRGL risks were added to portions of
    the Western U.S, including the Desert Southwest and parts of the
    Southern Rockies between the NM/CO border. Details on the
    additional MRGL's included in the, "Southwest" and "Southern
    Rockies" sub- headings below.



    20Z Update: The previous forecast SLGT risk was generally
    maintained with a small adjustment back westward to include the
    Southeastern Parishes of LA and along the immediate AL/MS coasts.
    The trend is for the western portion of the quasi-stationary front
    to move a bit slower than previous forecast as of the latest 12z
    HREF output of mean dew point temps. The change would allow for a
    lingering heavy rainfall potential within the Parishes south of
    Lake Pontchartrain before finally vacating the area by the
    afternoon hours. The heavy rainfall threat is still aligned most
    favorable within the confines of the Florida Panhandle where the
    strongest anomalous PWAT signal remains during the morning and
    early afternoon hours prior to the heavy rain threat moving off
    into the adjacent coastal waters. 12z HREF neighborhood
    probabilities for >3" remain elevated (40-60%) along the above
    areas, but there is a precipitous drop off in the probabilities
    for >5", but still a low- end potential for higher impacts within
    the Emerald Coast. This is coincident on the timing of the mean
    trough to the north swinging eastward allowing for a push of drier
    air advecting in from the north that will put an end of the heavy
    rain threat across the Gulf Coast. A further adjustment could be
    necessitated if the front is progged to move faster/slower in the
    later forecast updates, a lot contingent on how the CAMs handle the
    dry air press from the north, and any convective outflows that can
    propel the boundary off the coast faster than modeled. This will
    be something to monitor closely, although the threat for a higher
    risk category is low, so the SLGT risk will likely be the highest
    category forecast.


    ..Previous Discussion...

    The stationary front from Friday will drift southeastward across
    the Southeast on Saturday. For the Central Gulf Coast, it would
    probably be more accurate to call it a cold front, as the front
    will make steady progress across southern Louisiana and into the
    northwestern Gulf. Meanwhile across the Southeast, the front will
    stall out over the Florida Panhandle, southern Georgia and up the
    Carolina coast. It's in this region where training storms may cause
    localized flash flooding. Moisture will not be a problem at all as
    PWATs will be from 2 inches in the Carolinas to nearly 2.5 inches
    in the Florida Panhandle. Thus, just as on Friday, the big limiting
    factor for heavy rainfall will be instability, as very slow moving
    fronts tend to be very lacking in that department due to extensive
    cloud cover.

    In coordination with TAE/Tallahassee, FL forecast office, a Slight
    Risk area was introduced with this update. Storms are likely to be
    robust rain makers out over the northern Gulf on Saturday. With
    very weak steering flow and limited instability inland however,
    the area with greatest likelihood for the storms to impact land
    will be around the Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle. The most
    likely hazard area was highlighted in the Slight. The expectation
    is that any storms that move into the Emerald Coast will greatly
    struggle to maintain the heavy rainfall rates more than a few miles
    inland from the coast, so the Slight is only for the immediate

    The Marginal Risk area was expanded several rows of counties north
    with this update, while in the Carolinas it was more like a couple
    states. The primary driving factor for these changes is the
    slowing of the front in recent model runs. Thus, the rain may
    persist for a bit longer than expected into Saturday morning on the
    northern edge of the Marginal Risk area. Meanwhile Saturday will
    be another day with potential strong thunderstorms capable of heavy
    rains across the northern Florida Peninsula. This hard-hit area is
    likely to see multiple days of afternoon thunderstorms capable of
    isolated flash flooding.



    A prominent mid-level ridge axis will remain parked over the Great
    Basin with the clockwise flow controlling the steering pattern
    over the Southwestern U.S. A modest PWAT advection regime will
    unfold across the interior Southwest through parts of Southern CA,
    Southern NV, and Western AZ creating a better threat of scattered
    convective pulses in-of the Deserts and focused terrain (Mogollon
    Rim and Peninsular Range). Areal averaged SBCAPE forecast calls for
    values between 750-1500 J/kg within the confines of the above
    locations, within the +1 deviation moisture anomaly anticipated by
    the afternoon hours Saturday. Convective pattern will likely yield
    some locally enhanced rainfall rates that would exacerbate the
    flash flooding threat, especially over the more prone locations in
    the terrain and flashier dry creek beds and arroyos found in those
    locations. A MRGL risk was added within the corridor of expected
    convection with a low-end (5-10%) threat of flash flooding within
    any stronger convective cores.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    The same ridge engulfing the Southwestern U.S will lie right
    overhead of the Southern Rockies as the eastern flank of the high
    will settle along the terrain of the Rockies. Sufficient diurnal destabilization within the confines of the Southern Rockies will
    lead to an isolated to widely scattered shower/storm threat with a
    few cells capable of dropping upwards of 1-1.5" of rainfall in a
    few hours time span. This threat is low-end potential for a risk,
    however the area depicted within the CAMs for "highest" potential
    is littered within remnant burn scars, and within a location that
    has seen a decent amount of rainfall in the past week to put the
    0-40m soil moisture anomalies up around the 90-98th percentile.
    This adds enough to the threat to allow for an additional targeted
    MRGL risk to account for the convective expectations overlapping
    the increasingly sensitive area of the Southern Rockies.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    A minor adjustment was made to the MRGL risk area encompassing the
    Gulf Coast with a shaving of the western edge of the risk area with
    the threat now more confined to Florida and the Southeast coast.
    This was in conjunction to the latest ensemble bias corrected QPF
    forecast and NBM mean QPF output situated a little further south
    with the moisture delineation and the frontal boundary back west a
    bit further off the LA/MS/AL coasts. QPF is pretty mundane
    currently across the Southeast, so there's a chance the risk area
    fades entirely. Did not want to remove given the time frame still
    being a few days away from impact, as well as a lack of CAMs
    support that could sway the setup one way or another.

    Across Deep South TX, the pattern is still leaning towards a more
    active setup with deeper moisture advecting northward into the
    lower RGV with convection pivoting around the northern flank of a
    disturbance nestled over the Western Gulf. The GFS is the most
    bullish on the threat with other globals less privy to the setup.
    The recent ML output from the Graphcast and AIFS models seem to
    deviate away from the higher end scenarios the GFS is pushing, but
    a better middle ground compared to the slower and further north
    advancement of the wave via the ECMWF. The blend was still
    depicting some of the heavier rains within the mean QPF field, so
    maintained continuity from the previous forecast, but will be a
    time frame to monitor for changes in the overall orientation, or
    even removal of the risk depending on how the synoptic evolution
    transpires within the coming days.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Louisiana to the Atlantic Coast...

    The stalled out front will weaken in place through the day on
    Sunday. This once again should prevent most areas from getting
    prodigious amounts of rain, despite abundant atmospheric moisture.
    Further, there is increasing disagreement in the guidance as to
    where the axis of heaviest rainfall associated with the front will
    be on Sunday. Guidance trends have been towards the northwest,
    resulting in a large expansion of the Marginal in that direction
    due to the aforementioned uncertainty. It's likely given how wet
    this entire area of the country has been that an area of Slight
    Risk impacts will occur somewhere within the Marginal risk, but
    where that will be is highly uncertain right now. Thus, it's likely
    a Slight Risk upgrade will be needed with increased confidence.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    A Marginal Risk area was added to the Brownsville to South Padre
    Island area of Deep South Texas with this update. A tropical wave
    will have moved through the Caribbean and into the western Gulf by
    Sunday. Associated heavy rainfall may impact the immediate Deep
    South Texas coast. Recent heavy rainfall has lowered FFGs here
    which may not fully recover by the arrival of this heavy rainfall
    due to potential additional shower and thunderstorm activity both
    today and Saturday prior to this period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6FIHxb5SjCroBUopajKbb-1-3fEzuPDFLg1J6rNqemwn= TDczJzxEbRLPpRO9FlZMK3VOa1q2hu-_HhploQXMcq9HzjQ$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6FIHxb5SjCroBUopajKbb-1-3fEzuPDFLg1J6rNqemwn= TDczJzxEbRLPpRO9FlZMK3VOa1q2hu-_HhploQXMvbxKXqc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6FIHxb5SjCroBUopajKbb-1-3fEzuPDFLg1J6rNqemwn= TDczJzxEbRLPpRO9FlZMK3VOa1q2hu-_HhploQXMJ1-51pc$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 07:33:33 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 070733

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    333 AM EDT Sat Sep 7 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    Little has changed in the forecast from the previous update. A
    stalled out front and a similarly stalled out tropical low will
    both continue to haunt portions of the central Gulf Coast through
    the day today. Unlike previous days however, coverage of heavy rain
    will be quite a bit reduced. Since the front and the low have been
    stuck in the same place for the better part of a week now,
    instability has been rather meager due to extensive rainfall and
    cloud cover. The greatest instability will be over the warm waters
    of the Gulf. Once any showers and storms track ENE into the Gulf
    Coast, they will struggle to maintain their intensity going inland.
    Thus, the inherited Slight Risk from New Orleans east through the
    Emerald Coast of the Florida Panhandle remains largely unchanged.

    For Louisiana, a big contributing factor to the flash flooding
    potential is the multiple days of rainfall over much of the area,
    resulting in saturated soils. Meanwhile east into the Florida
    Panhandle, the area has also seen quite a bit of rain in recent
    days, but less so than in Louisiana. Thus, the area will be more
    dependent on heavy rainfall to result in flash flooding. That said,
    the predominant track for the heaviest rainfall is likely to set up
    into the Florida Panhandle, with somewhat less rain expected today
    around New Orleans. Thus both factors counter each other.

    For the rest of the Marginal Risk area across the Southeast and=20
    the northern Florida Peninsula, somewhat less favorable antecedent
    conditions (i.e. drier soils, will preclude all but isolated flash
    flooding. Further, as mentioned above, rainfall rates should
    decrease markedly the further from the Gulf Coast any showers and
    storms track. The likelihood of less heavy rain will also diminish
    the flooding threat.

    ...Portions of the Southern Rockies...

    The Marginal risks in these areas remain largely the same, other
    than trimming out areas of southern CA and northwestern NM where
    less topographic influence should generally preclude any flash=20
    flooding. The Marginals thus concentrate from the Peninsular Ranges
    of southern California over to the western Mogollon Rim of western
    Arizona, as well as for the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of southern
    Colorado and northern New Mexico. Any burn scars will locally=20
    enhance the flash flooding potential due to a much greater=20
    percentage of any rainfall converting to runoff.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...Southern Rockies...

    Southerly monsoonal flow out of the Gulf of California will push
    abnormally high moisture into portions of the Southwest on Sunday.
    By Sunday afternoon with diurnal heating, expect widespread shower
    and thunderstorm development across the Marginal Risk area, in
    particular on south facing slopes of the mountains. The fact the
    area has been baking in recent days should only increase the amount
    of instability that any storms in the area can feed on to increase
    their potential ability to produce heavy rains. Urban areas,
    arroyos, slot canyons, and other low-lying flood prone areas are
    where any isolated flash flooding will be most likely.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    An approaching tropical wave and potential surface low will move=20
    across the western Gulf and impact deep south Texas on Sunday and
    especially Sunday night. The strong front draped along the coast
    will act as a focus for heavy rain. Coastal areas of Deep South
    Texas have seen rounds of heavy rain in recent days, resulting in
    some depression of FFGs in the area. A tropical wave and its
    associated heavy rainfall when combined with those antecedent soil
    conditions could result in isolated flash flooding.

    A major point of uncertainty in the forecast is how far west the
    slug of heavy rain will get to. There is significant disagreement
    in the guidance as to the answer to that question. A notable trend
    has been to shift the heaviest rain a bit to the east and more
    offshore. This in turn is both increasing uncertainty and lowering
    the flash flooding threat. For now, the Marginal risk area is
    maintained unchanged, but even a small additional eastward nudge
    would require a downgrade of the risk area.


    The eastward extent of the same front as impacting Deep South Texas
    will remain across northern Florida (both Panhandle and Peninsula)
    as well as southern Georgia. The same pattern will remain on Sunday
    as on today, in that instability will be greatly lacking with any
    distance from the coast, so the greatest threat for flooding will
    be along the immediate Gulf Coast of Florida.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    A tropical wave moving across the Gulf will continue to spread
    heavy rains along much of the Gulf Coast on Monday, continuing from
    Sunday. The bulk of the heaviest rain associated with the wave is
    likely to impact coastal Deep South Texas and adjacent coastal
    northeast Mexico. Thus, there is higher confidence that on Monday
    very heavy rainfall will occur along the coast of Deep South Texas
    as compared with Sunday. However, as mentioned in the Day 2
    discussion, there is increasing uncertainty as to the track of the
    tropical wave, which greatly impacts the forecast and the potential
    for flash-flood-producing heavy rains. Guidance has been trending
    east/offshore with the heaviest rain, so as on Sunday, any further
    eastward shifts will require downgrades to the ERO risk areas.=20

    For now, the Slight risk upgrade is contingent on at least 2 days
    (today and Sunday's) rains further lowering FFGs in advance of the
    main rainfall event in the area on Monday. If Monday is the third
    consecutive day with heavy rainfall, as it's highly likely to be
    the wettest of the 3 days, then it stands to reason compounding
    influences by increasingly saturated soils will quickly increase
    the potential for flash flooding.=20

    ...The Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    No change to the pattern is forecast for the Gulf Coast from upper
    Texas east into Florida. As on previous days, most of the heaviest
    rain should remain offshore of these areas, with a predominant
    light ENE flow along the front allowing some of the heavier rains
    to move into FL and GA from the Gulf, though quickly weakening with
    increasing distance from the Gulf. Once again, this area will be
    swamped with multiple days of light to occasionally heavy rainfall.
    Thus, it's quite possible a Slight risk upgrade may be needed with
    future forecast in the areas hardest hit with heavy rains both
    today and on Sunday.

    The inherited Marginal was greatly expanded to the north with this
    update to cover for all intents and purposes the entirely of the US
    Gulf Coast.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!80AkbmucbybLESqkDE7RVebB2nGLIxxfTfhOVGKJzUf5= QGYAOs1InGej6SLIgO7Lc4lCsU_9ayxz3aCpbnwI-JkOWdc$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!80AkbmucbybLESqkDE7RVebB2nGLIxxfTfhOVGKJzUf5= QGYAOs1InGej6SLIgO7Lc4lCsU_9ayxz3aCpbnwIWf4YVek$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!80AkbmucbybLESqkDE7RVebB2nGLIxxfTfhOVGKJzUf5= QGYAOs1InGej6SLIgO7Lc4lCsU_9ayxz3aCpbnwIj4cjr-U$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 15:50:57 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 071550

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1150 AM EDT Sat Sep 7 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...16z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk was removed from the previous update in coordination
    with the impacted offices. A MRGL risk remains for parts of the
    Southeastern U.S, with a focus along the coastal plain of Southeast
    LA and the Emerald coast of FL. MRGL risks remain steadfast across
    portions of the Western U.S.


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    16Z Update: The pattern from this morning have devolved into
    something less robust with continued rainfall, but paltry rates to
    suffice much of a flash flood concern. Recent mesoanalysis has only
    furthered the argument for less of a risk of heavy rainfall as
    MUCAPE indices remain relatively benign with the coastal plain of
    Southeastern LA over into the FL Panhandle only subject to ~500
    J/kg of MUCAPE, at best. Analysis of radar trends indicate a limit
    to the overall convective output this morning, correlating well
    with the <1" totals over the past 6 hrs for areas it has been
    raining through that short window. Some diurnal destabilization
    will be had for portions of FL and Southern GA, but the coastal=20
    plain will be bordering on low-end probability for any instability=20
    regime to really overcome the prevailing cloudiness and the
    convergence axis shifting off the coast as drier air advects in
    from the north. Despite continued rainfall this afternoon with
    scattered thunderstorm concerns for the immediate coast, the
    prospects for anything more than a rogue over-performer will limit
    the threat to a mere MRGL risk, thus necessitating the removal of
    the previous SLGT risk in place.=20

    The northern extent of the MRGL was also trimmed away to tighten
    the gradient of the zone for best convective development. The setup
    may yield more flare further east as a better diurnal=20
    destabilization regime could yield convective pattern with stronger
    cores capable of localized heavy rainfall >1"/hr as signaled=20
    within the 12z HREF probs and associated CAMs. This setup is best
    aligned across the FL Big Bend into parts of Southern GA. This is
    still a lower end probability for flash flood concerns due to the
    higher FFG indices in place over the proposed area of interest.
    This was enough to maintain the MRGL risk across the northern half
    of FL.=20


    ...Portions of the Southern Rockies...

    16Z Update: Little to no change occurred from the previous MRGL
    risk forecast across portions of the Western U.S. Scattered
    convective signals in-of the Southern Rockies, Mogollon Rim of AZ,
    and the Peninsular Range of Southern CA will all benefit from a
    persistent mid-level ridge axis with a slightly higher than normal
    PWAT accompaniment as it migrates around the western and northern
    flank of the ridge. Modest instability coupled with the better
    moisture presence will provide just enough to create an isolated
    flash flood threat within the terrain, and over remnant burn scars
    located within both MRGL risk areas.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The Marginal risks in these areas remain largely the same, other
    than trimming out areas of southern CA and northwestern NM where
    less topographic influence should generally preclude any flash
    flooding. The Marginals thus concentrate from the Peninsular Ranges
    of southern California over to the western Mogollon Rim of western
    Arizona, as well as for the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of southern
    Colorado and northern New Mexico. Any burn scars will locally
    enhance the flash flooding potential due to a much greater
    percentage of any rainfall converting to runoff.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...Southern Rockies...

    Southerly monsoonal flow out of the Gulf of California will push
    abnormally high moisture into portions of the Southwest on Sunday.
    By Sunday afternoon with diurnal heating, expect widespread shower
    and thunderstorm development across the Marginal Risk area, in
    particular on south facing slopes of the mountains. The fact the
    area has been baking in recent days should only increase the amount
    of instability that any storms in the area can feed on to increase
    their potential ability to produce heavy rains. Urban areas,
    arroyos, slot canyons, and other low-lying flood prone areas are
    where any isolated flash flooding will be most likely.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    An approaching tropical wave and potential surface low will move
    across the western Gulf and impact deep south Texas on Sunday and
    especially Sunday night. The strong front draped along the coast
    will act as a focus for heavy rain. Coastal areas of Deep South
    Texas have seen rounds of heavy rain in recent days, resulting in
    some depression of FFGs in the area. A tropical wave and its
    associated heavy rainfall when combined with those antecedent soil
    conditions could result in isolated flash flooding.

    A major point of uncertainty in the forecast is how far west the
    slug of heavy rain will get to. There is significant disagreement
    in the guidance as to the answer to that question. A notable trend
    has been to shift the heaviest rain a bit to the east and more
    offshore. This in turn is both increasing uncertainty and lowering
    the flash flooding threat. For now, the Marginal risk area is
    maintained unchanged, but even a small additional eastward nudge
    would require a downgrade of the risk area.


    The eastward extent of the same front as impacting Deep South Texas
    will remain across northern Florida (both Panhandle and Peninsula)
    as well as southern Georgia. The same pattern will remain on Sunday
    as on today, in that instability will be greatly lacking with any
    distance from the coast, so the greatest threat for flooding will
    be along the immediate Gulf Coast of Florida.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    A tropical wave moving across the Gulf will continue to spread
    heavy rains along much of the Gulf Coast on Monday, continuing from
    Sunday. The bulk of the heaviest rain associated with the wave is
    likely to impact coastal Deep South Texas and adjacent coastal
    northeast Mexico. Thus, there is higher confidence that on Monday
    very heavy rainfall will occur along the coast of Deep South Texas
    as compared with Sunday. However, as mentioned in the Day 2
    discussion, there is increasing uncertainty as to the track of the
    tropical wave, which greatly impacts the forecast and the potential
    for flash-flood-producing heavy rains. Guidance has been trending
    east/offshore with the heaviest rain, so as on Sunday, any further
    eastward shifts will require downgrades to the ERO risk areas.

    For now, the Slight risk upgrade is contingent on at least 2 days
    (today and Sunday's) rains further lowering FFGs in advance of the
    main rainfall event in the area on Monday. If Monday is the third
    consecutive day with heavy rainfall, as it's highly likely to be
    the wettest of the 3 days, then it stands to reason compounding
    influences by increasingly saturated soils will quickly increase
    the potential for flash flooding.

    ...The Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    No change to the pattern is forecast for the Gulf Coast from upper
    Texas east into Florida. As on previous days, most of the heaviest
    rain should remain offshore of these areas, with a predominant
    light ENE flow along the front allowing some of the heavier rains
    to move into FL and GA from the Gulf, though quickly weakening with
    increasing distance from the Gulf. Once again, this area will be
    swamped with multiple days of light to occasionally heavy rainfall.
    Thus, it's quite possible a Slight risk upgrade may be needed with
    future forecast in the areas hardest hit with heavy rains both
    today and on Sunday.

    The inherited Marginal was greatly expanded to the north with this
    update to cover for all intents and purposes the entirely of the US
    Gulf Coast.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Y1OGziACftuMKRynH6yF7rBKxPbrtYkuyWdC1HDn_e2= 2Gw9ciHA-YEws8jqXs8fIFFKpo0508mic9TM-bz_-sVsVIs$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Y1OGziACftuMKRynH6yF7rBKxPbrtYkuyWdC1HDn_e2= 2Gw9ciHA-YEws8jqXs8fIFFKpo0508mic9TM-bz_x_7frP0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Y1OGziACftuMKRynH6yF7rBKxPbrtYkuyWdC1HDn_e2= 2Gw9ciHA-YEws8jqXs8fIFFKpo0508mic9TM-bz_2vFAklw$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 7 19:52:55 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 071952

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    352 PM EDT Sat Sep 7 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Sep 07 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    ...16z Update Summary...

    The SLGT risk was removed from the previous update in coordination
    with the impacted offices. A MRGL risk remains for parts of the
    Southeastern U.S, with a focus along the coastal plain of Southeast
    LA and the Emerald coast of FL. MRGL risks remain steadfast across
    portions of the Western U.S.


    ...Gulf Coast and Southeast...

    16Z Update: The pattern from this morning have devolved into
    something less robust with continued rainfall, but paltry rates to
    suffice much of a flash flood concern. Recent mesoanalysis has only
    furthered the argument for less of a risk of heavy rainfall as
    MUCAPE indices remain relatively benign with the coastal plain of
    Southeastern LA over into the FL Panhandle only subject to ~500
    J/kg of MUCAPE, at best. Analysis of radar trends indicate a limit
    to the overall convective output this morning, correlating well
    with the <1" totals over the past 6 hrs for areas it has been
    raining through that short window. Some diurnal destabilization
    will be had for portions of FL and Southern GA, but the coastal
    plain will be bordering on low-end probability for any instability
    regime to really overcome the prevailing cloudiness and the
    convergence axis shifting off the coast as drier air advects in
    from the north. Despite continued rainfall this afternoon with
    scattered thunderstorm concerns for the immediate coast, the
    prospects for anything more than a rogue over-performer will limit
    the threat to a mere MRGL risk, thus necessitating the removal of
    the previous SLGT risk in place.

    The northern extent of the MRGL was also trimmed away to tighten
    the gradient of the zone for best convective development. The setup
    may yield more flare further east as a better diurnal
    destabilization regime could yield convective pattern with stronger
    cores capable of localized heavy rainfall >1"/hr as signaled
    within the 12z HREF probs and associated CAMs. This setup is best
    aligned across the FL Big Bend into parts of Southern GA. This is
    still a lower end probability for flash flood concerns due to the
    higher FFG indices in place over the proposed area of interest.
    This was enough to maintain the MRGL risk across the northern half
    of FL.


    ...Portions of the Southern Rockies...

    16Z Update: Little to no change occurred from the previous MRGL
    risk forecast across portions of the Western U.S. Scattered
    convective signals in-of the Southern Rockies, Mogollon Rim of AZ,
    and the Peninsular Range of Southern CA will all benefit from a
    persistent mid-level ridge axis with a slightly higher than normal
    PWAT accompaniment as it migrates around the western and northern
    flank of the ridge. Modest instability coupled with the better
    moisture presence will provide just enough to create an isolated
    flash flood threat within the terrain, and over remnant burn scars
    located within both MRGL risk areas.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The Marginal risks in these areas remain largely the same, other
    than trimming out areas of southern CA and northwestern NM where
    less topographic influence should generally preclude any flash
    flooding. The Marginals thus concentrate from the Peninsular Ranges
    of southern California over to the western Mogollon Rim of western
    Arizona, as well as for the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of southern
    Colorado and northern New Mexico. Any burn scars will locally
    enhance the flash flooding potential due to a much greater
    percentage of any rainfall converting to runoff.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Expanded the eastern periphery of the MRGL risk across the Western
    U.S to include more of the Four Corners into the Southern Rockies.
    Only minor adjustments made to the MRGL risk areas over South Texas
    and the Southeastern U.S.


    ...Western U.S...

    20Z Update: Anomalous mid-level moisture flux will continue to=20
    pivot around the western flank of the ridge positioned over the=20
    Inter- Mountain West creating a "friendlier" environment for
    convective development across the Great Basin over into the
    Southern Rockies. 12z HREF mean QPF indicates a broad coverage of
    light to moderate totals within the interior portions of the west
    with the best QPF footprint co-located within the terrain west of
    the Divide, agreed upon within the neighborhood probability field
    of the hi-res ensemble. Probability for >1" off the HREF runs
    around 20-40% in areal average with a max of 60-70% across the=20
    western Mogollon Rim, a sufficient signal for isolated to widely
    scattered flash flood chances historically. The main areas of focus
    will pertain to small urban zones, complex terrain, slot canyons,
    and remnant burn scars littered across the interior West.
    Considering the prevalent signatures above, there was enough
    consensus to expand the MRGL risk further east to account for the
    threat over the Four Corners and the Southern Rockies.=20


    ...Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: Consensus is growing for the eventual advection of
    tropical air into Deep South TX on the northwestern periphery of a
    tropical wave traversing through the Western Gulf. A non-GFS
    consensus allows the second half of the period to become more
    active with pivoting bands of heavy rainfall off the Gulf to
    protrude inland with the highest prospects for impact located
    between McAllen and points east. A sharp gradient within the
    ensemble mean maintains precedence that this will be a focused=20
    event, in the early stages of a setup that is anticipated to bleed=20
    into the D3 time frame (More on this in the Day 3 ERO update). 12z=20
    HREF >3" probability also reflects the tight western gradient that=20
    will develop with the setup as 15-25% probs lie west of McAllen=20
    with upwards of 50-60% located along the coast to Brownsville. The=20
    tropical airmass will allow for sufficient warm rain processes=20
    that are textbook for precluding heavy rain and flash flooding=20
    events, so the threat will only see to ramp up during the back-end=20
    of the forecast cycle. As of now, timing directs a MRGL risk with a
    steady transition to a higher risk as we enter into the next=20
    period. For this, we maintained general continuity with the growing
    consensus in both anticipated timing and impacts.=20



    20Z Update: No real changes to the previous forecast. Did trim back
    the northern periphery of the MRGL risk given the latest ensemble
    mean QPF and a growing consensus for the best instability to remain
    focused along the Gulf coast and interior of the FL Panhandle.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The eastward extent of the same front as impacting Deep South Texas
    will remain across northern Florida (both Panhandle and Peninsula)
    as well as southern Georgia. The same pattern will remain on Sunday
    as on today, in that instability will be greatly lacking with any
    distance from the coast, so the greatest threat for flooding will
    be along the immediate Gulf Coast of Florida.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Limited changes were necessary for the SLGT risk located across
    Deep South TX, along with the MRGL risk over portions of the
    Southeastern U.S. A MRGL risk was introduced over the Interior
    Western U.S as convective potential lingers along and west of the
    Continental Divide.=20


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: There is now a fairly good consensus within the global deterministic and ensemble/blend output to continue the SLGT risk
    across Deep South TX as the tropical wave over the Western Gulf
    will slowly migrate northward during the period. The best chance
    for heavy rainfall remains focused within the coastal areas of
    South TX, mainly south of KCRP with the bullseye pegged closer to
    KBRO up through the King Ranch area. This is a continuation from
    the D2 time frame with multi-day totals exceeding 4" becoming
    increasingly likely within that coastal portion of South TX, an
    area a little more prone to flash flooding due to the urbanization
    aspects of the area. As of now, the signal still remains more
    beneficial to have a SLGT risk and not a higher grade, however it
    will be a period to monitor with short term trends likely to
    dictate any further upgrades as the system evolves. For now,
    general continuity with a mention of a higher-end SLGT confined to
    the coastal portion of Deep South TX.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    A tropical wave moving across the Gulf will continue to spread
    heavy rains along much of the Gulf Coast on Monday, continuing from
    Sunday. The bulk of the heaviest rain associated with the wave is
    likely to impact coastal Deep South Texas and adjacent coastal
    northeast Mexico. Thus, there is higher confidence that on Monday
    very heavy rainfall will occur along the coast of Deep South Texas
    as compared with Sunday. However, as mentioned in the Day 2
    discussion, there is increasing uncertainty as to the track of the
    tropical wave, which greatly impacts the forecast and the potential
    for flash-flood-producing heavy rains. Guidance has been trending
    east/offshore with the heaviest rain, so as on Sunday, any further
    eastward shifts will require downgrades to the ERO risk areas.

    For now, the Slight risk upgrade is contingent on at least 2 days
    (today and Sunday's) rains further lowering FFGs in advance of the
    main rainfall event in the area on Monday. If Monday is the third
    consecutive day with heavy rainfall, as it's highly likely to be
    the wettest of the 3 days, then it stands to reason compounding
    influences by increasingly saturated soils will quickly increase
    the potential for flash flooding.

    ...The Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Only minor adjustments were necessary from the previous
    forecast package as ensemble output remains steadfast with little
    deviation in proxy and magnitude of expected rainfall. The period
    will still need to be monitored for targeted upgrades, especially
    over those locations that were hit hardest in the past few periods.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    No change to the pattern is forecast for the Gulf Coast from upper
    Texas east into Florida. As on previous days, most of the heaviest
    rain should remain offshore of these areas, with a predominant
    light ENE flow along the front allowing some of the heavier rains
    to move into FL and GA from the Gulf, though quickly weakening with
    increasing distance from the Gulf. Once again, this area will be
    swamped with multiple days of light to occasionally heavy rainfall.
    Thus, it's quite possible a Slight risk upgrade may be needed with
    future forecast in the areas hardest hit with heavy rains both
    today and on Sunday.

    The inherited Marginal was greatly expanded to the north with this
    update to cover for all intents and purposes the entirely of the US
    Gulf Coast.


    ...Western U.S...

    Remnant mid-level moisture and energy associated with previous
    convective developments will continue to plague areas along and
    west of the Continental Divide as ensemble QPF signatures indicate
    another round of scattered shower/thunderstorm activity that will
    have the ability to entice flash flooding prospects. The signal is
    not as robust as previous days, but the compounding effects from
    prior periods, plus the instability axis/magnitude still culpable=20
    for stronger convective cores allows for a low-end MRGL risk over
    the Interior, mainly within the Great Basin, Four Corners, into the
    Southern Rockies. Totals will be mainly <1", but a few areas could
    see higher totals which would allow for flash flood concerns,
    mainly within the complex terrain, slot canyons, and burn scar


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6UJxqCTOyI1mvPLUZqHP8Mm1EKRHlW3Dxli6nfg_QXRx= kcK0K0CdMRCA5qW0YU0P5K5cYeIYp0hykywmCW9qxpoWbJM$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6UJxqCTOyI1mvPLUZqHP8Mm1EKRHlW3Dxli6nfg_QXRx= kcK0K0CdMRCA5qW0YU0P5K5cYeIYp0hykywmCW9qCA_MrOA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6UJxqCTOyI1mvPLUZqHP8Mm1EKRHlW3Dxli6nfg_QXRx= kcK0K0CdMRCA5qW0YU0P5K5cYeIYp0hykywmCW9qXqUZuS8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 00:36:28 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 080036

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    836 PM EDT Sat Sep 7 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024


    Scattered thunderstorms will continue to pose a localized flash=20
    flood risk for a few more hours across southeast CA into portions=20
    of AZ. Convective coverage should be on the decline after 03z as=20
    instability dissipates across the region.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Expanded the eastern periphery of the MRGL risk across the Western
    U.S to include more of the Four Corners into the Southern Rockies.
    Only minor adjustments made to the MRGL risk areas over South Texas
    and the Southeastern U.S.


    ...Western U.S...

    20Z Update: Anomalous mid-level moisture flux will continue to
    pivot around the western flank of the ridge positioned over the
    Inter- Mountain West creating a "friendlier" environment for
    convective development across the Great Basin over into the
    Southern Rockies. 12z HREF mean QPF indicates a broad coverage of
    light to moderate totals within the interior portions of the west
    with the best QPF footprint co-located within the terrain west of
    the Divide, agreed upon within the neighborhood probability field
    of the hi-res ensemble. Probability for >1" off the HREF runs
    around 20-40% in areal average with a max of 60-70% across the
    western Mogollon Rim, a sufficient signal for isolated to widely
    scattered flash flood chances historically. The main areas of focus
    will pertain to small urban zones, complex terrain, slot canyons,
    and remnant burn scars littered across the interior West.
    Considering the prevalent signatures above, there was enough
    consensus to expand the MRGL risk further east to account for the
    threat over the Four Corners and the Southern Rockies.


    ...Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: Consensus is growing for the eventual advection of
    tropical air into Deep South TX on the northwestern periphery of a
    tropical wave traversing through the Western Gulf. A non-GFS
    consensus allows the second half of the period to become more
    active with pivoting bands of heavy rainfall off the Gulf to
    protrude inland with the highest prospects for impact located
    between McAllen and points east. A sharp gradient within the
    ensemble mean maintains precedence that this will be a focused
    event, in the early stages of a setup that is anticipated to bleed
    into the D3 time frame (More on this in the Day 3 ERO update). 12z
    HREF >3" probability also reflects the tight western gradient that
    will develop with the setup as 15-25% probs lie west of McAllen
    with upwards of 50-60% located along the coast to Brownsville. The
    tropical airmass will allow for sufficient warm rain processes
    that are textbook for precluding heavy rain and flash flooding
    events, so the threat will only see to ramp up during the back-end
    of the forecast cycle. As of now, timing directs a MRGL risk with a
    steady transition to a higher risk as we enter into the next
    period. For this, we maintained general continuity with the growing
    consensus in both anticipated timing and impacts.



    20Z Update: No real changes to the previous forecast. Did trim back
    the northern periphery of the MRGL risk given the latest ensemble
    mean QPF and a growing consensus for the best instability to remain
    focused along the Gulf coast and interior of the FL Panhandle.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The eastward extent of the same front as impacting Deep South Texas
    will remain across northern Florida (both Panhandle and Peninsula)
    as well as southern Georgia. The same pattern will remain on Sunday
    as on today, in that instability will be greatly lacking with any
    distance from the coast, so the greatest threat for flooding will
    be along the immediate Gulf Coast of Florida.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Limited changes were necessary for the SLGT risk located across
    Deep South TX, along with the MRGL risk over portions of the
    Southeastern U.S. A MRGL risk was introduced over the Interior
    Western U.S as convective potential lingers along and west of the
    Continental Divide.


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: There is now a fairly good consensus within the global deterministic and ensemble/blend output to continue the SLGT risk
    across Deep South TX as the tropical wave over the Western Gulf
    will slowly migrate northward during the period. The best chance
    for heavy rainfall remains focused within the coastal areas of
    South TX, mainly south of KCRP with the bullseye pegged closer to
    KBRO up through the King Ranch area. This is a continuation from
    the D2 time frame with multi-day totals exceeding 4" becoming
    increasingly likely within that coastal portion of South TX, an
    area a little more prone to flash flooding due to the urbanization
    aspects of the area. As of now, the signal still remains more
    beneficial to have a SLGT risk and not a higher grade, however it
    will be a period to monitor with short term trends likely to
    dictate any further upgrades as the system evolves. For now,
    general continuity with a mention of a higher-end SLGT confined to
    the coastal portion of Deep South TX.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    A tropical wave moving across the Gulf will continue to spread
    heavy rains along much of the Gulf Coast on Monday, continuing from
    Sunday. The bulk of the heaviest rain associated with the wave is
    likely to impact coastal Deep South Texas and adjacent coastal
    northeast Mexico. Thus, there is higher confidence that on Monday
    very heavy rainfall will occur along the coast of Deep South Texas
    as compared with Sunday. However, as mentioned in the Day 2
    discussion, there is increasing uncertainty as to the track of the
    tropical wave, which greatly impacts the forecast and the potential
    for flash-flood-producing heavy rains. Guidance has been trending
    east/offshore with the heaviest rain, so as on Sunday, any further
    eastward shifts will require downgrades to the ERO risk areas.

    For now, the Slight risk upgrade is contingent on at least 2 days
    (today and Sunday's) rains further lowering FFGs in advance of the
    main rainfall event in the area on Monday. If Monday is the third
    consecutive day with heavy rainfall, as it's highly likely to be
    the wettest of the 3 days, then it stands to reason compounding
    influences by increasingly saturated soils will quickly increase
    the potential for flash flooding.

    ...The Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Only minor adjustments were necessary from the previous
    forecast package as ensemble output remains steadfast with little
    deviation in proxy and magnitude of expected rainfall. The period
    will still need to be monitored for targeted upgrades, especially
    over those locations that were hit hardest in the past few periods.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    No change to the pattern is forecast for the Gulf Coast from upper
    Texas east into Florida. As on previous days, most of the heaviest
    rain should remain offshore of these areas, with a predominant
    light ENE flow along the front allowing some of the heavier rains
    to move into FL and GA from the Gulf, though quickly weakening with
    increasing distance from the Gulf. Once again, this area will be
    swamped with multiple days of light to occasionally heavy rainfall.
    Thus, it's quite possible a Slight risk upgrade may be needed with
    future forecast in the areas hardest hit with heavy rains both
    today and on Sunday.

    The inherited Marginal was greatly expanded to the north with this
    update to cover for all intents and purposes the entirely of the US
    Gulf Coast.


    ...Western U.S...

    Remnant mid-level moisture and energy associated with previous
    convective developments will continue to plague areas along and
    west of the Continental Divide as ensemble QPF signatures indicate
    another round of scattered shower/thunderstorm activity that will
    have the ability to entice flash flooding prospects. The signal is
    not as robust as previous days, but the compounding effects from
    prior periods, plus the instability axis/magnitude still culpable
    for stronger convective cores allows for a low-end MRGL risk over
    the Interior, mainly within the Great Basin, Four Corners, into the
    Southern Rockies. Totals will be mainly <1", but a few areas could
    see higher totals which would allow for flash flood concerns,
    mainly within the complex terrain, slot canyons, and burn scar


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5gWCefnU1V3k2PUlazqcwWARZbgzS4msxFBMLyr-lx0O= Q35qZwmvBwZjKr9HMAhTbjqmiIY-FrHK8OwkqKaAeGVw-1w$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5gWCefnU1V3k2PUlazqcwWARZbgzS4msxFBMLyr-lx0O= Q35qZwmvBwZjKr9HMAhTbjqmiIY-FrHK8OwkqKaAK4fKQV8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5gWCefnU1V3k2PUlazqcwWARZbgzS4msxFBMLyr-lx0O= Q35qZwmvBwZjKr9HMAhTbjqmiIY-FrHK8OwkqKaAUWdnKGc$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 08:17:34 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 080817

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    417 AM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024



    Only a few very minor changes were made to the inherited Marginal
    Risk areas across the CONUS.


    A bit more widespread convection is expected with the monsoon this
    afternoon across the Southwest. Much of the convection will once
    again be focused along the various mountain ranges from the
    Peninsular Ranges of southern California through the Sangre de
    Cristos of Colorado. As usual in the desert Southwest, somewhat
    limited moisture will be the limiting factor, even though areas
    could be 2 sigma above normal for atmospheric moisture for this
    time of year. Thus, the primary flood threat is for urban areas,
    slot canyons, and arroyos where slow moving convection in chaotic
    steering flow may result in long-duration localized heavy rain from
    the most persistent convection. Any resultant flash flooding will
    be isolated.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    The Marginal Risk area was trimmed closer to the coast with this
    update, now primarily for the urban area of Brownsville over to the
    South Padre Island beaches. A stalled out front will begin to focus
    an area of heavy rainfall associated with a slowly developing
    tropical low over the western Gulf. Guidance has shifted east a
    bit, resulting in lower forecasted rainfall totals for all of Deep
    South Texas, with little if any rain expected west of Brownsville
    through tonight. However...given the abundance of atmospheric
    moisture available any stronger showers and storms will be capable
    of very heavy rainfall rates which could cause isolated flash


    The stalled out front that has been haunting the Southeast for well
    over a week now remains in place from far southern South Carolina
    through the northern Florida Peninsula. Besides the front itself
    being strong...indicative of a tight gradient between the extremely
    humid air mass over the Gulf and an outright autumnal air mass to
    its north...instability remains very lacking since this front
    hasn't moved in days, so diurnal heating is limited under the
    extensive low cloud cover. Thus, almost all of the rain will be
    light across this region. This is countered by the aforementioned
    abundant amounts of atmospheric moisture available for any
    convection that can form. Thus, a low-end Marginal remains in
    place, with the greatest threat for flooding over the Florida
    Peninsula well south of the front where diurnal heating can
    actually make a difference.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    As on Day 1, very few changes were needed to the inherited ERO risk

    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the=20
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash

    ...Four Corners Region...

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly=20
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and=20
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.

    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024



    The inherited Slight Risk area was greatly expanded northward with
    this update in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA and HGX/Houston,
    TX forecast offices.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    In much of the guidance, a strengthening tropical low in the Gulf=20
    will push north up the far western Gulf from Mexico and into the=20 northwestern Gulf. This will both push the stalled out front that
    has been in this area to the north back into the South, and much
    better organize its associated rain. The result will be widespread
    heavy rainfall along the northwestern Gulf Coast on Tuesday. The
    bulk of the heaviest rain will be along much of the Texas Gulf
    Coast Tuesday and Tuesday night. Steady heavy rain directly
    associated with the low will hold until well into Tuesday night for
    the Upper Texas Coast.

    Meanwhile into Louisiana and points east, the rain expected in
    these areas will be moisture peeling off the low in the western
    Gulf and tracking along the stationary front separating the
    moisture abundant air mass over the Gulf with the fall-like air
    mass over much of the eastern U.S. Thus, forcing will be lesser
    into Louisiana and points east than in Texas. The Slight was
    introduced not only for the potential for long-duration light to
    moderate rainfall, but also due to very favorable antecedent
    conditions (saturated soils) from the week plus of consecutive days
    of rain from the same stalled front.=20

    As mentioned in previous discussions, while there's good agreement
    that the low will be organizing in the western Gulf as it moves
    north by Tuesday, the fact that the low is only just beginning to
    get its act together as of the time of this writing has resulted in
    widely variable solutions as to when and where the heaviest rains
    will be along the Gulf Coast by Tuesday. Thus, expect potentially
    significant changes in the forecast rainfall footprint in the
    coming days as the guidance gets a much better handle on the track
    of the low and its associated rainfall.

    ...Southwest Colorado...

    A small Marginal Risk area was added across Southwest Colorado for
    lingering monsoonal moisture hitting the same mountain areas as on
    previous days' afternoons. Rains will also spread into the
    Intermountain Northwest through UT/ID/WY. With better agreement in
    the guidance, the Marginal may need to be expanded into this=20
    region with future updates.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7sU-kAhJFSSD5cNS6v1GgP09B1yzXSl9nwRBlAQfTEBj= IppMbLFFD5m164YCVbb0s_L5KR0WrrvyMsM3GMPXUwe6ooA$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7sU-kAhJFSSD5cNS6v1GgP09B1yzXSl9nwRBlAQfTEBj= IppMbLFFD5m164YCVbb0s_L5KR0WrrvyMsM3GMPX8uQpNEc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7sU-kAhJFSSD5cNS6v1GgP09B1yzXSl9nwRBlAQfTEBj= IppMbLFFD5m164YCVbb0s_L5KR0WrrvyMsM3GMPXuDBWqSY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 15:45:17 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 081545

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 AM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    Very little changes were made to the overall D1 outlook with the
    consensus remaining steady for low to medium end MRGL impacts
    expected across portions of the West, Southeast, and Deep South
    Texas. A small shift was made across South TX where the MRGL risk=20
    was tightened even further to the coast to confine mainly=20
    Brownsville and South Padre Island as the two main areas of focus=20
    with the northern periphery of any banding associated with the=20
    tropical wave to the south. The latest 12z HREF mean QPF output=20
    depicts a sharp western gradient for precip through the period with
    the best potential aligning with the overnight time frame as the=20
    wave scoots more to the northwest, bringing some of the deeper=20
    tropical moisture north into the tip of South TX. There's some=20
    discrepancy on the timing of any banding with a 50/50 split amongst
    CAMs and some global deterministic. There's enough merit to=20
    warrant the continued MRGL to maintain continuity, especially with=20
    a tropical disturbance positioned to the south. There's a chance=20
    this materializes after the period, but as a precaution for the=20
    low-end threat, decided against removal.=20

    Over the Southeast, the main focus will reside along the coasts of
    FL and perhaps over the coast of SC as convection will align near
    the coastline during peak diurnal destabilization. The best
    opportunity for heavy rain will likely occur with the sea breeze
    across Northeast FL between Jacksonville to Melbourne with the HREF neighborhood probabilities and EAS both fairly aggressive in the
    latest update for >3" of rainfall in the vicinity. The airmass in
    place is sufficient for these higher hourly and intra-hour rates to
    produce some localized flash flood concerns, especially within the
    urbanized areas along the coast. This was enough maintain the MRGL
    risk with no real changes to the risk positioning from previous

    Out West, the only change occurred over the northern extent of the
    Peninsular range where 12z CAMs indicate a few cells developing=20
    just north of where the risk area was forecast. HREF mean SBCAPE=20
    values lie within the 500-1000 J/kg with a few CAMs a bit more=20
    robust in the depiction. Considering a marginally more favorable=20
    airmass overhead and the complex terrain additions over the area,=20
    thought the expansion was favorable and was agreed upon in=20
    coordination with the San Diego WFO. Otherwise, no other changes=20
    were necessary from the previous issuance across the west.=20


    ..Previous Discussions..


    A bit more widespread convection is expected with the monsoon this
    afternoon across the Southwest. Much of the convection will once
    again be focused along the various mountain ranges from the
    Peninsular Ranges of southern California through the Sangre de
    Cristos of Colorado. As usual in the desert Southwest, somewhat
    limited moisture will be the limiting factor, even though areas
    could be 2 sigma above normal for atmospheric moisture for this
    time of year. Thus, the primary flood threat is for urban areas,
    slot canyons, and arroyos where slow moving convection in chaotic
    steering flow may result in long-duration localized heavy rain from
    the most persistent convection. Any resultant flash flooding will
    be isolated.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    The Marginal Risk area was trimmed closer to the coast with this
    update, now primarily for the urban area of Brownsville over to the
    South Padre Island beaches. A stalled out front will begin to focus
    an area of heavy rainfall associated with a slowly developing
    tropical low over the western Gulf. Guidance has shifted east a
    bit, resulting in lower forecasted rainfall totals for all of Deep
    South Texas, with little if any rain expected west of Brownsville
    through tonight. However...given the abundance of atmospheric
    moisture available any stronger showers and storms will be capable
    of very heavy rainfall rates which could cause isolated flash


    The stalled out front that has been haunting the Southeast for well
    over a week now remains in place from far southern South Carolina
    through the northern Florida Peninsula. Besides the front itself
    being strong...indicative of a tight gradient between the extremely
    humid air mass over the Gulf and an outright autumnal air mass to
    its north...instability remains very lacking since this front
    hasn't moved in days, so diurnal heating is limited under the
    extensive low cloud cover. Thus, almost all of the rain will be
    light across this region. This is countered by the aforementioned
    abundant amounts of atmospheric moisture available for any
    convection that can form. Thus, a low-end Marginal remains in
    place, with the greatest threat for flooding over the Florida
    Peninsula well south of the front where diurnal heating can
    actually make a difference.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    As on Day 1, very few changes were needed to the inherited ERO risk

    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash

    ...Four Corners Region...

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.

    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024



    The inherited Slight Risk area was greatly expanded northward with
    this update in coordination with LIX/Slidell, LA and HGX/Houston,
    TX forecast offices.

    ...Gulf Coast...

    In much of the guidance, a strengthening tropical low in the Gulf
    will push north up the far western Gulf from Mexico and into the
    northwestern Gulf. This will both push the stalled out front that
    has been in this area to the north back into the South, and much
    better organize its associated rain. The result will be widespread
    heavy rainfall along the northwestern Gulf Coast on Tuesday. The
    bulk of the heaviest rain will be along much of the Texas Gulf
    Coast Tuesday and Tuesday night. Steady heavy rain directly
    associated with the low will hold until well into Tuesday night for
    the Upper Texas Coast.

    Meanwhile into Louisiana and points east, the rain expected in
    these areas will be moisture peeling off the low in the western
    Gulf and tracking along the stationary front separating the
    moisture abundant air mass over the Gulf with the fall-like air
    mass over much of the eastern U.S. Thus, forcing will be lesser
    into Louisiana and points east than in Texas. The Slight was
    introduced not only for the potential for long-duration light to
    moderate rainfall, but also due to very favorable antecedent
    conditions (saturated soils) from the week plus of consecutive days
    of rain from the same stalled front.

    As mentioned in previous discussions, while there's good agreement
    that the low will be organizing in the western Gulf as it moves
    north by Tuesday, the fact that the low is only just beginning to
    get its act together as of the time of this writing has resulted in
    widely variable solutions as to when and where the heaviest rains
    will be along the Gulf Coast by Tuesday. Thus, expect potentially
    significant changes in the forecast rainfall footprint in the
    coming days as the guidance gets a much better handle on the track
    of the low and its associated rainfall.

    ...Southwest Colorado...

    A small Marginal Risk area was added across Southwest Colorado for
    lingering monsoonal moisture hitting the same mountain areas as on
    previous days' afternoons. Rains will also spread into the
    Intermountain Northwest through UT/ID/WY. With better agreement in
    the guidance, the Marginal may need to be expanded into this
    region with future updates.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9_hQyw6t3Er5qQ8gGLAaAq2lvf-WZ9Ui1iryjN5zT6tN= AfDsuxwu2Qqvw9udttBY95g6Q86zZbrP0juRgb4Q2DW3ALE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9_hQyw6t3Er5qQ8gGLAaAq2lvf-WZ9Ui1iryjN5zT6tN= AfDsuxwu2Qqvw9udttBY95g6Q86zZbrP0juRgb4QTpE0pFc$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9_hQyw6t3Er5qQ8gGLAaAq2lvf-WZ9Ui1iryjN5zT6tN= AfDsuxwu2Qqvw9udttBY95g6Q86zZbrP0juRgb4Q93-Y1GU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 8 20:17:15 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 082016

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 PM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 08 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    Very little changes were made to the overall D1 outlook with the
    consensus remaining steady for low to medium end MRGL impacts
    expected across portions of the West, Southeast, and Deep South
    Texas. A small shift was made across South TX where the MRGL risk
    was tightened even further to the coast to confine mainly
    Brownsville and South Padre Island as the two main areas of focus
    with the northern periphery of any banding associated with the
    tropical wave to the south. The latest 12z HREF mean QPF output
    depicts a sharp western gradient for precip through the period with
    the best potential aligning with the overnight time frame as the
    wave scoots more to the northwest, bringing some of the deeper
    tropical moisture north into the tip of South TX. There's some
    discrepancy on the timing of any banding with a 50/50 split amongst
    CAMs and some global deterministic. There's enough merit to
    warrant the continued MRGL to maintain continuity, especially with
    a tropical disturbance positioned to the south. There's a chance
    this materializes after the period, but as a precaution for the
    low-end threat, decided against removal.

    Over the Southeast, the main focus will reside along the coasts of
    FL and perhaps over the coast of SC as convection will align near
    the coastline during peak diurnal destabilization. The best
    opportunity for heavy rain will likely occur with the sea breeze
    across Northeast FL between Jacksonville to Melbourne with the HREF neighborhood probabilities and EAS both fairly aggressive in the
    latest update for >3" of rainfall in the vicinity. The airmass in
    place is sufficient for these higher hourly and intra-hour rates to
    produce some localized flash flood concerns, especially within the
    urbanized areas along the coast. This was enough maintain the MRGL
    risk with no real changes to the risk positioning from previous

    Out West, the only change occurred over the northern extent of the
    Peninsular range where 12z CAMs indicate a few cells developing
    just north of where the risk area was forecast. HREF mean SBCAPE
    values lie within the 500-1000 J/kg with a few CAMs a bit more
    robust in the depiction. Considering a marginally more favorable
    airmass overhead and the complex terrain additions over the area,
    thought the expansion was favorable and was agreed upon in
    coordination with the San Diego WFO. Otherwise, no other changes
    were necessary from the previous issuance across the west.


    ..Previous Discussions..


    A bit more widespread convection is expected with the monsoon this
    afternoon across the Southwest. Much of the convection will once
    again be focused along the various mountain ranges from the
    Peninsular Ranges of southern California through the Sangre de
    Cristos of Colorado. As usual in the desert Southwest, somewhat
    limited moisture will be the limiting factor, even though areas
    could be 2 sigma above normal for atmospheric moisture for this
    time of year. Thus, the primary flood threat is for urban areas,
    slot canyons, and arroyos where slow moving convection in chaotic
    steering flow may result in long-duration localized heavy rain from
    the most persistent convection. Any resultant flash flooding will
    be isolated.

    ...Deep South Texas...

    The Marginal Risk area was trimmed closer to the coast with this
    update, now primarily for the urban area of Brownsville over to the
    South Padre Island beaches. A stalled out front will begin to focus
    an area of heavy rainfall associated with a slowly developing
    tropical low over the western Gulf. Guidance has shifted east a
    bit, resulting in lower forecasted rainfall totals for all of Deep
    South Texas, with little if any rain expected west of Brownsville
    through tonight. However...given the abundance of atmospheric
    moisture available any stronger showers and storms will be capable
    of very heavy rainfall rates which could cause isolated flash


    The stalled out front that has been haunting the Southeast for well
    over a week now remains in place from far southern South Carolina
    through the northern Florida Peninsula. Besides the front itself
    being strong...indicative of a tight gradient between the extremely
    humid air mass over the Gulf and an outright autumnal air mass to
    its north...instability remains very lacking since this front
    hasn't moved in days, so diurnal heating is limited under the
    extensive low cloud cover. Thus, almost all of the rain will be
    light across this region. This is countered by the aforementioned
    abundant amounts of atmospheric moisture available for any
    convection that can form. Thus, a low-end Marginal remains in
    place, with the greatest threat for flooding over the Florida
    Peninsula well south of the front where diurnal heating can
    actually make a difference.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Only minor changes were necessitated during the D2 time frame with
    the SLGT risk maintained across Deep South TX, but brought in
    closer to the coast. The MRGL risks across the Southeast and
    Western U.S were generally maintained outside small adjustments to
    the northern periphery of the risk areas.=20


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: The pattern remains conducive for locally heavy
    rainfall in-of the South TX coastal plain with the heaviest precip
    focus situated east of McAllen towards Brownsville and South Padre
    Island. The tropical disturbance to the south will be slowly
    progressing northward through the period with the deeper tropical
    moisture feed aligned right along the coast with some protrusion
    inland as the disturbance jogs northwesterly the second half of
    the forecast. Recent ensemble QPF output pins the 2-4" potential
    right within Brownsville proper with a sharp western cutoff the QPF
    as drier air located to the northwest of the weak circulation
    maintains a foothold on the area. Latest HREF neighborhood
    probabilities have a pretty solid signal for >3" (80-90+%) and >5"
    (50-80%) confined right in that far Southern fringe of the Lone
    Star State with a precipitous drop off in the prob fields as you
    extend westward. This correlates well with the blended mean QPF and
    the recent ML output dictated within the ECMWF AIFS and GFS
    Graphcast outputs. There was enough consensus for tightening the
    SLGT risk closer to the coastal plain and dropping the northern
    fringe of the SLGT a bit further south to match the probability
    fields. This is an evolving situation with the future of the
    disturbance still in question, so until guidance has a more defined
    structure of the tropical system, it will be hard to discern finer
    details on the threat. For now, there was enough agreement on the
    SLGT risk maintenance with some minor adjustment.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash


    ...Four Corners Region...

    20Z Update: One change will be noted this forecast cycle with an
    extension of the MRGL risk further north into Northeastern UT
    where the core of the heaviest QPF is being depicted on both hi-res
    and global deterministic. The signal is in conjunction yo a
    trailing shortwave that will cross through the Inter- Mountain=20
    west Monday afternoon while situated on the fringe of the left exit
    region of an upper jet cruising into the Southwestern U.S. This
    allowed for the primary convective axis to be positioned over the
    Wasatch down through Central UT for the period. The rest of the
    forecast wavered very little from run to run leading to general
    continuity for the remainder of the forecast.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.


    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Little to no changes were made to the MRGL risk area
    located across the Southeast. Heavy rain cores will be plausible
    in-of much of the FL Peninsula with the heaviest focus over the
    interior. A strong signal within the probability fields for >3"
    (80-90+%) exists with a sharp decline in the probability for
    anything over 5". This limits the upper end of the potential, thus
    maintaining the previous MRGL risk signal inherited.=20


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    The tropical disturbance in the Western Gulf will continue to
    progress northward through the course of Tuesday into Wednesday
    with the western fringe of the precip shield becoming aligned
    within the TX coastal plain. This forecast package has seen some
    deviation away from the precip extending further west into TX
    leading to an adjustment tighter to the coast for the SLGT risk
    forecast. The biggest question becomes the organized nature of the
    low and how close will it be to the coast of TX to orient enough
    moisture to affect to the area of interest within the SLGT. A
    further east track of the primary low will create a very focused
    corridor of heavy rain right at the coast, limiting the potential
    somewhat for greater urbanized zones just inland of the coastline.
    Increasing southwest shear on the western quadrant of any organized
    system will also have the ability to thwart organized convection
    and really hamper the ability for any heavy rain to occur inland
    which is noted by a few global deterministic and ensemble members
    of the EPS/GEFS combo. This is the period to watch as it pertains
    to greater flash flood impacts ramping up with the disturbance in
    question. As of now, the only change was that tightening of the
    SLGT closer to the coast, but still manage a broad area of coverage
    for the risk in question due to some uncertainty and the ensemble
    mean QPF depicting the threat still being on the table.=20

    Across the west, the MRGL risk over CO was expanded back to the
    west into UT to account for a lingering convective pattern over the
    terrain with the primary focus within the Wasatch. The signal is
    less enthusiastic on the potential compared to the previous period,
    but does fall within the low-end criteria of the MRGL with pockets
    of higher QPF located in-of the mountains where flood concerns are
    highest. The remainder of the area was relatively unchanged as
    scattered thunderstorms are forecast across Western CO with the
    more prone slot canyons, arroyos, and burn scars still the zones of
    highest flash flood opportunity.=20


    ..Previous Discussions..

    ...Gulf Coast...

    In much of the guidance, a strengthening tropical low in the Gulf
    will push north up the far western Gulf from Mexico and into the
    northwestern Gulf. This will both push the stalled out front that
    has been in this area to the north back into the South, and much
    better organize its associated rain. The result will be widespread
    heavy rainfall along the northwestern Gulf Coast on Tuesday. The
    bulk of the heaviest rain will be along much of the Texas Gulf
    Coast Tuesday and Tuesday night. Steady heavy rain directly
    associated with the low will hold until well into Tuesday night for
    the Upper Texas Coast.

    Meanwhile into Louisiana and points east, the rain expected in
    these areas will be moisture peeling off the low in the western
    Gulf and tracking along the stationary front separating the
    moisture abundant air mass over the Gulf with the fall-like air
    mass over much of the eastern U.S. Thus, forcing will be lesser
    into Louisiana and points east than in Texas. The Slight was
    introduced not only for the potential for long-duration light to
    moderate rainfall, but also due to very favorable antecedent
    conditions (saturated soils) from the week plus of consecutive days
    of rain from the same stalled front.

    As mentioned in previous discussions, while there's good agreement
    that the low will be organizing in the western Gulf as it moves
    north by Tuesday, the fact that the low is only just beginning to
    get its act together as of the time of this writing has resulted in
    widely variable solutions as to when and where the heaviest rains
    will be along the Gulf Coast by Tuesday. Thus, expect potentially
    significant changes in the forecast rainfall footprint in the
    coming days as the guidance gets a much better handle on the track
    of the low and its associated rainfall.

    ...Inter-Mountain West...

    A small Marginal Risk area was added across Southwest Colorado for
    lingering monsoonal moisture hitting the same mountain areas as on
    previous days' afternoons. Rains will also spread into the
    Intermountain Northwest through UT/ID/WY. With better agreement in
    the guidance, the Marginal may need to be expanded into this
    region with future updates.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7981KTZzy1oU_rnjvkwApi2bwYbu0fCYABQe1jGWP3O1= AnBf8PDrOB2f4J5JL1fZ4lGsoDysOYAva8HONQOqJDZM-HU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7981KTZzy1oU_rnjvkwApi2bwYbu0fCYABQe1jGWP3O1= AnBf8PDrOB2f4J5JL1fZ4lGsoDysOYAva8HONQOqrYodcNE$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7981KTZzy1oU_rnjvkwApi2bwYbu0fCYABQe1jGWP3O1= AnBf8PDrOB2f4J5JL1fZ4lGsoDysOYAva8HONQOqoD9GYtc$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 9 00:48:09 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 090047

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    847 PM EDT Sun Sep 8 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024


    A localized flash flood risk may persist for a couple more hours
    over portions of southern CA, southern NV, southwest UT and
    northwest AZ. Convection is generally showing a weakening trend,
    although some new cell development is evident over portions of
    northwest AZ into southwest UT. Overall, slow moving cells and a=20
    brief cell merger or two could still result in an isolated flash=20
    flood risk through about 03z.

    ...Deep South Texas...
    A Marginal Risk remains for far southeast TX, primarily for the=20
    urban area of Brownsville over to the South Padre Island beaches.
    Potential Tropical Cyclone Six is in the western Gulf of Mexico,
    with a trough extending north from this system to off the TX=20
    coast. Convection is likely to focus near this trough where=20
    convergence is maximized, and the overall consensus is for this=20
    trough to have some westward movement later tonight and get close=20
    to far southeast TX. There is still a significant amount of=20
    uncertainty with regards to how much convection gets onshore=20
    through 12z Monday. Model guidance remains split, and thus will=20
    just need to keep a close eye on radar trends through the overnight
    hours and into Monday morning. There is some chance we could be=20
    looking at 3-5"+ rainfall right along the coast of far southeast=20
    TX...but also a chance these higher totals stay just offshore.=20
    Overall think a Marginal risk remains warranted with this more of a
    conditional threat.

    We will maintain a Marginal risk for portions of central and
    northern FL. Slow moving convection will continue to pose a
    localized heavy rainfall threat for a few more hours...with=20
    activity expected to be on the decline after 03z.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Only minor changes were necessitated during the D2 time frame with
    the SLGT risk maintained across Deep South TX, but brought in
    closer to the coast. The MRGL risks across the Southeast and
    Western U.S were generally maintained outside small adjustments to
    the northern periphery of the risk areas.


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    20Z Update: The pattern remains conducive for locally heavy
    rainfall in-of the South TX coastal plain with the heaviest precip
    focus situated east of McAllen towards Brownsville and South Padre
    Island. The tropical disturbance to the south will be slowly
    progressing northward through the period with the deeper tropical
    moisture feed aligned right along the coast with some protrusion
    inland as the disturbance jogs northwesterly the second half of
    the forecast. Recent ensemble QPF output pins the 2-4" potential
    right within Brownsville proper with a sharp western cutoff the QPF
    as drier air located to the northwest of the weak circulation
    maintains a foothold on the area. Latest HREF neighborhood
    probabilities have a pretty solid signal for >3" (80-90+%) and >5"
    (50-80%) confined right in that far Southern fringe of the Lone
    Star State with a precipitous drop off in the prob fields as you
    extend westward. This correlates well with the blended mean QPF and
    the recent ML output dictated within the ECMWF AIFS and GFS
    Graphcast outputs. There was enough consensus for tightening the
    SLGT risk closer to the coastal plain and dropping the northern
    fringe of the SLGT a bit further south to match the probability
    fields. This is an evolving situation with the future of the
    disturbance still in question, so until guidance has a more defined
    structure of the tropical system, it will be hard to discern finer
    details on the threat. For now, there was enough agreement on the
    SLGT risk maintenance with some minor adjustment.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Weak easterly flow north of a developing tropical low over the
    southwestern Gulf will advect increasingly deep tropical moisture
    into coastal Deep South Texas on Monday. This is highly likely to
    result in much more rainfall for South Padre Island and over to
    Brownsville as compared with Day 1/Sunday. Given PWATs that could
    exceed 2.5 inches, or 3 sigma above normal for this time of year,
    any convection that moves west off the Gulf into the coast will be
    capable of very heavy rain rates. Thus, the real question regarding
    flood coverage will be how frequent storms producing those rates
    move over urban areas. Think right along the coast widely scattered
    instances of flash flooding can be reasonably expected. Any
    training could quickly result in significant flash flooding. That
    said, the system will only really just be getting organized, so
    overall rains will likely be more intermittent in most areas. Urban
    areas such as Brownsville will be at a higher likelihood for flash


    ...Four Corners Region...

    20Z Update: One change will be noted this forecast cycle with an
    extension of the MRGL risk further north into Northeastern UT
    where the core of the heaviest QPF is being depicted on both hi-res
    and global deterministic. The signal is in conjunction yo a
    trailing shortwave that will cross through the Inter- Mountain
    west Monday afternoon while situated on the fringe of the left exit
    region of an upper jet cruising into the Southwestern U.S. This
    allowed for the primary convective axis to be positioned over the
    Wasatch down through Central UT for the period. The rest of the
    forecast wavered very little from run to run leading to general
    continuity for the remainder of the forecast.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Convective coverage should shift northeastward a bit on Monday.
    Thus, the flooding threat shifts into the Four Corners region and
    away from the West Coast. Flooding concerns will be greatly
    focused in area slot canyons and arroyos of southern Utah and
    southwest Colorado Monday afternoon and evening with peak heating.


    ...Rest of the Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Little to no changes were made to the MRGL risk area
    located across the Southeast. Heavy rain cores will be plausible
    in-of much of the FL Peninsula with the heaviest focus over the
    interior. A strong signal within the probability fields for >3"
    (80-90+%) exists with a sharp decline in the probability for
    anything over 5". This limits the upper end of the potential, thus
    maintaining the previous MRGL risk signal inherited.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    Rinse and repeat weather pattern will continue, albeit shifted just
    a bit south of Sunday's focus. Thus, most of the north Gulf Coast
    will get a relative break from the potential for steady heavy rain,
    as the heaviest rains shift south a bit away from the coast. The
    exception will be into the Florida Peninsula, where a repeat day of
    sea breeze showers and thunderstorms can be expected to the south,
    with more widespread lighter rain expected further north.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...20Z Update...

    The tropical disturbance in the Western Gulf will continue to
    progress northward through the course of Tuesday into Wednesday
    with the western fringe of the precip shield becoming aligned
    within the TX coastal plain. This forecast package has seen some
    deviation away from the precip extending further west into TX
    leading to an adjustment tighter to the coast for the SLGT risk
    forecast. The biggest question becomes the organized nature of the
    low and how close will it be to the coast of TX to orient enough
    moisture to affect to the area of interest within the SLGT. A
    further east track of the primary low will create a very focused
    corridor of heavy rain right at the coast, limiting the potential
    somewhat for greater urbanized zones just inland of the coastline.
    Increasing southwest shear on the western quadrant of any organized
    system will also have the ability to thwart organized convection
    and really hamper the ability for any heavy rain to occur inland
    which is noted by a few global deterministic and ensemble members
    of the EPS/GEFS combo. This is the period to watch as it pertains
    to greater flash flood impacts ramping up with the disturbance in
    question. As of now, the only change was that tightening of the
    SLGT closer to the coast, but still manage a broad area of coverage
    for the risk in question due to some uncertainty and the ensemble
    mean QPF depicting the threat still being on the table.

    Across the west, the MRGL risk over CO was expanded back to the
    west into UT to account for a lingering convective pattern over the
    terrain with the primary focus within the Wasatch. The signal is
    less enthusiastic on the potential compared to the previous period,
    but does fall within the low-end criteria of the MRGL with pockets
    of higher QPF located in-of the mountains where flood concerns are
    highest. The remainder of the area was relatively unchanged as
    scattered thunderstorms are forecast across Western CO with the
    more prone slot canyons, arroyos, and burn scars still the zones of
    highest flash flood opportunity.


    ..Previous Discussions..

    ...Gulf Coast...

    In much of the guidance, a strengthening tropical low in the Gulf
    will push north up the far western Gulf from Mexico and into the
    northwestern Gulf. This will both push the stalled out front that
    has been in this area to the north back into the South, and much
    better organize its associated rain. The result will be widespread
    heavy rainfall along the northwestern Gulf Coast on Tuesday. The
    bulk of the heaviest rain will be along much of the Texas Gulf
    Coast Tuesday and Tuesday night. Steady heavy rain directly
    associated with the low will hold until well into Tuesday night for
    the Upper Texas Coast.

    Meanwhile into Louisiana and points east, the rain expected in
    these areas will be moisture peeling off the low in the western
    Gulf and tracking along the stationary front separating the
    moisture abundant air mass over the Gulf with the fall-like air
    mass over much of the eastern U.S. Thus, forcing will be lesser
    into Louisiana and points east than in Texas. The Slight was
    introduced not only for the potential for long-duration light to
    moderate rainfall, but also due to very favorable antecedent
    conditions (saturated soils) from the week plus of consecutive days
    of rain from the same stalled front.

    As mentioned in previous discussions, while there's good agreement
    that the low will be organizing in the western Gulf as it moves
    north by Tuesday, the fact that the low is only just beginning to
    get its act together as of the time of this writing has resulted in
    widely variable solutions as to when and where the heaviest rains
    will be along the Gulf Coast by Tuesday. Thus, expect potentially
    significant changes in the forecast rainfall footprint in the
    coming days as the guidance gets a much better handle on the track
    of the low and its associated rainfall.

    ...Inter-Mountain West...

    A small Marginal Risk area was added across Southwest Colorado for
    lingering monsoonal moisture hitting the same mountain areas as on
    previous days' afternoons. Rains will also spread into the
    Intermountain Northwest through UT/ID/WY. With better agreement in
    the guidance, the Marginal may need to be expanded into this
    region with future updates.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qy2IaL1z0GzSflhmbsalZzyxhivrZPHgHyOmkOThdnc= 0Dt3S_8VpSEMJ_RubbG7tOngfKuptcZH1qAtvIQDBiz-_rQ$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qy2IaL1z0GzSflhmbsalZzyxhivrZPHgHyOmkOThdnc= 0Dt3S_8VpSEMJ_RubbG7tOngfKuptcZH1qAtvIQD-FoL6m8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-Qy2IaL1z0GzSflhmbsalZzyxhivrZPHgHyOmkOThdnc= 0Dt3S_8VpSEMJ_RubbG7tOngfKuptcZH1qAtvIQDcZ5xLLk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 9 08:30:35 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 090830

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    430 AM EDT Mon Sep 9 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    The Slight Risk for the coastal sections of Cameron, Willacy, and
    southeast Kenedy Counties remains largely unchanged, though trimmed
    a hair on the west/inland side with this morning's forecast update.
    The northern edge of the convection associated with Potential
    Tropical Cyclone Six (hereafter, PTC6), will try to move into the
    coast today into tonight. A strong front remains draped over South
    Texas, along the coast, but extending west/inland over Deep South
    Texas. This front is keeping dry air nearby, greatly limiting any
    westward extent to the rainfall, but is also a source of forcing
    for the very deep tropical moisture currently in place over most of
    the Gulf. Thus, as PTC6 organizes today into tonight, waves of rain
    may move into the coast over South Padre Island and Brownsville.
    Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are probable,
    especially where the storms are the most persistent today.

    ...Louisiana through Florida Gulf Coast...

    Few changes were made to the Marginal Risk area...which will be
    largely in place for afternoon sea breeze convection as deep
    tropical moisture associated with PTC6 move east across the
    Peninsula and along the Gulf Coast. There has been a nominal
    southward shift in the guidance, so the Marginal was trimmed to
    just the immediate Gulf Coast except over the Florida Peninsula
    where sea breezes and outflow boundaries will be much more of a
    factor in forcing storms capable of producing heavy rain and
    resultant flash flooding.

    ...Four Corners...

    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area, where isolated
    flash flooding is possible especially in slot canyons and arroyos.
    Guidance has backed off a bit on the areal coverage of convection
    in this region, so this area is a low-end Marginal.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...

    Potential Tropical Cyclone 6 (PTC6) will continue organizing over
    the western Gulf based on the latest NHC forecast as it tracks
    north and east over the northwestern Gulf. Heavy rains associated
    therewith will impact all of the Gulf Coast, especially into
    Louisiana and Texas. The latest guidance has been shifting the
    axis of heaviest rainfall east, in response to very dry air north
    of a strong front that will be guiding PTC6 northeastward. Thus,
    the westward extent of the associated rainfall will be greatly
    limited. Thus, the inherited Slight Risk was trimmed from the west,
    especially over Texas. With that said, any heavy rain associated
    with PTC6 will have well above average amounts of atmospheric
    moisture to work with, making it more common for prodigious
    rainfall rates to occur. Much of southern Louisiana has been very
    wet in recent weeks, so saturated soils will only quicken the onset
    of flooding once the heavy rain gets going.=20

    Into Florida, the same stalled out front will shear some of the
    moisture from PTC6's circulation, adding fuel for diurnally driven
    showers and storms once again on Tuesday afternoon. Isolated flash
    flooding will be possible once again.


    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal Risk area, where
    numerous showers and storms may develop Tuesday afternoon. The most concentrated and heaviest showers and storms will be in the
    Marginal Risk area from eastern Utah into western Colorado.
    Isolated flash flooding will be possible in flood prone areas such
    as slot canyons.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Potential Tropical Cyclone Six (PTC6) is forecast to continue
    strengthening up until landfall in southwest Louisiana on
    Wednesday. Abundant associated moisture will advect north ahead of
    and alongside the low center, resulting in multiple inches of rain
    over almost all of Louisiana and adjacent southern Mississippi. For
    Louisiana, much of the southern half of the state has seen abundant
    rainfall over the past couple weeks, resulting in highly saturated
    soils. A hurricane making landfall here will cause most of the rain
    to convert to runoff. Thus, in coordination with LCH/Lake Charles,
    LA; LIX/Slidell, LA; JAN/Jackson, MS, and SHV/Shreveport, LA
    forecast offices, a Moderate Risk upgrade was introduced with this
    update. The greatest risk of significant and potentially life-
    threatening flash flooding will be in the hardest hit areas of the
    I-10 corridor from New Orleans west through Baton Rouge to
    Lafayette. A higher-end Moderate is considered in effect for this
    portion of the I-10 corridor.

    Considerable uncertainty persists on the north and west side of the
    ERO risk areas. To the west, a notable and persistent drying trend
    continues, partially due to eastward shifts in the track and
    partially due to disagreement as to whether PTC6 will begin
    extratropical transition around landfall. With the center expected
    to track along the spine of Louisiana, locations to the west will
    be on the dry side of the storm, which will quickly cut down on
    rainfall totals. Given these trends, the Slight was trimmed on the
    western side. To the north, the concern will be more about rapidly deteriorating antecedent conditions, as northern Louisiana,
    Mississippi, and Arkansas have all been much drier than points
    further south towards the Gulf Coast. This in turn will make the
    watersheds much more able to absorb heavy rainfall before
    significant flooding commences. Thus, the Slight and Marginal Risk
    areas are quite conservative, as the first few inches of rain
    should be largely beneficial in these areas.

    The aforementioned eastward shift in track should mean wetter
    conditions into Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, and the Slight
    was expanded east for that reason, though Alabama has been
    similarly dry away from the Gulf Coast as its neighbors to the=20

    With PTC6 really still trying to form, expect continued adjustments
    in the track and expected rainfall associated therewith.
    Uncertainty with locations and amounts have also precluded some
    areas well away from the current forecast track of the center from
    being upgraded, but may be with future updates, especially east of
    the track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A Marginal Risk was introduced for this region as a strong digging
    shortwave trough interacts with topography and above normal
    moisture for this region. Forecast amounts may be high enough to
    potentially need a targeted Slight with future updates in this


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8FNfFk1M7p-wlRaS2h3qaXcysvac-b1uH_zDdZs3Ewt9= vIYkJhpSirQFpK31Wpty4ahzs6cBafe05rnfh5WaM_skqWE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8FNfFk1M7p-wlRaS2h3qaXcysvac-b1uH_zDdZs3Ewt9= vIYkJhpSirQFpK31Wpty4ahzs6cBafe05rnfh5Wa1nweN-M$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8FNfFk1M7p-wlRaS2h3qaXcysvac-b1uH_zDdZs3Ewt9= vIYkJhpSirQFpK31Wpty4ahzs6cBafe05rnfh5WaSRJ1IzM$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 9 15:45:17 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 091545

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1145 AM EDT Mon Sep 9 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...16Z Update Summary...

    Limited changes were necessary for the 16z update as model
    consensus remains steadfast on the convective impact areas
    anticipated during the period.=20


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    16Z Update: The northern periphery of the tropical feed from now=20
    Tropical Storm Francine has reached the far southern tip of Texas=20
    with the primary centers of impact remaining South Padre Island=20
    over to Brownsville. Rates currently are sub-par for any flood=20
    concerns with an areal average of 0.25-0.5", but totals are=20
    starting to breach the 1" threshold over the course of the morning=20
    given the persistence. This will continue for a few more hours=20
    before the precip field breaks with more scattered instances of=20
    rainfall through the evening. As Francine noses north-northwest, a=20
    deeper tropical moisture fetch will begin impacting the southern=20
    reaches of TX once again, this time with a more robust convective=20
    footprint leading to enhanced hourly rates and rapidly accumulating
    rainfall. The period of greatest potential remains between 06-12z=20
    Tuesday, the very end of the period leading to a small window for=20
    enhanced impact. 12z HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is=20
    sufficiently high (70-90%) in-of the Brownsville area with slightly
    less probs further west to Harlingen. Further west to McAllen, the probabilities drop off significantly for any appreciable=20
    accumulations greater than 3" leading to less of an opportunity for
    flash flood concerns as you move west along the Lower Rio Grande=20
    Valley. The signal was quite consistent with the latest CAMs with a
    relatively high correlation in the potential given the higher EAS
    prob fields for all 1/2/3" thresholds across coastal South TX with
    much less agreement for anything appreciable further west. The SLGT
    risk was adjusted to match the latest EAS prob fields with a
    tightening of the SLGT and MRGL to account for the probabilistic output.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The Slight Risk for the coastal sections of Cameron, Willacy, and
    southeast Kenedy Counties remains largely unchanged, though trimmed
    a hair on the west/inland side with this morning's forecast update.
    The northern edge of the convection associated with Potential
    Tropical Cyclone Six (hereafter, PTC6), will try to move into the
    coast today into tonight. A strong front remains draped over South
    Texas, along the coast, but extending west/inland over Deep South
    Texas. This front is keeping dry air nearby, greatly limiting any
    westward extent to the rainfall, but is also a source of forcing
    for the very deep tropical moisture currently in place over most of
    the Gulf. Thus, as PTC6 organizes today into tonight, waves of rain
    may move into the coast over South Padre Island and Brownsville.
    Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are probable,
    especially where the storms are the most persistent today.


    ...Louisiana through Florida Gulf Coast...

    16Z Update: Prevailing easterly flow along and north of the quasi-
    stationary front over the Gulf will lead to instances of scattered
    heavy convection pivoting off the Central Gulf coast into
    Southeastern LA. The main premise for the MRGL is to encompass the
    more urbanized setting around New Orleans and zones in-of Lake
    Pontchartrain. 12z HREF neighborhood probs are generally indicative
    of a 3-5" maxima somewhere near New Orleans proper with the best
    chance located over the Parishes just to the Southeast. The signal
    was high enough to warrant the MRGL risk forecast, thus maintained
    continuity with little variance from the previous forecast.


    ..Previous Forecast..

    Few changes were made to the Marginal Risk area...which will be
    largely in place for afternoon sea breeze convection as deep
    tropical moisture associated with PTC6 move east across the
    Peninsula and along the Gulf Coast. There has been a nominal
    southward shift in the guidance, so the Marginal was trimmed to
    just the immediate Gulf Coast except over the Florida Peninsula
    where sea breezes and outflow boundaries will be much more of a
    factor in forcing storms capable of producing heavy rain and
    resultant flash flooding.


    ...Four Corners...

    16Z Update: No major changes necessary across the Four Corners and
    Interior Mountain West. The signal remains low-end with the MRGL
    risk threshold, however the combination of scattered convection
    with several slot canyons, arroyos, and burn scar remnants over the
    anticipated zone of impact was enough to warrant the MRGL risk


    ..Previous Discussion..

    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area, where isolated
    flash flooding is possible especially in slot canyons and arroyos.
    Guidance has backed off a bit on the areal coverage of convection
    in this region, so this area is a low-end Marginal.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...

    Potential Tropical Cyclone 6 (PTC6) will continue organizing over
    the western Gulf based on the latest NHC forecast as it tracks
    north and east over the northwestern Gulf. Heavy rains associated
    therewith will impact all of the Gulf Coast, especially into
    Louisiana and Texas. The latest guidance has been shifting the
    axis of heaviest rainfall east, in response to very dry air north
    of a strong front that will be guiding PTC6 northeastward. Thus,
    the westward extent of the associated rainfall will be greatly
    limited. Thus, the inherited Slight Risk was trimmed from the west,
    especially over Texas. With that said, any heavy rain associated
    with PTC6 will have well above average amounts of atmospheric
    moisture to work with, making it more common for prodigious
    rainfall rates to occur. Much of southern Louisiana has been very
    wet in recent weeks, so saturated soils will only quicken the onset
    of flooding once the heavy rain gets going.

    Into Florida, the same stalled out front will shear some of the
    moisture from PTC6's circulation, adding fuel for diurnally driven
    showers and storms once again on Tuesday afternoon. Isolated flash
    flooding will be possible once again.


    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal Risk area, where
    numerous showers and storms may develop Tuesday afternoon. The most concentrated and heaviest showers and storms will be in the
    Marginal Risk area from eastern Utah into western Colorado.
    Isolated flash flooding will be possible in flood prone areas such
    as slot canyons.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Potential Tropical Cyclone Six (PTC6) is forecast to continue
    strengthening up until landfall in southwest Louisiana on
    Wednesday. Abundant associated moisture will advect north ahead of
    and alongside the low center, resulting in multiple inches of rain
    over almost all of Louisiana and adjacent southern Mississippi. For
    Louisiana, much of the southern half of the state has seen abundant
    rainfall over the past couple weeks, resulting in highly saturated
    soils. A hurricane making landfall here will cause most of the rain
    to convert to runoff. Thus, in coordination with LCH/Lake Charles,
    LA; LIX/Slidell, LA; JAN/Jackson, MS, and SHV/Shreveport, LA
    forecast offices, a Moderate Risk upgrade was introduced with this
    update. The greatest risk of significant and potentially life-
    threatening flash flooding will be in the hardest hit areas of the
    I-10 corridor from New Orleans west through Baton Rouge to
    Lafayette. A higher-end Moderate is considered in effect for this
    portion of the I-10 corridor.

    Considerable uncertainty persists on the north and west side of the
    ERO risk areas. To the west, a notable and persistent drying trend
    continues, partially due to eastward shifts in the track and
    partially due to disagreement as to whether PTC6 will begin
    extratropical transition around landfall. With the center expected
    to track along the spine of Louisiana, locations to the west will
    be on the dry side of the storm, which will quickly cut down on
    rainfall totals. Given these trends, the Slight was trimmed on the
    western side. To the north, the concern will be more about rapidly deteriorating antecedent conditions, as northern Louisiana,
    Mississippi, and Arkansas have all been much drier than points
    further south towards the Gulf Coast. This in turn will make the
    watersheds much more able to absorb heavy rainfall before
    significant flooding commences. Thus, the Slight and Marginal Risk
    areas are quite conservative, as the first few inches of rain
    should be largely beneficial in these areas.

    The aforementioned eastward shift in track should mean wetter
    conditions into Alabama and the Florida Panhandle, and the Slight
    was expanded east for that reason, though Alabama has been
    similarly dry away from the Gulf Coast as its neighbors to the

    With PTC6 really still trying to form, expect continued adjustments
    in the track and expected rainfall associated therewith.
    Uncertainty with locations and amounts have also precluded some
    areas well away from the current forecast track of the center from
    being upgraded, but may be with future updates, especially east of
    the track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A Marginal Risk was introduced for this region as a strong digging
    shortwave trough interacts with topography and above normal
    moisture for this region. Forecast amounts may be high enough to
    potentially need a targeted Slight with future updates in this


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4g5tsK0PNvikuIEXWTWqDXxf9GGwnQNnCkmq72zxXFE2= m3gWy__wIqoqjTYv-i5XciThRCjTKQdBBgDvZFhuYwXB_D0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4g5tsK0PNvikuIEXWTWqDXxf9GGwnQNnCkmq72zxXFE2= m3gWy__wIqoqjTYv-i5XciThRCjTKQdBBgDvZFhu-FNbby8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4g5tsK0PNvikuIEXWTWqDXxf9GGwnQNnCkmq72zxXFE2= m3gWy__wIqoqjTYv-i5XciThRCjTKQdBBgDvZFhu6v4wlfk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 9 20:26:41 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 092026

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    426 PM EDT Mon Sep 9 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 09 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...16Z Update Summary...

    Limited changes were necessary for the 16z update as model
    consensus remains steadfast on the convective impact areas
    anticipated during the period.


    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    16Z Update: The northern periphery of the tropical feed from now
    Tropical Storm Francine has reached the far southern tip of Texas
    with the primary centers of impact remaining South Padre Island
    over to Brownsville. Rates currently are sub-par for any flood
    concerns with an areal average of 0.25-0.5", but totals are
    starting to breach the 1" threshold over the course of the morning
    given the persistence. This will continue for a few more hours
    before the precip field breaks with more scattered instances of
    rainfall through the evening. As Francine noses north-northwest, a
    deeper tropical moisture fetch will begin impacting the southern
    reaches of TX once again, this time with a more robust convective
    footprint leading to enhanced hourly rates and rapidly accumulating
    rainfall. The period of greatest potential remains between 06-12z
    Tuesday, the very end of the period leading to a small window for
    enhanced impact. 12z HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is
    sufficiently high (70-90%) in-of the Brownsville area with slightly
    less probs further west to Harlingen. Further west to McAllen, the probabilities drop off significantly for any appreciable
    accumulations greater than 3" leading to less of an opportunity for
    flash flood concerns as you move west along the Lower Rio Grande
    Valley. The signal was quite consistent with the latest CAMs with a
    relatively high correlation in the potential given the higher EAS
    prob fields for all 1/2/3" thresholds across coastal South TX with
    much less agreement for anything appreciable further west. The SLGT
    risk was adjusted to match the latest EAS prob fields with a
    tightening of the SLGT and MRGL to account for the probabilistic output.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    The Slight Risk for the coastal sections of Cameron, Willacy, and
    southeast Kenedy Counties remains largely unchanged, though trimmed
    a hair on the west/inland side with this morning's forecast update.
    The northern edge of the convection associated with Potential
    Tropical Cyclone Six (hereafter, PTC6), will try to move into the
    coast today into tonight. A strong front remains draped over South
    Texas, along the coast, but extending west/inland over Deep South
    Texas. This front is keeping dry air nearby, greatly limiting any
    westward extent to the rainfall, but is also a source of forcing
    for the very deep tropical moisture currently in place over most of
    the Gulf. Thus, as PTC6 organizes today into tonight, waves of rain
    may move into the coast over South Padre Island and Brownsville.
    Widely scattered instances of flash flooding are probable,
    especially where the storms are the most persistent today.


    ...Louisiana through Florida Gulf Coast...

    16Z Update: Prevailing easterly flow along and north of the quasi-
    stationary front over the Gulf will lead to instances of scattered
    heavy convection pivoting off the Central Gulf coast into
    Southeastern LA. The main premise for the MRGL is to encompass the
    more urbanized setting around New Orleans and zones in-of Lake
    Pontchartrain. 12z HREF neighborhood probs are generally indicative
    of a 3-5" maxima somewhere near New Orleans proper with the best
    chance located over the Parishes just to the Southeast. The signal
    was high enough to warrant the MRGL risk forecast, thus maintained
    continuity with little variance from the previous forecast.


    ..Previous Forecast..

    Few changes were made to the Marginal Risk area...which will be
    largely in place for afternoon sea breeze convection as deep
    tropical moisture associated with PTC6 move east across the
    Peninsula and along the Gulf Coast. There has been a nominal
    southward shift in the guidance, so the Marginal was trimmed to
    just the immediate Gulf Coast except over the Florida Peninsula
    where sea breezes and outflow boundaries will be much more of a
    factor in forcing storms capable of producing heavy rain and
    resultant flash flooding.


    ...Four Corners...

    16Z Update: No major changes necessary across the Four Corners and
    Interior Mountain West. The signal remains low-end with the MRGL
    risk threshold, however the combination of scattered convection
    with several slot canyons, arroyos, and burn scar remnants over the
    anticipated zone of impact was enough to warrant the MRGL risk


    ..Previous Discussion..

    No changes were made to the Marginal Risk area, where isolated
    flash flooding is possible especially in slot canyons and arroyos.
    Guidance has backed off a bit on the areal coverage of convection
    in this region, so this area is a low-end Marginal.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Risk areas across the Gulf coast of Texas were tightened a bit
    closer to the coastal plain with the removal of the SLGT over=20
    portions of the TX coast near Corpus Christi. The MRGL risk was=20
    expanded to the southeast over the Southern Rockies.=20


    ...Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Now Tropical Storm Francine will continue making=20
    headway to the north with a strengthening core, eventually forecast
    to become a hurricane within the next 24-48 hours. Guidance=20
    continues to show a general contraction of the storm size as it=20
    matures over the Western Gulf leading to less of a tropical rain=20
    threat over portions of coastal TX as it moves latitudinally. This
    will inhibit the western periphery of the heavy rain potential as a
    majority of the convective cores around the circulation will be
    adjacent to the coast, but just off-shore. There are some
    indications that rogue bands could sway further away from the outer
    periphery of the circulation leading to isolated instances of
    heavier rainfall, especially along the concave portion of the TX
    coast, including the Corpus Christi/Port Aransas/Rockport areas up
    towards Port Lavaca. Ensemble mean QPF and relevant neighborhood
    probabilities for rainfall >3" have deviated away from those areas
    being a beneficiary of some of the heavier tropical footprint that
    would necessitate a higher risk, including the previous SLGT
    forecast. With the consensus growing on the track being slightly
    more east of the previous NHC forecast cyclone track, the SLGT risk
    located between central Kenedy County up through Port Lavaca was
    removed with a maintenance of the MRGL risk to account for the
    rogue heavier cells that may protrude the immediate coast in those

    Across the Brownsville area, recent trends have led to a general
    continuity over the far southern reaches of TX with a strong signal
    for heavy rain likely to affect points along and east of McAllen
    with the higher end potential likely situated over Harlingen to
    Brownsville and South Padre Island. Additional 2-4" of rain with
    locally upwards of 6" will be plausible tomorrow morning before the
    primary bands lift north with the forward propagation of Francine.
    This will be on top of what will occur in the prior period leading
    to storm totals of 4-8" with locally up to 12" for some of the
    areas hit by repeating bands. The highest significant flash flood
    threat will reside in the urban corridors across Deep South TX,
    including Brownsville proper.=20

    Further north, the prospects increase gradually for a locally
    significant heavy rain threat, but generally maintained along the
    immediate coast as the cyclone jogs north-northeast once it reaches
    the latitude of Galveston. The northern periphery of the cyclone
    will begin edging onshore of the Upper TX coast over into Southern
    LA with multiple bands of heavy rain likely impacting the area from
    the lower Sabine over into Morgans City. Depending on the forward
    speed of Francine, the timing could be off +/- 4 hours leading to a
    significant difference in impacts for the period. The SLGT from
    previous forecast was relatively unchanged in its location and
    inland placement to account for those uncertainties in the timing.
    Regardless, the threat for significant rainfall will be
    increasingly steadily over much of Southern LA, including over
    towards New Orleans where onshore easterly flow will advect deep
    tropical moisture ahead of the cyclone with streaming convection
    moving off the Gulf into Southeastern LA.=20


    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...

    20Z Update: Scattered convective footprint is anticipated across
    portions of the West with the main threat residing over the
    Southern Rockies into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower
    end of probabilities considering the middling signal within the
    latest HREF for >1" chances over the region. Regional instability
    is enough to maintain a relatively solid pulse convective regime
    that would allow for a few stronger cores that if falling over the
    wrong area (Slot canyons, burn scars, etc.), could cause some
    issues locally. The biggest adjustment from the previous forecast
    was an expansion of MRGL risk into Northern CO as recent CAMs and
    some of the ensemble mean QPF signaling a threat of isolated
    thunderstorms over the Sangre de Cristos, an area that has a
    heightened risk of flash flooding due to multiple burn scar areas.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024



    20Z Update: Tropical Storm Francine will likely strengthen to a
    hurricane prior to landfall on Wednesday morning with a well-
    defined axis of heavy rainfall making a steady progressing through
    much of Louisiana and the eastern fringes of TX near the state
    lines. The western periphery of Francine will likely be going
    through a strong vertical shear pattern that will inhibit the
    tropical convective pattern within the western half of the cyclone.
    Some of the pivoting bands on the northwestern quad will likely
    make progress towards the Lower Sabine which could cause some flood
    issues, but the story will be further east where the shear pattern
    will be less of a deterrent to the heavy rain footprint with an
    increasing consensus of 4-8" with local to 10" situated between the
    area of Sabine Pass over to Morgan City and points north. A
    secondary maxima over Southeast LA could occur with the prevailing
    onshore component on the eastern fringes of Francine's circulation.
    The New Orleans metro will be the most susceptible to flash flood
    concerns thanks to the urbanization factors with higher run off
    potential in the city limits. This area has also experienced a fair
    amount of rain leading into the event, so the soils will be primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. The MDT risk was
    maintained over the eastern extent of LA with only a small
    adjustment on the northeast fringe to include the Jackson, MS metro
    corridor due to the expected heavy rainfall at the back end of the

    The eastern sections of the MRGL and SLGT risk areas will have the
    highest threat for locally significant impacts away from the storm
    center thanks to the sheared component, even as the storm moves
    further inland. It's not until D4 when the storm will begin the
    extra-tropical transition leading to a broader expanse of heavier
    precip within the western side of the remnant circulation. For D3,
    the heaviest rain will remained confined to the core and points
    east leading to the sharper drop off in the risk as you move
    outside of the TX/LA border.=20=20

    ...Intermountain West...

    20Z Update: A potent mid-level shortwave will allow for a broad
    axis of upper ascent leading to scattered convection over the
    Northern Rockies with a maintenance of the MRGL flash flood risk
    over Western MT into Northern ID. Some of the higher QPF may be in
    the form of snow, so will have to assess the setup closely for the
    snow level forecast to discern if a targeted SLGT risk is still
    relevant. The disturbance is fairly robust, so the threat of small
    areal upgrade is non-zero.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    A Marginal Risk was introduced for this region as a strong digging
    shortwave trough interacts with topography and above normal
    moisture for this region. Forecast amounts may be high enough to
    potentially need a targeted Slight with future updates in this


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9LnUi1untK0NSYcQ431v6RsFaR3ArRt0hAdilYF6hJaX= vpgGvUqzJ38utAu1YUsIE9ZsYpa8mH5U-vROMyyg9DCzCc8$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9LnUi1untK0NSYcQ431v6RsFaR3ArRt0hAdilYF6hJaX= vpgGvUqzJ38utAu1YUsIE9ZsYpa8mH5U-vROMyygt3w30gk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9LnUi1untK0NSYcQ431v6RsFaR3ArRt0hAdilYF6hJaX= vpgGvUqzJ38utAu1YUsIE9ZsYpa8mH5U-vROMyygGUJqGbQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 00:59:28 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 100059

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    859 PM EDT Mon Sep 9 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Coastal Deep South Texas...

    Outer bands from Tropical Storm Francine will continue to cross the
    southern tip of Texas near Brownsville this evening with more
    substantial bands pushing in over the Lower Rio Grande Valley up
    into the King Range area after midnight. The HREF neighborhood=20
    probability for >5" is sufficiently high (70-90%) in the=20
    Brownsville area with slightly less probs further west to=20
    Harlingen. Farther west to McAllen, the probabilities drop off=20
    significantly for accumulations greater than 3". Recent HRRRs=20
    agree with this, so the Slight Risk remains for the Brownsville=20

    ..Previous Discussion..

    ...Louisiana Coast...

    Trimmed the north side of the Marginal Risk a bit given radar=20
    trends and recent HRRRs. The 22Z HRRR does have a band of heavy=20
    rain along the MS Coast extending east into southeast LA late=20
    tonight. This may be overdone given the stationary front fairly=20
    south over the northern Gulf, but it seemed within reason to leave=20
    New Orleans in the Marginal.=20

    Nocturnal trends in convection are seen over FL, particularly in
    the last hour, so the Marginal Risk has been pulled from the FL

    ...Desert Southwest...

    High-based convection continues southern UT and northern AZ this
    evening. Localized rainfall rates of half inch per hour are likely
    to continue for a couple more hours per typical diurnal trends and
    recent HRRR runs. Given the slot canyon sensitivity, the Marginal=20
    Risk was trimmed to just these areas of UT/AZ for overnight.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...20Z Update Summary...

    Risk areas across the Gulf coast of Texas were tightened a bit
    closer to the coastal plain with the removal of the SLGT over
    portions of the TX coast near Corpus Christi. The MRGL risk was
    expanded to the southeast over the Southern Rockies.


    ...Gulf Coast...

    20Z Update: Now Tropical Storm Francine will continue making
    headway to the north with a strengthening core, eventually forecast
    to become a hurricane within the next 24-48 hours. Guidance
    continues to show a general contraction of the storm size as it
    matures over the Western Gulf leading to less of a tropical rain
    threat over portions of coastal TX as it moves latitudinally. This
    will inhibit the western periphery of the heavy rain potential as a
    majority of the convective cores around the circulation will be
    adjacent to the coast, but just off-shore. There are some
    indications that rogue bands could sway further away from the outer
    periphery of the circulation leading to isolated instances of
    heavier rainfall, especially along the concave portion of the TX
    coast, including the Corpus Christi/Port Aransas/Rockport areas up
    towards Port Lavaca. Ensemble mean QPF and relevant neighborhood
    probabilities for rainfall >3" have deviated away from those areas
    being a beneficiary of some of the heavier tropical footprint that
    would necessitate a higher risk, including the previous SLGT
    forecast. With the consensus growing on the track being slightly
    more east of the previous NHC forecast cyclone track, the SLGT risk
    located between central Kenedy County up through Port Lavaca was
    removed with a maintenance of the MRGL risk to account for the
    rogue heavier cells that may protrude the immediate coast in those

    Across the Brownsville area, recent trends have led to a general
    continuity over the far southern reaches of TX with a strong signal
    for heavy rain likely to affect points along and east of McAllen
    with the higher end potential likely situated over Harlingen to
    Brownsville and South Padre Island. Additional 2-4" of rain with
    locally upwards of 6" will be plausible tomorrow morning before the
    primary bands lift north with the forward propagation of Francine.
    This will be on top of what will occur in the prior period leading
    to storm totals of 4-8" with locally up to 12" for some of the
    areas hit by repeating bands. The highest significant flash flood
    threat will reside in the urban corridors across Deep South TX,
    including Brownsville proper.

    Further north, the prospects increase gradually for a locally
    significant heavy rain threat, but generally maintained along the
    immediate coast as the cyclone jogs north-northeast once it reaches
    the latitude of Galveston. The northern periphery of the cyclone
    will begin edging onshore of the Upper TX coast over into Southern
    LA with multiple bands of heavy rain likely impacting the area from
    the lower Sabine over into Morgans City. Depending on the forward
    speed of Francine, the timing could be off +/- 4 hours leading to a
    significant difference in impacts for the period. The SLGT from
    previous forecast was relatively unchanged in its location and
    inland placement to account for those uncertainties in the timing.
    Regardless, the threat for significant rainfall will be
    increasingly steadily over much of Southern LA, including over
    towards New Orleans where onshore easterly flow will advect deep
    tropical moisture ahead of the cyclone with streaming convection
    moving off the Gulf into Southeastern LA.


    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...

    20Z Update: Scattered convective footprint is anticipated across
    portions of the West with the main threat residing over the
    Southern Rockies into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower
    end of probabilities considering the middling signal within the
    latest HREF for >1" chances over the region. Regional instability
    is enough to maintain a relatively solid pulse convective regime
    that would allow for a few stronger cores that if falling over the
    wrong area (Slot canyons, burn scars, etc.), could cause some
    issues locally. The biggest adjustment from the previous forecast
    was an expansion of MRGL risk into Northern CO as recent CAMs and
    some of the ensemble mean QPF signaling a threat of isolated
    thunderstorms over the Sangre de Cristos, an area that has a
    heightened risk of flash flooding due to multiple burn scar areas.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024



    20Z Update: Tropical Storm Francine will likely strengthen to a
    hurricane prior to landfall on Wednesday morning with a well-
    defined axis of heavy rainfall making a steady progressing through
    much of Louisiana and the eastern fringes of TX near the state
    lines. The western periphery of Francine will likely be going
    through a strong vertical shear pattern that will inhibit the
    tropical convective pattern within the western half of the cyclone.
    Some of the pivoting bands on the northwestern quad will likely
    make progress towards the Lower Sabine which could cause some flood
    issues, but the story will be further east where the shear pattern
    will be less of a deterrent to the heavy rain footprint with an
    increasing consensus of 4-8" with local to 10" situated between the
    area of Sabine Pass over to Morgan City and points north. A
    secondary maxima over Southeast LA could occur with the prevailing
    onshore component on the eastern fringes of Francine's circulation.
    The New Orleans metro will be the most susceptible to flash flood
    concerns thanks to the urbanization factors with higher run off
    potential in the city limits. This area has also experienced a fair
    amount of rain leading into the event, so the soils will be primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. The MDT risk was
    maintained over the eastern extent of LA with only a small
    adjustment on the northeast fringe to include the Jackson, MS metro
    corridor due to the expected heavy rainfall at the back end of the

    The eastern sections of the MRGL and SLGT risk areas will have the
    highest threat for locally significant impacts away from the storm
    center thanks to the sheared component, even as the storm moves
    further inland. It's not until D4 when the storm will begin the
    extra-tropical transition leading to a broader expanse of heavier
    precip within the western side of the remnant circulation. For D3,
    the heaviest rain will remained confined to the core and points
    east leading to the sharper drop off in the risk as you move
    outside of the TX/LA border.

    ...Intermountain West...

    20Z Update: A potent mid-level shortwave will allow for a broad
    axis of upper ascent leading to scattered convection over the
    Northern Rockies with a maintenance of the MRGL flash flood risk
    over Western MT into Northern ID. Some of the higher QPF may be in
    the form of snow, so will have to assess the setup closely for the
    snow level forecast to discern if a targeted SLGT risk is still
    relevant. The disturbance is fairly robust, so the threat of small
    areal upgrade is non-zero.


    ..Previous Discussion..

    A Marginal Risk was introduced for this region as a strong digging
    shortwave trough interacts with topography and above normal
    moisture for this region. Forecast amounts may be high enough to
    potentially need a targeted Slight with future updates in this


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6lzeJPfktnfWzrrEJn8d-GaAYByM2eFnI3R5kkwjV8gJ= 4Y7A5n0ihPDVIpOEEcgLVn37exhVwWZwVV-VE9rYZmvo4rw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6lzeJPfktnfWzrrEJn8d-GaAYByM2eFnI3R5kkwjV8gJ= 4Y7A5n0ihPDVIpOEEcgLVn37exhVwWZwVV-VE9rYVB9yWrk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6lzeJPfktnfWzrrEJn8d-GaAYByM2eFnI3R5kkwjV8gJ= 4Y7A5n0ihPDVIpOEEcgLVn37exhVwWZwVV-VE9rYUVUaqD4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 07:28:33 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 100727

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    327 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west=20
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient=20
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be=20
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and=20
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF=20
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was=20
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port=20
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to=20
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was=20
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for=20
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible=20
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses=20
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local=20
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were=20
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely=20
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This=20
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.=20

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind=20
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues=20
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short=20
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies=20
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of=20
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest=20
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday=20 afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic=20 trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of=20
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.=20
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as=20
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,=20
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its=20
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible=20
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone=20
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed=20
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally=20
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain=20
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial=20
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume=20
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a=20
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk=20
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front, but its progression is expected to limit issues. Still,
    hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to 4" should be

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...=20
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this=20
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,=20
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential=20
    for organized convection. The guidance signal is not cohesive as of
    yet, so left the risk across the area as Marginal. Should the=20
    guidance get more agreeable or confidence increase, a Slight Risk=20
    could become necessary in later updates. Hourly rain totals to 2"
    and local amounts to 4" appear possible.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!55lMQKzaPwQZEnEneKfynyPP4afOUvlOPgqAiVchuQRl= LRI9oH9BgK53ng6iBToONXivZQQJbe2_bqW_5yFDFX4PbnI$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!55lMQKzaPwQZEnEneKfynyPP4afOUvlOPgqAiVchuQRl= LRI9oH9BgK53ng6iBToONXivZQQJbe2_bqW_5yFDl1UO8jI$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!55lMQKzaPwQZEnEneKfynyPP4afOUvlOPgqAiVchuQRl= LRI9oH9BgK53ng6iBToONXivZQQJbe2_bqW_5yFD4S3bxtA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 15:59:06 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 101558

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1158 AM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Gulf Coast and Florida...

    Rainfall along the far south Texas Gulf coast should come to an=20
    end by early afternoon, with the expectation that the risk for any=20 additional heavier rainfall should remain along the immediate=20
    central and upper Texas Gulf Coast as Francine tracks to the north-
    northeast. The greater threat will be with bands of convection=20
    already focused along the central Gulf coast far to the northeast=20
    of Francine, with additional bands expected later this evening and=20
    overnight as the center of the system approaches from the=20
    southwest. Updated 12Z hi-res guidance shows remarkably good=20
    agreement on the heaviest rainfall footprint along the central Gulf
    Coast, stretching from near Cameron, LA east through southeastern=20
    LA and to the immediate coast of MS. Areal average totals through=20
    early tomorrow morning are on the order of 2-3" with locally higher
    amounts of 3-6" possible with training bands.=20

    Additional storms are expected further east in vicinity of a=20 quasi-stationary frontal boundary draped through central Florida.=20
    Enhanced moisture in the area from Francine will help contribute to
    some locally heavy downpours with rain rates of 2-3" per hour,=20
    which could lead to some isolated flooding/ponding issues in urban=20

    ...Intermountain West...

    General footprint for the current Marginal Risk remains the same=20
    with a small northwestward extension into southwestern Wyoming to=20
    cover additional areas of scattered convection expected this=20
    afternoon. Latest hi-res guidance indicates the potential for some=20
    locally heavy storm total rainfall of 0.5-1", possibly as high as=20
    1.5", as well as some low-end HREF probabilities (20-30%) of=20
    exceeding 2-year ARIs. These totals may be enough to lead to some=20
    isolated concerns for flash flooding in the usual more terrain=20
    sensitive areas such as slot canyons, dry washes, and any burn=20


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic
    trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front, but its progression is expected to limit issues. Still,
    hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to 4" should be

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential
    for organized convection. The guidance signal is not cohesive as of
    yet, so left the risk across the area as Marginal. Should the
    guidance get more agreeable or confidence increase, a Slight Risk
    could become necessary in later updates. Hourly rain totals to 2"
    and local amounts to 4" appear possible.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5Zvn9PbmZSAI1gY8elrV7FNkGD5uYR0f8Df245W4dWcw= 72bmm87H4YFYrbsdqThGY9u9xxq_3hoUZ08zT_fBSTEAyH0$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5Zvn9PbmZSAI1gY8elrV7FNkGD5uYR0f8Df245W4dWcw= 72bmm87H4YFYrbsdqThGY9u9xxq_3hoUZ08zT_fBTeiNQf8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5Zvn9PbmZSAI1gY8elrV7FNkGD5uYR0f8Df245W4dWcw= 72bmm87H4YFYrbsdqThGY9u9xxq_3hoUZ08zT_fBQP2JhKY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 10 20:43:03 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 102042

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    442 PM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 10 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Gulf Coast and Florida...

    Rainfall along the far south Texas Gulf coast should come to an
    end by early afternoon, with the expectation that the risk for any
    additional heavier rainfall should remain along the immediate
    central and upper Texas Gulf Coast as Francine tracks to the north-
    northeast. The greater threat will be with bands of convection
    already focused along the central Gulf coast far to the northeast
    of Francine, with additional bands expected later this evening and
    overnight as the center of the system approaches from the
    southwest. Updated 12Z hi-res guidance shows remarkably good
    agreement on the heaviest rainfall footprint along the central Gulf
    Coast, stretching from near Cameron, LA east through southeastern
    LA and to the immediate coast of MS. Areal average totals through
    early tomorrow morning are on the order of 2-3" with locally higher
    amounts of 3-6" possible with training bands.

    Additional storms are expected further east in vicinity of a
    quasi-stationary frontal boundary draped through central Florida.
    Enhanced moisture in the area from Francine will help contribute to
    some locally heavy downpours with rain rates of 2-3" per hour,
    which could lead to some isolated flooding/ponding issues in urban

    ...Intermountain West...

    General footprint for the current Marginal Risk remains the same
    with a small northwestward extension into southwestern Wyoming to
    cover additional areas of scattered convection expected this
    afternoon. Latest hi-res guidance indicates the potential for some
    locally heavy storm total rainfall of 0.5-1", possibly as high as
    1.5", as well as some low-end HREF probabilities (20-30%) of
    exceeding 2-year ARIs. These totals may be enough to lead to some
    isolated concerns for flash flooding in the usual more terrain
    sensitive areas such as slot canyons, dry washes, and any burn


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Minimal adjustments were made to the current Moderate Risk area=20
    focused mainly on a narrowing corridor of heavier rain totals along
    and to the east of the forecast path of Francine, which has been=20
    extended a bit further northeastward into Mississippi. This region=20
    covers an area with moderate to high (50-90%) probabilities of=20
    rainfall totals exceeding 5" and rain rates in excess of 2-3" per=20
    hour. The majority of this rainfall is expected to fall within 6-12
    hours, exacerbating the potential for scattered to numerous=20
    instances of flash and urban flooding. Storm total rainfall in the=20
    broader Slight Risk area is expected to be on the order of 2-4".=20
    The western edge of the Slight Risk has been trimmed eastward as=20
    increasing shear will limit convection and subsequent rainfall=20
    along the western side of the system track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    Still expect post-frontal, moist upslope flow (PWs 1.0-2.0=20
    standard deviations above the mean) will lead to periods of locally
    heavy rainfall across portions of western Montana into central=20
    Idaho. Newly available hi-res guidance shows storm total rainfall=20
    of 1-3", backed by HREF guidance indicating high (70-90%)=20
    probabilities of totals over 1".=20


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic
    trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Francine will continue into the Mid-South on Thursday. Increasing=20
    advection of dry air into the system should begin to limit both=20
    rainfall coverage and totals. However, totals of 2-4", locally=20
    higher, can still be expected throughout the Slight Risk area, with
    the highest potential for these amounts over northern Mississippi=20
    and western Tennessee. Similar to Wednesday, the Slight Risk has=20
    been trimmed on the western edge given an increasingly eastward=20
    shift of convective coverage compared to the track of the now=20
    extratropical system. Given high FFGs and dry antecedent conditions
    in the area, some further refinement/consolidation of the Slight=20
    Risk may be necessary with greater confidence in the overall=20
    coverage of the more significant rainfall totals, especially as hi-
    res guidance becomes available. Further east, guidance differences
    remain with respect to potential rainfall along Francine's cold=20
    front, with both the Euro and ECens mean more bullish on totals in=20
    the 2-4"+ range that could be Slight Risk worthy. However, given=20
    this uncertainty and the expected progressive nature of the front=20
    more likely to limit these higher end amounts, have left the=20
    Marginal Risk as is for now.=20

    ...Intermountain West...

    Similar to day 2 (Wednesday), moist, upslope flow (PWs 1.5-2.5=20
    standard deviations above the mean) will lead to periods of locally
    heavy rainfall over portions of western Montana. A Slight Risk has
    been introduced given better guidance agreement and increasing QPF
    totals. Areal average rainfall of over 1" and locally higher=20
    totals of 3"+ may lead to some scattered instances of flash=20
    flooding, especially given significant overlap with rainfall the=20
    day before. Increasingly cooler air as the upper-trough passes=20
    overhead will lead to lowering snow levels, especially by Friday=20
    morning, but expect they should remain relatively high enough=20
    through Thursday for the additional rainfall to pose a similar=20
    flooding risk to Wednesday.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front, but its progression is expected to limit issues. Still,
    hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to 4" should be

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential
    for organized convection. The guidance signal is not cohesive as of
    yet, so left the risk across the area as Marginal. Should the
    guidance get more agreeable or confidence increase, a Slight Risk
    could become necessary in later updates. Hourly rain totals to 2"
    and local amounts to 4" appear possible.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9RWvWp18r0co0ALnExbadDYHsiarnfHhCTSxBYPOBUYN= -SDuJpSDBXE-zhybpJPDAaYP2nQ3Ih8DqL3Su6JI0NRAnGE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9RWvWp18r0co0ALnExbadDYHsiarnfHhCTSxBYPOBUYN= -SDuJpSDBXE-zhybpJPDAaYP2nQ3Ih8DqL3Su6JINkW_W1I$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9RWvWp18r0co0ALnExbadDYHsiarnfHhCTSxBYPOBUYN= -SDuJpSDBXE-zhybpJPDAaYP2nQ3Ih8DqL3Su6JIjWLHe-Y$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 00:58:12 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 110057

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    857 PM EDT Tue Sep 10 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024


    ...01Z Update...
    Removed the Marginal Risk area from South Texas now that Francine
    has had some time to pull away from the region on its northeastward
    track. Also removed the Marginal risk area from the Western states
    given the modest (at best) rainfall rates during the afternoon and
    how the loss of daytime heating will only work to minimize
    instability going forward. The expectation is that convection=20
    across Florida should gradually weaken and dissipate overnight but=20
    felt it was too early to remove the risk area with showers and a=20
    few thunderstorms still in the area. Remainder of the outlook=20
    remained on-track and few changes needed.

    ...16Z Update...

    ...Central Gulf Coast and Florida...

    Rainfall along the far south Texas Gulf coast should come to an
    end by early afternoon, with the expectation that the risk for any
    additional heavier rainfall should remain along the immediate
    central and upper Texas Gulf Coast as Francine tracks to the north-
    northeast. The greater threat will be with bands of convection
    already focused along the central Gulf coast far to the northeast
    of Francine, with additional bands expected later this evening and
    overnight as the center of the system approaches from the
    southwest. Updated 12Z hi-res guidance shows remarkably good
    agreement on the heaviest rainfall footprint along the central Gulf
    Coast, stretching from near Cameron, LA east through southeastern
    LA and to the immediate coast of MS. Areal average totals through
    early tomorrow morning are on the order of 2-3" with locally higher
    amounts of 3-6" possible with training bands.

    Additional storms are expected further east in vicinity of a
    quasi-stationary frontal boundary draped through central Florida.
    Enhanced moisture in the area from Francine will help contribute to
    some locally heavy downpours with rain rates of 2-3" per hour,
    which could lead to some isolated flooding/ponding issues in urban

    ...Intermountain West...

    General footprint for the current Marginal Risk remains the same
    with a small northwestward extension into southwestern Wyoming to
    cover additional areas of scattered convection expected this
    afternoon. Latest hi-res guidance indicates the potential for some
    locally heavy storm total rainfall of 0.5-1", possibly as high as
    1.5", as well as some low-end HREF probabilities (20-30%) of
    exceeding 2-year ARIs. These totals may be enough to lead to some
    isolated concerns for flash flooding in the usual more terrain
    sensitive areas such as slot canyons, dry washes, and any burn


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Gulf Coast...
    Tropical Storm Francine will continue making headway to the north
    and northeast towards Louisiana, with NHC forecasting the system to
    become a hurricane. The combination of dry/cool air to the west
    and northwest of the storm will lead to a tight rainfall gradient
    on its west side. Further enhancing the western gradient will be
    the increasing vertical wind shear with time out of the west-
    southwest, which will attempt to shift convection downshear and
    downshear left of its center (to its northeast). With QPF
    continuing to trend downward, the Slight Risk for the TX coast was
    removed this cycle. Across the immediate Brownsville and Port
    Isabel area, recent heavy rains could make them more sensitive to
    additional rainfall this morning. Even though the risk area was
    reduced to Marginal, Slight Risk impacts cannot be ruled out.

    Prospects increase gradually along the central Gulf Coast for
    heavy rainfall. While initial bands from the periphery of tropical
    cyclones can quickly erode existing instability ashore, portions of
    Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana along with far southern MS have
    had an exceeding wet week from a cyclone that ultimately merged in
    with Francine, so keeping the inherited Slight Risk makes sense.
    Also, guidance tends to bias slow with tropical cyclone
    recurvature, and this Slight Risk area can account for some
    possible track acceleration between now and its coastal approach.
    As with any warm core cyclone, the low-level inflow will exceed
    the mean flow, aiding precipitation efficiency. Plentiful effective
    bulk shear will organize convection into curved bands within its
    cyclonic circulation. Hourly rain totals to 3" will be possible
    with any bands that manage to train.

    An unusually far south synoptic front for Mid-September focuses
    very high moisture east of Francine where, at times, effective bulk
    shear could flirt with 25 kts. Where semi- organized and organized
    convection manages to form, hourly rain totals to 3" and local
    amounts to 6" are considered possible where storms merge, train, or
    get tied to the boundary. The 00z NAM and 00z Canadian were
    especially bullish with local maxima, both remained widely
    scattered to isolated in coverage of the heaviest rainfall. This
    kept the risk at the Marginal level.

    Another area with sufficient instability and moisture is behind
    the front near the northeast FL coast. Adding to possible issues
    there is low level and upper level flow trying to zero out. Short
    bands of efficient convection, which could lead to hourly totals to
    2" and local amounts to 4", are possible. Kept this area in the
    Marginal Risk to help support their flood watch.

    ...Inter-Mountain West and Southern Rockies...
    A scattered convective footprint is anticipated across portions of
    the West with the main threat residing over the Southern Rockies
    into the Wasatch of UT. The threat is on the lower end of
    probabilities considering the middling signal within the latest
    HREF for >1" chances over the region. However, with precipitable
    water values near 0.75" and sufficient instability, localized flash
    flooding can't be ruled out in any dry washes/arroyos, burn scars,
    slot canyons, or steep topography where hourly rain totals manage
    to reach 1.5". The Marginal Risk area maintained showed good


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Minimal adjustments were made to the current Moderate Risk area
    focused mainly on a narrowing corridor of heavier rain totals along
    and to the east of the forecast path of Francine, which has been
    extended a bit further northeastward into Mississippi. This region
    covers an area with moderate to high (50-90%) probabilities of
    rainfall totals exceeding 5" and rain rates in excess of 2-3" per
    hour. The majority of this rainfall is expected to fall within 6-12
    hours, exacerbating the potential for scattered to numerous
    instances of flash and urban flooding. Storm total rainfall in the
    broader Slight Risk area is expected to be on the order of 2-4".
    The western edge of the Slight Risk has been trimmed eastward as
    increasing shear will limit convection and subsequent rainfall
    along the western side of the system track.

    ...Intermountain West...

    Still expect post-frontal, moist upslope flow (PWs 1.0-2.0
    standard deviations above the mean) will lead to periods of locally
    heavy rainfall across portions of western Montana into central
    Idaho. Newly available hi-res guidance shows storm total rainfall
    of 1-3", backed by HREF guidance indicating high (70-90%)
    probabilities of totals over 1".


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall Wednesday afternoon/evening, with a developing dry slot possible. This should
    lead to a convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic
    trough/developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of
    its center which would both be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall.
    The cities of Lafayette, Baton Rouge, and New Orleans (along with
    their suburbs) would be most susceptible for flash flooding as
    hourly rain totals to 4" (if not more) should be possible,
    particularly within the trailing band/forming front to its
    southeast. Acadiana and Southeast Louisiana are more susceptible
    due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused by the cyclone
    which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be more primed
    relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was generally
    maintained in the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so increased the risk area to Slight for
    portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local
    amounts to 3" are expected, which would be most impactful in burn
    scars. Some of the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest
    elevations of the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    ...2030Z Update...


    Francine will continue into the Mid-South on Thursday. Increasing
    advection of dry air into the system should begin to limit both
    rainfall coverage and totals. However, totals of 2-4", locally
    higher, can still be expected throughout the Slight Risk area, with
    the highest potential for these amounts over northern Mississippi
    and western Tennessee. Similar to Wednesday, the Slight Risk has
    been trimmed on the western edge given an increasingly eastward
    shift of convective coverage compared to the track of the now
    extratropical system. Given high FFGs and dry antecedent conditions
    in the area, some further refinement/consolidation of the Slight
    Risk may be necessary with greater confidence in the overall
    coverage of the more significant rainfall totals, especially as hi-
    res guidance becomes available. Further east, guidance differences
    remain with respect to potential rainfall along Francine's cold
    front, with both the Euro and ECens mean more bullish on totals in
    the 2-4"+ range that could be Slight Risk worthy. However, given
    this uncertainty and the expected progressive nature of the front
    more likely to limit these higher end amounts, have left the
    Marginal Risk as is for now.

    ...Intermountain West...

    Similar to day 2 (Wednesday), moist, upslope flow (PWs 1.5-2.5
    standard deviations above the mean) will lead to periods of locally
    heavy rainfall over portions of western Montana. A Slight Risk has
    been introduced given better guidance agreement and increasing QPF
    totals. Areal average rainfall of over 1" and locally higher
    totals of 3"+ may lead to some scattered instances of flash
    flooding, especially given significant overlap with rainfall the
    day before. Increasingly cooler air as the upper-trough passes
    overhead will lead to lowering snow levels, especially by Friday
    morning, but expect they should remain relatively high enough
    through Thursday for the additional rainfall to pose a similar
    flooding risk to Wednesday.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front, but its progression is expected to limit issues. Still,
    hourly rain totals to 2" and local amounts to 4" should be

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential
    for organized convection. The guidance signal is not cohesive as of
    yet, so left the risk across the area as Marginal. Should the
    guidance get more agreeable or confidence increase, a Slight Risk
    could become necessary in later updates. Hourly rain totals to 2"
    and local amounts to 4" appear possible.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8xdjvhowVS5fUMT4htENjQ5JrZdYka7gCnxmW-tyJrmo= D2pzkN0JqzBZywzOL-UfZZ8hP2QtXLEFR-OuRbubiVHEOjc$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8xdjvhowVS5fUMT4htENjQ5JrZdYka7gCnxmW-tyJrmo= D2pzkN0JqzBZywzOL-UfZZ8hP2QtXLEFR-OuRbublHyUypk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8xdjvhowVS5fUMT4htENjQ5JrZdYka7gCnxmW-tyJrmo= D2pzkN0JqzBZywzOL-UfZZ8hP2QtXLEFR-OuRbubpF6OItE$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 07:16:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 110716

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    316 AM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall late on
    Wednesday, with a developing dry slot possible. This should cause
    sheared convection initially expected to prefer the north and
    northeast quadrants -- near and left of track -- and eventually a=20
    convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic trough/=20
    developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of its=20
    center which would be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall. The=20
    cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans (along with their suburbs)=20
    would be most susceptible for flash flooding as hourly rain totals=20
    to 4" (if not more) should be possible, particularly within the=20
    trailing band/forming front to its southeast. Southern Louisiana is
    more susceptible due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused=20
    by the cyclone which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be=20
    more primed relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was
    generally maintained in the risk areas, though gradients were=20
    sharpened across LA and the slower track for Francine inland caused
    some retreat of the northern fringes of the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...
    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so the Slight Risk area remains for portions=20
    of western MT. Hourly rain totals to 1.5" with local amounts to 3"=20
    are expected, which would be most impactful in burn scars. Some of=20
    the QPF would be in the form of snow at the highest elevations of=20
    the northern Continental Divide.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...
    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this
    period through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture,
    and instability from the east to be concerned about the potential
    for organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has
    been maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rain totals=20
    to 2" and local amounts to 4" appear possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    A broad Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall exists for portions of
    the Mid-South and Southeast with the weakening extratropical/Post-
    Tropical Cyclone Francine. The guidance isn't showing a great deal
    of overlap in potential heavy rain areas, so left the risk area
    as-in, but in theory, portions of northern FL and the Southeast,
    possibly including the southernmost Appalachians, have potential=20
    for hourly rain totals to 2.5" and local amounts of 5" as enough=20
    instability and low- level inflow/effective bulk shear exists for=20
    possible issues. Should the guidance align on this idea QPF-wise=20
    further, a Slight Risk could be added in later cycles.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8zm1Ns-6trQA1R4fYlATBVDqsr5YZclad8seXbrHqQNk= SnsX1xQkSSr__AtmzrVOhM0X_0uC1QoFXAFuMI7eWAHBR4c$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8zm1Ns-6trQA1R4fYlATBVDqsr5YZclad8seXbrHqQNk= SnsX1xQkSSr__AtmzrVOhM0X_0uC1QoFXAFuMI7e-5mQisM$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8zm1Ns-6trQA1R4fYlATBVDqsr5YZclad8seXbrHqQNk= SnsX1xQkSSr__AtmzrVOhM0X_0uC1QoFXAFuMI7ePR91GEI$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 16:03:46 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 111603

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1203 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...16Z update...

    The latest NHC track is very similar to the previous issuance=20
    therefore no significant adjustments were needed for the Moderate=20
    and Slight Risk areas that follow the core path of Francine as it=20
    approaches the coast, makes landfall and then moves inland. The=20
    latest guidance did show a decrease in QPF across portions of=20
    eastern Texas and Oklahoma therefore the Marginal Risk area was=20
    trimmed eastward by 1-2 tiers of counties to reflect the reduction=20
    in threat for excessive rainfall.

    The latest hi-res and global guidance continues to show convective
    activity firing up along the higher terrain areas of western
    Montana and central Idaho, with the potential for hourly rainfall
    rates to pulse up to 1.5 inches/hour. The inherited Slight Risk
    area encompasses where the majority of the guidance suggest an
    elevated threat for excessive rainfall and isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding concerns



    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall late on
    Wednesday, with a developing dry slot possible. This should cause
    sheared convection initially expected to prefer the north and
    northeast quadrants -- near and left of track -- and eventually a
    convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic trough/
    developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of its
    center which would be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall. The
    cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans (along with their suburbs)
    would be most susceptible for flash flooding as hourly rain totals
    to 4" (if not more) should be possible, particularly within the
    trailing band/forming front to its southeast. Southern Louisiana is
    more susceptible due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused
    by the cyclone which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be
    more primed relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was
    generally maintained in the risk areas, though gradients were
    sharpened across LA and the slower track for Francine inland caused
    some retreat of the northern fringes of the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so the Slight Risk area remains for portions
    of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates up to 1.5 inches/hour will be
    possible as individual cells pass through along with a daily
    accumulations up to 3 inches in isolated locations; which would be
    most impactful in the vicinity of burn scars. Some of the QPF=20
    would be in the form of snow at the highest elevations of the=20
    northern Continental Divide.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024



    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    ...Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...=20

    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this period
    through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture, and=20
    instability from the east to be concerned about the potential for=20
    organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has been
    maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates may
    intensify up to 2 inches/hour during this period, with a few=20
    isolated locations possibly accumulating up to 4 inches by the end
    of the day.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    A broad Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall exists for portions of
    the Mid-South and Southeast with the weakening extratropical/Post-
    Tropical Cyclone Francine. The guidance isn't showing a great deal
    of overlap in potential heavy rain areas, so left the risk area
    as-in, but in theory, portions of northern FL and the Southeast,
    possibly including the southernmost Appalachians, have potential
    for hourly rain totals to 2.5" and local amounts of 5" as enough
    instability and low- level inflow/effective bulk shear exists for
    possible issues. Should the guidance align on this idea QPF-wise
    further, a Slight Risk could be added in later cycles.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4b_xn6MFuFH-2HUussvBydWJb6U_3uNmQzxdcozcrW1g= v0sxqzm4lXC5jJ8PorUo4Epebkkuo045BqNPwufXrkqpyd4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4b_xn6MFuFH-2HUussvBydWJb6U_3uNmQzxdcozcrW1g= v0sxqzm4lXC5jJ8PorUo4Epebkkuo045BqNPwufXH6Hjh-0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4b_xn6MFuFH-2HUussvBydWJb6U_3uNmQzxdcozcrW1g= v0sxqzm4lXC5jJ8PorUo4Epebkkuo045BqNPwufXy1hyCaU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 11 20:16:26 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 112016

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    416 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 11 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024


    ...16Z update...

    The latest NHC track is very similar to the previous issuance
    therefore no significant adjustments were needed for the Moderate
    and Slight Risk areas that follow the core path of Francine as it
    approaches the coast, makes landfall and then moves inland. The
    latest guidance did show a decrease in QPF across portions of
    eastern Texas and Oklahoma therefore the Marginal Risk area was
    trimmed eastward by 1-2 tiers of counties to reflect the reduction
    in threat for excessive rainfall.

    The latest hi-res and global guidance continues to show convective
    activity firing up along the higher terrain areas of western
    Montana and central Idaho, with the potential for hourly rainfall
    rates to pulse up to 1.5 inches/hour. The inherited Slight Risk
    area encompasses where the majority of the guidance suggest an
    elevated threat for excessive rainfall and isolated to scattered
    instances of flash flooding concerns



    Francine should begin extratropical transition and become highly
    sheared around, if not before, the time of landfall late on
    Wednesday, with a developing dry slot possible. This should cause
    sheared convection initially expected to prefer the north and
    northeast quadrants -- near and left of track -- and eventually a
    convective comma head and an inflow band/baroclinic trough/
    developing front becoming increasing removed to the east of its
    center which would be foci for heavy/excessive rainfall. The
    cities of Baton Rouge and New Orleans (along with their suburbs)
    would be most susceptible for flash flooding as hourly rain totals
    to 4" (if not more) should be possible, particularly within the
    trailing band/forming front to its southeast. Southern Louisiana is
    more susceptible due to heavy rainfall from this past week caused
    by the cyclone which merged in with Francine, so the soils will be
    more primed relative to what is typical to the area. Continuity was
    generally maintained in the risk areas, though gradients were
    sharpened across LA and the slower track for Francine inland caused
    some retreat of the northern fringes of the risk areas.

    ...Intermountain West...

    A deep layer cyclone moving into MT brings moderate to strong
    upslope flow into western portions of the state, along with MU CAPE
    of ~750 J/kg. Precipitable water values are sufficient for heavy
    rain-related issues, so the Slight Risk area remains for portions
    of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates up to 1.5 inches/hour will be
    possible as individual cells pass through along with a daily
    accumulations up to 3 inches in isolated locations; which would be
    most impactful in the vicinity of burn scars. Some of the QPF
    would be in the form of snow at the highest elevations of the
    northern Continental Divide.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024



    21Z update... The latest guidance favored a general=20
    south/southeast trend with the QPF footprint associated with=20
    Francine from the previous cycle. As such, this resulted in WPC
    increasing amounts across eastern Tennessee, northern and central
    Mississippi, and northern and central Alabama. This uptick
    increased the threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns
    for both rural and some major metropolitan areas. The Slight Risk=20
    area was trimmed a little eastward across eastern Arkansas but also
    expanded to the south and east to encompass more of central=20
    Mississippi, central Tennessee, and west-central and eastern=20
    Alabama. The latest guidance also suggested an increase in feeder=20
    band convection across the Florida Panhandle thus the Marginal Risk
    area was extended 1-2 counties to the south.


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    ...Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...

    21Z update... Multiple impulses within the flow will trigger
    showers and thunderstorms that will track across the Northern=20
    Rockies region. PW values around 0.50-0.75 inches will be pooled
    over the region throughout this period and will bolster rainfall=20
    efficiency wit each passing impulse. Per the CAM guidance any of
    these storms will be capable of producing periods of moderate to
    heavy rainfall as they pass over the favored upslope areas and then
    exit into the adjacent High Plains. There was a trend for
    increasing QPF coverage and amounts across portions of the Hi-
    Line. The Slight Risk area was expanded eastward to now include=20
    more of north-central and northeast Montana and southwestward to=20
    extend into portions western Montana and into Idaho.=20


    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this period
    through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture, and
    instability from the east to be concerned about the potential for
    organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has been
    maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates may
    intensify up to 2 inches/hour during this period, with a few
    isolated locations possibly accumulating up to 4 inches by the end
    of the day.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    21Z update... With Francine lifting further inland tropical
    rainfall will continue to dump over the Gulf states and Tennessee
    Valley while increasing across the Southeast. Moderate to heavy
    rainfall will persist over portions of Kentucky, Tennessee,
    Mississippi and Alabama where multi-day totals will likely have
    increased soil saturation and sensitivity to additional heavy rain.
    A Slight Risk area was hoisted for this period for portions of
    Kentucky, Tennessee, far northeast Mississippi, Alabama and
    Georgia. Both rural and several metropolitan areas will=20
    potentially be impacted by the several inches of tropical rain.=20
    With the continuation of the south/southeast trend in the QPF=20
    guidance with Francine, the Marginal Risk was reduced a little from
    the west and north to reflect the guidance.


    A broad Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall exists for portions of
    the Mid-South and Southeast with the weakening extratropical/Post-
    Tropical Cyclone Francine. The guidance isn't showing a great deal
    of overlap in potential heavy rain areas, so left the risk area
    as-in, but in theory, portions of northern FL and the Southeast,
    possibly including the southernmost Appalachians, have potential
    for hourly rain totals to 2.5" and local amounts of 5" as enough
    instability and low- level inflow/effective bulk shear exists for
    possible issues. Should the guidance align on this idea QPF-wise
    further, a Slight Risk could be added in later cycles.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6tYRQCo_KNj6k0-1TEcRxw7AHTKS_D2l9QsOAH50im8y= 3y_w0UOIFJP-Lhfn8pdu2yj2U741vfCNUp58KdzvNCaWH3Q$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6tYRQCo_KNj6k0-1TEcRxw7AHTKS_D2l9QsOAH50im8y= 3y_w0UOIFJP-Lhfn8pdu2yj2U741vfCNUp58KdzvZQ0sRtU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6tYRQCo_KNj6k0-1TEcRxw7AHTKS_D2l9QsOAH50im8y= 3y_w0UOIFJP-Lhfn8pdu2yj2U741vfCNUp58Kdzv9mbVCyQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 00:53:53 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 120053

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    853 PM EDT Wed Sep 11 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024



    Francine has come inland over southern Louisiana but continues to
    show a healthy circulation approaching the greater New Orleans
    areas. Though some dry air has disrupted part of the core, intense
    rainfall rates of 2-3.5"/hr are shown per MRMS, with storm totals
    over 7 inches in south central LA. Rainfall tapers off notably to
    the southwest of the center. Will maintain the Moderate Risk area
    near the path of the center overnight given the likelihood of high
    rainfall rates to continue as additional moisture is drawn in off
    the Gulf across into southeastern LA and southern MS. The New=20
    Orleans metro area will bear the brunt of the rainfall this evening
    before translating northward, with the inflow band off to the east
    responsible for the eastward bump in the outline. Francine will
    continue inland overnight where the threat for excessive rainfall
    extends northward trough much of Mississippi. Removed much of the
    rest of Florida that was in a Marginal risk as lingering activity=20
    should be diminishing over the next couple of hours.=20

    ...Intermountain West...

    A deep layer cyclone moving across the northern Continental Divide
    has brought afternoon convection and some flash flooding to parts=20
    of Idaho into western Montana. Precipitable water values are=20
    sufficient for heavy rain-related issues (0.75"), and the Slight=20
    Risk area remains for portions of western MT and just into west-=20
    central ID overnight. Hourly rainfall rates of 0.50-1.00" have been
    observed and/or shown via MRMS which have been enough to reach=20
    generally low FFG values in areas of complex terrain. With earlier=20
    rainfall soaked in, additional rainfall may still exceed FFG values
    overnight, but did trim off the western side of the risk area as=20
    the focus should be mostly over western MT tonight closer to the=20
    frontal boundary.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024



    21Z update... The latest guidance favored a general
    south/southeast trend with the QPF footprint associated with
    Francine from the previous cycle. As such, this resulted in WPC
    increasing amounts across eastern Tennessee, northern and central
    Mississippi, and northern and central Alabama. This uptick
    increased the threat for excessive rainfall and flooding concerns
    for both rural and some major metropolitan areas. The Slight Risk
    area was trimmed a little eastward across eastern Arkansas but also
    expanded to the south and east to encompass more of central
    Mississippi, central Tennessee, and west-central and eastern
    Alabama. The latest guidance also suggested an increase in feeder
    band convection across the Florida Panhandle thus the Marginal Risk
    area was extended 1-2 counties to the south.


    Francine is expected to be fully extratropical, with a well-
    developed comma head and trailing front. Guidance suggests that MU
    CAPE will be modest, 250-500 J/kg. Effective bulk shear should
    continue to be sufficient for convective organization where enough
    instability develops/exists. Precipitable water values remain
    near 2", so hourly rain totals up to 1-2" should be possible, which
    would be most problematic in urban areas and initially beneficial
    elsewhere. This region has been quite dry lately. With the volume
    of rain expected, and the concept of this being on the cusp of a
    flash flood and longer duration flood event, kept the Slight Risk
    area which showed minimal change from continuity. Across the
    Southeast, there is a risk of training convection along Francine's
    cold front which shows a greater signal for excessive rainfall
    overnight. Broadened the risk area to encompass the possible
    training rain band, as enough moisture, instability, and possible
    stalling to be concerned about hourly rain totals to 3".

    ...Western MT, Idaho Stovepipe & Vicinity...

    21Z update... Multiple impulses within the flow will trigger
    showers and thunderstorms that will track across the Northern
    Rockies region. PW values around 0.50-0.75 inches will be pooled
    over the region throughout this period and will bolster rainfall
    efficiency wit each passing impulse. Per the CAM guidance any of
    these storms will be capable of producing periods of moderate to
    heavy rainfall as they pass over the favored upslope areas and then
    exit into the adjacent High Plains. There was a trend for
    increasing QPF coverage and amounts across portions of the Hi-
    Line. The Slight Risk area was expanded eastward to now include
    more of north-central and northeast Montana and southwestward to
    extend into portions western Montana and into Idaho.


    One or two surface lows are expected to lift northward this period
    through MT, drawing in sufficient upslope flow, moisture, and
    instability from the east to be concerned about the potential for
    organized convection. The Slight Risk raised by continuity has been
    maintained across portions of western MT. Hourly rainfall rates may
    intensify up to 2 inches/hour during this period, with a few
    isolated locations possibly accumulating up to 4 inches by the end
    of the day.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    21Z update... With Francine lifting further inland tropical
    rainfall will continue to dump over the Gulf states and Tennessee
    Valley while increasing across the Southeast. Moderate to heavy
    rainfall will persist over portions of Kentucky, Tennessee,
    Mississippi and Alabama where multi-day totals will likely have
    increased soil saturation and sensitivity to additional heavy rain.
    A Slight Risk area was hoisted for this period for portions of
    Kentucky, Tennessee, far northeast Mississippi, Alabama and
    Georgia. Both rural and several metropolitan areas will
    potentially be impacted by the several inches of tropical rain.
    With the continuation of the south/southeast trend in the QPF
    guidance with Francine, the Marginal Risk was reduced a little from
    the west and north to reflect the guidance.


    A broad Marginal Risk of excessive rainfall exists for portions of
    the Mid-South and Southeast with the weakening extratropical/Post-
    Tropical Cyclone Francine. The guidance isn't showing a great deal
    of overlap in potential heavy rain areas, so left the risk area
    as-in, but in theory, portions of northern FL and the Southeast,
    possibly including the southernmost Appalachians, have potential
    for hourly rain totals to 2.5" and local amounts of 5" as enough
    instability and low- level inflow/effective bulk shear exists for
    possible issues. Should the guidance align on this idea QPF-wise
    further, a Slight Risk could be added in later cycles.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-yFUIuj9fLNKWY3JOF9BQuw96-p3WU6GYT37eYi-HX4Q= QSmUgIPLkqM0VtY3A7qoBXaGNa1nUFU0EFDHQget08PIvUw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-yFUIuj9fLNKWY3JOF9BQuw96-p3WU6GYT37eYi-HX4Q= QSmUgIPLkqM0VtY3A7qoBXaGNa1nUFU0EFDHQgetDw-Fis0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-yFUIuj9fLNKWY3JOF9BQuw96-p3WU6GYT37eYi-HX4Q= QSmUgIPLkqM0VtY3A7qoBXaGNa1nUFU0EFDHQgetVIrfkL8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 08:39:26 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 120838

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    438 AM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    ...Mid-South into the Southeast...
    As of 08z Tropical Storm Francine continues to move northward out=20
    of Louisiana and into Mississippi. The consolidated core of heavy=20
    rainfall to the north of Francine will lift north across MS today,=20
    and eventually into portions of far eastern AR and western TN by=20
    this afternoon. This is the corridor that will likely see the most=20 widespread axis of 3-6" of rainfall. However rainfall rates along=20
    this axis will generally be on the decline through the day. At 12z=20
    we still may seeing some 1-2" per hour rainfall just north of the=20
    center, but by 18z we are probably below 1" per hour for the most=20
    part, and by 00z we may be struggling to even get 0.5" per hour.=20
    Thus even though this axis has the highest HREF EAS probabilities=20
    of 1,2 and 3", the flash flood risk is likely mitigated by the=20
    lower rainfall rates. In fact despite the high QPF in the HREF, the
    probability of exceeding 3 or 6 hr FFG in the HREF is negligible=20
    over this area. Now 3-6" is still a lot of rain, and will probably=20
    see some urban and perhaps small stream flooding, however currently
    not expecting to see more widespread higher end impacts. Thus the=20
    Slight risk should cover the threat.

    The higher risk of flash flooding may actually end up well east of
    Francine over portions of central and northern AL. Areal averaged
    rainfall may be lower here than areas along the track of Francine,
    but rainfall rates and upper bound rainfall potential is likely
    higher. A narrow axis of enhanced convergence appears likely, with
    south southwesterly flow east of Francine, and easterly flow from=20
    the building high over the western Atlantic. This axis may stay=20
    rather persistent though the period, with around 1000 j/kg of=20
    instability advecting northward behind Francine as well. This=20
    environment does appear conducive for possible training convective=20
    bands and several high res model solutions suggest we do see=20
    periodic training convective bands across this area by this=20
    afternoon and evening. HREF neighborhood probabilities of exceeding
    5" are 50-70% and exceeding 8" are as high as 30-40%. Not=20
    necessarily expecting widespread coverage of these amounts, however
    localized swaths of 6-10" of rain are a possibility today/tonight.
    This could lead to locally considerable flash and urban flood=20
    impacts. For this reason we have upgraded to a small MDT risk where
    the conditional threat of high end impacts appears greatest.

    Slow moving/backbuilding convection also appears possible today
    over portions of the FL Panhandle. Model agreement on the=20
    potential is not quite as strong as over AL, but certainly some=20
    potential for higher end impacts here as outer banding east and=20
    southeast of Francine could train/backbuild at times near the=20
    coast. Given a bit more uncertainty and higher FFG here, we will=20
    not upgrade at this time, but do consider this area as a higher end
    Slight risk.

    We did trim the Marginal and Slight risk areas some with this=20
    update. Overall not convinced we will see much in the way of true=20
    flash flooding today over MT. Instability is lacking over much of=20
    the state which will keep rainfall rates generally below flash=20
    flood thresholds. However with strong and persistent forcing the=20
    latest WPC deterministic rainfall forecast is 1-3" near and just=20
    south of Great Falls. If this occurs it would be an event that=20
    falls in the 5-25 year ARI range. So despite weak rates rainfall of
    this magnitude could certainly cause some areal flood concerns.=20
    Over northeast MT there should be more instability and the=20
    potential for rainfall totals over 1"/hr. Current indications=20
    suggest this stronger convection would be progressive in nature=20
    likely limiting the flood risk...however given the high PWs and=20
    instability forecast could certainly see pretty impressive sub=20
    hourly rates which could cause some flood concerns in any more=20
    sensitive areas. Thus even though the Slight risk appears lower=20
    end...we opted to maintain it over areas that may either see a=20
    higher ARI longer duration rain or the potential for at least short
    duration high rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    By Friday the remnant surface circulation of Francine will likely=20
    be somewhere near the AR/TN border. By this time the surface=20
    feature will not be a main driver of heavy rainfall. However the=20
    pattern will remain favorable for periodic training convective=20
    bands from portions of TN into AL/GA and the FL Panhandle. While=20
    the surface circulation of Francine will be dissipating, we will=20
    still have plenty of mid level energy left over. Meanwhile we will=20
    also have a trough of low pressure off the Southeast coast and a=20
    high pressure to the north over the Western Atlantic. The=20
    combination of these features will likely result in a corridor of=20
    persistent low level convergence over TN/AL/GA. We should have=20
    plenty of moisture and instability in place as well, and thus a=20
    notable flash flood risk could continue. We will carry a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of TN/AL/GA with this update.=20
    Depending on what happens on day 1 (impacting soil and streamflow=20 conditions) can not rule out needing a MDT risk over a portion of=20
    this area. However there is a bit more uncertainty on convective=20
    details by Friday compared to Thursday, and so would like to=20
    continue to evaluate future high res model runs, as well as see how
    convection evolves today, before making any decision on an=20
    upgrade. Either way flash flooding appears possible, and a locally=20 considerable threat could evolve.

    Uncertainty increases with northeastward extent. There is some=20
    flash flood risk over the western Carolinas, but unclear how far=20
    northeast the risk will get. Quite possible the better convergence
    and convective threat stays further west and southwest on Friday=20
    as that appears to be the trend at the moment. Thus will only=20
    carry a Marginal risk here. There is also some risk over the=20
    coastal Carolinas where a low pressure may try to form offshore.=20
    Again at the moment the most likely scenario sees the heaviest=20
    rainfall stay offshore...however we could see some heavier=20
    convective cells along coastal areas, warranting a Marginal risk.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024


    ...Tennessee Valley into the Southeast...
    A similar setup to day 2 continues into the day 3 saturday time
    period. The environmental setup remains favorable for a narrow=20
    axis of significant rainfall. Broadly convergent flow will exist=20
    across the region...with easterly flow off the Atlantic and south=20
    to southwesterly flow east of the remnants of Francine. Within the
    broader flow there will probably be a narrower axis of stronger=20
    low level convergence. And with the upper flow broadly divergent
    and plenty of moisture and sufficient instability forecast...the=20
    stage remains set for localized heavy rainfall. The trickiest part=20
    of this forecast will likely be pinning down the axis of heaviest=20
    rain, as it will probably be quite narrow in nature. At the moment=20
    portions of central TN, eastern AL and central/northern GA appear=20
    most favored. Like day 1 and 2, there is high impact potential on=20
    Saturday. Locally considerable flash and urban flooding is=20
    certainly possible in this setup. Hopefully the axis will shift=20
    some each day and not repeat...but there is some chance similar=20
    areas could see training convection on successive days...which=20
    would only exacerbate the flood potential. Given the inherent=20
    uncertainty in a day 3 forecast and the expected narrow nature of=20
    heaviest rainfall, can not really go any higher than a higher end=20
    Slight risk at this time. However will need to closely monitor=20
    model trends over time.

    We will maintain a small Marginal risk over southern AZ. Moisture
    looks to stream northward out of the Eastern Pacific ahead of a=20
    tropical disturbance. This increasing moisture and some weak=20
    forcing may result in convective development and a localized flash=20
    flood risk. The 00z model consensus is for a slightly different=20
    tropical evolution over the eastern pacific, which would result in=20
    less of a convective threat over AZ on day 3. However the=20
    predictability of this pattern appears low, and run to run model=20
    consistency has been poor. Thus while the 00z guidance verbatim=20
    would support removing the Marginal risk, the preference was to=20
    maintain it for now and continue to monitor trends.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7PLGgI8JAjYXBqifxjOIt8OBejGdTS3tL-qtDsI_e3gf= rM_lpvZ1zWP6vPyCmwyzNLTNMaJ39nfEIFxpgiV8_sHfrmM$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7PLGgI8JAjYXBqifxjOIt8OBejGdTS3tL-qtDsI_e3gf= rM_lpvZ1zWP6vPyCmwyzNLTNMaJ39nfEIFxpgiV8TCmw3bU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7PLGgI8JAjYXBqifxjOIt8OBejGdTS3tL-qtDsI_e3gf= rM_lpvZ1zWP6vPyCmwyzNLTNMaJ39nfEIFxpgiV8Jv4nik4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 16:02:12 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 121601

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1201 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    16Z Update...
    The 12Z HREF guidance did not suggest any large-scale changes were
    required, therefore made only minor adjustments to the previous
    issuance based on recent observational trends.


    Previous discussion...
    ...Mid-South into the Southeast...
    As of 08z Tropical Storm Francine continues to move northward out
    of Louisiana and into Mississippi. The consolidated core of heavy
    rainfall to the north of Francine will lift north across MS today,
    and eventually into portions of far eastern AR and western TN by
    this afternoon. This is the corridor that will likely see the most
    widespread axis of 3-6" of rainfall. However rainfall rates along
    this axis will generally be on the decline through the day. At 12z
    we still may seeing some 1-2" per hour rainfall just north of the
    center, but by 18z we are probably below 1" per hour for the most
    part, and by 00z we may be struggling to even get 0.5" per hour.
    Thus even though this axis has the highest HREF EAS probabilities
    of 1,2 and 3", the flash flood risk is likely mitigated by the
    lower rainfall rates. In fact despite the high QPF in the HREF, the
    probability of exceeding 3 or 6 hr FFG in the HREF is negligible
    over this area. Now 3-6" is still a lot of rain, and will probably
    see some urban and perhaps small stream flooding, however currently
    not expecting to see more widespread higher end impacts. Thus the
    Slight risk should cover the threat.

    The higher risk of flash flooding may actually end up well east of
    Francine over portions of central and northern AL. Areal averaged
    rainfall may be lower here than areas along the track of Francine,
    but rainfall rates and upper bound rainfall potential is likely
    higher. A narrow axis of enhanced convergence appears likely, with
    south southwesterly flow east of Francine, and easterly flow from
    the building high over the western Atlantic. This axis may stay
    rather persistent though the period, with around 1000 j/kg of
    instability advecting northward behind Francine as well. This
    environment does appear conducive for possible training convective
    bands and several high res model solutions suggest we do see
    periodic training convective bands across this area by this
    afternoon and evening. HREF neighborhood probabilities of exceeding
    5" are 50-70% and exceeding 8" are as high as 30-40%. Not
    necessarily expecting widespread coverage of these amounts, however
    localized swaths of 6-10" of rain are a possibility today/tonight.
    This could lead to locally considerable flash and urban flood
    impacts. For this reason we have upgraded to a small MDT risk where
    the conditional threat of high end impacts appears greatest.

    Slow moving/backbuilding convection also appears possible today
    over portions of the FL Panhandle. Model agreement on the
    potential is not quite as strong as over AL, but certainly some
    potential for higher end impacts here as outer banding east and
    southeast of Francine could train/backbuild at times near the
    coast. Given a bit more uncertainty and higher FFG here, we will
    not upgrade at this time, but do consider this area as a higher end
    Slight risk.

    We did trim the Marginal and Slight risk areas some with this
    update. Overall not convinced we will see much in the way of true
    flash flooding today over MT. Instability is lacking over much of
    the state which will keep rainfall rates generally below flash
    flood thresholds. However with strong and persistent forcing the
    latest WPC deterministic rainfall forecast is 1-3" near and just
    south of Great Falls. If this occurs it would be an event that
    falls in the 5-25 year ARI range. So despite weak rates rainfall of
    this magnitude could certainly cause some areal flood concerns.
    Over northeast MT there should be more instability and the
    potential for rainfall totals over 1"/hr. Current indications
    suggest this stronger convection would be progressive in nature
    likely limiting the flood risk...however given the high PWs and
    instability forecast could certainly see pretty impressive sub
    hourly rates which could cause some flood concerns in any more
    sensitive areas. Thus even though the Slight risk appears lower
    end...we opted to maintain it over areas that may either see a
    higher ARI longer duration rain or the potential for at least short
    duration high rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    By Friday the remnant surface circulation of Francine will likely
    be somewhere near the AR/TN border. By this time the surface
    feature will not be a main driver of heavy rainfall. However the
    pattern will remain favorable for periodic training convective
    bands from portions of TN into AL/GA and the FL Panhandle. While
    the surface circulation of Francine will be dissipating, we will
    still have plenty of mid level energy left over. Meanwhile we will
    also have a trough of low pressure off the Southeast coast and a
    high pressure to the north over the Western Atlantic. The
    combination of these features will likely result in a corridor of
    persistent low level convergence over TN/AL/GA. We should have
    plenty of moisture and instability in place as well, and thus a
    notable flash flood risk could continue. We will carry a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of TN/AL/GA with this update.
    Depending on what happens on day 1 (impacting soil and streamflow
    conditions) can not rule out needing a MDT risk over a portion of
    this area. However there is a bit more uncertainty on convective
    details by Friday compared to Thursday, and so would like to
    continue to evaluate future high res model runs, as well as see how
    convection evolves today, before making any decision on an
    upgrade. Either way flash flooding appears possible, and a locally
    considerable threat could evolve.

    Uncertainty increases with northeastward extent. There is some
    flash flood risk over the western Carolinas, but unclear how far
    northeast the risk will get. Quite possible the better convergence
    and convective threat stays further west and southwest on Friday
    as that appears to be the trend at the moment. Thus will only
    carry a Marginal risk here. There is also some risk over the
    coastal Carolinas where a low pressure may try to form offshore.
    Again at the moment the most likely scenario sees the heaviest
    rainfall stay offshore...however we could see some heavier
    convective cells along coastal areas, warranting a Marginal risk.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024


    ...Tennessee Valley into the Southeast...
    A similar setup to day 2 continues into the day 3 saturday time
    period. The environmental setup remains favorable for a narrow
    axis of significant rainfall. Broadly convergent flow will exist
    across the region...with easterly flow off the Atlantic and south
    to southwesterly flow east of the remnants of Francine. Within the
    broader flow there will probably be a narrower axis of stronger
    low level convergence. And with the upper flow broadly divergent
    and plenty of moisture and sufficient instability forecast...the
    stage remains set for localized heavy rainfall. The trickiest part
    of this forecast will likely be pinning down the axis of heaviest
    rain, as it will probably be quite narrow in nature. At the moment
    portions of central TN, eastern AL and central/northern GA appear
    most favored. Like day 1 and 2, there is high impact potential on
    Saturday. Locally considerable flash and urban flooding is
    certainly possible in this setup. Hopefully the axis will shift
    some each day and not repeat...but there is some chance similar
    areas could see training convection on successive days...which
    would only exacerbate the flood potential. Given the inherent
    uncertainty in a day 3 forecast and the expected narrow nature of
    heaviest rainfall, can not really go any higher than a higher end
    Slight risk at this time. However will need to closely monitor
    model trends over time.

    We will maintain a small Marginal risk over southern AZ. Moisture
    looks to stream northward out of the Eastern Pacific ahead of a
    tropical disturbance. This increasing moisture and some weak
    forcing may result in convective development and a localized flash
    flood risk. The 00z model consensus is for a slightly different
    tropical evolution over the eastern pacific, which would result in
    less of a convective threat over AZ on day 3. However the
    predictability of this pattern appears low, and run to run model
    consistency has been poor. Thus while the 00z guidance verbatim
    would support removing the Marginal risk, the preference was to
    maintain it for now and continue to monitor trends.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5mBkXiHFYWQ_XBRXdZGMLPvtI_vzKQhl-TbiYl8R0eE9= 2xuCEOQwxUGSJz7tol_U32U-JWs4Jugm9ElY3mxfMZb6YmY$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5mBkXiHFYWQ_XBRXdZGMLPvtI_vzKQhl-TbiYl8R0eE9= 2xuCEOQwxUGSJz7tol_U32U-JWs4Jugm9ElY3mxfsz_nYLE$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5mBkXiHFYWQ_XBRXdZGMLPvtI_vzKQhl-TbiYl8R0eE9= 2xuCEOQwxUGSJz7tol_U32U-JWs4Jugm9ElY3mxfYxD4QI8$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 12 20:06:13 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 122006

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    406 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 12 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    16Z Update...
    The 12Z HREF guidance did not suggest any large-scale changes were
    required, therefore made only minor adjustments to the previous
    issuance based on recent observational trends.


    Previous discussion...
    ...Mid-South into the Southeast...
    As of 08z Tropical Storm Francine continues to move northward out
    of Louisiana and into Mississippi. The consolidated core of heavy
    rainfall to the north of Francine will lift north across MS today,
    and eventually into portions of far eastern AR and western TN by
    this afternoon. This is the corridor that will likely see the most
    widespread axis of 3-6" of rainfall. However rainfall rates along
    this axis will generally be on the decline through the day. At 12z
    we still may seeing some 1-2" per hour rainfall just north of the
    center, but by 18z we are probably below 1" per hour for the most
    part, and by 00z we may be struggling to even get 0.5" per hour.
    Thus even though this axis has the highest HREF EAS probabilities
    of 1,2 and 3", the flash flood risk is likely mitigated by the
    lower rainfall rates. In fact despite the high QPF in the HREF, the
    probability of exceeding 3 or 6 hr FFG in the HREF is negligible
    over this area. Now 3-6" is still a lot of rain, and will probably
    see some urban and perhaps small stream flooding, however currently
    not expecting to see more widespread higher end impacts. Thus the
    Slight risk should cover the threat.

    The higher risk of flash flooding may actually end up well east of
    Francine over portions of central and northern AL. Areal averaged
    rainfall may be lower here than areas along the track of Francine,
    but rainfall rates and upper bound rainfall potential is likely
    higher. A narrow axis of enhanced convergence appears likely, with
    south southwesterly flow east of Francine, and easterly flow from
    the building high over the western Atlantic. This axis may stay
    rather persistent though the period, with around 1000 j/kg of
    instability advecting northward behind Francine as well. This
    environment does appear conducive for possible training convective
    bands and several high res model solutions suggest we do see
    periodic training convective bands across this area by this
    afternoon and evening. HREF neighborhood probabilities of exceeding
    5" are 50-70% and exceeding 8" are as high as 30-40%. Not
    necessarily expecting widespread coverage of these amounts, however
    localized swaths of 6-10" of rain are a possibility today/tonight.
    This could lead to locally considerable flash and urban flood
    impacts. For this reason we have upgraded to a small MDT risk where
    the conditional threat of high end impacts appears greatest.

    Slow moving/backbuilding convection also appears possible today
    over portions of the FL Panhandle. Model agreement on the
    potential is not quite as strong as over AL, but certainly some
    potential for higher end impacts here as outer banding east and
    southeast of Francine could train/backbuild at times near the
    coast. Given a bit more uncertainty and higher FFG here, we will
    not upgrade at this time, but do consider this area as a higher end
    Slight risk.

    We did trim the Marginal and Slight risk areas some with this
    update. Overall not convinced we will see much in the way of true
    flash flooding today over MT. Instability is lacking over much of
    the state which will keep rainfall rates generally below flash
    flood thresholds. However with strong and persistent forcing the
    latest WPC deterministic rainfall forecast is 1-3" near and just
    south of Great Falls. If this occurs it would be an event that
    falls in the 5-25 year ARI range. So despite weak rates rainfall of
    this magnitude could certainly cause some areal flood concerns.
    Over northeast MT there should be more instability and the
    potential for rainfall totals over 1"/hr. Current indications
    suggest this stronger convection would be progressive in nature
    likely limiting the flood risk...however given the high PWs and
    instability forecast could certainly see pretty impressive sub
    hourly rates which could cause some flood concerns in any more
    sensitive areas. Thus even though the Slight risk appears lower
    end...we opted to maintain it over areas that may either see a
    higher ARI longer duration rain or the potential for at least short
    duration high rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    20Z Update...
    The 12Z HREF showed a strong signal for heavy rains falling across
    northern to central Alabama Friday evening into early Saturday,=20
    with significant overlap with where heavy rainfall is beginning to=20
    develop and is expected to increase this evening into the=20
    overnight. Neighborhood probabilities indicate additional=20
    accumulations of 5 inches or more are likely from central Alabama,=20
    including the Birmingham area, northward into northern Alabama on=20
    Day 2, with the heaviest rains falling during the 0-6Z Saturday=20
    period. Given the increasing confidence in back-to-back days of=20
    heavy rainfall, a Moderate Risk was introduced across the region=20
    with this update.


    Previous discussion...
    By Friday the remnant surface circulation of
    Francine will likely be somewhere near the AR/TN border. By this=20
    time the surface feature will not be a main driver of heavy=20
    rainfall. However the pattern will remain favorable for periodic=20
    training convective bands from portions of TN into AL/GA and the FL
    Panhandle. While the surface circulation of Francine will be=20
    dissipating, we will still have plenty of mid level energy left=20
    over. Meanwhile we will also have a trough of low pressure off the=20
    Southeast coast and a high pressure to the north over the Western=20
    Atlantic. The combination of these features will likely result in a
    corridor of persistent low level convergence over TN/AL/GA. We=20
    should have plenty of moisture and instability in place as well,=20
    and thus a notable flash flood risk could continue. We will carry a
    higher end Slight risk across portions of TN/AL/GA with this=20
    update. Depending on what happens on day 1 (impacting soil and=20
    streamflow conditions) can not rule out needing a MDT risk over a=20
    portion of this area. However there is a bit more uncertainty on=20
    convective details by Friday compared to Thursday, and so would=20
    like to continue to evaluate future high res model runs, as well as
    see how convection evolves today, before making any decision on an
    upgrade. Either way flash flooding appears possible, and a locally
    considerable threat could evolve.

    Uncertainty increases with northeastward extent. There is some
    flash flood risk over the western Carolinas, but unclear how far
    northeast the risk will get. Quite possible the better convergence
    and convective threat stays further west and southwest on Friday
    as that appears to be the trend at the moment. Thus will only
    carry a Marginal risk here. There is also some risk over the
    coastal Carolinas where a low pressure may try to form offshore.
    Again at the moment the most likely scenario sees the heaviest
    rainfall stay offshore...however we could see some heavier
    convective cells along coastal areas, warranting a Marginal risk.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024


    20Z Update...
    Models continue to show a good signal for additional heavy rains
    continuing into Day 3 across portions of the Southeast and the
    Tennessee Valley, but significant model spread and poor run-to-run
    continuity provide little confidence with regards to placement.=20
    While confidence for any upgrades was still lacking, adjustments=20
    to the Slight Risk reflect the general trend in the 12Z guidance=20
    toward maintaining heavy amounts further west than the previous=20
    runs. Should this trend hold, an additional upgrade to a Moderate=20
    Risk may be required over portions of Alabama.

    Previous discussion...
    ...Tennessee Valley into the Southeast...
    A similar setup to day 2 continues into the day 3 saturday time
    period. The environmental setup remains favorable for a narrow
    axis of significant rainfall. Broadly convergent flow will exist
    across the region...with easterly flow off the Atlantic and south
    to southwesterly flow east of the remnants of Francine. Within the
    broader flow there will probably be a narrower axis of stronger
    low level convergence. And with the upper flow broadly divergent
    and plenty of moisture and sufficient instability forecast...the
    stage remains set for localized heavy rainfall. The trickiest part
    of this forecast will likely be pinning down the axis of heaviest
    rain, as it will probably be quite narrow in nature. At the moment
    portions of central TN, eastern AL and central/northern GA appear
    most favored. Like day 1 and 2, there is high impact potential on
    Saturday. Locally considerable flash and urban flooding is
    certainly possible in this setup. Hopefully the axis will shift
    some each day and not repeat...but there is some chance similar
    areas could see training convection on successive days...which
    would only exacerbate the flood potential. Given the inherent
    uncertainty in a day 3 forecast and the expected narrow nature of
    heaviest rainfall, can not really go any higher than a higher end
    Slight risk at this time. However will need to closely monitor
    model trends over time.

    We will maintain a small Marginal risk over southern AZ. Moisture
    looks to stream northward out of the Eastern Pacific ahead of a
    tropical disturbance. This increasing moisture and some weak
    forcing may result in convective development and a localized flash
    flood risk. The 00z model consensus is for a slightly different
    tropical evolution over the eastern pacific, which would result in
    less of a convective threat over AZ on day 3. However the
    predictability of this pattern appears low, and run to run model
    consistency has been poor. Thus while the 00z guidance verbatim
    would support removing the Marginal risk, the preference was to
    maintain it for now and continue to monitor trends.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6C58rXtwhK6EqKMvWCvli6inYVhYvrvv18AMMBaC2upX= iYkcAOt3w5jnKdYHeNuEtGr1gVFYF5gp5L96Nt2I28dTd9Q$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6C58rXtwhK6EqKMvWCvli6inYVhYvrvv18AMMBaC2upX= iYkcAOt3w5jnKdYHeNuEtGr1gVFYF5gp5L96Nt2Ij_mRdMo$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6C58rXtwhK6EqKMvWCvli6inYVhYvrvv18AMMBaC2upX= iYkcAOt3w5jnKdYHeNuEtGr1gVFYF5gp5L96Nt2IOyWLfpQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 00:58:34 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 130058

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    858 PM EDT Thu Sep 12 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024


    ...01Z Update...
    The 18Z HREF guidance did not suggest any large-scale changes were
    required, outside of removing the Slight and Marginal Risk areas in
    central AL with the drier air pushing in south of the center of=20 Post-Tropical Cyclone Francine.


    Previous discussion...
    ...Mid-South into the Southeast...
    As of 08z Tropical Storm Francine continues to move northward out
    of Louisiana and into Mississippi. The consolidated core of heavy
    rainfall to the north of Francine will lift north across MS today,
    and eventually into portions of far eastern AR and western TN by
    this afternoon. This is the corridor that will likely see the most
    widespread axis of 3-6" of rainfall. However rainfall rates along
    this axis will generally be on the decline through the day. At 12z
    we still may seeing some 1-2" per hour rainfall just north of the
    center, but by 18z we are probably below 1" per hour for the most
    part, and by 00z we may be struggling to even get 0.5" per hour.
    Thus even though this axis has the highest HREF EAS probabilities
    of 1,2 and 3", the flash flood risk is likely mitigated by the
    lower rainfall rates. In fact despite the high QPF in the HREF, the
    probability of exceeding 3 or 6 hr FFG in the HREF is negligible
    over this area. Now 3-6" is still a lot of rain, and will probably
    see some urban and perhaps small stream flooding, however currently
    not expecting to see more widespread higher end impacts. Thus the
    Slight risk should cover the threat.

    The higher risk of flash flooding may actually end up well east of
    Francine over portions of central and northern AL. Areal averaged
    rainfall may be lower here than areas along the track of Francine,
    but rainfall rates and upper bound rainfall potential is likely
    higher. A narrow axis of enhanced convergence appears likely, with
    south southwesterly flow east of Francine, and easterly flow from
    the building high over the western Atlantic. This axis may stay
    rather persistent though the period, with around 1000 j/kg of
    instability advecting northward behind Francine as well. This
    environment does appear conducive for possible training convective
    bands and several high res model solutions suggest we do see
    periodic training convective bands across this area by this
    afternoon and evening. HREF neighborhood probabilities of exceeding
    5" are 50-70% and exceeding 8" are as high as 30-40%. Not
    necessarily expecting widespread coverage of these amounts, however
    localized swaths of 6-10" of rain are a possibility today/tonight.
    This could lead to locally considerable flash and urban flood
    impacts. For this reason we have upgraded to a small MDT risk where
    the conditional threat of high end impacts appears greatest.

    Slow moving/backbuilding convection also appears possible today
    over portions of the FL Panhandle. Model agreement on the
    potential is not quite as strong as over AL, but certainly some
    potential for higher end impacts here as outer banding east and
    southeast of Francine could train/backbuild at times near the
    coast. Given a bit more uncertainty and higher FFG here, we will
    not upgrade at this time, but do consider this area as a higher end
    Slight risk.

    We did trim the Marginal and Slight risk areas some with this
    update. Overall not convinced we will see much in the way of true
    flash flooding today over MT. Instability is lacking over much of
    the state which will keep rainfall rates generally below flash
    flood thresholds. However with strong and persistent forcing the
    latest WPC deterministic rainfall forecast is 1-3" near and just
    south of Great Falls. If this occurs it would be an event that
    falls in the 5-25 year ARI range. So despite weak rates rainfall of
    this magnitude could certainly cause some areal flood concerns.
    Over northeast MT there should be more instability and the
    potential for rainfall totals over 1"/hr. Current indications
    suggest this stronger convection would be progressive in nature
    likely limiting the flood risk...however given the high PWs and
    instability forecast could certainly see pretty impressive sub
    hourly rates which could cause some flood concerns in any more
    sensitive areas. Thus even though the Slight risk appears lower
    end...we opted to maintain it over areas that may either see a
    higher ARI longer duration rain or the potential for at least short
    duration high rates.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    20Z Update...
    The 12Z HREF showed a strong signal for heavy rains falling across
    northern to central Alabama Friday evening into early Saturday,
    with significant overlap with where heavy rainfall is beginning to
    develop and is expected to increase this evening into the
    overnight. Neighborhood probabilities indicate additional
    accumulations of 5 inches or more are likely from central Alabama,
    including the Birmingham area, northward into northern Alabama on
    Day 2, with the heaviest rains falling during the 0-6Z Saturday
    period. Given the increasing confidence in back-to-back days of
    heavy rainfall, a Moderate Risk was introduced across the region
    with this update.


    Previous discussion...
    By Friday the remnant surface circulation of
    Francine will likely be somewhere near the AR/TN border. By this
    time the surface feature will not be a main driver of heavy
    rainfall. However the pattern will remain favorable for periodic
    training convective bands from portions of TN into AL/GA and the FL
    Panhandle. While the surface circulation of Francine will be
    dissipating, we will still have plenty of mid level energy left
    over. Meanwhile we will also have a trough of low pressure off the
    Southeast coast and a high pressure to the north over the Western
    Atlantic. The combination of these features will likely result in a
    corridor of persistent low level convergence over TN/AL/GA. We
    should have plenty of moisture and instability in place as well,
    and thus a notable flash flood risk could continue. We will carry a
    higher end Slight risk across portions of TN/AL/GA with this
    update. Depending on what happens on day 1 (impacting soil and
    streamflow conditions) can not rule out needing a MDT risk over a
    portion of this area. However there is a bit more uncertainty on
    convective details by Friday compared to Thursday, and so would
    like to continue to evaluate future high res model runs, as well as
    see how convection evolves today, before making any decision on an
    upgrade. Either way flash flooding appears possible, and a locally
    considerable threat could evolve.

    Uncertainty increases with northeastward extent. There is some
    flash flood risk over the western Carolinas, but unclear how far
    northeast the risk will get. Quite possible the better convergence
    and convective threat stays further west and southwest on Friday
    as that appears to be the trend at the moment. Thus will only
    carry a Marginal risk here. There is also some risk over the
    coastal Carolinas where a low pressure may try to form offshore.
    Again at the moment the most likely scenario sees the heaviest
    rainfall stay offshore...however we could see some heavier
    convective cells along coastal areas, warranting a Marginal risk.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024


    20Z Update...
    Models continue to show a good signal for additional heavy rains
    continuing into Day 3 across portions of the Southeast and the
    Tennessee Valley, but significant model spread and poor run-to-run
    continuity provide little confidence with regards to placement.
    While confidence for any upgrades was still lacking, adjustments
    to the Slight Risk reflect the general trend in the 12Z guidance
    toward maintaining heavy amounts further west than the previous
    runs. Should this trend hold, an additional upgrade to a Moderate
    Risk may be required over portions of Alabama.


    Previous discussion...
    ...Tennessee Valley into the Southeast...
    A similar setup to day 2 continues into the day 3 saturday time
    period. The environmental setup remains favorable for a narrow
    axis of significant rainfall. Broadly convergent flow will exist
    across the region...with easterly flow off the Atlantic and south
    to southwesterly flow east of the remnants of Francine. Within the
    broader flow there will probably be a narrower axis of stronger
    low level convergence. And with the upper flow broadly divergent
    and plenty of moisture and sufficient instability forecast...the
    stage remains set for localized heavy rainfall. The trickiest part
    of this forecast will likely be pinning down the axis of heaviest
    rain, as it will probably be quite narrow in nature. At the moment
    portions of central TN, eastern AL and central/northern GA appear
    most favored. Like day 1 and 2, there is high impact potential on
    Saturday. Locally considerable flash and urban flooding is
    certainly possible in this setup. Hopefully the axis will shift
    some each day and not repeat...but there is some chance similar
    areas could see training convection on successive days...which
    would only exacerbate the flood potential. Given the inherent
    uncertainty in a day 3 forecast and the expected narrow nature of
    heaviest rainfall, can not really go any higher than a higher end
    Slight risk at this time. However will need to closely monitor
    model trends over time.

    We will maintain a small Marginal risk over southern AZ. Moisture
    looks to stream northward out of the Eastern Pacific ahead of a
    tropical disturbance. This increasing moisture and some weak
    forcing may result in convective development and a localized flash
    flood risk. The 00z model consensus is for a slightly different
    tropical evolution over the eastern pacific, which would result in
    less of a convective threat over AZ on day 3. However the
    predictability of this pattern appears low, and run to run model
    consistency has been poor. Thus while the 00z guidance verbatim
    would support removing the Marginal risk, the preference was to
    maintain it for now and continue to monitor trends.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8-C-jbk3mq_r06VA8nO-vLw7DtdbC8L9ZjpmkhlKQzB2= W49VA4xI5-RNrvjdOuK6LxSYwGi-plRpQVCd4T5QdBqmupI$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8-C-jbk3mq_r06VA8nO-vLw7DtdbC8L9ZjpmkhlKQzB2= W49VA4xI5-RNrvjdOuK6LxSYwGi-plRpQVCd4T5QOHPEJJA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!8-C-jbk3mq_r06VA8nO-vLw7DtdbC8L9ZjpmkhlKQzB2= W49VA4xI5-RNrvjdOuK6LxSYwGi-plRpQVCd4T5Q7YXEIeo$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 07:55:23 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 130755

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    355 AM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    ...Deep South...

    Remnant circulation from Francine will be pivoting back south and
    then southeast in retrograde thanks to a strong block from a stout
    mid- level ridge positioned over the Great Lakes through=20
    Ontario/Quebec. This will allow for the a migration of elevated=20
    moisture centered under the disturbance to pivot back across MS/AL
    where drier air has punched through under prevailing southwest flow
    aloft, mainly above 500mb. This is well- documented within the 00z
    sounding analysis out of KJAN where moisture is pooled between the
    surface to 500mb with a large wedge of drier air focused above. The
    sounding from KBMX was beginning to show signs of the dry tongue
    and can be noted within the radar presentation as deep convective
    development is struggling to initiate this evening. Tomorrow
    afternoon and beyond is when the pattern shifts to a more favorable
    convective regime across far Eastern MS into much of AL, especially
    the northern 2/3's of the state thanks to the stacked synoptic
    circulation sliding back overhead. Guidance is keen on the deeper
    moisture return as indicated within the 700-500mb RH field leading
    to an uptick in regional PWATs back above 1 deviation above normal
    with ample mid- level energy accompanying.=20

    The latest 00z HREF remains very aggressive within its depiction
    for a broad axis of heavy rainfall in-of Northern and Central AL
    during the late- afternoon and evening time frame in conjunction
    with the increased upper forcing approaching from the west along
    the tightened theta-E gradient located across much of the state.
    Surface ridge to the northeast will also begin wedging south into
    Northern GA with an axis of convergence developing upstream between
    the approaching circulation from now Post-Tropical Francine. This
    will place a good portion of AL into the crosshairs for a better
    convective training episode as the deep layer flow aligns perfectly
    from the southeast. HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is robust
    between the area of KHUN down to KBHM indicating a 50-70% prob with
    an EAS signal of 50-80% for at least 2", a signal correlated highly
    for a higher end risk. Hourly rate probs are also aggressive in the
    means with a corridor of elevated probs for between 2-3"/hr within
    the HREF, along with some intra-hour rate potential exceeding 4"
    given the efficient rainfall processes and expected instability
    presence within the eastern fringe of the general circulation. All
    these prospects weighted on the decision to maintain the inherited
    MDT risk with some minor adjustments to correlate with the blended
    mean QPF off the latest HREF, as well as the EAS prob field=20
    coverage of higher probs for at least 2" of rainfall. The changes
    made were not extensive in the grand scheme, so the overall
    forecast was close to general continuity.=20

    ...Coastal Carolinas...

    A weak inverted trough located off the Southeast coast will allow
    for a targeted axis of heavy rainfall across the Eastern Carolinas,
    mainly north of KCHS with a bullseye being forecast along the coast
    of Southeast NC. The prevailing easterlies off the Atlantic within
    the integrated water vapor field (IWV) from the GFS signal the axis
    very well with a nose of elevated PWATs being advected right into
    the coastal areas of NC during the first half of the period. 00z
    CAMs also signal the threat for a period of heavy rainfall with
    some varying degrees of the latitudinal push of where the heaviest
    precip would occur. The greatest probabilities for >3" are centered
    from Wilmington up through Morehead City into Cape Hatteras.
    Considering the area FFG's, the main flooding risks will be
    relegated to more urbanized areas where run off potential is
    highest. The signal was good enough for a continued MRGL risk with
    some expansion further inland, mainly west of Raleigh where some
    convergence from the damming high to the north and the prevailing
    easterlies may intersect allowing for a small axis of enhanced
    precip away from the coastal plain. Not anticipating a large areal
    coverage of flash flooding in any case for the region, but a few
    pockets are plausible leading to a low to middle ground MRGL for
    the forecast.=20

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Deep tropical flow pulling north from the Gulf will allow for an
    axis of heavy convection to push north out of the Gulf into the Big
    Bend of FL. Areal FFG indices for 1/3/6 hr rates are pretty
    substantial, so the threat is low-end within the MRGL risk
    category. Still, the signal for amounts >5" is relatively high
    right along the coast leading to the MRGL continuation from
    previous forecast.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    The remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine will get stuck
    under the blocking pattern positioned across the northern and
    eastern U.S with little propagation of any kind during the period.
    This will allow for a continuation of broad, cyclonic flow across
    the Southeast with a steady convergence pattern positioned over
    parts of the Deep South. A steady southeast flow pattern will
    preside over much of AL and Western GA with a sharp convergence
    signal focused over the central portion of the outlined area thanks
    to the persistent anti-cyclonic "wedging" occurring around the
    southern flank of the ridge, banking against the cyclonic regime
    centered around Francine's remnants. Ensemble QPF distribution is a
    bit further south compared to the previous forecast allowing for an
    adjustment in that direction for the SLGT risk prospects. Totals
    are generally favored to be within 1-3" overall, but some pockets
    of higher totals are depicted within the 00z deterministic suite
    leading to some locally impactful flash flood prospects, especially
    when coupled with the previous period(s) of rainfall lowering the
    area FFG's across AL/GA.=20

    The SLGT risk is on the higher-end of the spectrum with a higher=20
    risk potential relying on the contingency of how the D1 period=20
    plays out across the region. There's a non-zero chance of an=20
    upgrade, but the slowly degrading axis of instability may thwart=20
    the potential all together. Regardless, the SLGT risk is sufficient
    just given the variables at hand.=20


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    Saturday afternoon, environment across Southern and Southeast AZ
    will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered thunderstorms
    to initiate in-of the terrain situated within Pima/Santa Cruz
    counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county in proxy to the
    Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively favorable for
    convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE forecast between
    750-1250 J/kg off the latest HREF mean. The combination of
    increasing moisture anomalies and environmental buoyancy adds=20
    favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially within the
    terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained from
    previous forecast, but trimmed on the northern edge given the
    expected timing of the moisture push to be delayed for a greater
    convective threat within Pinal/Maricopa counties. This area will=20
    have more favorability later on D3.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    The remnant circulation and moisture from Francine will stick
    around for one more period to round out the weekend with scattered
    thunderstorm activity prevailing across much of the Southeast up
    through the Mid-Mississippi Valley. Amounts currently are lower
    given the reduced ascent pattern as the upper energy starts
    becoming more diffuse in its representation, stunting the potential
    for greater convective impact compared to previous periods. Local
    totals >2" are still plausible in the setup and the fact there will
    be overlap in some of the harder hit locations from the D1-2 time
    frames, there could end up being a targeted SLGT risk just based
    off the ensemble QPF distribution. For now, a broad MRGL will
    suffice given the expected synoptic pattern and convective environment forecast.


    Elevated moisture returns over the Desert Southwest will aid in
    more widespread thunderstorm development during peak diurnal
    instability leading to scattered flash flood concerns across much
    of AZ, Western NM, into the Four Corners. The primary areas of
    interest will be the favored complex terrain locations, urbanized
    zones, slot canyons, and remnant burn scars littered across the
    region. A targeted SLGT is possible in future updates, especially
    across the terrain in AZ.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6S4uVsc7swVNwF-gE19Q9cUGp7WvHFwr-nRmNVeKlTEt= wK6UJ6o3QVZ95QVwhPtLXV4wunsDJK7nWPmMXkapF37zN7Q$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6S4uVsc7swVNwF-gE19Q9cUGp7WvHFwr-nRmNVeKlTEt= wK6UJ6o3QVZ95QVwhPtLXV4wunsDJK7nWPmMXkapPnm9Yj8$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6S4uVsc7swVNwF-gE19Q9cUGp7WvHFwr-nRmNVeKlTEt= wK6UJ6o3QVZ95QVwhPtLXV4wunsDJK7nWPmMXkapgB4Ozfg$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 15:59:46 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 131559

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1159 AM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    16Z update... The latest global and CAM guidance continue to focus
    the heaviest QPF across north/north-central Alabama as the remnant
    circulation of Francine persist over the region. While these rain
    amounts will likely be beneficial to many locations that have been
    in a prolonged dry stretch, the rainfall intensity and duration
    over sensitive terrain areas may quickly lead to localized flooding
    problems. The ongoing Moderate Risk had a small expansion to the
    southeast for this update as supported by the latest guidance.
    Elsewhere across the region the level of threat still stands as
    already identified with the Marginal and Slight Risks in place.


    ...Deep South...

    Remnant circulation from Francine will be pivoting back south and
    then southeast in retrograde thanks to a strong block from a stout
    mid- level ridge positioned over the Great Lakes through
    Ontario/Quebec. This will allow for the a migration of elevated
    moisture centered under the disturbance to pivot back across MS/AL
    where drier air has punched through under prevailing southwest flow
    aloft, mainly above 500mb. This is well- documented within the 00z
    sounding analysis out of KJAN where moisture is pooled between the
    surface to 500mb with a large wedge of drier air focused above. The
    sounding from KBMX was beginning to show signs of the dry tongue
    and can be noted within the radar presentation as deep convective
    development is struggling to initiate this evening. Tomorrow
    afternoon and beyond is when the pattern shifts to a more favorable
    convective regime across far Eastern MS into much of AL, especially
    the northern 2/3's of the state thanks to the stacked synoptic
    circulation sliding back overhead. Guidance is keen on the deeper
    moisture return as indicated within the 700-500mb RH field leading
    to an uptick in regional PWATs back above 1 deviation above normal
    with ample mid- level energy accompanying.

    The latest 00z HREF remains very aggressive within its depiction
    for a broad axis of heavy rainfall in-of Northern and Central AL
    during the late- afternoon and evening time frame in conjunction
    with the increased upper forcing approaching from the west along
    the tightened theta-E gradient located across much of the state.
    Surface ridge to the northeast will also begin wedging south into
    Northern GA with an axis of convergence developing upstream between
    the approaching circulation from now Post-Tropical Francine. This
    will place a good portion of AL into the crosshairs for a better
    convective training episode as the deep layer flow aligns perfectly
    from the southeast. HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is robust
    between the area of KHUN down to KBHM indicating a 50-70% prob with
    an EAS signal of 50-80% for at least 2", a signal correlated highly
    for a higher end risk. Hourly rate probs are also aggressive in the
    means with a corridor of elevated probs for between 2-3"/hr within
    the HREF, along with some intra-hour rate potential exceeding 4"
    given the efficient rainfall processes and expected instability
    presence within the eastern fringe of the general circulation. All
    these prospects weighted on the decision to maintain the inherited
    MDT risk with some minor adjustments to correlate with the blended
    mean QPF off the latest HREF, as well as the EAS prob field
    coverage of higher probs for at least 2" of rainfall. The changes
    made were not extensive in the grand scheme, so the overall
    forecast was close to general continuity.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...

    A weak inverted trough located off the Southeast coast will allow
    for a targeted axis of heavy rainfall across the Eastern Carolinas,
    mainly north of KCHS with a bullseye being forecast along the coast
    of Southeast NC. The prevailing easterlies off the Atlantic within
    the integrated water vapor field (IWV) from the GFS signal the axis
    very well with a nose of elevated PWATs being advected right into
    the coastal areas of NC during the first half of the period. 00z
    CAMs also signal the threat for a period of heavy rainfall with
    some varying degrees of the latitudinal push of where the heaviest
    precip would occur. The greatest probabilities for >3" are centered
    from Wilmington up through Morehead City into Cape Hatteras.
    Considering the area FFG's, the main flooding risks will be
    relegated to more urbanized areas where run off potential is
    highest. The signal was good enough for a continued MRGL risk with
    some expansion further inland, mainly west of Raleigh where some
    convergence from the damming high to the north and the prevailing
    easterlies may intersect allowing for a small axis of enhanced
    precip away from the coastal plain. Not anticipating a large areal
    coverage of flash flooding in any case for the region, but a few
    pockets are plausible leading to a low to middle ground MRGL for
    the forecast.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Deep tropical flow pulling north from the Gulf will allow for an
    axis of heavy convection to push north out of the Gulf into the Big
    Bend of FL. Areal FFG indices for 1/3/6 hr rates are pretty
    substantial, so the threat is low-end within the MRGL risk
    category. Still, the signal for amounts >5" is relatively high
    right along the coast leading to the MRGL continuation from
    previous forecast.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    The remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine will get stuck
    under the blocking pattern positioned across the northern and
    eastern U.S with little propagation of any kind during the period.
    This will allow for a continuation of broad, cyclonic flow across
    the Southeast with a steady convergence pattern positioned over
    parts of the Deep South. A steady southeast flow pattern will
    preside over much of AL and Western GA with a sharp convergence
    signal focused over the central portion of the outlined area thanks
    to the persistent anti-cyclonic "wedging" occurring around the
    southern flank of the ridge, banking against the cyclonic regime
    centered around Francine's remnants. Ensemble QPF distribution is a
    bit further south compared to the previous forecast allowing for an
    adjustment in that direction for the SLGT risk prospects. Totals
    are generally favored to be within 1-3" overall, but some pockets
    of higher totals are depicted within the 00z deterministic suite
    leading to some locally impactful flash flood prospects, especially
    when coupled with the previous period(s) of rainfall lowering the
    area FFG's across AL/GA.

    The SLGT risk is on the higher-end of the spectrum with a higher
    risk potential relying on the contingency of how the D1 period
    plays out across the region. There's a non-zero chance of an
    upgrade, but the slowly degrading axis of instability may thwart
    the potential all together. Regardless, the SLGT risk is sufficient
    just given the variables at hand.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    Saturday afternoon, environment across Southern and Southeast AZ
    will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered thunderstorms
    to initiate in-of the terrain situated within Pima/Santa Cruz
    counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county in proxy to the
    Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively favorable for
    convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE forecast between
    750-1250 J/kg off the latest HREF mean. The combination of
    increasing moisture anomalies and environmental buoyancy adds
    favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially within the
    terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained from
    previous forecast, but trimmed on the northern edge given the
    expected timing of the moisture push to be delayed for a greater
    convective threat within Pinal/Maricopa counties. This area will
    have more favorability later on D3.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    The remnant circulation and moisture from Francine will stick
    around for one more period to round out the weekend with scattered
    thunderstorm activity prevailing across much of the Southeast up
    through the Mid-Mississippi Valley. Amounts currently are lower
    given the reduced ascent pattern as the upper energy starts
    becoming more diffuse in its representation, stunting the potential
    for greater convective impact compared to previous periods. Local
    totals >2" are still plausible in the setup and the fact there will
    be overlap in some of the harder hit locations from the D1-2 time
    frames, there could end up being a targeted SLGT risk just based
    off the ensemble QPF distribution. For now, a broad MRGL will
    suffice given the expected synoptic pattern and convective environment forecast.


    Elevated moisture returns over the Desert Southwest will aid in
    more widespread thunderstorm development during peak diurnal
    instability leading to scattered flash flood concerns across much
    of AZ, Western NM, into the Four Corners. The primary areas of
    interest will be the favored complex terrain locations, urbanized
    zones, slot canyons, and remnant burn scars littered across the
    region. A targeted SLGT is possible in future updates, especially
    across the terrain in AZ.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!40P41T32eAltOXiDX3rGfjc9EVhfm5KU9-___wEbaO98= VCQNOVBugSZq0-FcpykZQDS9Y_LrXVjOdwLhJ9-9X-kmSPY$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!40P41T32eAltOXiDX3rGfjc9EVhfm5KU9-___wEbaO98= VCQNOVBugSZq0-FcpykZQDS9Y_LrXVjOdwLhJ9-9tnaIA2w$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!40P41T32eAltOXiDX3rGfjc9EVhfm5KU9-___wEbaO98= VCQNOVBugSZq0-FcpykZQDS9Y_LrXVjOdwLhJ9-9nB21ew0$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 13 20:05:32 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 132005

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    405 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Fri Sep 13 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    16Z update... The latest global and CAM guidance continue to focus
    the heaviest QPF across north/north-central Alabama as the remnant
    circulation of Francine persist over the region. While these rain
    amounts will likely be beneficial to many locations that have been
    in a prolonged dry stretch, the rainfall intensity and duration
    over sensitive terrain areas may quickly lead to localized flooding
    problems. The ongoing Moderate Risk had a small expansion to the
    southeast for this update as supported by the latest guidance.
    Elsewhere across the region the level of threat still stands as
    already identified with the Marginal and Slight Risks in place.


    ...Deep South...

    Remnant circulation from Francine will be pivoting back south and
    then southeast in retrograde thanks to a strong block from a stout
    mid- level ridge positioned over the Great Lakes through
    Ontario/Quebec. This will allow for the a migration of elevated
    moisture centered under the disturbance to pivot back across MS/AL
    where drier air has punched through under prevailing southwest flow
    aloft, mainly above 500mb. This is well- documented within the 00z
    sounding analysis out of KJAN where moisture is pooled between the
    surface to 500mb with a large wedge of drier air focused above. The
    sounding from KBMX was beginning to show signs of the dry tongue
    and can be noted within the radar presentation as deep convective
    development is struggling to initiate this evening. Tomorrow
    afternoon and beyond is when the pattern shifts to a more favorable
    convective regime across far Eastern MS into much of AL, especially
    the northern 2/3's of the state thanks to the stacked synoptic
    circulation sliding back overhead. Guidance is keen on the deeper
    moisture return as indicated within the 700-500mb RH field leading
    to an uptick in regional PWATs back above 1 deviation above normal
    with ample mid- level energy accompanying.

    The latest 00z HREF remains very aggressive within its depiction
    for a broad axis of heavy rainfall in-of Northern and Central AL
    during the late- afternoon and evening time frame in conjunction
    with the increased upper forcing approaching from the west along
    the tightened theta-E gradient located across much of the state.
    Surface ridge to the northeast will also begin wedging south into
    Northern GA with an axis of convergence developing upstream between
    the approaching circulation from now Post-Tropical Francine. This
    will place a good portion of AL into the crosshairs for a better
    convective training episode as the deep layer flow aligns perfectly
    from the southeast. HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is robust
    between the area of KHUN down to KBHM indicating a 50-70% prob with
    an EAS signal of 50-80% for at least 2", a signal correlated highly
    for a higher end risk. Hourly rate probs are also aggressive in the
    means with a corridor of elevated probs for between 2-3"/hr within
    the HREF, along with some intra-hour rate potential exceeding 4"
    given the efficient rainfall processes and expected instability
    presence within the eastern fringe of the general circulation. All
    these prospects weighted on the decision to maintain the inherited
    MDT risk with some minor adjustments to correlate with the blended
    mean QPF off the latest HREF, as well as the EAS prob field
    coverage of higher probs for at least 2" of rainfall. The changes
    made were not extensive in the grand scheme, so the overall
    forecast was close to general continuity.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...

    A weak inverted trough located off the Southeast coast will allow
    for a targeted axis of heavy rainfall across the Eastern Carolinas,
    mainly north of KCHS with a bullseye being forecast along the coast
    of Southeast NC. The prevailing easterlies off the Atlantic within
    the integrated water vapor field (IWV) from the GFS signal the axis
    very well with a nose of elevated PWATs being advected right into
    the coastal areas of NC during the first half of the period. 00z
    CAMs also signal the threat for a period of heavy rainfall with
    some varying degrees of the latitudinal push of where the heaviest
    precip would occur. The greatest probabilities for >3" are centered
    from Wilmington up through Morehead City into Cape Hatteras.
    Considering the area FFG's, the main flooding risks will be
    relegated to more urbanized areas where run off potential is
    highest. The signal was good enough for a continued MRGL risk with
    some expansion further inland, mainly west of Raleigh where some
    convergence from the damming high to the north and the prevailing
    easterlies may intersect allowing for a small axis of enhanced
    precip away from the coastal plain. Not anticipating a large areal
    coverage of flash flooding in any case for the region, but a few
    pockets are plausible leading to a low to middle ground MRGL for
    the forecast.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    20Z update... A complex of thunderstorms are moving into and downstream
    of the Bay County area and have the potential to dump 1 inch of
    rain within 15 minutes or a quick 2 to 4 inches. For detailed=20
    information refer to WPC's Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion
    #1004. Given this scenario there was a need to upgrade portions of
    the panhandle to a Slight Risk for excessive rainfall and flooding


    Deep tropical flow pulling north from the Gulf will allow for an
    axis of heavy convection to push north out of the Gulf into the Big
    Bend of FL. Areal FFG indices for 1/3/6 hr rates are pretty
    substantial, so the threat is low-end within the MRGL risk
    category. Still, the signal for amounts >5" is relatively high
    right along the coast leading to the MRGL continuation from
    previous forecast.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    21Z update... The latest guidance continues to suggest an=20
    incremental southward trend with the QPF swath associated with=20
    Francine. This resulted in a minute expansion of the southern=20
    boundary of the Slight Risk across southern Georgia and Alabama.
    Consensus maintains a NW to SE orientated axis of moderate to heavy
    rain from western Tennessee to southeast Georgia mainly in the 1 to
    3 inch range, although local maximums may be closer to 4 or 5


    The remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine will get stuck
    under the blocking pattern positioned across the northern and=20
    eastern U.S with little propagation of any kind during the period.=20
    This will allow for a continuation of broad, cyclonic flow across=20
    the Southeast with a steady convergence pattern positioned over=20
    parts of the Deep South. A steady southeast flow pattern will=20
    preside over much of AL and Western GA with a sharp convergence=20
    signal focused over the central portion of the outlined area thanks
    to the persistent anti-cyclonic "wedging" occurring around the=20
    southern flank of the ridge, banking against the cyclonic regime=20
    centered around Francine's remnants. Ensemble QPF distribution is a
    bit further south compared to the previous forecast allowing for=20
    an adjustment in that direction for the SLGT risk prospects. Totals
    are generally favored to be within 1-3" overall, but some pockets=20
    of higher totals are depicted within the 00z deterministic suite=20
    leading to some locally impactful flash flood prospects, especially
    when coupled with the previous period(s) of rainfall lowering the=20
    area FFG's across AL/GA.

    The SLGT risk is on the higher-end of the spectrum with a higher
    risk potential relying on the contingency of how the D1 period
    plays out across the region. There's a non-zero chance of an
    upgrade, but the slowly degrading axis of instability may thwart
    the potential all together. Regardless, the SLGT risk is sufficient
    just given the variables at hand.


    21Z update... The level of threat for excessive rainfall remains in
    good order and no changes were made at this time.

    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    Saturday afternoon, environment across Southern and Southeast AZ
    will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered thunderstorms
    to initiate in-of the terrain situated within Pima/Santa Cruz
    counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county in proxy to the
    Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively favorable for
    convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE forecast between
    750-1250 J/kg off the latest HREF mean. The combination of
    increasing moisture anomalies and environmental buoyancy adds
    favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially within the
    terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained from
    previous forecast, but trimmed on the northern edge given the
    expected timing of the moisture push to be delayed for a greater
    convective threat within Pinal/Maricopa counties. This area will
    have more favorability later on D3.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    21Z update... The level of threat for excessive rainfall remains in
    good order and no changes were made at this time.

    The remnant circulation and moisture from Francine will stick
    around for one more period to round out the weekend with scattered
    thunderstorm activity prevailing across much of the Southeast up
    through the Mid-Mississippi Valley. Amounts currently are lower
    given the reduced ascent pattern as the upper energy starts
    becoming more diffuse in its representation, stunting the potential
    for greater convective impact compared to previous periods. Local
    totals >2" are still plausible in the setup and the fact there will
    be overlap in some of the harder hit locations from the D1-2 time
    frames, there could end up being a targeted SLGT risk just based
    off the ensemble QPF distribution. For now, a broad MRGL will
    suffice given the expected synoptic pattern and convective environment forecast.


    21Z update... Leading up to and during this period the mid/upper
    atmosphere will be getting moisture from Tropical Cyclone Ileana
    which is currently tracking northward along the Gulf of
    California/Baja California. The lower atmosphere across much of=20
    Arizona and New Mexico has been recently dry which will greatly=20
    inhibit convective rains reaching the ground, at least initially,=20
    or reduce rainfall amounts/efficiency during this period. The model
    spread also reduces confidence on where the actual heaviest QPF
    will occur. There is still some locations that may see isolated=20
    heavy amounts and very localized run off or flooding concerns. The=20
    Marginal Risk was nudged a small amount to the east across west-=20
    central New Mexico.


    Elevated moisture returns over the Desert Southwest will aid in=20
    more widespread thunderstorm development during peak diurnal=20
    instability leading to scattered flash flood concerns across much=20
    of AZ, Western NM, into the Four Corners. The primary areas of=20
    interest will be the favored complex terrain locations, urbanized=20
    zones, slot canyons, and remnant burn scars littered across the=20
    region. A targeted SLGT is possible in future updates, especially=20
    across the terrain in AZ.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6ShpPOwhhdqe-OIdP9wzITHx5N5OWqqo_eYF0AcssShk= AyxIIdoqJaME3pOQd8tJ1pbT6MCrcB8irsmVz-oZVkRYYlw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6ShpPOwhhdqe-OIdP9wzITHx5N5OWqqo_eYF0AcssShk= AyxIIdoqJaME3pOQd8tJ1pbT6MCrcB8irsmVz-oZUEqUYKk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6ShpPOwhhdqe-OIdP9wzITHx5N5OWqqo_eYF0AcssShk= AyxIIdoqJaME3pOQd8tJ1pbT6MCrcB8irsmVz-oZJnM69Wk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 00:58:57 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 140058

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    858 PM EDT Fri Sep 13 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024


    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Minor changes were made to the Day 1 ERO based on the latest
    observational trends and current HRRR/HREF guidance. We removed the
    targeted Slight Risk along the FL Big Bend, while pared the Slight
    Risk a bit across parts of central GA.


    ...Deep South...
    Remnant circulation from Francine will be pivoting back south and=20
    then southeast in retrograde thanks to a strong block from a stout=20
    mid- level ridge positioned over the Great Lakes through=20
    Ontario/Quebec. This will allow for the a migration of elevated=20
    moisture centered under the disturbance to pivot back across MS/AL=20
    where drier air has punched through under prevailing southwest flow
    aloft, mainly above 500mb. This is well- documented within the 00z
    sounding analysis out of KJAN where moisture is pooled between the
    surface to 500mb with a large wedge of drier air focused above.=20
    The sounding from KBMX was beginning to show signs of the dry=20
    tongue and can be noted within the radar presentation as deep=20
    convective development is struggling to initiate this evening.=20
    Tomorrow afternoon and beyond is when the pattern shifts to a more=20
    favorable convective regime across far Eastern MS into much of AL,=20 especially the northern 2/3's of the state thanks to the stacked=20
    synoptic circulation sliding back overhead. Guidance is keen on the
    deeper moisture return as indicated within the 700-500mb RH field=20
    leading to an uptick in regional PWATs back above 1 deviation above
    normal with ample mid- level energy accompanying.

    The latest 00z HREF remains very aggressive within its depiction
    for a broad axis of heavy rainfall in-of Northern and Central AL
    during the late- afternoon and evening time frame in conjunction
    with the increased upper forcing approaching from the west along
    the tightened theta-E gradient located across much of the state.
    Surface ridge to the northeast will also begin wedging south into
    Northern GA with an axis of convergence developing upstream between
    the approaching circulation from now Post-Tropical Francine. This
    will place a good portion of AL into the crosshairs for a better
    convective training episode as the deep layer flow aligns perfectly
    from the southeast. HREF neighborhood probability for >5" is robust
    between the area of KHUN down to KBHM indicating a 50-70% prob with
    an EAS signal of 50-80% for at least 2", a signal correlated highly
    for a higher end risk. Hourly rate probs are also aggressive in the
    means with a corridor of elevated probs for between 2-3"/hr within
    the HREF, along with some intra-hour rate potential exceeding 4"
    given the efficient rainfall processes and expected instability
    presence within the eastern fringe of the general circulation. All
    these prospects weighted on the decision to maintain the inherited
    MDT risk with some minor adjustments to correlate with the blended
    mean QPF off the latest HREF, as well as the EAS prob field
    coverage of higher probs for at least 2" of rainfall. The changes
    made were not extensive in the grand scheme, so the overall
    forecast was close to general continuity.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...
    A weak inverted trough located off the Southeast coast will allow=20
    for a targeted axis of heavy rainfall across the Eastern Carolinas,
    mainly north of KCHS with a bullseye being forecast along the=20
    coast of Southeast NC. The prevailing easterlies off the Atlantic=20
    within the integrated water vapor field (IWV) from the GFS signal=20
    the axis very well with a nose of elevated PWATs being advected=20
    right into the coastal areas of NC during the first half of the=20
    period. 00z CAMs also signal the threat for a period of heavy=20
    rainfall with some varying degrees of the latitudinal push of where
    the heaviest precip would occur. The greatest probabilities for=20
    3" are centered from Wilmington up through Morehead City into Cape
    Hatteras. Considering the area FFG's, the main flooding risks will
    be relegated to more urbanized areas where run off potential is=20
    highest. The signal was good enough for a continued MRGL risk with=20
    some expansion further inland, mainly west of Raleigh where some=20
    convergence from the damming high to the north and the prevailing=20
    easterlies may intersect allowing for a small axis of enhanced=20
    precip away from the coastal plain. Not anticipating a large areal=20
    coverage of flash flooding in any case for the region, but a few=20
    pockets are plausible leading to a low to middle ground MRGL for=20
    the forecast.

    ...Florida Panhandle...
    Deep tropical flow pulling north from the Gulf will allow for an=20
    axis of heavy convection to push north out of the Gulf into the Big
    Bend of FL. Areal FFG indices for 1/3/6 hr rates are pretty=20
    substantial, so the threat is low-end within the MRGL risk=20
    category. Still, the signal for amounts >5" is relatively high=20
    right along the coast leading to the MRGL continuation from=20
    previous forecast.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    21Z update... The latest guidance continues to suggest an
    incremental southward trend with the QPF swath associated with
    Francine. This resulted in a minute expansion of the southern
    boundary of the Slight Risk across southern Georgia and Alabama.
    Consensus maintains a NW to SE orientated axis of moderate to heavy
    rain from western Tennessee to southeast Georgia mainly in the 1 to
    3 inch range, although local maximums may be closer to 4 or 5


    The remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine will get stuck
    under the blocking pattern positioned across the northern and
    eastern U.S with little propagation of any kind during the period.
    This will allow for a continuation of broad, cyclonic flow across
    the Southeast with a steady convergence pattern positioned over
    parts of the Deep South. A steady southeast flow pattern will
    preside over much of AL and Western GA with a sharp convergence
    signal focused over the central portion of the outlined area thanks
    to the persistent anti-cyclonic "wedging" occurring around the
    southern flank of the ridge, banking against the cyclonic regime
    centered around Francine's remnants. Ensemble QPF distribution is a
    bit further south compared to the previous forecast allowing for
    an adjustment in that direction for the SLGT risk prospects. Totals
    are generally favored to be within 1-3" overall, but some pockets
    of higher totals are depicted within the 00z deterministic suite
    leading to some locally impactful flash flood prospects, especially
    when coupled with the previous period(s) of rainfall lowering the
    area FFG's across AL/GA.

    The SLGT risk is on the higher-end of the spectrum with a higher
    risk potential relying on the contingency of how the D1 period
    plays out across the region. There's a non-zero chance of an
    upgrade, but the slowly degrading axis of instability may thwart
    the potential all together. Regardless, the SLGT risk is sufficient
    just given the variables at hand.


    21Z update... The level of threat for excessive rainfall remains in
    good order and no changes were made at this time.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    Saturday afternoon, environment across Southern and Southeast AZ
    will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered thunderstorms
    to initiate in-of the terrain situated within Pima/Santa Cruz
    counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county in proxy to the
    Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively favorable for
    convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE forecast between
    750-1250 J/kg off the latest HREF mean. The combination of
    increasing moisture anomalies and environmental buoyancy adds
    favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially within the
    terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained from
    previous forecast, but trimmed on the northern edge given the
    expected timing of the moisture push to be delayed for a greater
    convective threat within Pinal/Maricopa counties. This area will
    have more favorability later on D3.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    21Z update... The level of threat for excessive rainfall remains in
    good order and no changes were made at this time.


    The remnant circulation and moisture from Francine will stick
    around for one more period to round out the weekend with scattered
    thunderstorm activity prevailing across much of the Southeast up
    through the Mid-Mississippi Valley. Amounts currently are lower
    given the reduced ascent pattern as the upper energy starts
    becoming more diffuse in its representation, stunting the potential
    for greater convective impact compared to previous periods. Local
    totals >2" are still plausible in the setup and the fact there will
    be overlap in some of the harder hit locations from the D1-2 time
    frames, there could end up being a targeted SLGT risk just based
    off the ensemble QPF distribution. For now, a broad MRGL will
    suffice given the expected synoptic pattern and convective environment forecast.


    21Z update... Leading up to and during this period the mid/upper
    atmosphere will be getting moisture from Tropical Cyclone Ileana
    which is currently tracking northward along the Gulf of
    California/Baja California. The lower atmosphere across much of
    Arizona and New Mexico has been recently dry which will greatly
    inhibit convective rains reaching the ground, at least initially,
    or reduce rainfall amounts/efficiency during this period. The model
    spread also reduces confidence on where the actual heaviest QPF
    will occur. There is still some locations that may see isolated
    heavy amounts and very localized run off or flooding concerns. The
    Marginal Risk was nudged a small amount to the east across west-
    central New Mexico.


    Elevated moisture returns over the Desert Southwest will aid in
    more widespread thunderstorm development during peak diurnal
    instability leading to scattered flash flood concerns across much
    of AZ, Western NM, into the Four Corners. The primary areas of
    interest will be the favored complex terrain locations, urbanized
    zones, slot canyons, and remnant burn scars littered across the
    region. A targeted SLGT is possible in future updates, especially
    across the terrain in AZ.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!880fFmtgdCKGnXk96GEUjvl9QNHfuiXLg7xPDdoaxsgE= gQe9WSE4YHNHDQ_nm-j2OmuwSmm-nrcec3etMy_3VTTykmI$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!880fFmtgdCKGnXk96GEUjvl9QNHfuiXLg7xPDdoaxsgE= gQe9WSE4YHNHDQ_nm-j2OmuwSmm-nrcec3etMy_3pjOnimQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!880fFmtgdCKGnXk96GEUjvl9QNHfuiXLg7xPDdoaxsgE= gQe9WSE4YHNHDQ_nm-j2OmuwSmm-nrcec3etMy_3-hIdsCE$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 08:09:47 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 140809

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    409 AM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    Current radar/satellite composite depicts a broad cyclonic gyre
    situated across the Southeastern U.S with a north-south band of
    convection bisecting the a good portion AL into Western TN around
    the northeast periphery of the remnant cyclone. The surface
    reflection from what was Francine will become more diffuse over the
    next 6 hrs with a degrading surface signature, leaving much of the
    flow tied to the leftover mid and upper lows associated with the
    storm. That said, the cyclonic spin from the tandem 850-500mb
    low(s) will allow for a continued favorable moisture stream around
    the circulation with small mid-level perturbations stuck over the
    same areas allowing for locally enhanced ascent within the confines
    of AL/GA/TN. PWATs generally residing within the +1 standard
    deviation anomaly across the Deep South will be sufficient enough
    within the pattern to yield another round of scattered to
    widespread convection across similar areas that were impacted
    today. The difference is the magnitude of the convective pattern
    will be a bit less vigorous thanks to the weakening mid and upper
    low centers as denoted within all the recent guidance height
    fields. Still, the combination of the moisture anomaly and semi-
    favorable ascent under the remnant mid and upper lows will be
    plenty to offer another round of convection across the Deep South.=20

    To the northeast, a stout surface ridge will nose down further into
    the interior Southeast with a formidable easterly regime focused
    in-of Northern GA down into the Northwest side of AL. The
    combination of the cyclonic flow from the mid-level remnants and
    wedging associated with the surface ridge will create a tightened
    axis of convergence within the state of AL down into Western GA.
    The consensus this evening within the 00z CAMs suite was very well
    represented within the HREF mean QPF and associated probability
    fields, highlighting the semi-narrow corridor of higher rainfall
    potential located just to the south and west of Huntsville,
    bisecting much of North-Central AL down into the Southwest side of
    GA. This area has been the beneficiary of some significant rainfall
    the past 24-48 hrs leading to a degraded FFG footprint where flash
    flood prospects will be greater, relative to average. Signals for
    1-2"/hr rainfall rates would be sufficient given the antecedent
    conditions across the area, and with the setup likely to garner
    some locally enhanced rainfall rates >2"/hr as indicated within the
    prob fields, there's a higher likelihood for continued flash flood
    concerns within the confines of those areas in AL and GA mentioned
    above. A higher end SLGT risk is the forecast for those areas
    extending from Northwestern AL near the AL/MS line, southeast
    through Columbus, GA, an area that includes the Birmingham metro.
    SLGT risk extends further northwest and southeast, respectively
    with a broad MRGL extension around the periphery as heavy rain
    concerns exist from as far north as Western KY to as far Southeast
    as Northeastern FL.=20


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of AZ by the middle to
    end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal heating
    anticipated this afternoon, the environment across Southern and=20
    Southeast AZ will destabilize allowing for isolated to scattered=20 thunderstorms to initiate in-of the terrain situated within=20
    Pima/Santa Cruz counties to possibly as far east as Cochise county=20
    in proxy to the Huachuca mountains. MUCAPE forecast is relatively=20
    favorable for convective development with the ensemble SBCAPE=20
    forecast between 500-1250 J/kg off the 00z HREF mean. The=20
    combination of increasing moisture anomalies and environmental=20
    buoyancy adds favor to an isolated flash flood risk, especially=20
    within the terrain and adjacent locales. A MRGL risk was maintained
    from previous forecast with only minor adjustments based within the
    HREF blended mean QPF footprint, and aligning with the edges of the
    10% or great probabilities within the neighborhood probability
    output for >2" rainfall potential. This area will have more=20
    favorability later on D2.

    ...South Florida...

    Surface trough located in-of South FL will maintain a prevailing
    westerly flow across the Southern part of the Peninsula, placing
    the mean steering pattern pointed towards the population centers=20
    along the Southeast FL coast in time for the sea breeze convective
    initiation this afternoon. Area PWATs are very elevated this
    evening with the 00z sounding out of KMFL depicting a solid 2.40"
    PWAT reading placing the area within the +1-2 standard deviation
    anomaly for the period. This environment will be conducive for
    convective generation just inland along the penetrating sea breeze
    in the afternoon with locally strong convective cores producing
    rainfall rates between 2-3"/hr on initiation, moving towards the
    coast thanks to the prevailing steering flow. HREF probabilities
    for >3" are solidly between 50-80% along the population centers
    extending from PBI down through MFL with the highest probs situated
    between PBI and FLL. Lower end 5+" probabilities are also
    highlighting the area of interest, so the threat is within the
    middle grounds for flash flood concerns leading to an addition of a
    MRGL risk situated along the Southeast FL coast encompassing the
    population centers.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    Despite the remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine=20
    degrading in its presentation, another period of enhanced
    convective activity will spawn underneath the primary upper forcing
    lingering over the Southeastern U.S. There's a bit more emphasis on
    an axis of convection developing across portions of the Lower
    Mississippi Valley in-of AR and MS, extending southeast into parts
    of the Deep South, mainly Southern MS and AL. Areal PWATs will
    remain elevated within +1 standard deviations, enough of an anomaly
    to spur up some potential heavier convective cores that could
    result in some flash flood prospects, especially over any urban
    zones where run off potential is greatest. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF and the 75th percentile of the NBM indicate a fairly stout axis
    of heavier precip likely to occur under the influence of the upper
    low and remnant energy pivoting around the general circulation. The
    primary concerns will continue to be those locally heavy rates that
    will reach between 1-2"/hr with some intra-hour potential for
    heavier rates that typically cause more issues in this part of the
    country. A SLGT risk was added to the previous forecast with an
    adjustment southwest to the overall SLGT/MRGL risk areas to align
    with the current trends and ensemble forecast consensus on the
    heaviest precip location. The MRGL expands into the FL Panhandle to
    cover the area that has been hit pretty hard in the past 36 hours
    as isolated storms are still forecast for those areas that have
    seen copious amounts of rainfall in the above time span.=20


    Remnant moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana will continue to
    advect northward into the rest of the Desert Southwest with a
    trajectory towards the Four Corners, wrapping back eastward into NM
    during the afternoon hours Sunday. The ensemble QPF footprint upped
    the total precip forecast compared to the previous periods, a trend
    that was noted when assessing the QPF differential from 12z to 00z.
    This places the convective pattern towards those areas we've been
    highlighting all summer for flash flood concerns thanks to a
    plethora of burn scars located within the terrain across parts of
    NM. The previous forecast was relatively unchanged over AZ into the
    Four Corners, but the MRGL risk was expanded to include much of NM
    with a focus into the terrain over the Sangre de Cristos and the
    Sacramento Mountains. General QPF average between 0.25-0.75" is
    expected, but maxima of >1" will be plausible anywhere within the
    confines of the forecast risk area. A targeted SLGT risk is still
    possible, but the scattered nature of the convection forecast
    doesn't instill enough confidence at this time. A reassessment with
    the addition of CAMs guidance could sway that the other way, so
    stay tuned for future updates.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...Coastal Southern Mid Atlantic...

    A growing consensus for developing low pressure along the Carolina
    coast has popped up amongst the 00z deterministic with much of the
    global suite indicating surface cyclogenesis off the GA/SC coast,
    moving northwest towards the Eastern Carolinas with emphasis on
    North Carolina based on the latest runs. This is a fairly complex
    evolution but rooted within the proposed synoptic evolution as a
    strong block residing over the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic and
    steering pattern focused towards the Eastern Carolina coast
    sometime on Monday. The setup would allow for a steady easterly
    flow to preside over Eastern NC with the approach of the surface
    cyclone increasing a deep moist advective pattern in-of the coastal
    portions of the state. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has
    marked this potential disturbance with a 50% chance of developing
    into a tropical system within the next 72-96 hours which would
    invoke a growing confidence in something more organized that could
    promote greater tropical characteristics that would undoubtedly
    allow for some locally greater impacts than forecast. As of now,
    the SLGT from previous forecast was maintained, but adjusted to
    the north to account for the ensemble shift in the low pressure
    track and within the core of the heaviest QPF. The area from Myrtle
    Beach up through Cape Hatteras will have to monitor the potential
    closely as the chance for locally significant rainfall amounts have
    been scaled up since the last update. For now, the SLGT risk will
    suffice with the opportunity for a higher risk, pending the
    expected evolution of the disturbance.=20

    ...Central Gulf Coast...

    A weak surface low is forecast to develop in-of the Central Gulf
    coast by Monday morning with an increasing axis of convergence
    within the northern flank of the circulation. Elevated PWATs along
    with prominent instability located along the Gulf coast will
    amplify the threat of some locally enhanced rainfall prospects
    between Southern MS through Southern AL into the Western FL
    Panhandle. The main threat will continue to be urban flooding, but
    will have to monitor the area around Apalachicola closely thanks to
    significant rainfall the past few days with more anticipated prior
    to the period. This has allowed for a sharp degradation of the FFG
    indices normally in place for the area. A MRGL risk was introduced
    given the sneaky threat with a lot contingent on the expected
    development of a weak surface reflection along a quasi-stationary
    front situated along the Central Gulf coast.=20

    ...Western U.S...

    Increasing moisture nosing north ahead of an approaching deepening=20
    long wave trough axis will allow for the opportunity for widespread
    convective development across much of the Southwest U.S, extending
    north through the Great Basin and the Interior Pacific Northwest.=20
    Signals have been growing steadily for a large scale ascent pattern
    that would favor locally heavy precip in-of the areas above,=20
    especially across NV/UT/ID thanks to a premium diffluent upper=20
    pattern approaching the West Coast in the form of a potent trough,
    turned closed low by Monday morning. The setup would be conducive
    for totals exceeding 1" over a large area that normally does not
    see these types of totals very often. The PWAT anomaly forecast
    within the ensembles are approaching 2+ standard deviations above
    normal with the latest NAEFS indicating upwards of +3 deviations
    located across parts of NV into ID by the end of the period. If
    this setup maintains continuity, there's an expectation that a risk
    upgrade may be in order, especially since the upper pattern is
    favorable for widespread convective impacts into areas with
    climatologically low FFG indices.=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_odIMm6vRxHbxCSOPNQc3Sqqf_9FyDFqrU0g99haKe2L= J9qWyf2_ZyfLNDSoL1KSvNMXMsLY9q3YiKxCF1k8SbzEK08$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_odIMm6vRxHbxCSOPNQc3Sqqf_9FyDFqrU0g99haKe2L= J9qWyf2_ZyfLNDSoL1KSvNMXMsLY9q3YiKxCF1k8k-snam0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_odIMm6vRxHbxCSOPNQc3Sqqf_9FyDFqrU0g99haKe2L= J9qWyf2_ZyfLNDSoL1KSvNMXMsLY9q3YiKxCF1k85TrthLM$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 15:58:13 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 141557

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1157 AM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    Radar and satellite imagery continued to show a broad cyclonic=20
    gyre situated across the southeastern U.S with a north- south band
    of convection bisecting the a good portion Alabama into Western
    Tennessee as of mid-morning. The surface reflection from what had
    been Francine will continue to become more diffuse over the next 6
    hrs with a degrading surface signature, leaving much of the flow=20
    tied to the leftover mid and upper lows associated with the storm.=20
    That said, the cyclonic spin from the tandem 850-500mb low(s) will=20
    allow for a continued favorable moisture stream around the=20
    circulation with small mid- level perturbations stuck over the same
    areas allowing for locally enhanced ascent within the confines of=20
    Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. Precipitable water values generally
    residing within the +1 standard deviation anomaly across the Deep=20
    South will be sufficient enough within the pattern to yield another
    round of scattered to widespread coverage of showers and
    thunderstorms across similar areas to those areas that were
    impacted on Friday. The difference is the magnitude of the=20
    convective pattern will be a bit less vigorous thanks to the=20
    weakening mid and upper low centers as denoted within all the=20
    recent guidance height fields. Still, the combination of the=20
    moisture anomaly and semi- favorable ascent under the remnant mid=20
    and upper lows will be plenty to offer another round of convection=20
    across the Deep South.

    To the northeast, a stout surface ridge will nose down further into
    the interior Southeast with a formidable easterly regime focused
    in-of Northern GA down into the Northwest side of AL. The
    combination of the cyclonic flow from the mid-level remnants and
    wedging associated with the surface ridge will create a tightened
    axis of convergence within the state of Alabama down into western=20
    Georgia. The 14/12Z CAMs available through 15Z remained well represented
    within the HREF mean QPF and associated neighborhood probability=20
    field. Given the expanding footprint of diminished flash flood
    guidance, the prospects of excessive rainfall will be increasing
    with additional rainfall. Signals for 1-2"/hr rainfall rates would
    also be sufficient to result in run off and flooding given the=20
    antecedent conditions. A higher end SLGT risk still seemed
    reasonable for this the forecast for a northwest to southeast=20
    oriented axis from northwestern Alabama to far southwest Georgia.=20

    ...Coastal Carolinas...
    Satellite and radar imagery showed showers and thunderstorms
    hugging the immediate coastline of near the Northern Carolina and
    South Carolina border with the heaviest rainfall off-shore. The
    convection was largely being driven/focused by a weak mid-level
    circulation that had little reflection at the surface. CAPE values
    over land are forecast to be pretty modest...on the order of 500
    to 1000 J per kg...with broad cloud cover but think there could be
    enough of an on- shore component north of the circulation center to
    draw some cells with 1 to 2 inch per hour rates inland.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of Arizona by the=20
    middle to end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal=20
    heating anticipated this afternoon, the environment across southern
    and southeast Arizona should become sufficiently destabilized to=20
    support isolated to scattered thunderstorms in/near the terrain as
    depicted by latest HRRR and NAM NEST. A Marginal risk was=20
    maintained from previous forecast with only minor adjustments based
    within the HREF blended mean QPF footprint. Still think this area=20
    will have more favorability later on Day 2 as moisture continues=20
    to be drawn northward.

    ...South Florida...

    Surface trough located in proximity of South Florida will maintain
    a prevailing westerly flow across the southern part of the=20
    peninsula, placing the mean steering pattern pointed towards the=20
    population centers along the Southeast Florida coast in time for=20
    the sea breeze convective initiation this afternoon. Area
    precipitable water were around 2.25 inch as of 14/12Z...placing=20
    the area within the +1-2 standard deviation anomaly for the period.
    This environment will be conducive for convective generation just=20
    inland along the penetrating sea breeze in the afternoon with=20
    locally strong convective cores producing rainfall rates between=20
    2-3"/hr on initiation, moving towards the coast thanks to the=20
    prevailing steering flow. The 14/12Z HREF probabilities for 3-hour
    rainfall exceeding 3 hour flash flood guidance was generally in the
    10 to 15 percent range during the afternoon and the probability of
    rainfall rate exceeding 3 inches remained elevated. As such the=20
    threat remained within the middle grounds for flash flood concerns=20
    and maintenance of the Marginal Risk area with few changes along=20
    the southeastern FL coast encompassing the population centers.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024



    Despite the remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine
    degrading in its presentation, another period of enhanced
    convective activity will spawn underneath the primary upper forcing
    lingering over the Southeastern U.S. There's a bit more emphasis on
    an axis of convection developing across portions of the Lower
    Mississippi Valley in-of AR and MS, extending southeast into parts
    of the Deep South, mainly Southern MS and AL. Areal PWATs will
    remain elevated within +1 standard deviations, enough of an anomaly
    to spur up some potential heavier convective cores that could
    result in some flash flood prospects, especially over any urban
    zones where run off potential is greatest. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF and the 75th percentile of the NBM indicate a fairly stout axis
    of heavier precip likely to occur under the influence of the upper
    low and remnant energy pivoting around the general circulation. The
    primary concerns will continue to be those locally heavy rates that
    will reach between 1-2"/hr with some intra-hour potential for
    heavier rates that typically cause more issues in this part of the
    country. A SLGT risk was added to the previous forecast with an
    adjustment southwest to the overall SLGT/MRGL risk areas to align
    with the current trends and ensemble forecast consensus on the
    heaviest precip location. The MRGL expands into the FL Panhandle to
    cover the area that has been hit pretty hard in the past 36 hours
    as isolated storms are still forecast for those areas that have
    seen copious amounts of rainfall in the above time span.


    Remnant moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana will continue to
    advect northward into the rest of the Desert Southwest with a
    trajectory towards the Four Corners, wrapping back eastward into NM
    during the afternoon hours Sunday. The ensemble QPF footprint upped
    the total precip forecast compared to the previous periods, a trend
    that was noted when assessing the QPF differential from 12z to 00z.
    This places the convective pattern towards those areas we've been
    highlighting all summer for flash flood concerns thanks to a
    plethora of burn scars located within the terrain across parts of
    NM. The previous forecast was relatively unchanged over AZ into the
    Four Corners, but the MRGL risk was expanded to include much of NM
    with a focus into the terrain over the Sangre de Cristos and the
    Sacramento Mountains. General QPF average between 0.25-0.75" is
    expected, but maxima of >1" will be plausible anywhere within the
    confines of the forecast risk area. A targeted SLGT risk is still
    possible, but the scattered nature of the convection forecast
    doesn't instill enough confidence at this time. A reassessment with
    the addition of CAMs guidance could sway that the other way, so
    stay tuned for future updates.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...Coastal Southern Mid Atlantic...

    A growing consensus for developing low pressure along the Carolina
    coast has popped up amongst the 00z deterministic with much of the
    global suite indicating surface cyclogenesis off the GA/SC coast,
    moving northwest towards the Eastern Carolinas with emphasis on
    North Carolina based on the latest runs. This is a fairly complex
    evolution but rooted within the proposed synoptic evolution as a
    strong block residing over the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic and
    steering pattern focused towards the Eastern Carolina coast
    sometime on Monday. The setup would allow for a steady easterly
    flow to preside over Eastern NC with the approach of the surface
    cyclone increasing a deep moist advective pattern in-of the coastal
    portions of the state. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has
    marked this potential disturbance with a 50% chance of developing
    into a tropical system within the next 72-96 hours which would
    invoke a growing confidence in something more organized that could
    promote greater tropical characteristics that would undoubtedly
    allow for some locally greater impacts than forecast. As of now,
    the SLGT from previous forecast was maintained, but adjusted to
    the north to account for the ensemble shift in the low pressure
    track and within the core of the heaviest QPF. The area from Myrtle
    Beach up through Cape Hatteras will have to monitor the potential
    closely as the chance for locally significant rainfall amounts have
    been scaled up since the last update. For now, the SLGT risk will
    suffice with the opportunity for a higher risk, pending the
    expected evolution of the disturbance.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...

    A weak surface low is forecast to develop in-of the Central Gulf
    coast by Monday morning with an increasing axis of convergence
    within the northern flank of the circulation. Elevated PWATs along
    with prominent instability located along the Gulf coast will
    amplify the threat of some locally enhanced rainfall prospects
    between Southern MS through Southern AL into the Western FL
    Panhandle. The main threat will continue to be urban flooding, but
    will have to monitor the area around Apalachicola closely thanks to
    significant rainfall the past few days with more anticipated prior
    to the period. This has allowed for a sharp degradation of the FFG
    indices normally in place for the area. A MRGL risk was introduced
    given the sneaky threat with a lot contingent on the expected
    development of a weak surface reflection along a quasi-stationary
    front situated along the Central Gulf coast.

    ...Western U.S...

    Increasing moisture nosing north ahead of an approaching deepening
    long wave trough axis will allow for the opportunity for widespread
    convective development across much of the Southwest U.S, extending
    north through the Great Basin and the Interior Pacific Northwest.
    Signals have been growing steadily for a large scale ascent pattern
    that would favor locally heavy precip in-of the areas above,
    especially across NV/UT/ID thanks to a premium diffluent upper
    pattern approaching the West Coast in the form of a potent trough,
    turned closed low by Monday morning. The setup would be conducive
    for totals exceeding 1" over a large area that normally does not
    see these types of totals very often. The PWAT anomaly forecast
    within the ensembles are approaching 2+ standard deviations above
    normal with the latest NAEFS indicating upwards of +3 deviations
    located across parts of NV into ID by the end of the period. If
    this setup maintains continuity, there's an expectation that a risk
    upgrade may be in order, especially since the upper pattern is
    favorable for widespread convective impacts into areas with
    climatologically low FFG indices.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6KhcoVTHYQQ0gB6R-q8S7QgrqS7VmF8OGqfc78DqMa7p= MD7GowVSUNaS0tGiKHiIHyHn5PNbAufELTR5lg7DJLMOxuQ$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6KhcoVTHYQQ0gB6R-q8S7QgrqS7VmF8OGqfc78DqMa7p= MD7GowVSUNaS0tGiKHiIHyHn5PNbAufELTR5lg7DOYxPYs0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6KhcoVTHYQQ0gB6R-q8S7QgrqS7VmF8OGqfc78DqMa7p= MD7GowVSUNaS0tGiKHiIHyHn5PNbAufELTR5lg7DLHgghiY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sat Sep 14 20:27:27 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 142027

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    427 PM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sat Sep 14 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024



    Radar and satellite imagery continued to show a broad cyclonic
    gyre situated across the southeastern U.S with a north- south band
    of convection bisecting the a good portion Alabama into Western
    Tennessee as of mid-morning. The surface reflection from what had
    been Francine will continue to become more diffuse over the next 6
    hrs with a degrading surface signature, leaving much of the flow
    tied to the leftover mid and upper lows associated with the storm.
    That said, the cyclonic spin from the tandem 850-500mb low(s) will
    allow for a continued favorable moisture stream around the
    circulation with small mid- level perturbations stuck over the same
    areas allowing for locally enhanced ascent within the confines of
    Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. Precipitable water values generally
    residing within the +1 standard deviation anomaly across the Deep
    South will be sufficient enough within the pattern to yield another
    round of scattered to widespread coverage of showers and
    thunderstorms across similar areas to those areas that were
    impacted on Friday. The difference is the magnitude of the
    convective pattern will be a bit less vigorous thanks to the
    weakening mid and upper low centers as denoted within all the
    recent guidance height fields. Still, the combination of the
    moisture anomaly and semi- favorable ascent under the remnant mid
    and upper lows will be plenty to offer another round of convection
    across the Deep South.

    To the northeast, a stout surface ridge will nose down further into
    the interior Southeast with a formidable easterly regime focused
    in-of Northern GA down into the Northwest side of AL. The
    combination of the cyclonic flow from the mid-level remnants and
    wedging associated with the surface ridge will create a tightened
    axis of convergence within the state of Alabama down into western
    Georgia. The 14/12Z CAMs available through 15Z remained well represented
    within the HREF mean QPF and associated neighborhood probability
    field. Given the expanding footprint of diminished flash flood
    guidance, the prospects of excessive rainfall will be increasing
    with additional rainfall. Signals for 1-2"/hr rainfall rates would
    also be sufficient to result in run off and flooding given the
    antecedent conditions. A higher end SLGT risk still seemed
    reasonable for this the forecast for a northwest to southeast
    oriented axis from northwestern Alabama to far southwest Georgia.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...
    Satellite and radar imagery showed showers and thunderstorms
    hugging the immediate coastline of near the Northern Carolina and
    South Carolina border with the heaviest rainfall off-shore. The
    convection was largely being driven/focused by a weak mid-level
    circulation that had little reflection at the surface. CAPE values
    over land are forecast to be pretty modest...on the order of 500
    to 1000 J per kg...with broad cloud cover but think there could be
    enough of an on- shore component north of the circulation center to
    draw some cells with 1 to 2 inch per hour rates inland.


    A surge of deep tropical moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana
    will make progress into the southern portion of Arizona by the
    middle to end of the forecast period. With sufficient diurnal
    heating anticipated this afternoon, the environment across southern
    and southeast Arizona should become sufficiently destabilized to
    support isolated to scattered thunderstorms in/near the terrain as
    depicted by latest HRRR and NAM NEST. A Marginal risk was
    maintained from previous forecast with only minor adjustments based
    within the HREF blended mean QPF footprint. Still think this area
    will have more favorability later on Day 2 as moisture continues
    to be drawn northward.

    ...South Florida...

    Surface trough located in proximity of South Florida will maintain
    a prevailing westerly flow across the southern part of the
    peninsula, placing the mean steering pattern pointed towards the
    population centers along the Southeast Florida coast in time for
    the sea breeze convective initiation this afternoon. Area
    precipitable water were around 2.25 inch as of 14/12Z...placing
    the area within the +1-2 standard deviation anomaly for the period.
    This environment will be conducive for convective generation just
    inland along the penetrating sea breeze in the afternoon with
    locally strong convective cores producing rainfall rates between
    2-3"/hr on initiation, moving towards the coast thanks to the
    prevailing steering flow. The 14/12Z HREF probabilities for 3-hour
    rainfall exceeding 3 hour flash flood guidance was generally in the
    10 to 15 percent range during the afternoon and the probability of
    rainfall rate exceeding 3 inches remained elevated. As such the
    threat remained within the middle grounds for flash flood concerns
    and maintenance of the Marginal Risk area with few changes along
    the southeastern FL coast encompassing the population centers.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    2030Z Day 2 Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    Overall...the previous outlook looked to be standing up well with
    time and the changes were few and minor. Models still point to deep
    moisture lingering over the southeast but the overall threat of
    excessive rainfall should be diminishing as the strength of the
    upper forcing wanes. Increasing moisture and mid- and upper-level=20
    height falls should combine to increase the excessive rainfall=20
    concern in the Southwest U.S. as much due to the chance for=20
    rainfall rates exceeding 0.3 inches per hour over the most=20
    sensitive burn scars and isolated 1 inch rainfall amounts=20


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Despite the remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine
    degrading in its presentation, another period of enhanced
    convective activity will spawn underneath the primary upper forcing
    lingering over the Southeastern U.S. There's a bit more emphasis on
    an axis of convection developing across portions of the Lower
    Mississippi Valley in-of AR and MS, extending southeast into parts
    of the Deep South, mainly Southern MS and AL. Areal PWATs will
    remain elevated within +1 standard deviations, enough of an anomaly
    to spur up some potential heavier convective cores that could
    result in some flash flood prospects, especially over any urban
    zones where run off potential is greatest. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF and the 75th percentile of the NBM indicate a fairly stout axis
    of heavier precip likely to occur under the influence of the upper
    low and remnant energy pivoting around the general circulation. The
    primary concerns will continue to be those locally heavy rates that
    will reach between 1-2"/hr with some intra-hour potential for
    heavier rates that typically cause more issues in this part of the
    country. A SLGT risk was added to the previous forecast with an
    adjustment southwest to the overall SLGT/MRGL risk areas to align
    with the current trends and ensemble forecast consensus on the
    heaviest precip location. The MRGL expands into the FL Panhandle to
    cover the area that has been hit pretty hard in the past 36 hours
    as isolated storms are still forecast for those areas that have
    seen copious amounts of rainfall in the above time span.


    Remnant moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana will continue to
    advect northward into the rest of the Desert Southwest with a
    trajectory towards the Four Corners, wrapping back eastward into NM
    during the afternoon hours Sunday. The ensemble QPF footprint upped
    the total precip forecast compared to the previous periods, a trend
    that was noted when assessing the QPF differential from 12z to 00z.
    This places the convective pattern towards those areas we've been
    highlighting all summer for flash flood concerns thanks to a
    plethora of burn scars located within the terrain across parts of
    NM. The previous forecast was relatively unchanged over AZ into the
    Four Corners, but the MRGL risk was expanded to include much of NM
    with a focus into the terrain over the Sangre de Cristos and the
    Sacramento Mountains. General QPF average between 0.25-0.75" is
    expected, but maxima of >1" will be plausible anywhere within the
    confines of the forecast risk area. A targeted SLGT risk is still
    possible, but the scattered nature of the convection forecast
    doesn't instill enough confidence at this time. A reassessment with
    the addition of CAMs guidance could sway that the other way, so
    stay tuned for future updates.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...2030Z Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    The 14/12Z model guidance continued to show somewhat better
    agreement amongst the individual model runs in terms of track and=20
    timing of a low pressure system that approaches the southern Mid=20
    Atlantic coastline on Monday but the spread was still considerable.
    The deterministic QPF from WPC tended to be closest to the 14/12Z=20
    UKMET run as a compromise between the faster GFS and slower ECMWF.=20
    Given the probabilistic nature of the EROs...expanded the Marginal=20
    and Slight areas a bit to account for uncertainty in track and in=20
    timing rather than an increased confidence in the extent of areal=20
    coverage. With that caveat...it does appear that some locally heavy
    rainfall is possible somewhere to the Southern Mid Atlantic=20 region...generally confined near the coast...beginning late Monday=20
    night or in the early morning hours of Tuesday that persists beyond
    the end of the short- range excessive rainfall outlook period.

    In the Western United States...the amplification of a synoptic
    scale trough and lingering moisture should result in an additional
    round of showers and thunderstorms with rainfall rates high enough
    to produce isolated run off problems. Saw no reason to make any
    changes to the on-going Marginal risk area.


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Coastal Southern Mid Atlantic...

    A growing consensus for developing low pressure along the Carolina
    coast has popped up amongst the 00z deterministic with much of the
    global suite indicating surface cyclogenesis off the GA/SC coast,
    moving northwest towards the Eastern Carolinas with emphasis on
    North Carolina based on the latest runs. This is a fairly complex
    evolution but rooted within the proposed synoptic evolution as a
    strong block residing over the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic and
    steering pattern focused towards the Eastern Carolina coast
    sometime on Monday. The setup would allow for a steady easterly
    flow to preside over Eastern NC with the approach of the surface
    cyclone increasing a deep moist advective pattern in-of the coastal
    portions of the state. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has
    marked this potential disturbance with a 50% chance of developing
    into a tropical system within the next 72-96 hours which would
    invoke a growing confidence in something more organized that could
    promote greater tropical characteristics that would undoubtedly
    allow for some locally greater impacts than forecast. As of now,
    the SLGT from previous forecast was maintained, but adjusted to
    the north to account for the ensemble shift in the low pressure
    track and within the core of the heaviest QPF. The area from Myrtle
    Beach up through Cape Hatteras will have to monitor the potential
    closely as the chance for locally significant rainfall amounts have
    been scaled up since the last update. For now, the SLGT risk will
    suffice with the opportunity for a higher risk, pending the
    expected evolution of the disturbance.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...

    A weak surface low is forecast to develop in-of the Central Gulf
    coast by Monday morning with an increasing axis of convergence
    within the northern flank of the circulation. Elevated PWATs along
    with prominent instability located along the Gulf coast will
    amplify the threat of some locally enhanced rainfall prospects
    between Southern MS through Southern AL into the Western FL
    Panhandle. The main threat will continue to be urban flooding, but
    will have to monitor the area around Apalachicola closely thanks to
    significant rainfall the past few days with more anticipated prior
    to the period. This has allowed for a sharp degradation of the FFG
    indices normally in place for the area. A MRGL risk was introduced
    given the sneaky threat with a lot contingent on the expected
    development of a weak surface reflection along a quasi-stationary
    front situated along the Central Gulf coast.

    ...Western U.S...

    Increasing moisture nosing north ahead of an approaching deepening
    long wave trough axis will allow for the opportunity for widespread
    convective development across much of the Southwest U.S, extending
    north through the Great Basin and the Interior Pacific Northwest.
    Signals have been growing steadily for a large scale ascent pattern
    that would favor locally heavy precip in-of the areas above,
    especially across NV/UT/ID thanks to a premium diffluent upper
    pattern approaching the West Coast in the form of a potent trough,
    turned closed low by Monday morning. The setup would be conducive
    for totals exceeding 1" over a large area that normally does not
    see these types of totals very often. The PWAT anomaly forecast
    within the ensembles are approaching 2+ standard deviations above
    normal with the latest NAEFS indicating upwards of +3 deviations
    located across parts of NV into ID by the end of the period. If
    this setup maintains continuity, there's an expectation that a risk
    upgrade may be in order, especially since the upper pattern is
    favorable for widespread convective impacts into areas with
    climatologically low FFG indices.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9j3f8hfTWBF0dIPDcpAvFbiBSRjRNzZoztWSBnzUA8e2= tB79eud-fB6g9UHJctuKuyguBG28qpK2KqTz1fVwbHGqY34$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9j3f8hfTWBF0dIPDcpAvFbiBSRjRNzZoztWSBnzUA8e2= tB79eud-fB6g9UHJctuKuyguBG28qpK2KqTz1fVwcQtpmD0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9j3f8hfTWBF0dIPDcpAvFbiBSRjRNzZoztWSBnzUA8e2= tB79eud-fB6g9UHJctuKuyguBG28qpK2KqTz1fVwagJPTXY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 00:44:24 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 150044

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    844 PM EDT Sat Sep 14 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024


    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Based on the latest observational trends (including mosaic radar
    and IR/WV satellite loops and SPC mesoanalysis), along with the
    recent HRRRs and 18Z HREF suite, have pared both the Slight and
    Marginal Risk areas at 0100Z. Elongated NW-SE oriented mid level
    vort lobe across the Mid-South (incorporating remnants of Francine)
    continues to undergo shear between the 588dm H5 ridge centered
    across the eastern Great Lakes and the flat 588dm ridge nudging=20
    into the Southern Plains. Along this ribbon of better upper level=20
    forcing between the two large-scale ridges is an accompanying=20
    uptick in low-level moisture transport along an axis of higher TWP=20 (1.75-2.00"). However, convective trends have been on the downswing
    of late this evening given the diminishing deep-layer instability=20
    (negative MUCAPE trends over the past 3 hours per the SPC=20
    mesoanalysis). This has resulted in some decay in both coverage and
    intensity of the convection, however the deep-layer forcing and=20 thermodynamic profile will nevertheless support 1-1.5"/hr rates=20
    underneath the strongest cores overnight. Have confined the Slight=20
    Risk over areas in AL and southwest GA where the recent rainfall=20
    was heaviest (current soil moisture percentiles aoa 95%), and as=20
    such where 3 hourly FFG values are as low as 1-1.5" in spots.=20


    ...Previous Discussion...
    Radar and satellite imagery continued to show a broad cyclonic=20
    gyre situated across the southeastern U.S with a north- south band=20
    of convection bisecting the a good portion Alabama into Western=20
    Tennessee as of mid-morning. The surface reflection from what had=20
    been Francine will continue to become more diffuse over the next 6=20
    hrs with a degrading surface signature, leaving much of the flow=20
    tied to the leftover mid and upper lows associated with the storm.=20
    That said, the cyclonic spin from the tandem 850-500mb low(s) will=20
    allow for a continued favorable moisture stream around the=20
    circulation with small mid- level perturbations stuck over the same
    areas allowing for locally enhanced ascent within the confines of=20
    Alabama, Georgia and Tennessee. Precipitable water values generally
    residing within the +1 standard deviation anomaly across the Deep=20
    South will be sufficient enough within the pattern to yield another
    round of scattered to widespread coverage of showers and=20
    thunderstorms across similar areas to those areas that were=20
    impacted on Friday. The difference is the magnitude of the=20
    convective pattern will be a bit less vigorous thanks to the=20
    weakening mid and upper low centers as denoted within all the=20
    recent guidance height fields. Still, the combination of the=20
    moisture anomaly and semi- favorable ascent under the remnant mid=20
    and upper lows will be plenty to offer another round of convection=20
    across the Deep South.

    To the northeast, a stout surface ridge will nose down further into
    the interior Southeast with a formidable easterly regime focused
    in-of Northern GA down into the Northwest side of AL. The
    combination of the cyclonic flow from the mid-level remnants and
    wedging associated with the surface ridge will create a tightened
    axis of convergence within the state of Alabama down into western
    Georgia. The 14/12Z CAMs available through 15Z remained well represented
    within the HREF mean QPF and associated neighborhood probability
    field. Given the expanding footprint of diminished flash flood
    guidance, the prospects of excessive rainfall will be increasing
    with additional rainfall. Signals for 1-2"/hr rainfall rates would
    also be sufficient to result in run off and flooding given the
    antecedent conditions. A higher end SLGT risk still seemed
    reasonable for this the forecast for a northwest to southeast
    oriented axis from northwestern Alabama to far southwest Georgia.

    ...Coastal Carolinas...
    Satellite and radar imagery showed showers and thunderstorms
    hugging the immediate coastline of near the Northern Carolina and
    South Carolina border with the heaviest rainfall off-shore. The
    convection was largely being driven/focused by a weak mid-level
    circulation that had little reflection at the surface. CAPE values
    over land are forecast to be pretty modest...on the order of 500
    to 1000 J per kg...with broad cloud cover but think there could be
    enough of an on- shore component north of the circulation center to
    draw some cells with 1 to 2 inch per hour rates inland.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    2030Z Day 2 Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    Overall...the previous outlook looked to be standing up well with
    time and the changes were few and minor. Models still point to deep
    moisture lingering over the southeast but the overall threat of
    excessive rainfall should be diminishing as the strength of the
    upper forcing wanes. Increasing moisture and mid- and upper-level
    height falls should combine to increase the excessive rainfall
    concern in the Southwest U.S. as much due to the chance for
    rainfall rates exceeding 0.3 inches per hour over the most
    sensitive burn scars and isolated 1 inch rainfall amounts


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Despite the remnant mid and upper circulation from Francine
    degrading in its presentation, another period of enhanced
    convective activity will spawn underneath the primary upper forcing
    lingering over the Southeastern U.S. There's a bit more emphasis on
    an axis of convection developing across portions of the Lower
    Mississippi Valley in-of AR and MS, extending southeast into parts
    of the Deep South, mainly Southern MS and AL. Areal PWATs will
    remain elevated within +1 standard deviations, enough of an anomaly
    to spur up some potential heavier convective cores that could
    result in some flash flood prospects, especially over any urban
    zones where run off potential is greatest. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF and the 75th percentile of the NBM indicate a fairly stout axis
    of heavier precip likely to occur under the influence of the upper
    low and remnant energy pivoting around the general circulation. The
    primary concerns will continue to be those locally heavy rates that
    will reach between 1-2"/hr with some intra-hour potential for
    heavier rates that typically cause more issues in this part of the
    country. A SLGT risk was added to the previous forecast with an
    adjustment southwest to the overall SLGT/MRGL risk areas to align
    with the current trends and ensemble forecast consensus on the
    heaviest precip location. The MRGL expands into the FL Panhandle to
    cover the area that has been hit pretty hard in the past 36 hours
    as isolated storms are still forecast for those areas that have
    seen copious amounts of rainfall in the above time span.


    Remnant moisture from now Tropical Storm Ileana will continue to
    advect northward into the rest of the Desert Southwest with a
    trajectory towards the Four Corners, wrapping back eastward into NM
    during the afternoon hours Sunday. The ensemble QPF footprint upped
    the total precip forecast compared to the previous periods, a trend
    that was noted when assessing the QPF differential from 12z to 00z.
    This places the convective pattern towards those areas we've been
    highlighting all summer for flash flood concerns thanks to a
    plethora of burn scars located within the terrain across parts of
    NM. The previous forecast was relatively unchanged over AZ into the
    Four Corners, but the MRGL risk was expanded to include much of NM
    with a focus into the terrain over the Sangre de Cristos and the
    Sacramento Mountains. General QPF average between 0.25-0.75" is
    expected, but maxima of >1" will be plausible anywhere within the
    confines of the forecast risk area. A targeted SLGT risk is still
    possible, but the scattered nature of the convection forecast
    doesn't instill enough confidence at this time. A reassessment with
    the addition of CAMs guidance could sway that the other way, so
    stay tuned for future updates.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...2030Z Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    The 14/12Z model guidance continued to show somewhat better
    agreement amongst the individual model runs in terms of track and
    timing of a low pressure system that approaches the southern Mid
    Atlantic coastline on Monday but the spread was still considerable.
    The deterministic QPF from WPC tended to be closest to the 14/12Z
    UKMET run as a compromise between the faster GFS and slower ECMWF.
    Given the probabilistic nature of the EROs...expanded the Marginal
    and Slight areas a bit to account for uncertainty in track and in
    timing rather than an increased confidence in the extent of areal
    coverage. With that caveat...it does appear that some locally heavy
    rainfall is possible somewhere to the Southern Mid Atlantic
    region...generally confined near the coast...beginning late Monday
    night or in the early morning hours of Tuesday that persists beyond
    the end of the short- range excessive rainfall outlook period.

    In the Western United States...the amplification of a synoptic
    scale trough and lingering moisture should result in an additional
    round of showers and thunderstorms with rainfall rates high enough
    to produce isolated run off problems. Saw no reason to make any
    changes to the on-going Marginal risk area.


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Coastal Southern Mid Atlantic...

    A growing consensus for developing low pressure along the Carolina
    coast has popped up amongst the 00z deterministic with much of the
    global suite indicating surface cyclogenesis off the GA/SC coast,
    moving northwest towards the Eastern Carolinas with emphasis on
    North Carolina based on the latest runs. This is a fairly complex
    evolution but rooted within the proposed synoptic evolution as a
    strong block residing over the Northeast and Northwest Atlantic and
    steering pattern focused towards the Eastern Carolina coast
    sometime on Monday. The setup would allow for a steady easterly
    flow to preside over Eastern NC with the approach of the surface
    cyclone increasing a deep moist advective pattern in-of the coastal
    portions of the state. The National Hurricane Center (NHC) has
    marked this potential disturbance with a 50% chance of developing
    into a tropical system within the next 72-96 hours which would
    invoke a growing confidence in something more organized that could
    promote greater tropical characteristics that would undoubtedly
    allow for some locally greater impacts than forecast. As of now,
    the SLGT from previous forecast was maintained, but adjusted to
    the north to account for the ensemble shift in the low pressure
    track and within the core of the heaviest QPF. The area from Myrtle
    Beach up through Cape Hatteras will have to monitor the potential
    closely as the chance for locally significant rainfall amounts have
    been scaled up since the last update. For now, the SLGT risk will
    suffice with the opportunity for a higher risk, pending the
    expected evolution of the disturbance.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...

    A weak surface low is forecast to develop in-of the Central Gulf
    coast by Monday morning with an increasing axis of convergence
    within the northern flank of the circulation. Elevated PWATs along
    with prominent instability located along the Gulf coast will
    amplify the threat of some locally enhanced rainfall prospects
    between Southern MS through Southern AL into the Western FL
    Panhandle. The main threat will continue to be urban flooding, but
    will have to monitor the area around Apalachicola closely thanks to
    significant rainfall the past few days with more anticipated prior
    to the period. This has allowed for a sharp degradation of the FFG
    indices normally in place for the area. A MRGL risk was introduced
    given the sneaky threat with a lot contingent on the expected
    development of a weak surface reflection along a quasi-stationary
    front situated along the Central Gulf coast.

    ...Western U.S...

    Increasing moisture nosing north ahead of an approaching deepening
    long wave trough axis will allow for the opportunity for widespread
    convective development across much of the Southwest U.S, extending
    north through the Great Basin and the Interior Pacific Northwest.
    Signals have been growing steadily for a large scale ascent pattern
    that would favor locally heavy precip in-of the areas above,
    especially across NV/UT/ID thanks to a premium diffluent upper
    pattern approaching the West Coast in the form of a potent trough,
    turned closed low by Monday morning. The setup would be conducive
    for totals exceeding 1" over a large area that normally does not
    see these types of totals very often. The PWAT anomaly forecast
    within the ensembles are approaching 2+ standard deviations above
    normal with the latest NAEFS indicating upwards of +3 deviations
    located across parts of NV into ID by the end of the period. If
    this setup maintains continuity, there's an expectation that a risk
    upgrade may be in order, especially since the upper pattern is
    favorable for widespread convective impacts into areas with
    climatologically low FFG indices.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SN6gDBhs9D3yJza_Df_saEFXAyWy2Ug89RhtpjgQiFp= 1Q63Vz3uorI3Oz8d9tcs6oHQiBe9hIXgZfW85cvrdtHSOvU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SN6gDBhs9D3yJza_Df_saEFXAyWy2Ug89RhtpjgQiFp= 1Q63Vz3uorI3Oz8d9tcs6oHQiBe9hIXgZfW85cvroHaellE$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9SN6gDBhs9D3yJza_Df_saEFXAyWy2Ug89RhtpjgQiFp= 1Q63Vz3uorI3Oz8d9tcs6oHQiBe9hIXgZfW85cvrnNs4UvY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 09:12:17 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 150911

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    511 AM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    ...Central Gulf Coast into MS...
    The setup that has resulted in a convective bands and locally=20
    heavy rainfall the past couple days will continue today, just=20
    shifted a bit to the southwest. Lingering mid level energy and low=20
    level convergence will result in convection today from coastal AL=20 northwestward across MS and into eastern AR. The persistence of the
    convergence will allow for some training/backbuilding potential=20
    locally increasing rainfall totals. The overlap of strongest=20
    convergence and higher instability looks to focus closer to the=20
    Gulf Coast today, across portions of coastal MS/AL and the western=20
    FL Panhandle. The flash flood risk is likely highest across these=20
    areas, with 5"+ HREF neighborhood probabilities as high as 50-80%.=20
    HREF guidance indicates one round of potential backbuilding cells=20
    this afternoon, with another round possible late tonight into=20
    early Monday. Given this signal the Slight risk was expanded into=20
    this region, and do consider this area to be a higher end Slight=20
    risk, with locally significant flash flooding a possibility given=20
    what should be very efficient rainfall producers.

    The flash flood risk is a bit lower further north across MS and AR
    given weaker instability and what should generally be more
    transient convective cells. Nonetheless some training/backbuilding
    is still possible, and soil saturation is still above average due=20
    to rainfall from Francine a few days ago. Thus still think a=20
    Slight risk is warranted, with isolated to scattered flash flooding

    ....Coastal Carolinas...
    An area of low pressure off the southeast coast may bring heavy
    rainfall into portions of coastal SC/NC between 06z-12z Monday. The
    GFS remains a fast outlier in bringing heavy rainfall inland from
    this system, and thus is not a preferred solution. While there is
    still some spread amongst the other model solutions, some form of
    consensus is developing. This consensus would suggest that some=20
    bands of locally heavy rainfall may get into coastal portions of=20
    the Carolinas early Monday. Still think the greater flash flood=20
    risk ends up after 12z Monday, but can not rule out some heavier=20
    totals right along the coast by 12z...and thus will introduce a=20
    Marginal risk.

    ...South TX...
    A small Marginal risk was added to far southern TX. Will likely be
    an active convective day across northeast MX today, with easterly
    low level flow advecting in moisture off the Gulf, and westerly
    mid/upper flow bringing in tropical moisture off the Pacific. Low
    level convergence should be enhanced in this pattern, and also=20
    have some mid/upper level energy to work with as well. In general=20
    expect the bulk of convective activity to be over northeast MX=20
    where convergence is strongest, however there is at least some=20
    threat far south TX can see some activity as well. Guidance=20
    indicates that any convection that organizes over south TX should=20
    drop back south into MX, however there is an opportunity for some=20
    slow moving cells later this morning or afternoon before this=20
    propagation takes hold.

    A Marginal risk covers portions of AZ and NM today where a=20
    localized flash flood risk may exist. This risk area was reduced in
    size to just cover areas where convective coverage should be a bit
    greater and instability more pronounced. Rainfall over the=20
    Marginal risk area could locally exceed 1" which could produce an=20
    isolated flash flood over any more susceptible basins.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...Carolinas into Virginia...
    An area of low pressure will likely move into portions of NC on
    Monday bringing a heavy rainfall threat to the area. Confidence is
    increasing that this system will have a notable core of heavy=20
    rainfall near the center and heavy convective banding to the east=20
    of the center. The threat of flash flooding across portions of=20
    eastern NC appears to be increasing, with locally significant=20
    impacts possible. With that said there remains some model spread=20
    regarding the location of landfall and the structure/intensity of=20
    the system.=20

    Like was mentioned in the day 1 discussion, think the 00z GFS
    remains a less likely fast and west outlier with this system on=20
    day 2. After discounting that solution the overall model consensus
    improves, although not without some notable spread. The 00z NAM=20
    and Gem Reg are two of the stronger and further south solutions,=20
    with the 00z CMC and UKMET further east over coastal NC. With the=20
    high res models you have the 00z 3km NAM and ARW stronger/quicker=20
    and further south near the SC/NC border, and the HRRR and ARW2 a=20
    bit slower/weaker and north. Overall it appears that the earlier=20
    the low begins to deepen the stronger, quicker and further south it
    moves ashore. Where as the models with a slower developing low=20
    keep it a bit weaker and east over NC. At the moment do not really=20
    have a strong preference, with things likely becoming clearer today
    as the low begins to become more well defined offshore.

    The above described uncertainties will keep us from upgrading to a
    MDT risk at this time. However do consider this a higher end=20
    Slight risk across portions of southeast NC. Wile the details still
    need to be ironed out, what we can say is that the flash flood=20
    risk from this system is increasing and locally significant flash=20
    flooding is possible over portions of eastern NC (and possibly=20
    northeast SC depending on the track). Just about every model=20
    solution brings a low pressure ashore with locally heavy rainfall=20
    near and east of the center...however enough spread still exists=20
    with the track and intensity of the system to keep the risk level=20
    at Slight for now. Once the low develops and confidence on the
    evolution of the system continues to increase, a MDT risk upgrade
    may be needed.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Some flash flood risk will likely linger across portions of the
    central Gulf Coast into southeast AR on Monday. However the pattern
    becomes gradually less favorable with time, and thus currently
    expecting that only a localized flash flood risk will linger into

    ...Southwest to Four Corners... A strong deep layered low moving=20
    into the CA will result in an uptick in large scale forcing over=20
    portions of the Southwest on Monday. Broad south to southwesterly=20
    flow ahead of this feature will also advect moisture into the=20
    region, and should have plenty of instability and moisture in=20
    place for locally heavy rainfall within convection. Given the=20
    increased forcing convective coverage should be notable over the=20
    region, suggesting at least an isolated flash flood threat. Cell=20
    motions should be fairly quick off to the northeast limiting the=20
    duration of heaviest rainfall and the overall flash flood risk.=20
    However with the persistent forcing in place areas could see=20
    multiple convective cells/clusters move through over the period=20
    adding to rainfall totals.

    An axis of higher areal averaged rainfall is likely closer to the
    stronger forcing underneath the deep layered low over portions of=20
    northern NV, southeast OR and into ID. On Monday morning there is=20
    some signal for potential training rainfall bands over portions of
    NV, although instability looks rather weak, suggesting rainfall=20
    rates may struggle to get high enough for flash flooding.=20
    Nonetheless will need to be monitored and some areas of 1-2" of=20
    rainfall are possible, which for some of this area could be around=20
    a 5yr ARI event. Thus even without higher rates some areal flooding
    is a possibility. By Monday afternoon we should see some increase=20
    in instability over the broader region likely allowing for some=20
    heavier convective cells. However currently expecting these cells=20
    to be rather quick moving. Thus overall think a Marginal risk=20
    should suffice, with localized flooding concerns a possibility.

    A Marginal risk was added across portions of ND and MN. Model=20
    guidance shows a lifting warm front, mid level vort energy moving=20
    through, and divergent flow aloft between two jet streaks...likely
    enough forcing to get convective development Monday into Monday=20
    night. Convective details differ from model to model, but the=20
    overall ingredients are similar and instability should be=20
    plentiful. Overall the threat is there for an axis of training=20
    and/or backbuilding convection within the Marginal risk area, and=20
    some flash flooding could evolve.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    The coastal low pressure system described in the day 2 discussion=20
    will move inland across the Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday. Just like on=20
    the previous days the GFS is an outlier and not a preferred=20
    solution. Taking a non-GFS consensus yields a broad area of heavy=20
    rain potential over the Mid-Atlantic. Despite areal averaged QPF of
    1-3" in the WPC QPF, and several models showing even higher=20
    totals, the risk level was left at Marginal for now. The system=20
    should be weakening fairly quickly as it moves inland, so there=20
    remain some questions with regards to the structure of the system=20
    by Tuesday.

    Expect the heavy rainfall near the center of the low to lose
    intensity as the low weakens and the area of rain moves away from=20
    the better instability. However if the low moves towards the=20
    central Appalachians then upslope enhancement could make up for=20
    this to some extent and drive a flash flood risk. Thus can not=20
    rule out a Slight risk upgrade over portions of western/northern=20
    VA, but questions with the Storm track, structure and instability=20
    suggest keeping things at a Marginal level is best for now.

    We should still be seeing some convective banding east of the=20
    center across the coastal plain from eastern VA into MD and DE.=20
    However, still some questions regarding the degree of instability=20
    present and how transient the convective bands will end up being.

    Overall think a broad Slight risk might be overkill at the moment
    given these questions. At least some flash flood risk likely=20
    exists and the Marginal risk covers that threat. As confidence=20
    increases upgrades may need to be considered near the center of the
    low (if instability ends up persisting and/or terrain influences=20
    are maximized), and another area somewhere along the coastal plain=20
    if enough instability and persistent banding look more likely.=20

    ...FL Panhandle...
    The risk of flash flooding across the Southeast continues to
    decrease on Tuesday as forcing weakens and dry air wraps in behind
    the Atlantic coastal low. However some risk of backbuilding=20
    convection may persist along portions of the FL Panhandle.=20
    Confidence is lower by this point, but enough of a threat to=20
    continue with the Marginal risk.

    ...ID and MT...
    The strong deep layer low that was over CA/NV on Monday will shift northeastward into ID and MT on Tuesday. Overall looks to be
    impressive forcing over the region and expect a rather widespread=20
    1-1.5" rainfall. However most of this rainfall will more than=20
    likely be stratiform in nature as the low deepens and forcing=20
    persists. The lack of more intense rainfall rates should limit the
    flash flood risk, although some areal flooding concerns are=20
    possible given the widespread nature of the moderate to heavy=20
    rainfall. The better instability and risk of higher rates will be=20
    over eastern MT, but expect convection will tend to be quick=20
    moving here. Thus this area should see lower coverage of heavy=20
    rainfall, but a better chance of localized flash flooding given the
    higher rate potential.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_xl7HvISLHsAkmd9HDx5JuHoqH_E-tOhDUnllHu7Jd-q= fdc1CqdN5zZ5sNBe4rPdxj4d1rMaEzwAX91sT_5SvIK_LQQ$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_xl7HvISLHsAkmd9HDx5JuHoqH_E-tOhDUnllHu7Jd-q= fdc1CqdN5zZ5sNBe4rPdxj4d1rMaEzwAX91sT_5SPSQM914$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_xl7HvISLHsAkmd9HDx5JuHoqH_E-tOhDUnllHu7Jd-q= fdc1CqdN5zZ5sNBe4rPdxj4d1rMaEzwAX91sT_5SIHKTlYY$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 15:59:55 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 151559

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1159 AM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    1630Z Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area northward as far as Webb county
    along the international border as another area of showers and=20
    thunderstorms were approaching from the west. The better=20
    rates/amounts will likely be confined to areas along the southern=20
    border near the better instability...but the northward expansion of
    the Marginal risk area covers the potential for isolated run-off=20
    problems where this afternoon convection overlaps with an area=20
    that received isolated heavy rainfall amounts from convection=20
    overnight. In addition...a few of the high resolution models=20
    suggest the potential for slow moving cells. Any problems should
    remain isolated given the flash flood guidance values. Few changes
    were needed elswhere with this issuance.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Central Gulf Coast into Mississippi...=20
    The setup that has resulted in a convective bands and locally=20
    heavy rainfall the past couple days will continue today, just=20
    shifted a bit to the southwest. Lingering mid level energy and low=20
    level convergence will result in convection today from coastal AL=20 northwestward across MS and into eastern Arkansas. The persistence
    of the convergence will allow for some training/backbuilding=20
    potential locally increasing rainfall totals. The overlap of=20
    strongest convergence and higher instability looks to focus closer=20
    to the Gulf Coast today, across portions of coastal MS/AL and the=20
    western FL Panhandle. The flash flood risk is likely highest across
    these areas, with 5"+ HREF neighborhood probabilities as high as=20
    50-80%. HREF guidance indicates one round of potential backbuilding
    cells this afternoon, with another round possible late tonight=20
    into early Monday. Given this signal the Slight risk was expanded=20
    into this region, and do consider this area to be a higher end=20
    Slight risk, with locally significant flash flooding a possibility=20
    given what should be very efficient rainfall producers.

    The flash flood risk is a bit lower farther north across
    Mississippi and Arkansas given weaker instability and what should=20
    generally be more transient convective cells. Nonetheless some=20 training/backbuilding is still possible, and soil saturation is=20
    still above average due to rainfall from Francine a few days ago.=20
    Thus still think a Slight risk is warranted, with isolated to=20
    scattered flash flooding possible.

    ....Coastal Carolinas...
    An area of low pressure off the southeast coast may bring heavy
    rainfall into portions of coastal South Carolina/North Carolina=20=20
    between 06z-12z Monday. The GFS remains a fast outlier in bringing=20
    heavy rainfall inland from this system, and thus is not a preferred
    solution. While there is still some spread amongst the other model
    solutions, some form of consensus is developing. This consensus=20
    would suggest that some bands of locally heavy rainfall may get=20
    into coastal portions of the Carolinas early Monday. Still think=20
    the greater flash flood risk ends up after 12z Monday, but can not=20
    rule out some heavier totals right along the coast by 12z...and=20
    thus will introduce a Marginal risk.

    ...South TX...
    A small Marginal risk was added to far southern Texas. Will likely
    be an active convective day across northeast Mexico today, with=20
    easterly low level flow advecting in moisture off the Gulf, and=20
    westerly mid/upper flow bringing in tropical moisture off the=20
    Pacific. Low level convergence should be enhanced in this pattern,=20
    and also have some mid/upper level energy to work with as well. In=20
    general expect the bulk of convective activity to be over northeast
    MX where convergence is strongest, however there is at least some=20
    threat far south Texas can see some activity as well. Guidance=20
    indicates that any convection that organizes over south Texas=20
    should drop back south into Mexico, however there is an=20
    opportunity for some slow moving cells later this morning or=20
    afternoon before this propagation takes hold.

    A Marginal risk covers portions of Arizona and New Mexico today=20
    where a localized flash flood risk may exist. This risk area was=20
    reduced in size to just cover areas where convective coverage=20
    should be a bit greater and instability more pronounced. Rainfall=20
    over the Marginal risk area could locally exceed 1" which could=20
    produce an isolated flash flood over any more susceptible basins.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...Carolinas into Virginia...
    An area of low pressure will likely move into portions of NC on
    Monday bringing a heavy rainfall threat to the area. Confidence is
    increasing that this system will have a notable core of heavy
    rainfall near the center and heavy convective banding to the east
    of the center. The threat of flash flooding across portions of
    eastern NC appears to be increasing, with locally significant
    impacts possible. With that said there remains some model spread
    regarding the location of landfall and the structure/intensity of
    the system.

    Like was mentioned in the day 1 discussion, think the 00z GFS
    remains a less likely fast and west outlier with this system on
    day 2. After discounting that solution the overall model consensus
    improves, although not without some notable spread. The 00z NAM
    and Gem Reg are two of the stronger and farther south solutions,
    with the 00z CMC and UKMET further east over coastal NC. With the
    high res models you have the 00Z 3km NAM and ARW stronger/quicker=20
    and further south near the SC/NC border, and the HRRR and ARW2 a=20
    bit slower/weaker and north. Overall it appears that the earlier=20
    the low begins to deepen the stronger, quicker and further south it
    moves ashore. Where as the models with a slower developing low=20
    keep it a bit weaker and east over NC. At the moment do not really=20
    have a strong preference, with things likely becoming clearer today
    as the low begins to become more well defined offshore.

    The above described uncertainties will keep us from upgrading to a
    MDT risk at this time. However do consider this a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of southeast NC. Wile the details still
    need to be ironed out, what we can say is that the flash flood
    risk from this system is increasing and locally significant flash
    flooding is possible over portions of eastern NC (and possibly
    northeast SC depending on the track). Just about every model
    solution brings a low pressure ashore with locally heavy rainfall
    near and east of the center...however enough spread still exists
    with the track and intensity of the system to keep the risk level
    at Slight for now. Once the low develops and confidence on the
    evolution of the system continues to increase, a MDT risk upgrade
    may be needed.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Some flash flood risk will likely linger across portions of the
    central Gulf Coast into southeast AR on Monday. However the pattern
    becomes gradually less favorable with time, and thus currently
    expecting that only a localized flash flood risk will linger into

    ...Southwest to Four Corners... A strong deep layered low moving
    into the CA will result in an uptick in large scale forcing over
    portions of the Southwest on Monday. Broad south to southwesterly
    flow ahead of this feature will also advect moisture into the
    region, and should have plenty of instability and moisture in
    place for locally heavy rainfall within convection. Given the
    increased forcing convective coverage should be notable over the
    region, suggesting at least an isolated flash flood threat. Cell
    motions should be fairly quick off to the northeast limiting the
    duration of heaviest rainfall and the overall flash flood risk.
    However with the persistent forcing in place areas could see
    multiple convective cells/clusters move through over the period
    adding to rainfall totals.

    An axis of higher areal averaged rainfall is likely closer to the
    stronger forcing underneath the deep layered low over portions of
    northern NV, southeast OR and into ID. On Monday morning there is
    some signal for potential training rainfall bands over portions of
    NV, although instability looks rather weak, suggesting rainfall
    rates may struggle to get high enough for flash flooding.
    Nonetheless will need to be monitored and some areas of 1-2" of
    rainfall are possible, which for some of this area could be around
    a 5yr ARI event. Thus even without higher rates some areal flooding
    is a possibility. By Monday afternoon we should see some increase
    in instability over the broader region likely allowing for some
    heavier convective cells. However currently expecting these cells
    to be rather quick moving. Thus overall think a Marginal risk
    should suffice, with localized flooding concerns a possibility.

    A Marginal risk was added across portions of ND and MN. Model
    guidance shows a lifting warm front, mid level vort energy moving
    through, and divergent flow aloft between two jet streaks...likely
    enough forcing to get convective development Monday into Monday
    night. Convective details differ from model to model, but the
    overall ingredients are similar and instability should be
    plentiful. Overall the threat is there for an axis of training
    and/or backbuilding convection within the Marginal risk area, and
    some flash flooding could evolve.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    The coastal low pressure system described in the day 2 discussion
    will move inland across the Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday. Just like on
    the previous days the GFS is an outlier and not a preferred
    solution. Taking a non-GFS consensus yields a broad area of heavy
    rain potential over the Mid-Atlantic. Despite areal averaged QPF of
    1-3" in the WPC QPF, and several models showing even higher
    totals, the risk level was left at Marginal for now. The system
    should be weakening fairly quickly as it moves inland, so there
    remain some questions with regards to the structure of the system
    by Tuesday.

    Expect the heavy rainfall near the center of the low to lose
    intensity as the low weakens and the area of rain moves away from
    the better instability. However if the low moves towards the
    central Appalachians then upslope enhancement could make up for
    this to some extent and drive a flash flood risk. Thus can not
    rule out a Slight risk upgrade over portions of western/northern
    VA, but questions with the Storm track, structure and instability
    suggest keeping things at a Marginal level is best for now.

    We should still be seeing some convective banding east of the
    center across the coastal plain from eastern VA into MD and DE.
    However, still some questions regarding the degree of instability
    present and how transient the convective bands will end up being.

    Overall think a broad Slight risk might be overkill at the moment
    given these questions. At least some flash flood risk likely
    exists and the Marginal risk covers that threat. As confidence
    increases upgrades may need to be considered near the center of the
    low (if instability ends up persisting and/or terrain influences
    are maximized), and another area somewhere along the coastal plain
    if enough instability and persistent banding look more likely.

    ...FL Panhandle...
    The risk of flash flooding across the Southeast continues to
    decrease on Tuesday as forcing weakens and dry air wraps in behind
    the Atlantic coastal low. However some risk of backbuilding
    convection may persist along portions of the FL Panhandle.
    Confidence is lower by this point, but enough of a threat to
    continue with the Marginal risk.

    ...ID and MT...
    The strong deep layer low that was over CA/NV on Monday will shift northeastward into ID and MT on Tuesday. Overall looks to be
    impressive forcing over the region and expect a rather widespread
    1-1.5" rainfall. However most of this rainfall will more than
    likely be stratiform in nature as the low deepens and forcing
    persists. The lack of more intense rainfall rates should limit the
    flash flood risk, although some areal flooding concerns are
    possible given the widespread nature of the moderate to heavy
    rainfall. The better instability and risk of higher rates will be
    over eastern MT, but expect convection will tend to be quick
    moving here. Thus this area should see lower coverage of heavy
    rainfall, but a better chance of localized flash flooding given the
    higher rate potential.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-JHQtUkjeArudO4coAtkJR-AOzD3LdyfI41qiRnwY9_U= PQWagqYg6JepzHgcRFq3UzQYLGAOHZ_M6B_FLX9EYReacNw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-JHQtUkjeArudO4coAtkJR-AOzD3LdyfI41qiRnwY9_U= PQWagqYg6JepzHgcRFq3UzQYLGAOHZ_M6B_FLX9ExB4TUWU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-JHQtUkjeArudO4coAtkJR-AOzD3LdyfI41qiRnwY9_U= PQWagqYg6JepzHgcRFq3UzQYLGAOHZ_M6B_FLX9EVcsnZqs$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Sun Sep 15 21:16:41 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 152116

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    516 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Sun Sep 15 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    2115Z Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area over portions of the Southwest US.
    Refer to WPC Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1016 for additional
    mesoscale concerns over parts of eastern New Mexico and western New


    1630Z Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area northward as far as Webb county
    along the international border as another area of showers and
    thunderstorms were approaching from the west. The better
    rates/amounts will likely be confined to areas along the southern
    border near the better instability...but the northward expansion of
    the Marginal risk area covers the potential for isolated run-off
    problems where this afternoon convection overlaps with an area
    that received isolated heavy rainfall amounts from convection
    overnight. In addition...a few of the high resolution models
    suggest the potential for slow moving cells. Any problems should
    remain isolated given the flash flood guidance values. Few changes
    were needed elsewhere with this issuance.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Central Gulf Coast into Mississippi...
    The setup that has resulted in a convective bands and locally
    heavy rainfall the past couple days will continue today, just
    shifted a bit to the southwest. Lingering mid level energy and low
    level convergence will result in convection today from coastal AL
    northwestward across MS and into eastern Arkansas. The persistence
    of the convergence will allow for some training/backbuilding
    potential locally increasing rainfall totals. The overlap of
    strongest convergence and higher instability looks to focus closer
    to the Gulf Coast today, across portions of coastal MS/AL and the
    western FL Panhandle. The flash flood risk is likely highest across
    these areas, with 5"+ HREF neighborhood probabilities as high as
    50-80%. HREF guidance indicates one round of potential backbuilding
    cells this afternoon, with another round possible late tonight
    into early Monday. Given this signal the Slight risk was expanded
    into this region, and do consider this area to be a higher end
    Slight risk, with locally significant flash flooding a possibility
    given what should be very efficient rainfall producers.

    The flash flood risk is a bit lower farther north across
    Mississippi and Arkansas given weaker instability and what should
    generally be more transient convective cells. Nonetheless some training/backbuilding is still possible, and soil saturation is
    still above average due to rainfall from Francine a few days ago.
    Thus still think a Slight risk is warranted, with isolated to
    scattered flash flooding possible.

    ....Coastal Carolinas...
    An area of low pressure off the southeast coast may bring heavy
    rainfall into portions of coastal South Carolina/North Carolina
    between 06z-12z Monday. The GFS remains a fast outlier in bringing
    heavy rainfall inland from this system, and thus is not a preferred
    solution. While there is still some spread amongst the other model
    solutions, some form of consensus is developing. This consensus
    would suggest that some bands of locally heavy rainfall may get
    into coastal portions of the Carolinas early Monday. Still think
    the greater flash flood risk ends up after 12z Monday, but can not
    rule out some heavier totals right along the coast by 12z...and
    thus will introduce a Marginal risk.

    ...South TX...
    A small Marginal risk was added to far southern Texas. Will likely
    be an active convective day across northeast Mexico today, with
    easterly low level flow advecting in moisture off the Gulf, and
    westerly mid/upper flow bringing in tropical moisture off the
    Pacific. Low level convergence should be enhanced in this pattern,
    and also have some mid/upper level energy to work with as well. In
    general expect the bulk of convective activity to be over northeast
    MX where convergence is strongest, however there is at least some
    threat far south Texas can see some activity as well. Guidance
    indicates that any convection that organizes over south Texas
    should drop back south into Mexico, however there is an
    opportunity for some slow moving cells later this morning or
    afternoon before this propagation takes hold.

    A Marginal risk covers portions of Arizona and New Mexico today
    where a localized flash flood risk may exist. This risk area was
    reduced in size to just cover areas where convective coverage
    should be a bit greater and instability more pronounced. Rainfall
    over the Marginal risk area could locally exceed 1" which could
    produce an isolated flash flood over any more susceptible basins.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...2030 UPDATE...
    Expanded the Slight risk area to the west and north in response to
    a an uptick in coverage and amounts shown by the latest model=20
    guidance. While the guidance seemed to be in agreement on that=20
    component of the forecast...the spread in placement and timing=20
    remains problematic. Still it was enough to warrant an expansion of
    the Slight Risk. In addition...the expansion pretty well covers=20
    best inflow region of newly formed Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight
    as it tracks north and eastward. Regardless of whether it has its=20
    origin more as a baroclinic system or not...there are signals for=20
    locally heavy amounts that result in run off problems within the=20
    broader shield of rain that proves to be beneficial. Few changes=20
    were made elsewhere given decent model agreement on the synoptic=20
    scale set up.


    ...Carolinas into Virginia...
    An area of low pressure will likely move into portions of NC on
    Monday bringing a heavy rainfall threat to the area. Confidence is
    increasing that this system will have a notable core of heavy
    rainfall near the center and heavy convective banding to the east
    of the center. The threat of flash flooding across portions of
    eastern NC appears to be increasing, with locally significant
    impacts possible. With that said there remains some model spread
    regarding the location of landfall and the structure/intensity of
    the system.

    Like was mentioned in the day 1 discussion, think the 00z GFS
    remains a less likely fast and west outlier with this system on
    day 2. After discounting that solution the overall model consensus
    improves, although not without some notable spread. The 00z NAM
    and Gem Reg are two of the stronger and farther south solutions,
    with the 00z CMC and UKMET further east over coastal NC. With the
    high res models you have the 00Z 3km NAM and ARW stronger/quicker
    and further south near the SC/NC border, and the HRRR and ARW2 a
    bit slower/weaker and north. Overall it appears that the earlier
    the low begins to deepen the stronger, quicker and further south it
    moves ashore. Where as the models with a slower developing low
    keep it a bit weaker and east over NC. At the moment do not really
    have a strong preference, with things likely becoming clearer today
    as the low begins to become more well defined offshore.

    The above described uncertainties will keep us from upgrading to a
    MDT risk at this time. However do consider this a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of southeast NC. Wile the details still
    need to be ironed out, what we can say is that the flash flood
    risk from this system is increasing and locally significant flash
    flooding is possible over portions of eastern NC (and possibly
    northeast SC depending on the track). Just about every model
    solution brings a low pressure ashore with locally heavy rainfall
    near and east of the center...however enough spread still exists
    with the track and intensity of the system to keep the risk level
    at Slight for now. Once the low develops and confidence on the
    evolution of the system continues to increase, a MDT risk upgrade
    may be needed.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Some flash flood risk will likely linger across portions of the
    central Gulf Coast into southeast AR on Monday. However the pattern
    becomes gradually less favorable with time, and thus currently
    expecting that only a localized flash flood risk will linger into

    ...Southwest to Four Corners... A strong deep layered low moving
    into the CA will result in an uptick in large scale forcing over
    portions of the Southwest on Monday. Broad south to southwesterly
    flow ahead of this feature will also advect moisture into the
    region, and should have plenty of instability and moisture in
    place for locally heavy rainfall within convection. Given the
    increased forcing convective coverage should be notable over the
    region, suggesting at least an isolated flash flood threat. Cell
    motions should be fairly quick off to the northeast limiting the
    duration of heaviest rainfall and the overall flash flood risk.
    However with the persistent forcing in place areas could see
    multiple convective cells/clusters move through over the period
    adding to rainfall totals.

    An axis of higher areal averaged rainfall is likely closer to the
    stronger forcing underneath the deep layered low over portions of
    northern NV, southeast OR and into ID. On Monday morning there is
    some signal for potential training rainfall bands over portions of
    NV, although instability looks rather weak, suggesting rainfall
    rates may struggle to get high enough for flash flooding.
    Nonetheless will need to be monitored and some areas of 1-2" of
    rainfall are possible, which for some of this area could be around
    a 5yr ARI event. Thus even without higher rates some areal flooding
    is a possibility. By Monday afternoon we should see some increase
    in instability over the broader region likely allowing for some
    heavier convective cells. However currently expecting these cells
    to be rather quick moving. Thus overall think a Marginal risk
    should suffice, with localized flooding concerns a possibility.

    A Marginal risk was added across portions of ND and MN. Model
    guidance shows a lifting warm front, mid level vort energy moving
    through, and divergent flow aloft between two jet streaks...likely
    enough forcing to get convective development Monday into Monday
    night. Convective details differ from model to model, but the
    overall ingredients are similar and instability should be
    plentiful. Overall the threat is there for an axis of training
    and/or backbuilding convection within the Marginal risk area, and
    some flash flooding could evolve.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    Expanded the Marginal Risk area a bit in the Mid-Atlantic region in
    response to the track of Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight which is
    taken into the western part of North Carolina by 18/12Z. The system
    should be weaker than it was on Day 2 and should continue to weaken
    on Day 3. Even so...a system of quasi tropical origin bringing
    moisture into the terrain is always a bit troubling. For that
    reason...the area was expanded but not upgraded given the drop-off
    in model QPF and it becomes more clear on any down-sloping drying
    occurs. Remainder of the previous outlook was in good shape and
    only a few changes were made.=20


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    The coastal low pressure system described in the day 2 discussion
    will move inland across the Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday. Just like on
    the previous days the GFS is an outlier and not a preferred
    solution. Taking a non-GFS consensus yields a broad area of heavy
    rain potential over the Mid-Atlantic. Despite areal averaged QPF of
    1-3" in the WPC QPF, and several models showing even higher
    totals, the risk level was left at Marginal for now. The system
    should be weakening fairly quickly as it moves inland, so there
    remain some questions with regards to the structure of the system
    by Tuesday.

    Expect the heavy rainfall near the center of the low to lose
    intensity as the low weakens and the area of rain moves away from
    the better instability. However if the low moves towards the
    central Appalachians then upslope enhancement could make up for
    this to some extent and drive a flash flood risk. Thus can not
    rule out a Slight risk upgrade over portions of western/northern
    VA, but questions with the Storm track, structure and instability
    suggest keeping things at a Marginal level is best for now.

    We should still be seeing some convective banding east of the
    center across the coastal plain from eastern VA into MD and DE.
    However, still some questions regarding the degree of instability
    present and how transient the convective bands will end up being.

    Overall think a broad Slight risk might be overkill at the moment
    given these questions. At least some flash flood risk likely
    exists and the Marginal risk covers that threat. As confidence
    increases upgrades may need to be considered near the center of the
    low (if instability ends up persisting and/or terrain influences
    are maximized), and another area somewhere along the coastal plain
    if enough instability and persistent banding look more likely.

    ...FL Panhandle...
    The risk of flash flooding across the Southeast continues to
    decrease on Tuesday as forcing weakens and dry air wraps in behind
    the Atlantic coastal low. However some risk of backbuilding
    convection may persist along portions of the FL Panhandle.
    Confidence is lower by this point, but enough of a threat to
    continue with the Marginal risk.

    ...ID and MT...
    The strong deep layer low that was over CA/NV on Monday will shift northeastward into ID and MT on Tuesday. Overall looks to be
    impressive forcing over the region and expect a rather widespread
    1-1.5" rainfall. However most of this rainfall will more than
    likely be stratiform in nature as the low deepens and forcing
    persists. The lack of more intense rainfall rates should limit the
    flash flood risk, although some areal flooding concerns are
    possible given the widespread nature of the moderate to heavy
    rainfall. The better instability and risk of higher rates will be
    over eastern MT, but expect convection will tend to be quick
    moving here. Thus this area should see lower coverage of heavy
    rainfall, but a better chance of localized flash flooding given the
    higher rate potential.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_KBMxWkFspE2MpNmRwwGYofgZeHA9Dl568P473AQkAwu= 0_LM9dUF1teNKrxd4PFx3dQZbKy1KXbe6j10GJwm4a9ygH4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_KBMxWkFspE2MpNmRwwGYofgZeHA9Dl568P473AQkAwu= 0_LM9dUF1teNKrxd4PFx3dQZbKy1KXbe6j10GJwmZLTIbFg$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_KBMxWkFspE2MpNmRwwGYofgZeHA9Dl568P473AQkAwu= 0_LM9dUF1teNKrxd4PFx3dQZbKy1KXbe6j10GJwmBKenvX4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 00:49:56 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 160049

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    849 PM EDT Sun Sep 15 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024


    2115Z Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area over portions of the Southwest US.
    Refer to WPC Mesoscale Precipitation Discussion 1016 for additional
    mesoscale concerns over parts of eastern New Mexico and western New


    1630Z Excessive Rainfall Discussion Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area northward as far as Webb county
    along the international border as another area of showers and
    thunderstorms were approaching from the west. The better
    rates/amounts will likely be confined to areas along the southern
    border near the better instability...but the northward expansion of
    the Marginal risk area covers the potential for isolated run-off
    problems where this afternoon convection overlaps with an area
    that received isolated heavy rainfall amounts from convection
    overnight. In addition...a few of the high resolution models
    suggest the potential for slow moving cells. Any problems should
    remain isolated given the flash flood guidance values. Few changes
    were needed elsewhere with this issuance.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Central Gulf Coast into Mississippi...
    The setup that has resulted in a convective bands and locally
    heavy rainfall the past couple days will continue today, just
    shifted a bit to the southwest. Lingering mid level energy and low
    level convergence will result in convection today from coastal AL
    northwestward across MS and into eastern Arkansas. The persistence
    of the convergence will allow for some training/backbuilding
    potential locally increasing rainfall totals. The overlap of
    strongest convergence and higher instability looks to focus closer
    to the Gulf Coast today, across portions of coastal MS/AL and the
    western FL Panhandle. The flash flood risk is likely highest across
    these areas, with 5"+ HREF neighborhood probabilities as high as
    50-80%. HREF guidance indicates one round of potential backbuilding
    cells this afternoon, with another round possible late tonight
    into early Monday. Given this signal the Slight risk was expanded
    into this region, and do consider this area to be a higher end
    Slight risk, with locally significant flash flooding a possibility
    given what should be very efficient rainfall producers.

    The flash flood risk is a bit lower farther north across
    Mississippi and Arkansas given weaker instability and what should
    generally be more transient convective cells. Nonetheless some training/backbuilding is still possible, and soil saturation is
    still above average due to rainfall from Francine a few days ago.
    Thus still think a Slight risk is warranted, with isolated to
    scattered flash flooding possible.

    ....Coastal Carolinas...
    An area of low pressure off the southeast coast may bring heavy
    rainfall into portions of coastal South Carolina/North Carolina
    between 06z-12z Monday. The GFS remains a fast outlier in bringing
    heavy rainfall inland from this system, and thus is not a preferred
    solution. While there is still some spread amongst the other model
    solutions, some form of consensus is developing. This consensus
    would suggest that some bands of locally heavy rainfall may get
    into coastal portions of the Carolinas early Monday. Still think
    the greater flash flood risk ends up after 12z Monday, but can not
    rule out some heavier totals right along the coast by 12z...and
    thus will introduce a Marginal risk.

    ...South TX...
    A small Marginal risk was added to far southern Texas. Will likely
    be an active convective day across northeast Mexico today, with
    easterly low level flow advecting in moisture off the Gulf, and
    westerly mid/upper flow bringing in tropical moisture off the
    Pacific. Low level convergence should be enhanced in this pattern,
    and also have some mid/upper level energy to work with as well. In
    general expect the bulk of convective activity to be over northeast
    MX where convergence is strongest, however there is at least some
    threat far south Texas can see some activity as well. Guidance
    indicates that any convection that organizes over south Texas
    should drop back south into Mexico, however there is an
    opportunity for some slow moving cells later this morning or
    afternoon before this propagation takes hold.

    A Marginal risk covers portions of Arizona and New Mexico today
    where a localized flash flood risk may exist. This risk area was
    reduced in size to just cover areas where convective coverage
    should be a bit greater and instability more pronounced. Rainfall
    over the Marginal risk area could locally exceed 1" which could
    produce an isolated flash flood over any more susceptible basins.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    ...2030 UPDATE...
    Expanded the Slight risk area to the west and north in response to
    a an uptick in coverage and amounts shown by the latest model
    guidance. While the guidance seemed to be in agreement on that
    component of the forecast...the spread in placement and timing
    remains problematic. Still it was enough to warrant an expansion of
    the Slight Risk. In addition...the expansion pretty well covers
    best inflow region of newly formed Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight
    as it tracks north and eastward. Regardless of whether it has its
    origin more as a baroclinic system or not...there are signals for
    locally heavy amounts that result in run off problems within the
    broader shield of rain that proves to be beneficial. Few changes
    were made elsewhere given decent model agreement on the synoptic
    scale set up.


    ...Carolinas into Virginia...
    An area of low pressure will likely move into portions of NC on
    Monday bringing a heavy rainfall threat to the area. Confidence is
    increasing that this system will have a notable core of heavy
    rainfall near the center and heavy convective banding to the east
    of the center. The threat of flash flooding across portions of
    eastern NC appears to be increasing, with locally significant
    impacts possible. With that said there remains some model spread
    regarding the location of landfall and the structure/intensity of
    the system.

    Like was mentioned in the day 1 discussion, think the 00z GFS
    remains a less likely fast and west outlier with this system on
    day 2. After discounting that solution the overall model consensus
    improves, although not without some notable spread. The 00z NAM
    and Gem Reg are two of the stronger and farther south solutions,
    with the 00z CMC and UKMET further east over coastal NC. With the
    high res models you have the 00Z 3km NAM and ARW stronger/quicker
    and further south near the SC/NC border, and the HRRR and ARW2 a
    bit slower/weaker and north. Overall it appears that the earlier
    the low begins to deepen the stronger, quicker and further south it
    moves ashore. Where as the models with a slower developing low
    keep it a bit weaker and east over NC. At the moment do not really
    have a strong preference, with things likely becoming clearer today
    as the low begins to become more well defined offshore.

    The above described uncertainties will keep us from upgrading to a
    MDT risk at this time. However do consider this a higher end
    Slight risk across portions of southeast NC. Wile the details still
    need to be ironed out, what we can say is that the flash flood
    risk from this system is increasing and locally significant flash
    flooding is possible over portions of eastern NC (and possibly
    northeast SC depending on the track). Just about every model
    solution brings a low pressure ashore with locally heavy rainfall
    near and east of the center...however enough spread still exists
    with the track and intensity of the system to keep the risk level
    at Slight for now. Once the low develops and confidence on the
    evolution of the system continues to increase, a MDT risk upgrade
    may be needed.

    ...Central Gulf Coast...
    Some flash flood risk will likely linger across portions of the
    central Gulf Coast into southeast AR on Monday. However the pattern
    becomes gradually less favorable with time, and thus currently
    expecting that only a localized flash flood risk will linger into

    ...Southwest to Four Corners... A strong deep layered low moving
    into the CA will result in an uptick in large scale forcing over
    portions of the Southwest on Monday. Broad south to southwesterly
    flow ahead of this feature will also advect moisture into the
    region, and should have plenty of instability and moisture in
    place for locally heavy rainfall within convection. Given the
    increased forcing convective coverage should be notable over the
    region, suggesting at least an isolated flash flood threat. Cell
    motions should be fairly quick off to the northeast limiting the
    duration of heaviest rainfall and the overall flash flood risk.
    However with the persistent forcing in place areas could see
    multiple convective cells/clusters move through over the period
    adding to rainfall totals.

    An axis of higher areal averaged rainfall is likely closer to the
    stronger forcing underneath the deep layered low over portions of
    northern NV, southeast OR and into ID. On Monday morning there is
    some signal for potential training rainfall bands over portions of
    NV, although instability looks rather weak, suggesting rainfall
    rates may struggle to get high enough for flash flooding.
    Nonetheless will need to be monitored and some areas of 1-2" of
    rainfall are possible, which for some of this area could be around
    a 5yr ARI event. Thus even without higher rates some areal flooding
    is a possibility. By Monday afternoon we should see some increase
    in instability over the broader region likely allowing for some
    heavier convective cells. However currently expecting these cells
    to be rather quick moving. Thus overall think a Marginal risk
    should suffice, with localized flooding concerns a possibility.

    A Marginal risk was added across portions of ND and MN. Model
    guidance shows a lifting warm front, mid level vort energy moving
    through, and divergent flow aloft between two jet streaks...likely
    enough forcing to get convective development Monday into Monday
    night. Convective details differ from model to model, but the
    overall ingredients are similar and instability should be
    plentiful. Overall the threat is there for an axis of training
    and/or backbuilding convection within the Marginal risk area, and
    some flash flooding could evolve.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    Expanded the Marginal Risk area a bit in the Mid-Atlantic region in
    response to the track of Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight which is
    taken into the western part of North Carolina by 18/12Z. The system
    should be weaker than it was on Day 2 and should continue to weaken
    on Day 3. Even so...a system of quasi tropical origin bringing
    moisture into the terrain is always a bit troubling. For that
    reason...the area was expanded but not upgraded given the drop-off
    in model QPF and it becomes more clear on any down-sloping drying
    occurs. Remainder of the previous outlook was in good shape and
    only a few changes were made.


    ...Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    The coastal low pressure system described in the day 2 discussion
    will move inland across the Mid-Atlantic on Tuesday. Just like on
    the previous days the GFS is an outlier and not a preferred
    solution. Taking a non-GFS consensus yields a broad area of heavy
    rain potential over the Mid-Atlantic. Despite areal averaged QPF of
    1-3" in the WPC QPF, and several models showing even higher
    totals, the risk level was left at Marginal for now. The system
    should be weakening fairly quickly as it moves inland, so there
    remain some questions with regards to the structure of the system
    by Tuesday.

    Expect the heavy rainfall near the center of the low to lose
    intensity as the low weakens and the area of rain moves away from
    the better instability. However if the low moves towards the
    central Appalachians then upslope enhancement could make up for
    this to some extent and drive a flash flood risk. Thus can not
    rule out a Slight risk upgrade over portions of western/northern
    VA, but questions with the Storm track, structure and instability
    suggest keeping things at a Marginal level is best for now.

    We should still be seeing some convective banding east of the
    center across the coastal plain from eastern VA into MD and DE.
    However, still some questions regarding the degree of instability
    present and how transient the convective bands will end up being.

    Overall think a broad Slight risk might be overkill at the moment
    given these questions. At least some flash flood risk likely
    exists and the Marginal risk covers that threat. As confidence
    increases upgrades may need to be considered near the center of the
    low (if instability ends up persisting and/or terrain influences
    are maximized), and another area somewhere along the coastal plain
    if enough instability and persistent banding look more likely.

    ...FL Panhandle...
    The risk of flash flooding across the Southeast continues to
    decrease on Tuesday as forcing weakens and dry air wraps in behind
    the Atlantic coastal low. However some risk of backbuilding
    convection may persist along portions of the FL Panhandle.
    Confidence is lower by this point, but enough of a threat to
    continue with the Marginal risk.

    ...ID and MT...
    The strong deep layer low that was over CA/NV on Monday will shift northeastward into ID and MT on Tuesday. Overall looks to be
    impressive forcing over the region and expect a rather widespread
    1-1.5" rainfall. However most of this rainfall will more than
    likely be stratiform in nature as the low deepens and forcing
    persists. The lack of more intense rainfall rates should limit the
    flash flood risk, although some areal flooding concerns are
    possible given the widespread nature of the moderate to heavy
    rainfall. The better instability and risk of higher rates will be
    over eastern MT, but expect convection will tend to be quick
    moving here. Thus this area should see lower coverage of heavy
    rainfall, but a better chance of localized flash flooding given the
    higher rate potential.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9PyZzMJZEq1pgpS1mCL1wF4x5j_N85-jzvtrth0sxeXm= agkQajHV8scNrgXfMcAcDhbpWzdOZ1vwAZyStJ-eKx6jnfo$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9PyZzMJZEq1pgpS1mCL1wF4x5j_N85-jzvtrth0sxeXm= agkQajHV8scNrgXfMcAcDhbpWzdOZ1vwAZyStJ-eHN8xySA$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9PyZzMJZEq1pgpS1mCL1wF4x5j_N85-jzvtrth0sxeXm= agkQajHV8scNrgXfMcAcDhbpWzdOZ1vwAZyStJ-ewAZoAy0$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 08:29:45 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 160829

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    429 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024



    PTC8 continues to churn off the Carolina coast with an ill-defined
    center of circulation and convective clustering to the north of=20
    the analyzed low off the coast of SC. The beginning wave of=20
    tropical rainfall has started across Northeast SC into Southeast=20
    NC with rates anticipated to pick up as the deeper tropical
    moisture flux located offshore begins to propagate into the coast.
    There has been relatively modest uncertainty to exactly where the
    heaviest rainfall will occur due to a less defined surface low
    center that provides more consensus on the specific track and
    subsequent heavy rain axis. One of the notable observations through
    the past 6-8 hrs has been the QPF shield displaced further north
    away from the analyzed surface center provided by NHC. A lot of
    this is likely due to the moderate shear impinging the southern
    flank of the circulation allowing for an offset of the precip field
    to the north and northeast of the primary circulation. This has
    caused issues within the NWP suite of forecasts, especially higher
    resolution guidance that tends to need a more defined surface
    initiation to outline short range prospects within the precip
    field and track of the surface reflection. There is enough data to
    project the current QPF swath to be displaced further north than=20
    some of the CAMs and global deterministic output with a surface
    reflection likely to come ashore a bit further north than even the
    00z consensus. For that, the trend is for 4-8" totals with locally
    up to 10" possible across the Northeastern corner of SC through
    Southeast NC, an agreed axis within the neighborhood probability
    fields from the latest HREF. The signal for >5" is very robust with probabilities between 70-90% located across Southeastern NC with
    the strongest signal located near Wilmington, an area of greatest
    concern considering the urbanization factors.

    The storm will induce some pretty good rainfall across Northern SC
    and much of NC through the periods as the circulation moves inland
    and progresses westward into the Carolina Piedmont. Bands of
    tropical rainfall with efficient warm rain processes will pivot=20
    inland with the prospects of flash flooding increasing over areas
    that see training. As a result, a broad SLGT risk is centered
    across much of North Carolina and the northern periphery of South
    Carolina. A targeted MDT risk is in place over the northeast corner
    of SC and much of Southeastern NC as the consensus for higher
    rainfall amounts is most prolific within that zone.=20

    ...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

    Aloft, a shortwave will eject out of the Central Plains and push
    quickly to the northeast, entering the Northern Plains of the
    Dakotas into Northwestern MN by later this evening providing ample
    mid-level ascent conducive for convective initiation. At the
    surface, a pre-frontal trough will develop in-of the Southern
    Canadian Prairies, shifting southward into Northern ND and MN by
    early this evening, setting the stage for a strong surface
    convergence axis located across Eastern ND and Northwest MN. This
    is thanks to the tandem mid-level ascent pattern and convergence
    signature located within a formidable theta-E tongue bisecting the
    area. The signal has grown considerably in the past succession of
    runs with the latest CAMs all generally robust with its
    presentation of locally enhanced rainfall located over the above
    regions. With the mean flow generally parallel to the pre-frontal,
    surface based trough, there is a growing concern for training cells
    that develop upstream over ND and progress east-northeast along the
    slow-moving trough axis. The 00z HREF blended mean QPF is quite
    robust in its depiction with an areal average of 1.75-2.5" of total
    precip located from just west of Grand Forks up through the
    International border in Northern MN. A bullseye of 3-5" is co-
    located within the axis of the surface trough positioning extending
    over much of Northwestern MN, an area that typically does not favor
    these types of convective outputs. HREF EAS probabilities for 1"
    (80-90+%) and 2" (30-50%) are incredibly high for an event that is
    not tied to a strong organized synoptic complex, only adding
    emphasis to the potential with such high agreement within this
    evenings CAMs. Neighborhood probs are just as impressive with a
    strong >3" signal (70-90+%) and modest >5" (15-30%) output with the
    latter tied closer to the Canadian border where the model agreement
    is strongest for the heavier totals. A SLGT risk was added given
    the favorable forecast from this evening and a strengthening
    consensus amongst CAMs members for a locally enhanced flash flood
    threat across the northern tier of the ND/MN area.=20

    ...Western U.S...

    Upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation
    positioned over Northern California with an expectation to
    strengthen as we progress through the period. Increasing moisture
    on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a better
    convective environment as the region enters a strong upper forcing
    regime with a correlated instability maximum located over the Great
    Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a blossoming of
    convection across the Eastern and Northern Sierra, extending into
    NV and eventually ID as we progress through today and this evening.
    MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the
    interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an
    area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.
    The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of
    convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any
    area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of
    the Southwestern U.S. A fairly robust and widespread probability
    for >1" (70+%) is well documented within the 00z HREF neighborhood
    probability output over the above locations, a strong enough signal
    to warrant a continuation of the previous MRGL risk forecast.=20

    ...Deep South...

    Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
    stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
    period of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash
    flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into=20
    the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous=20
    periods, but the probability fields still indicate a formidable=20
    potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the=20
    surface based instability is most prominent. This is a low-end MRGL
    risk with a better chance for flash flooding to occur over those=20
    areas that have been hit hardest the past several days from=20
    Francine and its remnants.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
    Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
    the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
    rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
    is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
    progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
    eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
    closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
    characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
    Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
    defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
    These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
    comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
    add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
    at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
    Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
    some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.=20

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
    but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
    cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
    warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
    ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
    convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
    Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
    enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
    opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
    within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
    Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
    would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
    two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
    0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
    upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
    complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
    added over the above locations to account for the threat.

    ...Western Montana...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
    signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
    footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
    orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
    local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
    higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
    of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
    extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024



    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. The current solution is generating pQPF 90th
    percentile output of 100yr ARI's located within the Rockies to the
    east of the valley up in Western MT. With multi-day totals
    bordering 6-8" across portions of MT, a SLGT risk was added for the
    time being as we still have some time prior to eventual impacts.
    That said, it's a period to monitor as the current consensus is
    pretty bullish with a general agreement to the setup within much of
    the 00z deterministic suite. A higher risk is not out of the
    question, especially if the magnitude of the forecast rainfall
    maintains through multiple model cycles, and/or becomes even more
    aggressive in the signal.=20

    ...Central Mid Atlantic...

    The remnants of the tropical disturbance will linger across the Mid
    Atlantic with some locally heavy rainfall prospects still in the
    forecast. There is a great amount of uncertainty on specifics, so
    the current forecast is based off the latest ensemble blend with a
    focus on the potential most likely closer to the coast where
    instability is highest during the period. For now, wanted to
    maintain some continuity with the prospects still non-zero with
    more time to assess and hone in more as we move closer into the


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-YThPJXFp_c2OMENC6RhIOn8n_LXQmVzI5puYvAOi7Wy= 4DjIEOIuNbrhQ-XXdG20ecAluhqyC9L71CcDL-NnydV_kms$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-YThPJXFp_c2OMENC6RhIOn8n_LXQmVzI5puYvAOi7Wy= 4DjIEOIuNbrhQ-XXdG20ecAluhqyC9L71CcDL-NnsP0N5DY$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-YThPJXFp_c2OMENC6RhIOn8n_LXQmVzI5puYvAOi7Wy= 4DjIEOIuNbrhQ-XXdG20ecAluhqyC9L71CcDL-NnrJRSYoM$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 15:59:35 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 161559

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1159 AM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024



    Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight continues to churn off the=20
    Carolina coast with an ill- defined...north to south elongated=20=20
    center of circulation that has largely become exposed with broad
    shield of rain to the north. The first push of higher rainfall
    rates has started to impact mainly coastal areas of the North
    Carolina near the border with South Carolina...with a few ground-
    truth in excess of 6 inches. Current thinking is that the potential
    for intense rainfall rates will continue to be focused along the
    convergent flow of east/northeast flow off the Atlantic and the
    flow of drier air wrapping around the southern/eastern flank of the
    system. The steepening lapse rates and the added low level
    convergence between the two streams should be working in tandem to
    support isolated areal coverage of additional 4 inches to 8 inches
    of rain mainly confined to areas along the immediate coast. Farther
    inland across North Carolina and adjacent South Carolina...rainfall
    amounts are not likely to be as high given lower dewpoint=20 temperatures/precipitable water values but still enough rainfall=20
    that can result in flooding/flash flooding. The amount of dry air=20
    getting pulled eastward/southeastward on the southern flank of=20
    Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight has allowed confining the=20
    Moderate Risk area along and north of the North Carolina/South=20
    Carolina border. The latest HREF signal for >5" remained very=20
    robust with probabilities between 70-90% located across southeastern
    North Carolina. As previously noted...greatest concern for flash
    flooding remains the urban areas.=20=20

    ...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

    Aloft, a shortwave will track from the Central Plains to the
    Northern Plains later tonight. This should help renew convection
    over portions of the Dakotas to northwestern Minnesota later this
    evening. Given ample mid-level ascent conducive for convective=20
    initiation, a pre-frontal surface trough that is expected to
    develop over the southern Canadian Prairies that builds into the
    Dakotas, and a formidable corridor of high theta-E that bisects the
    area, some enhancements of rainfall rates could result in instances
    of flooding.

    ...Western U.S...

    12Z upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation=20
    positioned over northern California with an expectation that it
    will continue to strengthen throughout the period. Increasing=20
    moisture on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a=20
    better convective environment as the region enters a strong upper=20
    forcing regime with a correlated instability maximum located over=20
    the Great Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a=20
    blossoming of convection across the eastern and northern Sierra,=20
    extending into Nevada and eventually Idaho through this evening.=20
    MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the=20
    interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an=20
    area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.=20
    The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of=20
    convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any=20
    area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of=20
    the Southwestern U.S.=20

    ...Deep South...

    Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
    stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
    round of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash=20
    flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into=20
    the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous
    days but the probability fields still indicate a formidable=20
    potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the=20
    surface based instability is most prominent. Maintained the low end
    Marginal risk area with little change...especially given some of
    those areas were hit hardest the past several days from Francine=20
    and its remnants.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
    Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
    the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
    rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
    is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
    progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
    eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
    closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
    characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
    Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
    defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
    These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
    comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
    add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
    at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
    Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
    some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
    but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
    cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
    warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
    ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
    convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
    Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
    enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
    opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
    within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
    Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
    would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
    two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
    0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
    upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
    complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
    added over the above locations to account for the threat.

    ...Western Montana...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
    signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
    footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
    orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
    local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
    higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
    of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
    extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024



    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. The current solution is generating pQPF 90th
    percentile output of 100yr ARI's located within the Rockies to the
    east of the valley up in Western MT. With multi-day totals
    bordering 6-8" across portions of MT, a SLGT risk was added for the
    time being as we still have some time prior to eventual impacts.
    That said, it's a period to monitor as the current consensus is
    pretty bullish with a general agreement to the setup within much of
    the 00z deterministic suite. A higher risk is not out of the
    question, especially if the magnitude of the forecast rainfall
    maintains through multiple model cycles, and/or becomes even more
    aggressive in the signal.

    ...Central Mid Atlantic...

    The remnants of the tropical disturbance will linger across the Mid
    Atlantic with some locally heavy rainfall prospects still in the
    forecast. There is a great amount of uncertainty on specifics, so
    the current forecast is based off the latest ensemble blend with a
    focus on the potential most likely closer to the coast where
    instability is highest during the period. For now, wanted to
    maintain some continuity with the prospects still non-zero with
    more time to assess and hone in more as we move closer into the


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5fOigwFx8FPFkp3DIinaZS7Y6j9CqRIivvIkazgbE7IU= 1dqauH4ZEwB76z-O9Zb_3qXdcimO_ijR-A-6GM4LTqn9WMk$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5fOigwFx8FPFkp3DIinaZS7Y6j9CqRIivvIkazgbE7IU= 1dqauH4ZEwB76z-O9Zb_3qXdcimO_ijR-A-6GM4L4niRPQ4$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5fOigwFx8FPFkp3DIinaZS7Y6j9CqRIivvIkazgbE7IU= 1dqauH4ZEwB76z-O9Zb_3qXdcimO_ijR-A-6GM4Lcd-JvwQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Mon Sep 16 20:28:59 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 162028

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    428 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Mon Sep 16 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024



    Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight continues to churn off the
    Carolina coast with an ill- defined...north to south elongated
    center of circulation that has largely become exposed with broad
    shield of rain to the north. The first push of higher rainfall
    rates has started to impact mainly coastal areas of the North
    Carolina near the border with South Carolina...with a few ground-
    truth in excess of 6 inches. Current thinking is that the potential
    for intense rainfall rates will continue to be focused along the
    convergent flow of east/northeast flow off the Atlantic and the
    flow of drier air wrapping around the southern/eastern flank of the
    system. The steepening lapse rates and the added low level
    convergence between the two streams should be working in tandem to
    support isolated areal coverage of additional 4 inches to 8 inches
    of rain mainly confined to areas along the immediate coast. Farther
    inland across North Carolina and adjacent South Carolina...rainfall
    amounts are not likely to be as high given lower dewpoint temperatures/precipitable water values but still enough rainfall
    that can result in flooding/flash flooding. The amount of dry air
    getting pulled eastward/southeastward on the southern flank of
    Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight has allowed confining the
    Moderate Risk area along and north of the North Carolina/South
    Carolina border. The latest HREF signal for >5" remained very
    robust with probabilities between 70-90% located across southeastern
    North Carolina. As previously noted...greatest concern for flash
    flooding remains the urban areas.

    ...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

    Aloft, a shortwave will track from the Central Plains to the
    Northern Plains later tonight. This should help renew convection
    over portions of the Dakotas to northwestern Minnesota later this
    evening. Given ample mid-level ascent conducive for convective
    initiation, a pre-frontal surface trough that is expected to
    develop over the southern Canadian Prairies that builds into the
    Dakotas, and a formidable corridor of high theta-E that bisects the
    area, some enhancements of rainfall rates could result in instances
    of flooding.

    ...Western U.S...

    12Z upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation
    positioned over northern California with an expectation that it
    will continue to strengthen throughout the period. Increasing
    moisture on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a
    better convective environment as the region enters a strong upper
    forcing regime with a correlated instability maximum located over
    the Great Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a
    blossoming of convection across the eastern and northern Sierra,
    extending into Nevada and eventually Idaho through this evening.
    MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the
    interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an
    area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.
    The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of
    convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any
    area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of
    the Southwestern U.S.

    ...Deep South...

    Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
    stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
    round of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash
    flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into
    the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous
    days but the probability fields still indicate a formidable
    potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the
    surface based instability is most prominent. Maintained the low end
    Marginal risk area with little change...especially given some of
    those areas were hit hardest the past several days from Francine
    and its remnants.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    2030Z Update...
    With the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic system becoming increasingly
    disjointed between the surface and upper feature...rainfall amounts
    should be tapering off...so a Marginal Risk area is still generally
    fine. The exception tends to be over southeast Virginia where
    models have started showing a signal for some enhanced
    rainfall...so maintained a Slight risk there. The signal for even
    less rainfall and a corresponding drop in the threat of excessive
    rainfall allowed amount of territory to be removed from the
    Marginal across the northern Mid-Atlantic and parts of New York.
    The Marginal Risk for Montana continues to be supported by the
    latest model runs showing low pressure forming over northeast
    Montana that reaches the international border during the latter
    part of the outlook period.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
    Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
    the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
    rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
    is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
    progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
    eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
    closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
    characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
    Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
    defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
    These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
    comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
    add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
    at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
    Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
    some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
    but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
    cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
    warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
    ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
    convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
    Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
    enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
    opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
    within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
    Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
    would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
    two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
    0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
    upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
    complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
    added over the above locations to account for the threat.

    ...Western Montana...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
    signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
    footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
    orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
    local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
    higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
    of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
    extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    2030 UTC Update...

    Focus for the most organized precipitation with a corresponding
    threat of excessive rainfall will be in parts of the Northern
    Rockies...where a well-defined deformation zone sets up to the west
    of a well organized area of low pressure in southern Canada.
    Precipitation amounts in excess of 3 inches appears in most of the
    broader scale model QPF and even a few 5 inch amounts appear in the
    high resolution guidance. This amount of QPF remains worthy of
    Slight Risk and may require an upgrade if the guidance continues to
    inch up.=20=20

    The latest guidance shows even moderate rainfall amounts becoming scant...allowing much of the northern part of the Marginal risk
    area to be removed. If trends continue...more area may be removed.
    However there are still a couple of pieces of guidance which manage
    to produce locally heavy rainfall amounts in proximity to a trowal
    near the Mid-Atlantic so felt it was too early to remove entirely.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...=20


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. The current solution is generating pQPF 90th
    percentile output of 100yr ARI's located within the Rockies to the
    east of the valley up in Western MT. With multi-day totals
    bordering 6-8" across portions of MT, a SLGT risk was added for the
    time being as we still have some time prior to eventual impacts.
    That said, it's a period to monitor as the current consensus is
    pretty bullish with a general agreement to the setup within much of
    the 00z deterministic suite. A higher risk is not out of the
    question, especially if the magnitude of the forecast rainfall
    maintains through multiple model cycles, and/or becomes even more
    aggressive in the signal.

    ...Central Mid Atlantic...

    The remnants of the tropical disturbance will linger across the Mid
    Atlantic with some locally heavy rainfall prospects still in the
    forecast. There is a great amount of uncertainty on specifics, so
    the current forecast is based off the latest ensemble blend with a
    focus on the potential most likely closer to the coast where from
    the Marginal Risk instability is highest during the period. For=20
    now, wanted to maintain some continuity with the prospects still=20
    non-zero with more time to assess and hone in more as we move=20
    closer into the period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7jM2sZmNKPVYJClQC1BBzYmqAPHPeJuvYTivVXTYIC1L= I5lKjquyOEXHxifQ7qhTiPtYpdg3A-JJtN3DDqCBE86tL2M$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7jM2sZmNKPVYJClQC1BBzYmqAPHPeJuvYTivVXTYIC1L= I5lKjquyOEXHxifQ7qhTiPtYpdg3A-JJtN3DDqCBG-i1m7w$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7jM2sZmNKPVYJClQC1BBzYmqAPHPeJuvYTivVXTYIC1L= I5lKjquyOEXHxifQ7qhTiPtYpdg3A-JJtN3DDqCBdjt-WBU$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 08:00:45 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 170800

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    400 AM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The disturbance that pushed ashore yesterday will continue to churn
    over the Southern Mid Atlantic with a funneling of moisture off the
    Atlantic aimed across far Northeastern NC and the adjacent VA=20
    Tidewater through the morning and afternoon hours. Modest SBCAPE=20
    located across the above areas will justify enough instability to=20
    trigger heavier convective cores capable of producing heavy=20
    rainfall in an area that has a historically lower FFG due to the
    urbanization factors over places like Norfolk, Virginia Beach, up
    to Williamsburg. The pattern has produced a relatively robust precip
    footprint as it is with models struggling to handle the overall=20
    magnitude of the rainfall on the eastern flank of the low. 00z HREF
    probability fields are still pretty exuberant for >3" (50-70%)
    across the Tidewater with an extension of 30-50% further inland
    towards Richmond. PWAT anomalies are sufficiently around +2
    standard deviations with the 00z sounding out of MHX producing an
    observed PWAT of 2.27", a similar airmass that will be advecting
    north with time. This pinpoints the Southeastern VA area as the
    most notable area for potential flash flood capabilities for the
    period when you couple the moisture anomalies and anticipated areal
    instability presence for tomorrow. This allowed for a general
    maintenance of the SLGT risk from the previous forecast with only
    an minor adjustment necessary on the western and northern flank of
    the risk area.=20

    Across the rest of Western NC and Western VA, the general
    circulation of the remnant low will drift into the Carolina
    Piedmont and become fairly stationary over the course of the
    forecast. The weakening of what's left over from the disturbance
    will mitigate the precip field enough to limit the flash flood
    concerns further inland, although still within the low end of the
    MRGL risk. In fact, some of the 24 hr totals within the means are
    pretty high across Western NC and VA, but a lot of the rainfall
    comes from a persistent, steady light to moderate rain with
    embedded heavier echoes during the afternoon and evening hours with
    marginal diurnal destabilization. Forecast 1"/hr rainfall
    probabilities are relatively tame with basically no calls for 2"/hr
    within the prob fields. The signal was sufficient to maintain the
    MRGL for the forecast with most of the rain accumulating over a
    long period of time and not so much a classic flash flood prospect.
    Those areas along the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah will have the
    best opportunity for flooding in this setup, but with higher FFGs=20
    across the region, the prospects are lower than normal for a=20
    heightened flash flood concern.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. 00z HREF neighborhood prob output signals a
    stripe of 25-50% in any given location across the I-10 corridor
    down towards Apalachicola for >3" potential with a 10-15% prob for
    5" over the same area. The convective coverage is more scattered
    in nature, so the previous MRGL has merit given the probabilities
    and anticipated rates hovering between 1-2"/hr.=20

    ...Southern Rockies and High Plains...

    A strong, broad upper low over the Great Basin will continue to
    slowly migrate to the northeast with increasing large scale forcing
    downstream of the mean trough. Model consensus has grown over the
    past succession of runs for a broader ascent pattern to develop
    across the Southern Rockies with some aid of modest surface based
    instability and terrain to generate a period of convection
    beginning later this afternoon and early evening. Further east into
    the NM and TX High Plains, a region of relatively favorable SBCAPE
    between 500-1500 J/kg will allow for convection to develop
    downstream of the mountains with cells becoming rooted at the
    surface and helped along by shortwave energy ejecting out of the
    adjacent terrain. 00z CAMs are more robust with the convective
    pattern than even 24 hours ago, matching well with the recent ML
    output from the ECMWF AIFS and Graphcast with some precip focus
    over those areas. The HREF probs for >1" were much higher than
    previous forecast as a result with some lower end probs for >2" and
    3" located across parts of the Southern Rockies and High Plains.
    The focal points for flash flooding potential will continue to be
    the complex terrain and burn scars situated within the Sangre de
    Cristos along with the Sacramento Mountains, further south. The
    High Plains area is low-end within the MRGL risk threshold, but the
    favorable pattern lends credence to the chance at an isolated cell
    or two over-performing and causing some flood concerns. This also
    matches the current UFVS First Guess Field forecast for the period
    allowing for the two previous MRGL's in the region to be bridged
    together and expanded east to account for the threat.=20

    ...Northern Rockies and High Plains...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). The latest 00z
    deterministic and relevant ensembles, including the HREF provide a
    strong consensus on the potential for locally heavy rainfall
    extending from Western MT, where the signal is the strongest, over
    into the High Plains of Eastern MT and points south near the Bad
    Lands of SD. Ensemble QPF output is still within that 1-2" range
    for an areal average, but pockets of higher QPF are dispersed all
    across the above area thanks to the approach of the potent mid-
    latitude cyclone. Considering the overall setup and growing
    convective support of the CAMs downstream of the previous MRGL
    risk, the risk area was expanded to include much of the rest of MT
    down into Northeast WY and Western SD, areas that have more
    favorability for flooding potential due to lower FFGs and higher
    run off capabilities given the soil type and topographic makeup in
    those locations.=20

    A SLGT risk was mulled over for Western MT, but with coordination
    from the local WFO in Great Falls, decided against the upgrade with
    retaining focus for the higher impacts anticipated the next period (Wednesday).=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. There has been some adjustments within the ensemble
    means for the heaviest axis of QPF with a small displacement to the
    east. When assessing the 500mb height anomalies between ensemble
    runs and the current deterministic, there is a subtle, but
    noticeable difference in the closed upper reflection being a bit
    more into East-Central MT leading to a heavier QPF distribution=20
    being a bit further east than previous iterations. This also=20
    follows with the ML outputs recently with the trend having the axis
    of deformation a bit further east of Great Falls, a general marker
    for where the heaviest precip will focus. Ensemble bias corrected=20
    QPF is also a touch east with totals relatively similar in the 2-4"
    range with a max of just over 5". This will be something to=20
    monitor going forth, but the signal is still very much present for=20
    a locally impactful rainfall thanks to a strong mid-latitude=20
    cyclone entering the interior Northern U.S. A SLGT risk was=20
    maintained with a small extension eastward to reflect the recent=20
    trends in guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-05ZmVQ3zyWig1nLmLyTXL_WEGsNHr2uhskLefbW9Phu= eLLsQBKRl09lc6OUqtQJg79xjrR-1pQYJxahiJ3CF3ytVd4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-05ZmVQ3zyWig1nLmLyTXL_WEGsNHr2uhskLefbW9Phu= eLLsQBKRl09lc6OUqtQJg79xjrR-1pQYJxahiJ3CzzfTJmM$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-05ZmVQ3zyWig1nLmLyTXL_WEGsNHr2uhskLefbW9Phu= eLLsQBKRl09lc6OUqtQJg79xjrR-1pQYJxahiJ3CtJfaluM$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
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    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 01:14:34 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 170114

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    914 PM EDT Mon Sep 16 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024


    01Z Update...
    With drier conditions now spreading across southeastern North
    Carolina and redeveloping heavy rains not expected, the Moderate=20
    Risk previously centered over Cape Fear was removed with this=20
    update. However, a Slight Risk was maintained further to the north=20
    and west.=20

    Deep moisture (PWs 2+ inches) and sufficient instability (MLCAPE
    1000-1500 J/kg) coincident with strong easterly inflow north of the
    low previously known as Potential Tropical Cyclone Eight continues
    to support widespread rain from eastern to central North Carolina.
    However, rainfall rates have come down over the past few hours.=20
    MRMS shows some pockets of 1+ in/hr rainfall rates, but these are=20
    largely disorganized. Given the available moisture and instability,
    periods of heavy rainfall will likely remain a threat through the=20
    overnight, and isolated to scattered flash flooding cannot be ruled
    out. Some members of the hi-res guidance suite, including recent=20
    runs of the HRRR, show heavy amounts and suggest a greater flash=20
    flood threat from the Crystal Coast northward overnight. But their=20
    output compared with current observations suggest these models are overproducing.

    Further to the west, steady moderate to heavy rain will continue=20
    to shift west along the upper center back into the western=20
    Carolinas. Strong forcing along with orographic enhancement may=20
    support some heavier totals overnight, with the HREF indicating=20
    amounts of 2-3 inches are likely. However, limited instability=20
    should hamper rainfall rates and the threat for widespread flash=20

    Elsewhere, made smaller adjustments based on current observation
    trends. This includes northeastern North Dakota and northern
    Minnesota, where a convective heavy rainfall threat continues to
    develop this evening. Refer to WPC MPD #1026 for additional
    information regarding the heavy rain and flash flooding threat
    across this region.


    Previous Discussion...
    ...Northern Plains and Upper Midwest...

    Aloft, a shortwave will track from the Central Plains to the
    Northern Plains later tonight. This should help renew convection
    over portions of the Dakotas to northwestern Minnesota later this
    evening. Given ample mid-level ascent conducive for convective
    initiation, a pre-frontal surface trough that is expected to
    develop over the southern Canadian Prairies that builds into the
    Dakotas, and a formidable corridor of high theta-E that bisects the
    area, some enhancements of rainfall rates could result in instances
    of flooding.

    ...Western U.S...

    12Z upper air analysis indicates a broad closed upper circulation
    positioned over northern California with an expectation that it
    will continue to strengthen throughout the period. Increasing
    moisture on the eastern flank of the mean trough will allow for a
    better convective environment as the region enters a strong upper
    forcing regime with a correlated instability maximum located over
    the Great Basin. The approach of the upper low will initiate a
    blossoming of convection across the eastern and northern Sierra,
    extending into Nevada and eventually Idaho through this evening.
    MUCAPE between 500-1000 J/kg will be most common within the
    interior, plenty to induce a swath of enhanced convection over an
    area not typically acclimated to see a decent amount of rainfall.
    The current forecast calls for a multi-region impact of
    convectively driven rainfall that could easily exceed 1" in any
    area located from the Great Basin, Four Corners, and portions of
    the Southwestern U.S.

    ...Deep South...

    Lingering low-level moisture with the proximity of a quasi-
    stationary front across the Deep South will allow for another
    round of locally enhanced rainfall that could cause some flash
    flood concerns, generally over the Lower Mississippi Valley into
    the Central Gulf coast. The signal is more diffuse than previous
    days but the probability fields still indicate a formidable
    potential for >3", especially along the Gulf coast where the
    surface based instability is most prominent. Maintained the low end
    Marginal risk area with little change...especially given some of
    those areas were hit hardest the past several days from Francine
    and its remnants.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    2030Z Update...
    With the Southeast/Mid-Atlantic system becoming increasingly
    disjointed between the surface and upper feature...rainfall amounts
    should be tapering off...so a Marginal Risk area is still generally
    fine. The exception tends to be over southeast Virginia where
    models have started showing a signal for some enhanced
    rainfall...so maintained a Slight risk there. The signal for even
    less rainfall and a corresponding drop in the threat of excessive
    rainfall allowed amount of territory to be removed from the
    Marginal across the northern Mid-Atlantic and parts of New York.
    The Marginal Risk for Montana continues to be supported by the
    latest model runs showing low pressure forming over northeast
    Montana that reaches the international border during the latter
    part of the outlook period.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The remnant cyclone will be perusing through the Mid Atlantic come
    Tuesday with its moisture flux steadily pushing northward through
    the Central Mid Atlantic, carrying a potential for locally enhanced
    rainfall and flash flood prospects. As of this time, the consensus
    is still muddled on exactly where the remnant circulation will be
    progressing, as well the forecast instability positioning on the
    eastern flank of the circulation. PWAT anomalies will be creeping
    closer to 1-2 standard deviations above normal, a historical
    characteristic for heavy rain and flash flood concerns within the
    Mid Atlantic. Ensemble instability fields are generally more
    defined in-of the Blue Ridge in VA and across Southeastern VA.
    These would likely be the areas with the most interest when it
    comes to any higher risk. The shifts within the ensemble mean QPF
    add too much variance to conclude the prospects for a higher risk,
    at this time. With coordination from the local WFOs across the Mid
    Atlantic, a MRGL was maintained from the previous forecast with
    some adjustments based on the latest ensemble QPF footprint.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. This is a lower-end MRGL risk categorically,
    but with forecasts within the deterministic still pointing towards
    cells producing >2" of rainfall, this was enough of a signal to
    warrant the MRGL risk inherited from the previous forecast.

    ...Southern Rockies...

    Ejecting shortwave trough out of the Four Corners will provide
    ample mid and upper support for a generation of scattered
    convection located across the Southern Rockies down into the
    Sacramento Mountains in NM. The setup is geared towards locally
    enhanced rainfall prospects tied to the terrain with the best
    opportunity for impacts likely occurring over burn scars located
    within the Sangre de Cristos and the Sacramento Mountains near
    Ruidoso. Those two locations are very sensitive, and the setup
    would certainly be conducive to providing local impacts within the
    two separate MRGL risk areas. Areal QPF average is between
    0.25-0.5", but deterministic output still signals potential for
    upwards of 1.5-2" of rainfall, plenty to cause issues within the
    complex terrain and over any sensitive grounds. A MRGL risk was
    added over the above locations to account for the threat.

    ...Western Montana...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). Current QPF distribution
    signals a scattered array of 1-2" totals with the most precip
    footprint of the maxima tied closer to the terrain thanks to the
    orographic elements typically favored in these types of setups. The convectively driven pattern is one that maintains prominence on
    local flash flood prospects and still has some room for a targeted
    higher risk pending the convective outlook once into better range
    of the CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity with some
    extension on the southern periphery of the risk area over MT.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    2030 UTC Update...

    Focus for the most organized precipitation with a corresponding
    threat of excessive rainfall will be in parts of the Northern
    Rockies...where a well-defined deformation zone sets up to the west
    of a well organized area of low pressure in southern Canada.
    Precipitation amounts in excess of 3 inches appears in most of the
    broader scale model QPF and even a few 5 inch amounts appear in the
    high resolution guidance. This amount of QPF remains worthy of
    Slight Risk and may require an upgrade if the guidance continues to
    inch up.

    The latest guidance shows even moderate rainfall amounts becoming scant...allowing much of the northern part of the Marginal risk
    area to be removed. If trends continue...more area may be removed.
    However there are still a couple of pieces of guidance which manage
    to produce locally heavy rainfall amounts in proximity to a trowal
    near the Mid-Atlantic so felt it was too early to remove entirely.


    Previous Excessive Rainfall Discussion...


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. The current solution is generating pQPF 90th
    percentile output of 100yr ARI's located within the Rockies to the
    east of the valley up in Western MT. With multi-day totals
    bordering 6-8" across portions of MT, a SLGT risk was added for the
    time being as we still have some time prior to eventual impacts.
    That said, it's a period to monitor as the current consensus is
    pretty bullish with a general agreement to the setup within much of
    the 00z deterministic suite. A higher risk is not out of the
    question, especially if the magnitude of the forecast rainfall
    maintains through multiple model cycles, and/or becomes even more
    aggressive in the signal.

    ...Central Mid Atlantic...

    The remnants of the tropical disturbance will linger across the Mid
    Atlantic with some locally heavy rainfall prospects still in the
    forecast. There is a great amount of uncertainty on specifics, so
    the current forecast is based off the latest ensemble blend with a
    focus on the potential most likely closer to the coast where from
    the Marginal Risk instability is highest during the period. For
    now, wanted to maintain some continuity with the prospects still
    non-zero with more time to assess and hone in more as we move
    closer into the period.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4HIfKpUgyp0C4y23wCBcUInL3kp26QLoV9B5ytWUK0TB= KjwAzRGzNuUhlxkcUuvx6_G33FduWtunLDCLe6JEosNKIIY$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4HIfKpUgyp0C4y23wCBcUInL3kp26QLoV9B5ytWUK0TB= KjwAzRGzNuUhlxkcUuvx6_G33FduWtunLDCLe6JE8Yd4Qb0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!4HIfKpUgyp0C4y23wCBcUInL3kp26QLoV9B5ytWUK0TB= KjwAzRGzNuUhlxkcUuvx6_G33FduWtunLDCLe6JEQtbTUU4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 15:54:51 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 171554

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1154 AM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    16Z Update...
    Biggest change made to the Day 1 ERO was to expand the MRGL from
    the FL Panhandle to include much of the central Gulf Coast. A
    stationary front in the vicinity and PWATs of 1.8-2.0" will support
    slow-moving storms and instantaneous rainfall rates around 3"/hr
    between southeast Louisiana and the FL Panhandle. A weak mid-level
    inflection stretching across the Lower Mississippi Valley rounding
    a deeper stacked low over the southern Appalachians will also aid=20
    in slower storm motions. 12z HREF neighborhood probabilities=20
    remains elevated for at least 3" of rain in 6-hours through this=20
    evening. This region remains somewhat susceptible for flash=20
    flooding concerns with 0-40 cm soil moisture above the 90th=20
    percentile per NASA SP0RT- LIS. Even with the saturated soils,=20
    urban areas are most at risk to localized flash flooding.

    Only minor changes were made elsewhere to incorporate 12z CAMs,
    with the MRGL massaged in the northern High Plains and northern
    Rockies to eliminate eastern sections where storms motions should
    be fast.


    Previous Discussion...
    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The disturbance that pushed ashore yesterday will continue to churn
    over the Southern Mid Atlantic with a funneling of moisture off the
    Atlantic aimed across far Northeastern NC and the adjacent VA
    Tidewater through the morning and afternoon hours. Modest SBCAPE
    located across the above areas will justify enough instability to
    trigger heavier convective cores capable of producing heavy
    rainfall in an area that has a historically lower FFG due to the
    urbanization factors over places like Norfolk, Virginia Beach, up
    to Williamsburg. The pattern has produced a relatively robust precip
    footprint as it is with models struggling to handle the overall
    magnitude of the rainfall on the eastern flank of the low. 00z HREF
    probability fields are still pretty exuberant for >3" (50-70%)
    across the Tidewater with an extension of 30-50% further inland
    towards Richmond. PWAT anomalies are sufficiently around +2
    standard deviations with the 00z sounding out of MHX producing an
    observed PWAT of 2.27", a similar airmass that will be advecting
    north with time. This pinpoints the Southeastern VA area as the
    most notable area for potential flash flood capabilities for the
    period when you couple the moisture anomalies and anticipated areal
    instability presence for tomorrow. This allowed for a general
    maintenance of the SLGT risk from the previous forecast with only
    an minor adjustment necessary on the western and northern flank of
    the risk area.

    Across the rest of Western NC and Western VA, the general
    circulation of the remnant low will drift into the Carolina
    Piedmont and become fairly stationary over the course of the
    forecast. The weakening of what's left over from the disturbance
    will mitigate the precip field enough to limit the flash flood
    concerns further inland, although still within the low end of the
    MRGL risk. In fact, some of the 24 hr totals within the means are
    pretty high across Western NC and VA, but a lot of the rainfall
    comes from a persistent, steady light to moderate rain with
    embedded heavier echoes during the afternoon and evening hours with
    marginal diurnal destabilization. Forecast 1"/hr rainfall
    probabilities are relatively tame with basically no calls for 2"/hr
    within the prob fields. The signal was sufficient to maintain the
    MRGL for the forecast with most of the rain accumulating over a
    long period of time and not so much a classic flash flood prospect.
    Those areas along the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah will have the
    best opportunity for flooding in this setup, but with higher FFGs
    across the region, the prospects are lower than normal for a
    heightened flash flood concern.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. 00z HREF neighborhood prob output signals a
    stripe of 25-50% in any given location across the I-10 corridor
    down towards Apalachicola for >3" potential with a 10-15% prob for
    5" over the same area. The convective coverage is more scattered
    in nature, so the previous MRGL has merit given the probabilities
    and anticipated rates hovering between 1-2"/hr.

    ...Southern Rockies and High Plains...

    A strong, broad upper low over the Great Basin will continue to
    slowly migrate to the northeast with increasing large scale forcing
    downstream of the mean trough. Model consensus has grown over the
    past succession of runs for a broader ascent pattern to develop
    across the Southern Rockies with some aid of modest surface based
    instability and terrain to generate a period of convection
    beginning later this afternoon and early evening. Further east into
    the NM and TX High Plains, a region of relatively favorable SBCAPE
    between 500-1500 J/kg will allow for convection to develop
    downstream of the mountains with cells becoming rooted at the
    surface and helped along by shortwave energy ejecting out of the
    adjacent terrain. 00z CAMs are more robust with the convective
    pattern than even 24 hours ago, matching well with the recent ML
    output from the ECMWF AIFS and Graphcast with some precip focus
    over those areas. The HREF probs for >1" were much higher than
    previous forecast as a result with some lower end probs for >2" and
    3" located across parts of the Southern Rockies and High Plains.
    The focal points for flash flooding potential will continue to be
    the complex terrain and burn scars situated within the Sangre de
    Cristos along with the Sacramento Mountains, further south. The
    High Plains area is low-end within the MRGL risk threshold, but the
    favorable pattern lends credence to the chance at an isolated cell
    or two over-performing and causing some flood concerns. This also
    matches the current UFVS First Guess Field forecast for the period
    allowing for the two previous MRGL's in the region to be bridged
    together and expanded east to account for the threat.

    ...Northern Rockies and High Plains...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). The latest 00z
    deterministic and relevant ensembles, including the HREF provide a
    strong consensus on the potential for locally heavy rainfall
    extending from Western MT, where the signal is the strongest, over
    into the High Plains of Eastern MT and points south near the Bad
    Lands of SD. Ensemble QPF output is still within that 1-2" range
    for an areal average, but pockets of higher QPF are dispersed all
    across the above area thanks to the approach of the potent mid-
    latitude cyclone. Considering the overall setup and growing
    convective support of the CAMs downstream of the previous MRGL
    risk, the risk area was expanded to include much of the rest of MT
    down into Northeast WY and Western SD, areas that have more
    favorability for flooding potential due to lower FFGs and higher
    run off capabilities given the soil type and topographic makeup in
    those locations.

    A SLGT risk was mulled over for Western MT, but with coordination
    from the local WFO in Great Falls, decided against the upgrade with
    retaining focus for the higher impacts anticipated the next period


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in-of the Northern
    Rockies encompassing Northwest MT. Ensemble mean QPF is quite
    impressive given the synoptic regime with very little surface based
    instability to work with. The whole pattern is driven by powerful
    upper forcing within a well-defined axis of deformation on the
    western side of a broad, occluding surface cyclone. Precip totals
    off the latest deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4"
    with locally as high as 5+" located within the terrain to the east
    of Great Falls. There has been some adjustments within the ensemble
    means for the heaviest axis of QPF with a small displacement to the
    east. When assessing the 500mb height anomalies between ensemble
    runs and the current deterministic, there is a subtle, but
    noticeable difference in the closed upper reflection being a bit
    more into East-Central MT leading to a heavier QPF distribution
    being a bit further east than previous iterations. This also
    follows with the ML outputs recently with the trend having the axis
    of deformation a bit further east of Great Falls, a general marker
    for where the heaviest precip will focus. Ensemble bias corrected
    QPF is also a touch east with totals relatively similar in the 2-4"
    range with a max of just over 5". This will be something to
    monitor going forth, but the signal is still very much present for
    a locally impactful rainfall thanks to a strong mid-latitude
    cyclone entering the interior Northern U.S. A SLGT risk was
    maintained with a small extension eastward to reflect the recent
    trends in guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!79sRKOQnjZy08bFGJXsICiYq_NzmIOnX0Dc-Mhs_oEur= BgaQGWRqosXZvt83wKAv7NCiu3UFLxraiRXxELGhWo-KCUw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!79sRKOQnjZy08bFGJXsICiYq_NzmIOnX0Dc-Mhs_oEur= BgaQGWRqosXZvt83wKAv7NCiu3UFLxraiRXxELGhhjMyqKk$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!79sRKOQnjZy08bFGJXsICiYq_NzmIOnX0Dc-Mhs_oEur= BgaQGWRqosXZvt83wKAv7NCiu3UFLxraiRXxELGh7V4UCmA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Tue Sep 17 19:48:01 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 171947

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    347 PM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Tue Sep 17 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    16Z Update...
    Biggest change made to the Day 1 ERO was to expand the MRGL from
    the FL Panhandle to include much of the central Gulf Coast. A
    stationary front in the vicinity and PWATs of 1.8-2.0" will support
    slow-moving storms and instantaneous rainfall rates around 3"/hr
    between southeast Louisiana and the FL Panhandle. A weak mid-level
    inflection stretching across the Lower Mississippi Valley rounding
    a deeper stacked low over the southern Appalachians will also aid
    in slower storm motions. 12z HREF neighborhood probabilities
    remains elevated for at least 3" of rain in 6-hours through this
    evening. This region remains somewhat susceptible for flash
    flooding concerns with 0-40 cm soil moisture above the 90th
    percentile per NASA SP0RT- LIS. Even with the saturated soils,
    urban areas are most at risk to localized flash flooding.

    Only minor changes were made elsewhere to incorporate 12z CAMs,
    with the MRGL massaged in the northern High Plains and northern
    Rockies to eliminate eastern sections where storms motions should
    be fast.


    Previous Discussion...
    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The disturbance that pushed ashore yesterday will continue to churn
    over the Southern Mid Atlantic with a funneling of moisture off the
    Atlantic aimed across far Northeastern NC and the adjacent VA
    Tidewater through the morning and afternoon hours. Modest SBCAPE
    located across the above areas will justify enough instability to
    trigger heavier convective cores capable of producing heavy
    rainfall in an area that has a historically lower FFG due to the
    urbanization factors over places like Norfolk, Virginia Beach, up
    to Williamsburg. The pattern has produced a relatively robust precip
    footprint as it is with models struggling to handle the overall
    magnitude of the rainfall on the eastern flank of the low. 00z HREF
    probability fields are still pretty exuberant for >3" (50-70%)
    across the Tidewater with an extension of 30-50% further inland
    towards Richmond. PWAT anomalies are sufficiently around +2
    standard deviations with the 00z sounding out of MHX producing an
    observed PWAT of 2.27", a similar airmass that will be advecting
    north with time. This pinpoints the Southeastern VA area as the
    most notable area for potential flash flood capabilities for the
    period when you couple the moisture anomalies and anticipated areal
    instability presence for tomorrow. This allowed for a general
    maintenance of the SLGT risk from the previous forecast with only
    an minor adjustment necessary on the western and northern flank of
    the risk area.

    Across the rest of Western NC and Western VA, the general
    circulation of the remnant low will drift into the Carolina
    Piedmont and become fairly stationary over the course of the
    forecast. The weakening of what's left over from the disturbance
    will mitigate the precip field enough to limit the flash flood
    concerns further inland, although still within the low end of the
    MRGL risk. In fact, some of the 24 hr totals within the means are
    pretty high across Western NC and VA, but a lot of the rainfall
    comes from a persistent, steady light to moderate rain with
    embedded heavier echoes during the afternoon and evening hours with
    marginal diurnal destabilization. Forecast 1"/hr rainfall
    probabilities are relatively tame with basically no calls for 2"/hr
    within the prob fields. The signal was sufficient to maintain the
    MRGL for the forecast with most of the rain accumulating over a
    long period of time and not so much a classic flash flood prospect.
    Those areas along the Blue Ridge into the Shenandoah will have the
    best opportunity for flooding in this setup, but with higher FFGs
    across the region, the prospects are lower than normal for a
    heightened flash flood concern.

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    Lingering low-level moisture flux tied a quasi-stationary front and
    subsequent weak surface reflection along the Gulf Coast will allow
    for one more period of isolated to widely scattered thunderstorms
    within the Western FL Panhandle, bisecting an area that is
    currently under more sensitive FFG indices compared to
    climatological averages. The most prone location resides near
    Apalachicola where recent 5-day rainfall totals are upwards of
    8-15" leading to a fairly water-logged position along the immediate
    Gulf coast. Despite the signal not being as impressive as previous
    periods, the instability gradient right along the coast could
    provide the necessary element to maintain a risk for locally heavy
    rainfall, especially any cells tied to the boundary running
    parallel to the coast. 00z HREF neighborhood prob output signals a
    stripe of 25-50% in any given location across the I-10 corridor
    down towards Apalachicola for >3" potential with a 10-15% prob for
    5" over the same area. The convective coverage is more scattered
    in nature, so the previous MRGL has merit given the probabilities
    and anticipated rates hovering between 1-2"/hr.

    ...Southern Rockies and High Plains...

    A strong, broad upper low over the Great Basin will continue to
    slowly migrate to the northeast with increasing large scale forcing
    downstream of the mean trough. Model consensus has grown over the
    past succession of runs for a broader ascent pattern to develop
    across the Southern Rockies with some aid of modest surface based
    instability and terrain to generate a period of convection
    beginning later this afternoon and early evening. Further east into
    the NM and TX High Plains, a region of relatively favorable SBCAPE
    between 500-1500 J/kg will allow for convection to develop
    downstream of the mountains with cells becoming rooted at the
    surface and helped along by shortwave energy ejecting out of the
    adjacent terrain. 00z CAMs are more robust with the convective
    pattern than even 24 hours ago, matching well with the recent ML
    output from the ECMWF AIFS and Graphcast with some precip focus
    over those areas. The HREF probs for >1" were much higher than
    previous forecast as a result with some lower end probs for >2" and
    3" located across parts of the Southern Rockies and High Plains.
    The focal points for flash flooding potential will continue to be
    the complex terrain and burn scars situated within the Sangre de
    Cristos along with the Sacramento Mountains, further south. The
    High Plains area is low-end within the MRGL risk threshold, but the
    favorable pattern lends credence to the chance at an isolated cell
    or two over-performing and causing some flood concerns. This also
    matches the current UFVS First Guess Field forecast for the period
    allowing for the two previous MRGL's in the region to be bridged
    together and expanded east to account for the threat.

    ...Northern Rockies and High Plains...

    Approaching closed upper low over the Great Basin will pivot
    northeastward while tilting negative as it progresses into the
    Interior Mountain West, eventually situating over MT by the end of
    the forecast cycle. Large scale ascent pattern will be maximized
    downstream of the mean trough with ample mid-level moisture
    advection being carried poleward into Big Sky Country, pushing PWAT
    anomalies into the +2 to +3 standard deviation range. This is a
    prominent signal when coupled with a strong upper forcing regime
    and is co-located with an increase in boundary layer instability
    when assessing the area MUCAPE field(s). The latest 00z
    deterministic and relevant ensembles, including the HREF provide a
    strong consensus on the potential for locally heavy rainfall
    extending from Western MT, where the signal is the strongest, over
    into the High Plains of Eastern MT and points south near the Bad
    Lands of SD. Ensemble QPF output is still within that 1-2" range
    for an areal average, but pockets of higher QPF are dispersed all
    across the above area thanks to the approach of the potent mid-
    latitude cyclone. Considering the overall setup and growing
    convective support of the CAMs downstream of the previous MRGL
    risk, the risk area was expanded to include much of the rest of MT
    down into Northeast WY and Western SD, areas that have more
    favorability for flooding potential due to lower FFGs and higher
    run off capabilities given the soil type and topographic makeup in
    those locations.

    A SLGT risk was mulled over for Western MT, but with coordination
    from the local WFO in Great Falls, decided against the upgrade with
    retaining focus for the higher impacts anticipated the next period


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern=20
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading=20
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in central MT on=20
    Wednesday. A TROWAL wrapping around the western side of the=20
    deepening surface low will promote increase lift within a region of=20 anomalously high IVT (above the maximum climatological percentiles=20
    for all hours per the 12z GEFS). PWATs are also forecast to reach=20
    above the 95th percentile as actual values peak in the 1.00-1.25"=20
    range. Ensemble mean QPF is quite impressive given the synoptic=20
    regime has very little surface based instability to work with and=20
    low MUCAPE (less than 200 J/kg). Precip totals off the latest=20
    deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4" with locally as=20
    high as 5-8" located within the terrain to the east of Great Falls.
    There has been some adjustments within the ensemble means for the=20
    heaviest axis of QPF with a small displacement to the east. When=20
    assessing the 500mb height anomalies between ensemble runs and the=20
    current deterministic, there is a subtle, but noticeable difference=20
    in the closed upper reflection being a bit more into East-Central MT=20
    leading to a heavier QPF distribution being a bit further east than=20
    previous iterations. This also follows with the ML outputs recently=20
    with the trend having the axis of deformation a bit further east of=20
    Great Falls, a general marker for where the heaviest precip will=20
    focus. Ensemble bias corrected QPF is also a touch east with totals=20 relatively similar in the 2-4" range with a max of just over 5".=20
    This will be something to monitor going forth, but the signal is=20
    still very much present for a locally impactful rainfall thanks to a=20
    strong mid- latitude cyclone entering the interior Northern U.S. A=20
    SLGT risk was maintained with an additional small extension=20
    eastward to reflect the recent trends in guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!92eLztdxFDEbzXXqYYuRaQ8sgg3Xtn4MHf8jdy3V3JY7= 1elrCDfweUb-CF2Gy8waBzfT4ZNW0Iosy1A82-GURvtw9lU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!92eLztdxFDEbzXXqYYuRaQ8sgg3Xtn4MHf8jdy3V3JY7= 1elrCDfweUb-CF2Gy8waBzfT4ZNW0Iosy1A82-GUZFH0WT4$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!92eLztdxFDEbzXXqYYuRaQ8sgg3Xtn4MHf8jdy3V3JY7= 1elrCDfweUb-CF2Gy8waBzfT4ZNW0Iosy1A82-GUwjTi5Rk$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 00:50:44 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 180050

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    850 PM EDT Tue Sep 17 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024


    ...Mid Atlantic...

    Occluded low wrapped up over South Carolina will continue to=20
    funnel moisture off the Atlantic on easterly flow into the Mid-
    Atlantic. Sizable area of >4" rainfall has already fallen over=20
    northeastern NC but has largely moved northward to the VA/NC border
    as of 0030Z. Still, with a saturated column and PW values >2" the=20
    convergent flow could still yield some heavier rain totals through=20
    the overnight hours, so the Slight Risk outline remains (but focus=20
    a bit more toward and east of I-95. Broader Marginal Risk area=20
    covers the region westward to the Appalachians/Blue Ridge where=20
    additional rainfall is likely, though not as heavy as near the=20

    ...Florida Panhandle...

    With the loss of daytime heating and diminishing activity, removed
    this Marginal Risk area for the overnight hours.=20

    ...Southern Rockies and High Plains...

    Trimmed the Marginal Risk to just northeastern NM into the TX/OK=20
    Panhandle with a small expansion to the northeast, given recent=20
    trends. With the lead line of rainfall already through the region,=20
    upstream echoes could creep toward now lowered 3-h FFG values in=20
    the SW flow. Most sensitive areas will still be around terrain=20
    areas of northern NM but also into far SW KS this evening/overnight
    should any convection flare up enough again.=20

    ...Northern Rockies and High Plains...

    Robust closed upper low over the northeastern Great Basin will=20
    pivot into MT overnight and continue to deepen, favoring=20
    strengthening of the system. Some rainfall has fallen over much of=20
    the region, but more vigorous dynamics should support some higher=20
    rates and an expanse of the precip shield overnight, and especially
    into D2 (Wednesday). Will keep the Marginal Risk for the region=20
    with a slight eastward shift into the warm sector to cover any=20 northward-moving and potentially training cells this evening.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    Negatively tilted mean trough and closed low over the Northern
    Rockies will become vertically stacked over Big Sky Country leading
    to a prolific axis of deformation developing in central MT on
    Wednesday. A TROWAL wrapping around the western side of the
    deepening surface low will promote increase lift within a region of
    anomalously high IVT (above the maximum climatological percentiles
    for all hours per the 12z GEFS). PWATs are also forecast to reach
    above the 95th percentile as actual values peak in the 1.00-1.25"
    range. Ensemble mean QPF is quite impressive given the synoptic
    regime has very little surface based instability to work with and
    low MUCAPE (less than 200 J/kg). Precip totals off the latest
    deterministic are gaudy with a wide swath of 2-4" with locally as
    high as 5-8" located within the terrain to the east of Great Falls.
    There has been some adjustments within the ensemble means for the
    heaviest axis of QPF with a small displacement to the east. When
    assessing the 500mb height anomalies between ensemble runs and the
    current deterministic, there is a subtle, but noticeable difference
    in the closed upper reflection being a bit more into East-Central MT
    leading to a heavier QPF distribution being a bit further east than
    previous iterations. This also follows with the ML outputs recently
    with the trend having the axis of deformation a bit further east of
    Great Falls, a general marker for where the heaviest precip will
    focus. Ensemble bias corrected QPF is also a touch east with totals
    relatively similar in the 2-4" range with a max of just over 5".
    This will be something to monitor going forth, but the signal is
    still very much present for a locally impactful rainfall thanks to a
    strong mid- latitude cyclone entering the interior Northern U.S. A
    SLGT risk was maintained with an additional small extension
    eastward to reflect the recent trends in guidance.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9d8WiRH2-QRiNIkV8teK1OlUpuP_HpIEvoAZpLAPF9Eb= Nyri-EphXln8b93-agy0sllz5Su3-c0iZ4mNz-5xfHnvL9Y$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9d8WiRH2-QRiNIkV8teK1OlUpuP_HpIEvoAZpLAPF9Eb= Nyri-EphXln8b93-agy0sllz5Su3-c0iZ4mNz-5xWJ73BvY$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!9d8WiRH2-QRiNIkV8teK1OlUpuP_HpIEvoAZpLAPF9Eb= Nyri-EphXln8b93-agy0sllz5Su3-c0iZ4mNz-5xfcLaU-Q$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 07:54:01 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 180753

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    353 AM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024



    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying
    dual surface low reflection located across Central MT with
    pressures now down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the=20
    cyclone to continue to intensify through the evening with an=20
    occlusion phase occurring later this morning allowing for a strong,
    well- defined deformation axis to center itself over the Northern
    Rockies, east of Great Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper
    end of climatological peak for not just this time of year, but all
    years according the latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return
    intervals. PWAT anomaly forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a
    solid 97th to 99th percentile outcome given climatology which is
    impressive to say the least. The strong large scale forcing=20
    focused on the western side of the occluded cyclone will induce a
    focused TROWAL across the aforementioned area above, in good
    agreement amongst all guidance, including the CAMs and global
    deterministic. Regardless of which model output you assess, the
    prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with locally higher are being
    forecast in-of the terrain east of Great Falls and the I-15
    corridor in MT.=20

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the=20
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the=20
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some=20
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities=20
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the=20
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the=20
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the=20
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade=20
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The=20
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from=20
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the=20
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive=20
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of=20
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to=20
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The period can be characterized by uncertainty within the guidance
    as a disheveled surface and mid-level reflection left over from
    what was Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 (PTC8) continues to meander
    over the Mid Atlantic with a broad PWAT anomaly positioned across
    Northern NC through the Delmarva. The interesting aspect of the
    forecast is multiple deterministic outputs have some prospects of
    heavy rainfall across parts of the Mid Atlantic, but there is a
    large disagreement on where exactly that could take place. The
    issue is the lack of an organized surface reflection that can help
    bring everything together, but still has a presence that can allow
    for smaller zones of opportunity to crop up. Assessing the ensemble
    QPF has helped curb some of the discontinuity within the
    deterministic leading to two areas of focus within the next 24 hrs.=20

    The first is across the coast of NJ where an axis of convective=20
    potential seems reasonable as the weak surface low analyzed over=20
    Eastern NC begins to drift northeast with some resemblance of=20
    organization as it enters over the Gulf stream. A modest jet streak
    is forecast to develop over the Western Atlantic with the surface=20
    low likely to lie within the left exit region of the jet allowing=20
    for some modest strengthening as it moves northeast off the coast=20
    of DE/NJ. The synoptic evolution is moving towards the "classic"
    axis of deformation prospects as the low begins to intensify and
    the western side of the cyclone exhibits a band of heavier precip
    close to the DE/NJ coastal plain. This was outlined within the
    latest HREF ensemble blended mean QPF with the matched mean QPF
    displaying a relatively significant heavy QPF signature within the
    Southern and Central NJ coast impacting areas from just north of
    Cape May up through Atlantic City to just to the east of Toms
    River. These areas aren't as flood prone compared to some of the
    focused urban corridors inland, but the combination of some heavy
    surf with rainfall rates between 1-2"/hr could cause some localized
    flooding within the coast. Considering some of the uncertainty, the
    only risk to add was a MRGL as the probabilities for >3" and >5" are
    still favorable (40-60% and 15-30% respectively), but with only
    modest agreement amongst guidance, it would be hard to issue
    anything higher.=20

    The second area of interest lies within much of Northern and
    Eastern VA where the closed 500mb low will continue to spin south
    of the region prompting some weak ascent focused over a region of
    relatively modest instability and deep layer moisture. This is
    another scenario where the guidance has precip, but the focus is
    anywhere from Southern PA down to Hampton, VA. HREF probabilities
    signal a broad axis of 40-60% probs for >3" somewhere from the WV
    Panhandle down to Virginia Beach with some low end >5" probs
    lingering within the same corridor. Ensemble QPF footprint depicts
    an areal average of 1-1.5" located across the above zone with a
    maxima centered over Northern VA. The prospects for heavy rainfall
    also include areas along the Potomac, including the DC metro which
    has notoriously lower FFGs thanks to urban sprawl. There is too
    much uncertainty again for anything more than a MRGL risk, however
    the environment is favorable for somewhere to see a heavy cell or
    two that could cause issues. For that, have opted to add a second
    MRGL risk within the Mid Atlantic with points between the two risk
    areas void from the threats due to a greater model consensus
    pointing at a relative QPF min within that area of the Delmarva.=20

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    Another broad closed upper low will come ashore over Northern CA
    from the Pacific leading to increased moisture and favorable upper
    forcing across the terrain of CA/NV beginning later this afternoon.
    Despite cooler surface temps, steep low and mid-level lapse rates
    with a decent outline of positive buoyancy within the forecast
    soundings out of KREV signal the potential for some heavier
    convective cell initiations across the North-Central Sierra over
    into Western NV. There has been an uptick in the ensemble QPF
    across this area the past succession of runs leading to a bit more
    potential than what was thought prior. Historically, including with
    the past system, we've seen these strong upper lows tend to
    overachieve at times with the magnitude and spatial coverage of the
    convection downstream. In this case, it's favoring the prospects
    for locally heavy rainfall in the complex terrain and over an area
    of lower FFGs like Reno which carry the urbanization factor. The
    latest UFVS First Guess Field has also introduced a recommended
    MRGL risk for the first time in its runs as of late with the uptick
    in the signal. A MRGL risk was added to account for the threat with
    the threshold still on the lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-rl_BvOQjbp04T3C-FDOLYLQmOPqqeCTinVtEdbaO1z4= Wv747FdfgRSsy7c3qcH0Cp5LWWQmHHnKrH-FKnXQcmauBUE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-rl_BvOQjbp04T3C-FDOLYLQmOPqqeCTinVtEdbaO1z4= Wv747FdfgRSsy7c3qcH0Cp5LWWQmHHnKrH-FKnXQurnm3E4$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!-rl_BvOQjbp04T3C-FDOLYLQmOPqqeCTinVtEdbaO1z4= Wv747FdfgRSsy7c3qcH0Cp5LWWQmHHnKrH-FKnXQNNenIXA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 15:48:09 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 181548

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1148 AM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The only change of note with this update was the removal of both
    Marginal risk areas in the Mid-Atlantic. No changes were made to
    the Slight in Montana nor the Marginal in Nevada.


    Across the Mid-Atlantic thus far much of the heaviest rainfall has
    remained well offshore of the Jersey coast, headed for the Cape of Massachusetts, where FFGs are very high. For the DMV and
    Pennsylvania, all of the rain has been in the form of slow-moving
    showers, which have largely moved into the Appalachians, with
    little left around any urban centers. Through this afternoon,
    additional showers and maybe a few storms may form with daytime
    heating, but meager instability, lack of convection so far, and
    general agreement among the 12Z CAMs suggests any cores of heaviest
    rainfall will be brief enough to not cause too many problems.
    Further, much of the area has been in a drought, and the light
    rainfall that has been seen and expected has been largely

    While an isolated instance of flash flooding can't be completely
    ruled out given the slow-moving nature of the convection, given the
    meager showing both up to this point and in the guidance going
    forward, expect the threat for flash flooding is less than 5

    ...Montana and Nevada...

    No changes were made to the ERO risk areas in each of these
    regions. For Montana, ongoing light to moderate rain over areas
    with low FFGs will continue to pose a flooding threat into tonight
    in this otherwise very dry part of the country. Meanwhile in Nevada
    the event is just now approaching the Marginal Risk area in the
    Lake Tahoe region, so no change was needed given little change in
    the guidance.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying
    dual surface low reflection located across Central MT with
    pressures now down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the
    cyclone to continue to intensify through the evening with an
    occlusion phase occurring later this morning allowing for a strong,
    well- defined deformation axis to center itself over the Northern
    Rockies, east of Great Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper
    end of climatological peak for not just this time of year, but all
    years according the latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return
    intervals. PWAT anomaly forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a
    solid 97th to 99th percentile outcome given climatology which is
    impressive to say the least. The strong large scale forcing
    focused on the western side of the occluded cyclone will induce a
    focused TROWAL across the aforementioned area above, in good
    agreement amongst all guidance, including the CAMs and global
    deterministic. Regardless of which model output you assess, the
    prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with locally higher are being
    forecast in-of the terrain east of Great Falls and the I-15
    corridor in MT.

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The period can be characterized by uncertainty within the guidance
    as a disheveled surface and mid-level reflection left over from
    what was Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 (PTC8) continues to meander
    over the Mid Atlantic with a broad PWAT anomaly positioned across
    Northern NC through the Delmarva. The interesting aspect of the
    forecast is multiple deterministic outputs have some prospects of
    heavy rainfall across parts of the Mid Atlantic, but there is a
    large disagreement on where exactly that could take place. The
    issue is the lack of an organized surface reflection that can help
    bring everything together, but still has a presence that can allow
    for smaller zones of opportunity to crop up. Assessing the ensemble
    QPF has helped curb some of the discontinuity within the
    deterministic leading to two areas of focus within the next 24 hrs.

    The first is across the coast of NJ where an axis of convective
    potential seems reasonable as the weak surface low analyzed over
    Eastern NC begins to drift northeast with some resemblance of
    organization as it enters over the Gulf stream. A modest jet streak
    is forecast to develop over the Western Atlantic with the surface
    low likely to lie within the left exit region of the jet allowing
    for some modest strengthening as it moves northeast off the coast
    of DE/NJ. The synoptic evolution is moving towards the "classic"
    axis of deformation prospects as the low begins to intensify and
    the western side of the cyclone exhibits a band of heavier precip
    close to the DE/NJ coastal plain. This was outlined within the
    latest HREF ensemble blended mean QPF with the matched mean QPF
    displaying a relatively significant heavy QPF signature within the
    Southern and Central NJ coast impacting areas from just north of
    Cape May up through Atlantic City to just to the east of Toms
    River. These areas aren't as flood prone compared to some of the
    focused urban corridors inland, but the combination of some heavy
    surf with rainfall rates between 1-2"/hr could cause some localized
    flooding within the coast. Considering some of the uncertainty, the
    only risk to add was a MRGL as the probabilities for >3" and >5" are
    still favorable (40-60% and 15-30% respectively), but with only
    modest agreement amongst guidance, it would be hard to issue
    anything higher.

    The second area of interest lies within much of Northern and
    Eastern VA where the closed 500mb low will continue to spin south
    of the region prompting some weak ascent focused over a region of
    relatively modest instability and deep layer moisture. This is
    another scenario where the guidance has precip, but the focus is
    anywhere from Southern PA down to Hampton, VA. HREF probabilities
    signal a broad axis of 40-60% probs for >3" somewhere from the WV
    Panhandle down to Virginia Beach with some low end >5" probs
    lingering within the same corridor. Ensemble QPF footprint depicts
    an areal average of 1-1.5" located across the above zone with a
    maxima centered over Northern VA. The prospects for heavy rainfall
    also include areas along the Potomac, including the DC metro which
    has notoriously lower FFGs thanks to urban sprawl. There is too
    much uncertainty again for anything more than a MRGL risk, however
    the environment is favorable for somewhere to see a heavy cell or
    two that could cause issues. For that, have opted to add a second
    MRGL risk within the Mid Atlantic with points between the two risk
    areas void from the threats due to a greater model consensus
    pointing at a relative QPF min within that area of the Delmarva.

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    Another broad closed upper low will come ashore over Northern CA
    from the Pacific leading to increased moisture and favorable upper
    forcing across the terrain of CA/NV beginning later this afternoon.
    Despite cooler surface temps, steep low and mid-level lapse rates
    with a decent outline of positive buoyancy within the forecast
    soundings out of KREV signal the potential for some heavier
    convective cell initiations across the North-Central Sierra over
    into Western NV. There has been an uptick in the ensemble QPF
    across this area the past succession of runs leading to a bit more
    potential than what was thought prior. Historically, including with
    the past system, we've seen these strong upper lows tend to
    overachieve at times with the magnitude and spatial coverage of the
    convection downstream. In this case, it's favoring the prospects
    for locally heavy rainfall in the complex terrain and over an area
    of lower FFGs like Reno which carry the urbanization factor. The
    latest UFVS First Guess Field has also introduced a recommended
    MRGL risk for the first time in its runs as of late with the uptick
    in the signal. A MRGL risk was added to account for the threat with
    the threshold still on the lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024

    The probability of rainfall exceeding flash flood guidance is less
    than 5 percent.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7580NV2WgULwmi2R7YjWXuhjNgArUMZynClQHxOjY5vX= KNW19TGeCXyWlGLNMe0rS48Q0wwkC9WrwBr3bQK-jhhPejk$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7580NV2WgULwmi2R7YjWXuhjNgArUMZynClQHxOjY5vX= KNW19TGeCXyWlGLNMe0rS48Q0wwkC9WrwBr3bQK-svnkEhI$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7580NV2WgULwmi2R7YjWXuhjNgArUMZynClQHxOjY5vX= KNW19TGeCXyWlGLNMe0rS48Q0wwkC9WrwBr3bQK-CRVA4eQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Wed Sep 18 20:15:52 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 182015

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    415 PM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Wed Sep 18 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    The only change of note with this update was the removal of both
    Marginal risk areas in the Mid-Atlantic. No changes were made to
    the Slight in Montana nor the Marginal in Nevada.


    Across the Mid-Atlantic thus far much of the heaviest rainfall has
    remained well offshore of the Jersey coast, headed for the Cape of Massachusetts, where FFGs are very high. For the DMV and
    Pennsylvania, all of the rain has been in the form of slow-moving
    showers, which have largely moved into the Appalachians, with
    little left around any urban centers. Through this afternoon,
    additional showers and maybe a few storms may form with daytime
    heating, but meager instability, lack of convection so far, and
    general agreement among the 12Z CAMs suggests any cores of heaviest
    rainfall will be brief enough to not cause too many problems.
    Further, much of the area has been in a drought, and the light
    rainfall that has been seen and expected has been largely

    While an isolated instance of flash flooding can't be completely
    ruled out given the slow-moving nature of the convection, given the
    meager showing both up to this point and in the guidance going
    forward, expect the threat for flash flooding is less than 5

    ...Montana and Nevada...

    No changes were made to the ERO risk areas in each of these
    regions. For Montana, ongoing light to moderate rain over areas
    with low FFGs will continue to pose a flooding threat into tonight
    in this otherwise very dry part of the country. Meanwhile in Nevada
    the event is just now approaching the Marginal Risk area in the
    Lake Tahoe region, so no change was needed given little change in
    the guidance.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying
    dual surface low reflection located across Central MT with
    pressures now down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the
    cyclone to continue to intensify through the evening with an
    occlusion phase occurring later this morning allowing for a strong,
    well- defined deformation axis to center itself over the Northern
    Rockies, east of Great Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper
    end of climatological peak for not just this time of year, but all
    years according the latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return
    intervals. PWAT anomaly forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a
    solid 97th to 99th percentile outcome given climatology which is
    impressive to say the least. The strong large scale forcing
    focused on the western side of the occluded cyclone will induce a
    focused TROWAL across the aforementioned area above, in good
    agreement amongst all guidance, including the CAMs and global
    deterministic. Regardless of which model output you assess, the
    prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with locally higher are being
    forecast in-of the terrain east of Great Falls and the I-15
    corridor in MT.

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The period can be characterized by uncertainty within the guidance
    as a disheveled surface and mid-level reflection left over from
    what was Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 (PTC8) continues to meander
    over the Mid Atlantic with a broad PWAT anomaly positioned across
    Northern NC through the Delmarva. The interesting aspect of the
    forecast is multiple deterministic outputs have some prospects of
    heavy rainfall across parts of the Mid Atlantic, but there is a
    large disagreement on where exactly that could take place. The
    issue is the lack of an organized surface reflection that can help
    bring everything together, but still has a presence that can allow
    for smaller zones of opportunity to crop up. Assessing the ensemble
    QPF has helped curb some of the discontinuity within the
    deterministic leading to two areas of focus within the next 24 hrs.

    The first is across the coast of NJ where an axis of convective
    potential seems reasonable as the weak surface low analyzed over
    Eastern NC begins to drift northeast with some resemblance of
    organization as it enters over the Gulf stream. A modest jet streak
    is forecast to develop over the Western Atlantic with the surface
    low likely to lie within the left exit region of the jet allowing
    for some modest strengthening as it moves northeast off the coast
    of DE/NJ. The synoptic evolution is moving towards the "classic"
    axis of deformation prospects as the low begins to intensify and
    the western side of the cyclone exhibits a band of heavier precip
    close to the DE/NJ coastal plain. This was outlined within the
    latest HREF ensemble blended mean QPF with the matched mean QPF
    displaying a relatively significant heavy QPF signature within the
    Southern and Central NJ coast impacting areas from just north of
    Cape May up through Atlantic City to just to the east of Toms
    River. These areas aren't as flood prone compared to some of the
    focused urban corridors inland, but the combination of some heavy
    surf with rainfall rates between 1-2"/hr could cause some localized
    flooding within the coast. Considering some of the uncertainty, the
    only risk to add was a MRGL as the probabilities for >3" and >5" are
    still favorable (40-60% and 15-30% respectively), but with only
    modest agreement amongst guidance, it would be hard to issue
    anything higher.

    The second area of interest lies within much of Northern and
    Eastern VA where the closed 500mb low will continue to spin south
    of the region prompting some weak ascent focused over a region of
    relatively modest instability and deep layer moisture. This is
    another scenario where the guidance has precip, but the focus is
    anywhere from Southern PA down to Hampton, VA. HREF probabilities
    signal a broad axis of 40-60% probs for >3" somewhere from the WV
    Panhandle down to Virginia Beach with some low end >5" probs
    lingering within the same corridor. Ensemble QPF footprint depicts
    an areal average of 1-1.5" located across the above zone with a
    maxima centered over Northern VA. The prospects for heavy rainfall
    also include areas along the Potomac, including the DC metro which
    has notoriously lower FFGs thanks to urban sprawl. There is too
    much uncertainty again for anything more than a MRGL risk, however
    the environment is favorable for somewhere to see a heavy cell or
    two that could cause issues. For that, have opted to add a second
    MRGL risk within the Mid Atlantic with points between the two risk
    areas void from the threats due to a greater model consensus
    pointing at a relative QPF min within that area of the Delmarva.

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    Another broad closed upper low will come ashore over Northern CA
    from the Pacific leading to increased moisture and favorable upper
    forcing across the terrain of CA/NV beginning later this afternoon.
    Despite cooler surface temps, steep low and mid-level lapse rates
    with a decent outline of positive buoyancy within the forecast
    soundings out of KREV signal the potential for some heavier
    convective cell initiations across the North-Central Sierra over
    into Western NV. There has been an uptick in the ensemble QPF
    across this area the past succession of runs leading to a bit more
    potential than what was thought prior. Historically, including with
    the past system, we've seen these strong upper lows tend to
    overachieve at times with the magnitude and spatial coverage of the
    convection downstream. In this case, it's favoring the prospects
    for locally heavy rainfall in the complex terrain and over an area
    of lower FFGs like Reno which carry the urbanization factor. The
    latest UFVS First Guess Field has also introduced a recommended
    MRGL risk for the first time in its runs as of late with the uptick
    in the signal. A MRGL risk was added to account for the threat with
    the threshold still on the lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024



    A strong slow-moving cutoff low will drift southeastward down the
    coast of California on Thursday. Limited, but still notable amounts
    of Pacific moisture will advect into southern California on
    southwesterly flow ahead of the low, where the forcing will be
    maximized. Rainfall into central California today will drift
    southward towards the Santa Barbara region by Thursday. Burn scars
    in this area will greatly enhance the flood risk locally should
    persistent upslope flow result in long-duration rainfall. For this
    reason, the Marginal Risk was hoisted for the Transverse Ranges
    north of Oxnard. Resultant flash flooding should be isolated, due
    to limited moisture and burn scar support, but the threat will be
    high enough that local impacts from any flash flooding are


    A stalled out front over Florida will interact with moisture with a
    tropical wave on Thursday. This will result in more widespread and
    heavier storm coverage when the usual afternoon storms form. South
    Florida has seen several afternoons of storms this week, so a more
    active day on Thursday could result in isolated flash flooding. The
    threat will be greatest along the urban I-95 corridor from West
    Palm Beach south to the Keys. In addition to timing of storms and
    urban concerns, flooding will be most likely at the time of high
    tide, when drainage from the adjacent beaches and urban areas will
    be hindered due to the higher sea levels. In coordination with
    MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Marginal Risk has been added.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    The stalled out front over south Florida will remain in place again
    on Friday. Once again the convection which will be capable of flash
    flooding will be generally during the afternoon and evening, over
    the urban I-95 corridor from West Palm Beach south, and at high
    tide. Otherwise, the weather pattern remains status quo with very
    little changing day to day.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_bITZwHvXpsCIjt3C3cvsSMA96yRtbc8iMTI2El_AcFP= ZuDjvC6fv8AJWnn5JQhwSfqYNC3kS3H1cyvVrEqKXYml5KU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_bITZwHvXpsCIjt3C3cvsSMA96yRtbc8iMTI2El_AcFP= ZuDjvC6fv8AJWnn5JQhwSfqYNC3kS3H1cyvVrEqKE6tXCEo$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_bITZwHvXpsCIjt3C3cvsSMA96yRtbc8iMTI2El_AcFP= ZuDjvC6fv8AJWnn5JQhwSfqYNC3kS3H1cyvVrEqKPbP5T00$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 01:00:57 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 190100

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    900 PM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024


    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Based on the observational trends, was able to trim the western
    edges of the Slight and Marginal Risk areas a bit. Deep layer
    instability within the TROWAL is rather weak/shallow, thus the
    short term rainfall rates have been lacking somewhat (Isolated 1"
    amounts within 3 hours). Given the persistent coverage however,
    along with the low FFG values (many areas 0.50" or less in 3
    hours), will maintain the Slight Risk over north-central MT.


    ...Previous Discussion...
    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad=20
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying dual=20
    surface low reflection located across Central MT with pressures now
    down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the cyclone to continue=20
    to intensify through the evening with an occlusion phase occurring=20
    later this morning allowing for a strong, well- defined deformation
    axis to center itself over the Northern Rockies, east of Great=20
    Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper end of climatological=20
    peak for not just this time of year, but all years according the=20
    latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return intervals. PWAT anomaly=20
    forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a solid 97th to 99th=20
    percentile outcome given climatology which is impressive to say the
    least. The strong large scale forcing focused on the western side=20
    of the occluded cyclone will induce a focused TROWAL across the=20 aforementioned area above, in good agreement amongst all guidance,=20
    including the CAMs and global deterministic. Regardless of which=20
    model output you assess, the prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with=20
    locally higher are being forecast in-of the terrain east of Great=20
    Falls and the I-15 corridor in MT.

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...Mid Atlantic...

    The period can be characterized by uncertainty within the guidance
    as a disheveled surface and mid-level reflection left over from
    what was Potential Tropical Cyclone 8 (PTC8) continues to meander
    over the Mid Atlantic with a broad PWAT anomaly positioned across
    Northern NC through the Delmarva. The interesting aspect of the
    forecast is multiple deterministic outputs have some prospects of
    heavy rainfall across parts of the Mid Atlantic, but there is a
    large disagreement on where exactly that could take place. The
    issue is the lack of an organized surface reflection that can help
    bring everything together, but still has a presence that can allow
    for smaller zones of opportunity to crop up. Assessing the ensemble
    QPF has helped curb some of the discontinuity within the
    deterministic leading to two areas of focus within the next 24 hrs.

    The first is across the coast of NJ where an axis of convective
    potential seems reasonable as the weak surface low analyzed over
    Eastern NC begins to drift northeast with some resemblance of
    organization as it enters over the Gulf stream. A modest jet streak
    is forecast to develop over the Western Atlantic with the surface
    low likely to lie within the left exit region of the jet allowing
    for some modest strengthening as it moves northeast off the coast
    of DE/NJ. The synoptic evolution is moving towards the "classic"
    axis of deformation prospects as the low begins to intensify and
    the western side of the cyclone exhibits a band of heavier precip
    close to the DE/NJ coastal plain. This was outlined within the
    latest HREF ensemble blended mean QPF with the matched mean QPF
    displaying a relatively significant heavy QPF signature within the
    Southern and Central NJ coast impacting areas from just north of
    Cape May up through Atlantic City to just to the east of Toms
    River. These areas aren't as flood prone compared to some of the
    focused urban corridors inland, but the combination of some heavy
    surf with rainfall rates between 1-2"/hr could cause some localized
    flooding within the coast. Considering some of the uncertainty, the
    only risk to add was a MRGL as the probabilities for >3" and >5" are
    still favorable (40-60% and 15-30% respectively), but with only
    modest agreement amongst guidance, it would be hard to issue
    anything higher.

    The second area of interest lies within much of Northern and
    Eastern VA where the closed 500mb low will continue to spin south
    of the region prompting some weak ascent focused over a region of
    relatively modest instability and deep layer moisture. This is
    another scenario where the guidance has precip, but the focus is
    anywhere from Southern PA down to Hampton, VA. HREF probabilities
    signal a broad axis of 40-60% probs for >3" somewhere from the WV
    Panhandle down to Virginia Beach with some low end >5" probs
    lingering within the same corridor. Ensemble QPF footprint depicts
    an areal average of 1-1.5" located across the above zone with a
    maxima centered over Northern VA. The prospects for heavy rainfall
    also include areas along the Potomac, including the DC metro which
    has notoriously lower FFGs thanks to urban sprawl. There is too
    much uncertainty again for anything more than a MRGL risk, however
    the environment is favorable for somewhere to see a heavy cell or
    two that could cause issues. For that, have opted to add a second
    MRGL risk within the Mid Atlantic with points between the two risk
    areas void from the threats due to a greater model consensus
    pointing at a relative QPF min within that area of the Delmarva.

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    Another broad closed upper low will come ashore over Northern CA
    from the Pacific leading to increased moisture and favorable upper
    forcing across the terrain of CA/NV beginning later this afternoon.
    Despite cooler surface temps, steep low and mid-level lapse rates
    with a decent outline of positive buoyancy within the forecast
    soundings out of KREV signal the potential for some heavier
    convective cell initiations across the North-Central Sierra over
    into Western NV. There has been an uptick in the ensemble QPF
    across this area the past succession of runs leading to a bit more
    potential than what was thought prior. Historically, including with
    the past system, we've seen these strong upper lows tend to
    overachieve at times with the magnitude and spatial coverage of the
    convection downstream. In this case, it's favoring the prospects
    for locally heavy rainfall in the complex terrain and over an area
    of lower FFGs like Reno which carry the urbanization factor. The
    latest UFVS First Guess Field has also introduced a recommended
    MRGL risk for the first time in its runs as of late with the uptick
    in the signal. A MRGL risk was added to account for the threat with
    the threshold still on the lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024



    A strong slow-moving cutoff low will drift southeastward down the
    coast of California on Thursday. Limited, but still notable amounts
    of Pacific moisture will advect into southern California on
    southwesterly flow ahead of the low, where the forcing will be
    maximized. Rainfall into central California today will drift
    southward towards the Santa Barbara region by Thursday. Burn scars
    in this area will greatly enhance the flood risk locally should
    persistent upslope flow result in long-duration rainfall. For this
    reason, the Marginal Risk was hoisted for the Transverse Ranges
    north of Oxnard. Resultant flash flooding should be isolated, due
    to limited moisture and burn scar support, but the threat will be
    high enough that local impacts from any flash flooding are


    A stalled out front over Florida will interact with moisture with a
    tropical wave on Thursday. This will result in more widespread and
    heavier storm coverage when the usual afternoon storms form. South
    Florida has seen several afternoons of storms this week, so a more
    active day on Thursday could result in isolated flash flooding. The
    threat will be greatest along the urban I-95 corridor from West
    Palm Beach south to the Keys. In addition to timing of storms and
    urban concerns, flooding will be most likely at the time of high
    tide, when drainage from the adjacent beaches and urban areas will
    be hindered due to the higher sea levels. In coordination with
    MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Marginal Risk has been added.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    The stalled out front over south Florida will remain in place again
    on Friday. Once again the convection which will be capable of flash
    flooding will be generally during the afternoon and evening, over
    the urban I-95 corridor from West Palm Beach south, and at high
    tide. Otherwise, the weather pattern remains status quo with very
    little changing day to day.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!46yMxnsMRWtVXy34aH9lu5y4K88Jnpjp9XEfZhfx5ddx= nKleT3jSXmSaCHEhMsoQVgLa-k39uNVUs7RhhaRaNi-_DFo$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!46yMxnsMRWtVXy34aH9lu5y4K88Jnpjp9XEfZhfx5ddx= nKleT3jSXmSaCHEhMsoQVgLa-k39uNVUs7RhhaRaoCCCNNU$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!46yMxnsMRWtVXy34aH9lu5y4K88Jnpjp9XEfZhfx5ddx= nKleT3jSXmSaCHEhMsoQVgLa-k39uNVUs7RhhaRax6dzscI$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 01:10:52 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 190110

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    910 PM EDT Wed Sep 18 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024



    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Based on the observational trends, was able to trim the western
    edges of the Slight and Marginal Risk areas a bit. Deep layer
    instability within the TROWAL is rather weak/shallow, thus the
    short term rainfall rates have been lacking somewhat (Isolated 1"
    amounts within 3 hours). Given the persistent coverage however,
    along with the low FFG values (many areas 0.50" or less in 3
    hours), will maintain the Slight Risk over north-central MT.


    ...Previous Discussion...
    Current WV satellite imagery is a sight this evening with a broad
    upper circulation engulfing much of the Inter Mountain West through
    Big Sky Country in MT. Height falls have been impressive with this
    disturbance as it pivots northeastward with an intensifying dual
    surface low reflection located across Central MT with pressures now
    down below 1000mb. The expectation is for the cyclone to continue
    to intensify through the evening with an occlusion phase occurring
    later this morning allowing for a strong, well- defined deformation
    axis to center itself over the Northern Rockies, east of Great
    Falls. PWAT anomalies approaching the upper end of climatological
    peak for not just this time of year, but all years according the
    latest NAEFS and ECENS moisture return intervals. PWAT anomaly
    forecast is between +3 to +5 deviations, a solid 97th to 99th
    percentile outcome given climatology which is impressive to say the
    least. The strong large scale forcing focused on the western side
    of the occluded cyclone will induce a focused TROWAL across the
    aforementioned area above, in good agreement amongst all guidance,
    including the CAMs and global deterministic. Regardless of which
    model output you assess, the prospects for 3-5" of rainfall with
    locally higher are being forecast in-of the terrain east of Great
    Falls and the I-15 corridor in MT.

    Latest HREF probabilities are pretty stout within both the
    neighborhood and EAS fields across that general area with the
    neighborhood probs running between 50-80% for >5" and even some
    15-30% probs for the >8" totals being expressed. EAS probabilities
    are >80% for at least 2", a testament to both the expected rainfall
    and the consistency among the CAMs. This is no different from the
    totals expressed within the global deterministic, and even the
    ensemble blends are signaling over 4" in places. The bottom line
    is; this will be a pretty formidable storm for the Northern Rockies
    and adjacent Great Plains of MT with scattered instances of
    flooding increasingly likely as we move through the daytime,
    Wednesday. The storm will drift north and begin losing steam the
    back end of the forecast leading to the organized TROWAL to fade
    with lighter rates before tapering off later in the evening. The
    previous SLGT risk was maintained given the strong continuity from
    guidance. The only limitation to this being a higher risk is the
    lack of sufficient surface instability with most of the positive
    buoyancy relegated above the boundary layer. Still, rates of
    1-1.5"/hr are still possible in the stronger cores, enough to
    solidify the SLGT risk forecast.

    ...North-Central Sierra and Western NV...

    ...0100 UTC Update...
    Expanded the Marginal Risk area a bit farther north-northwest to
    include more of the northern Sierra Nevada, along with some of the
    foothills in the eastern Sacramento Valley. This given the latest
    radar and satellite trends, recent HRRRs, and 18Z HREF
    probabilities of >0.50"/hr rainfall rates. The expansion also
    includes the Park Fire north of Chico.

    ...Previous Discussion...Another broad closed upper low will come
    ashore over Northern CA from the Pacific leading to increased=20
    moisture and favorable upper forcing across the terrain of CA/NV=20
    beginning later this afternoon. Despite cooler surface temps, steep
    low and mid- level lapse rates with a decent outline of positive=20
    buoyancy within the forecast soundings out of KREV signal the=20
    potential for some heavier convective cell initiations across the=20 North-Central Sierra over into Western NV. There has been an uptick
    in the ensemble QPF across this area the past succession of runs=20
    leading to a bit more potential than what was thought prior.=20
    Historically, including with the past system, we've seen these=20
    strong upper lows tend to overachieve at times with the magnitude=20
    and spatial coverage of the convection downstream. In this case,=20
    it's favoring the prospects for locally heavy rainfall in the=20
    complex terrain and over an area of lower FFGs like Reno which=20
    carry the urbanization factor. The latest UFVS First Guess Field=20
    has also introduced a recommended MRGL risk for the first time in=20
    its runs as of late with the uptick in the signal. A MRGL risk was=20
    added to account for the threat with the threshold still on the=20
    lower half of the risk spectrum.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024



    A strong slow-moving cutoff low will drift southeastward down the
    coast of California on Thursday. Limited, but still notable amounts
    of Pacific moisture will advect into southern California on
    southwesterly flow ahead of the low, where the forcing will be
    maximized. Rainfall into central California today will drift
    southward towards the Santa Barbara region by Thursday. Burn scars
    in this area will greatly enhance the flood risk locally should
    persistent upslope flow result in long-duration rainfall. For this
    reason, the Marginal Risk was hoisted for the Transverse Ranges
    north of Oxnard. Resultant flash flooding should be isolated, due
    to limited moisture and burn scar support, but the threat will be
    high enough that local impacts from any flash flooding are


    A stalled out front over Florida will interact with moisture with a
    tropical wave on Thursday. This will result in more widespread and
    heavier storm coverage when the usual afternoon storms form. South
    Florida has seen several afternoons of storms this week, so a more
    active day on Thursday could result in isolated flash flooding. The
    threat will be greatest along the urban I-95 corridor from West
    Palm Beach south to the Keys. In addition to timing of storms and
    urban concerns, flooding will be most likely at the time of high
    tide, when drainage from the adjacent beaches and urban areas will
    be hindered due to the higher sea levels. In coordination with
    MFL/Miami, FL forecast office, a Marginal Risk has been added.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    A non-zero flash flood threat does exist across portions of the
    Upper Midwest, however the antecedent dry conditions will allow for
    much of this rain to be beneficial over the area of interest
    (Northern IA, Southeastern MN, Western WI, and the Arrowhead of
    MN). Urban corridors will be the most favorable spots for flash
    flood prospects. Rates generally capped around 1-2"/hr, falling shy
    of the current FFG forecast in the area. If the signal becomes more
    impressive in the next 24 hours, a targeted MRGL is possible.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    The stalled out front over south Florida will remain in place again
    on Friday. Once again the convection which will be capable of flash
    flooding will be generally during the afternoon and evening, over
    the urban I-95 corridor from West Palm Beach south, and at high
    tide. Otherwise, the weather pattern remains status quo with very
    little changing day to day.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6BPjekibDyBVNzj98Sn3XzRtWXyfua9lG11ozLSTS09F= 53h-HB_L04VGvXEh3FYz4euRv21MBtxklPCD0jIyNC08SgY$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6BPjekibDyBVNzj98Sn3XzRtWXyfua9lG11ozLSTS09F= 53h-HB_L04VGvXEh3FYz4euRv21MBtxklPCD0jIyq8lFdRQ$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6BPjekibDyBVNzj98Sn3XzRtWXyfua9lG11ozLSTS09F= 53h-HB_L04VGvXEh3FYz4euRv21MBtxklPCD0jIy8zPnNKA$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 07:42:34 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 190742

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    342 AM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 12Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024



    A fairly stout closed upper low over the Pacific will be the
    driving force behind increased forcing and region moisture
    advection into the southern half of California this period. Recent
    wildfires have brought about a plethora of burn scars within the=20
    terrain of the Transverse Ranges that have become increasingly=20
    susceptible to flash flooding prospects due to hydrophobic soils=20
    allowing for consistent run off capabilities. The pattern evolution
    supports a strong mid and upper forcing regime to be co-located=20
    within the Central and Southern CA coasts, as well as the immediate
    terrain to the east of the coastal plain. Latest 00z HREF mean QPF
    distribution pinpoints a regional maxima within the confines of=20
    the Transverse Range, intersecting an area with multiple burn scar=20
    locations that will likely exhibit flash flood effects thanks to=20
    the current antecedent soil environment. There's a consensus within
    both the mean QPF and probability fields for >1" of rainfall in-of
    the aforementioned area with even some prospects for locally >2"=20
    as noted within the neighborhood probabilities for D1. With=20
    coordination from earlier updates by the local WFOs involved=20
    prompting the MRGL risk, and with the signal remaining prolific=20
    enough from the latest guidance, the MRGL risk was maintained to=20
    project continuity.=20

    ...Upper Midwest...

    An increasingly favorable pattern will invoke a period of=20
    scattered to widespread thunderstorm activity capable of producing=20
    locally enhanced rainfall cores leading to 1-2"/hr rain rates in=20
    the strongest convective cores. Steepening lapse rates, increasing=20
    bulk shear, and modest surface to mid-level buoyancy will create an
    environment conducive for not only thunderstorm initiation, but=20
    prolonged updrafts capable of maintaining significant storm=20
    structure within a core of elevated PWATs advected ahead of a mean=20
    trough to the west. Latest HREF EAS signals for >1" are pretty high
    (60-80%) across much of Northwest WI, an area where most CAMs are=20 pinpointing as the primary area of focus for this afternoon's and=20
    evening's convective prospects. Neighborhood probs are a bit less=20
    emphatic than what normally constitutes a higher impact potential,=20
    but still fairly significant nonetheless for potential totals=20
    ranging between 2-4" over portions of Eastern MN into Northwest WI.
    The antecedent conditions present within the zone of highest=20
    probabilities is borderline unfavorable for flooding with NASA=20
    SPoRT indicating soil moisture percentiles closer to 40-50% over=20
    the area. Considering the favorable environment and SPC outlining=20
    the area with a Slight Risk for severe weather, believe the setup=20
    is good enough for a targeted MRGL within the core of the best=20
    probabilities based off the latest hi-res ensemble.=20

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A meandering frontal boundary in-of South FL will become a focal
    point for elevated convective coverage, especially just inland of
    the urban metro of Miami up to West Palm Beach when sea breeze
    initiation becomes tied within the frontal positioning later this
    afternoon. The steering pattern is favorable for convective
    development to drift back over the urban metro, settling within a
    modest PWAT anomaly situated over the area. The core of convection
    will likely drop rates between 1-3"/hr with intra-hour rates >3"
    more than plausible, a factor that typically causes flash flood
    concerns within the urban corridor. HREF blended mean QPF has a
    bullseye situated within the Fort Lauderdale/Pompano Beach area
    with a small secondary max near Miami. This signal is fairly
    classic for a lower category risk, especially when you add the
    steering pattern leading to favorable motions back over the cities
    along the Southeast FL coast. The previous forecast was maintained
    with only a very minor adjustment along the western periphery of
    the risk area.=20


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.=20

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern=20
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.=20

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an=20
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.=20


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    The broad upper trough, closed low evolution over the West will
    translate eastward with an evolving setup capable of widespread
    convection across the Rockies through the Central Plains,
    especially as the trough axis picks up forward speed and slides
    into the Central Rockies during the back half of the forecast
    period. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to widespread thunderstorm activity with several
    heavy cores likely to initiate and produce locally enhanced
    rainfall. The most favorable locations for flash flooding are
    likely to be across the Colorado Front Range and the Central Plains
    between Southern NE and Northern KS, a reflection with the current
    ensemble fields and bias corrected QPF footprint. There will likely
    be an upgrade somewhere within the broad MRGL risk encompassing the
    Central Rockies into the Plains, but the finer details are still
    another succession of runs away from pinpointing specifics with
    regards to rainfall totals and the upper threshold of the
    potential. Ensemble bias corrected QPF depicts a widespread 1-2"
    across the above area, a testament at range on what could
    transpire. This will be a period to monitor closely for upgrades
    considering the evolution.=20


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7lOVug6qX5uT3YkHoujk_Mv2jwnOq5vmMUANtxakrXDx= Llwhi6WSFGU14VxNygOUxEZWXuqpK0Jhm3ZMeFRiMRapcdU$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7lOVug6qX5uT3YkHoujk_Mv2jwnOq5vmMUANtxakrXDx= Llwhi6WSFGU14VxNygOUxEZWXuqpK0Jhm3ZMeFRigOWABW0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7lOVug6qX5uT3YkHoujk_Mv2jwnOq5vmMUANtxakrXDx= Llwhi6WSFGU14VxNygOUxEZWXuqpK0Jhm3ZMeFRiyZ5dO9M$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 15:47:48 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 191547

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    1147 AM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal Risk areas in
    California, Wisconsin, and Florida with this update.

    In California, the Southern Coast Ranges continue to be the focus
    for rainfall capable of flash flooding as light to moderate
    rainfall rates fall over the many burn scars in the area, which
    could result in localized flash flooding. A deep, almost cutoff positively-tilted upper low will continue drifting southeast down
    the coast. Where forcing is maximized along the Southern Coast
    Ranges, locally heavy rain may occur. The forcing would be
    maximized by a combination of upslope/terrain influences and the
    upper level forcing.

    In Wisconsin, the Marginal remains intact largely due to some
    modest agreement in the CAMs that 2 rounds of strong storms may
    move across the region back-to-back, which may cause isolated flash
    flooding in flood-prone and urban areas.

    In Florida, the stalled out front and PWATs above 2 inches will
    continue to support slow-moving convection capable of 2+ inch per
    hour rates. At high tide, poor drainage off the urban areas will
    briefly and locally increase the flooding threat.

    A couple areas were considered for Marginals...the Blue Ridge to
    the Great Smokies of western Virginia and North Carolina will have
    a non-zero flash flooding threat due to terrain influences and
    lee-side low development, as well as for the coast of southeast
    North Carolina where the sea breeze may interact with predominantly
    offshore flow to result in locally heavy rainfall on saturated
    soils from the recent passage of Potential Tropical Cyclone 8.
    Ultimately both these areas were passed over for a Marginal largely
    due to enough unfavorable meteorology (meager moisture primarily),
    and some storm motion allowing any potentially heavy rain cores to
    move away from their respective formation regions.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    A fairly stout closed upper low over the Pacific will be the
    driving force behind increased forcing and region moisture
    advection into the southern half of California this period. Recent
    wildfires have brought about a plethora of burn scars within the
    terrain of the Southern Coast Ranges that have become increasingly
    susceptible to flash flooding prospects due to hydrophobic soils=20
    allowing for consistent run off capabilities. The pattern evolution
    supports a strong mid and upper forcing regime to be co-located=20
    within the Central and Southern CA coasts, as well as the immediate
    terrain to the east of the coastal plain. Latest 00z HREF mean QPF
    distribution pinpoints a regional maxima within the confines of=20
    the Southern Coast Range, intersecting an area with multiple burn=20
    scar locations that will likely exhibit flash flood effects thanks=20
    to the current antecedent soil environment. There's a consensus=20
    within both the mean QPF and probability fields for >1" of rainfall
    in-of the aforementioned area with even some prospects for locally
    2" as noted within the neighborhood probabilities for D1. With=20
    coordination from earlier updates by the local WFOs involved=20
    prompting the MRGL risk, and with the signal remaining prolific=20
    enough from the latest guidance, the MRGL risk was maintained to=20
    project continuity.

    ...Upper Midwest...

    An increasingly favorable pattern will invoke a period of
    scattered to widespread thunderstorm activity capable of producing
    locally enhanced rainfall cores leading to 1-2"/hr rain rates in
    the strongest convective cores. Steepening lapse rates, increasing
    bulk shear, and modest surface to mid-level buoyancy will create an
    environment conducive for not only thunderstorm initiation, but
    prolonged updrafts capable of maintaining significant storm
    structure within a core of elevated PWATs advected ahead of a mean
    trough to the west. Latest HREF EAS signals for >1" are pretty high
    (60-80%) across much of Northwest WI, an area where most CAMs are
    pinpointing as the primary area of focus for this afternoon's and
    evening's convective prospects. Neighborhood probs are a bit less
    emphatic than what normally constitutes a higher impact potential,
    but still fairly significant nonetheless for potential totals
    ranging between 2-4" over portions of Eastern MN into Northwest WI.
    The antecedent conditions present within the zone of highest
    probabilities is borderline unfavorable for flooding with NASA
    SPoRT indicating soil moisture percentiles closer to 40-50% over
    the area. Considering the favorable environment and SPC outlining
    the area with a Slight Risk for severe weather, believe the setup
    is good enough for a targeted MRGL within the core of the best
    probabilities based off the latest hi-res ensemble.

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A meandering frontal boundary in-of South FL will become a focal
    point for elevated convective coverage, especially just inland of
    the urban metro of Miami up to West Palm Beach when sea breeze
    initiation becomes tied within the frontal positioning later this
    afternoon. The steering pattern is favorable for convective
    development to drift back over the urban metro, settling within a
    modest PWAT anomaly situated over the area. The core of convection
    will likely drop rates between 1-3"/hr with intra-hour rates >3"
    more than plausible, a factor that typically causes flash flood
    concerns within the urban corridor. HREF blended mean QPF has a
    bullseye situated within the Fort Lauderdale/Pompano Beach area
    with a small secondary max near Miami. This signal is fairly
    classic for a lower category risk, especially when you add the
    steering pattern leading to favorable motions back over the cities
    along the Southeast FL coast. The previous forecast was maintained
    with only a very minor adjustment along the western periphery of
    the risk area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    The broad upper trough, closed low evolution over the West will
    translate eastward with an evolving setup capable of widespread
    convection across the Rockies through the Central Plains,
    especially as the trough axis picks up forward speed and slides
    into the Central Rockies during the back half of the forecast
    period. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to widespread thunderstorm activity with several
    heavy cores likely to initiate and produce locally enhanced
    rainfall. The most favorable locations for flash flooding are
    likely to be across the Colorado Front Range and the Central Plains
    between Southern NE and Northern KS, a reflection with the current
    ensemble fields and bias corrected QPF footprint. There will likely
    be an upgrade somewhere within the broad MRGL risk encompassing the
    Central Rockies into the Plains, but the finer details are still
    another succession of runs away from pinpointing specifics with
    regards to rainfall totals and the upper threshold of the
    potential. Ensemble bias corrected QPF depicts a widespread 1-2"
    across the above area, a testament at range on what could
    transpire. This will be a period to monitor closely for upgrades
    considering the evolution.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_nBxP8aizait2A6xYGWQlY2mla-PjrnW_0dXeiaq75oX= 6Kc3JDs5TLLTqWQ25RdA3i3BFRdybC6Er7LI0o3-7jGUYSw$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_nBxP8aizait2A6xYGWQlY2mla-PjrnW_0dXeiaq75oX= 6Kc3JDs5TLLTqWQ25RdA3i3BFRdybC6Er7LI0o3-JPrU4T0$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!_nBxP8aizait2A6xYGWQlY2mla-PjrnW_0dXeiaq75oX= 6Kc3JDs5TLLTqWQ25RdA3i3BFRdybC6Er7LI0o3-8puWxVI$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Thu Sep 19 19:15:39 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 191915

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    315 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 16Z Thu Sep 19 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024


    ...16Z Update...

    No changes were made to the inherited Marginal Risk areas in
    California, Wisconsin, and Florida with this update.

    In California, the Southern Coast Ranges continue to be the focus
    for rainfall capable of flash flooding as light to moderate
    rainfall rates fall over the many burn scars in the area, which
    could result in localized flash flooding. A deep, almost cutoff positively-tilted upper low will continue drifting southeast down
    the coast. Where forcing is maximized along the Southern Coast
    Ranges, locally heavy rain may occur. The forcing would be
    maximized by a combination of upslope/terrain influences and the
    upper level forcing.

    In Wisconsin, the Marginal remains intact largely due to some
    modest agreement in the CAMs that 2 rounds of strong storms may
    move across the region back-to-back, which may cause isolated flash
    flooding in flood-prone and urban areas.

    In Florida, the stalled out front and PWATs above 2 inches will
    continue to support slow-moving convection capable of 2+ inch per
    hour rates. At high tide, poor drainage off the urban areas will
    briefly and locally increase the flooding threat.

    A couple areas were considered for Marginals...the Blue Ridge to
    the Great Smokies of western Virginia and North Carolina will have
    a non-zero flash flooding threat due to terrain influences and
    lee-side low development, as well as for the coast of southeast
    North Carolina where the sea breeze may interact with predominantly
    offshore flow to result in locally heavy rainfall on saturated
    soils from the recent passage of Potential Tropical Cyclone 8.
    Ultimately both these areas were passed over for a Marginal largely
    due to enough unfavorable meteorology (meager moisture primarily),
    and some storm motion allowing any potentially heavy rain cores to
    move away from their respective formation regions.


    ...Previous Discussion...


    A fairly stout closed upper low over the Pacific will be the
    driving force behind increased forcing and region moisture
    advection into the southern half of California this period. Recent
    wildfires have brought about a plethora of burn scars within the
    terrain of the Southern Coast Ranges that have become increasingly
    susceptible to flash flooding prospects due to hydrophobic soils
    allowing for consistent run off capabilities. The pattern evolution
    supports a strong mid and upper forcing regime to be co-located
    within the Central and Southern CA coasts, as well as the immediate
    terrain to the east of the coastal plain. Latest 00z HREF mean QPF
    distribution pinpoints a regional maxima within the confines of
    the Southern Coast Range, intersecting an area with multiple burn
    scar locations that will likely exhibit flash flood effects thanks
    to the current antecedent soil environment. There's a consensus
    within both the mean QPF and probability fields for >1" of rainfall
    in-of the aforementioned area with even some prospects for locally
    2" as noted within the neighborhood probabilities for D1. With
    coordination from earlier updates by the local WFOs involved
    prompting the MRGL risk, and with the signal remaining prolific
    enough from the latest guidance, the MRGL risk was maintained to
    project continuity.

    ...Upper Midwest...

    An increasingly favorable pattern will invoke a period of
    scattered to widespread thunderstorm activity capable of producing
    locally enhanced rainfall cores leading to 1-2"/hr rain rates in
    the strongest convective cores. Steepening lapse rates, increasing
    bulk shear, and modest surface to mid-level buoyancy will create an
    environment conducive for not only thunderstorm initiation, but
    prolonged updrafts capable of maintaining significant storm
    structure within a core of elevated PWATs advected ahead of a mean
    trough to the west. Latest HREF EAS signals for >1" are pretty high
    (60-80%) across much of Northwest WI, an area where most CAMs are
    pinpointing as the primary area of focus for this afternoon's and
    evening's convective prospects. Neighborhood probs are a bit less
    emphatic than what normally constitutes a higher impact potential,
    but still fairly significant nonetheless for potential totals
    ranging between 2-4" over portions of Eastern MN into Northwest WI.
    The antecedent conditions present within the zone of highest
    probabilities is borderline unfavorable for flooding with NASA
    SPoRT indicating soil moisture percentiles closer to 40-50% over
    the area. Considering the favorable environment and SPC outlining
    the area with a Slight Risk for severe weather, believe the setup
    is good enough for a targeted MRGL within the core of the best
    probabilities based off the latest hi-res ensemble.

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A meandering frontal boundary in-of South FL will become a focal
    point for elevated convective coverage, especially just inland of
    the urban metro of Miami up to West Palm Beach when sea breeze
    initiation becomes tied within the frontal positioning later this
    afternoon. The steering pattern is favorable for convective
    development to drift back over the urban metro, settling within a
    modest PWAT anomaly situated over the area. The core of convection
    will likely drop rates between 1-3"/hr with intra-hour rates >3"
    more than plausible, a factor that typically causes flash flood
    concerns within the urban corridor. HREF blended mean QPF has a
    bullseye situated within the Fort Lauderdale/Pompano Beach area
    with a small secondary max near Miami. This signal is fairly
    classic for a lower category risk, especially when you add the
    steering pattern leading to favorable motions back over the cities
    along the Southeast FL coast. The previous forecast was maintained
    with only a very minor adjustment along the western periphery of
    the risk area.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    No significant changes were made to the ERO risk areas for the Day
    2/Friday time period.


    The upper low moving down the coast today will move inland over the
    Desert Southwest Friday. Associated moisture will accompany the low
    into the usually dry areas of southeast California, southern
    Nevada, and northwestern Arizona. The storms in this area will be
    associated with the instability maximum at the center of the upper
    low where upper level temperatures will be coldest. As is the
    nature of flow near the center of lows, the steering will be
    chaotic and highly dependent on where the exact center of the upper
    low will be at any given point in time Friday afternoon. With any=20
    more persistent showers and storms, expect isolated flash flooding=20
    with any burn scars, dry washes, and other flood- prone areas.=20
    PWATs between 0.5 and 0.75 inches in these areas will peak at about
    1.5 sigma above normal for this time of year.

    ...New Mexico...

    Broad upper level diffluence ahead of the positively tilted low
    over the Desert Southwest will cause a somewhat narrow 50-100 mile
    wide plume of training showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms
    to develop over eastern New Mexico and into portions of the far
    western Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Given the sensitivities of
    some of these areas to prolonged rainfall, the Marginal risk
    remains in place, especially for any burn scars or flood prone

    ...South Florida...

    A final day of heavy rainfall potential is expected in South
    Florida again on Friday. Once again the primary risk of flash
    flooding will be in the urban corridor from West Palm Beach south
    through Homestead. Slow-moving and persistent thunderstorms on the
    leading edge of an advancing cold front will be the primary drivers
    of any heavy rainfall. The timing of high tide with the storms will
    also play a big role in any potential isolated flash flooding due
    to much poorer drainage into the ocean during high tide. The front
    will clear South Florida by Saturday turning the predominant flow
    more northeasterly. This will cut down on the PWATs some, while
    also greatly limiting, though not eliminating the coverage of
    storms by Saturday. Thus, the Marginal flash flooding threat should
    end for now with the conclusion of Friday afternoon's storms.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    Only a few minor adjustments to the inherited Marginal across the
    central Rockies and Plains were made. The upper level low over the
    Southwest will track northeastward towards the Plains on Saturday.
    As usual this will help spur on a strengthening LLJ across the
    southern Plains, with warm and humid air from the Gulf running into
    a cooler air mass over the Plains. Expect the greatest coverage of
    heavy rainfall to develop mostly overnight Saturday night, as the
    strengthening LLJ interacts with an area of surface high pressure
    over the northern Plains. This will force strong frontogenesis in
    between, leading to a prolonged period of heavy rain and training thunderstorms.=20

    Thus, while the meteorology would support at least a Slight Risk,
    the tradeoff is that most of this area has been bone dry in terms
    of precipitation, and with the drought conditions in place, it will
    take a lot of rainfall to overcome the dry conditions and empty
    creekbeds to result in flooding. However, given that the surface
    low will be forming along the front, and the high to the north
    countering the low and the LLJ from the south will strongly favor
    training convection, it seems probable that somewhere in the
    Marginal Risk area the high bar will be met and exceeded for
    flooding. Thus, it becomes where the most likely area of training
    convection will set up, which for the moment appears to generally
    follow the KS/NE border from northwest KS to southeast NE.
    Fortunately much of this area is rural, so urban concerns appear to
    be minimized.=20

    It appears likely a Slight risk will be needed across the Plains
    but for now there is limited certainty as to how all these various
    ingredients will interact to reach that threshold. The Marginal
    risk was expanded southwest to include northeast NM and the TX and
    OK Panhandles partially due to expected lowered FFGs from the
    rainfall on Day 2/Friday. A bit of southeast KS was removed due to
    somewhat better certainty that most of the rain will be northwest
    of there, and a small bit of the southern Sand Hills was removed
    due to very high FFGs.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    The broad upper trough, closed low evolution over the West will
    translate eastward with an evolving setup capable of widespread
    convection across the Rockies through the Central Plains,
    especially as the trough axis picks up forward speed and slides
    into the Central Rockies during the back half of the forecast
    period. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to widespread thunderstorm activity with several
    heavy cores likely to initiate and produce locally enhanced
    rainfall. The most favorable locations for flash flooding are
    likely to be across the Colorado Front Range and the Central Plains
    between Southern NE and Northern KS, a reflection with the current
    ensemble fields and bias corrected QPF footprint. There will likely
    be an upgrade somewhere within the broad MRGL risk encompassing the
    Central Rockies into the Plains, but the finer details are still
    another succession of runs away from pinpointing specifics with
    regards to rainfall totals and the upper threshold of the
    potential. Ensemble bias corrected QPF depicts a widespread 1-2"
    across the above area, a testament at range on what could
    transpire. This will be a period to monitor closely for upgrades
    considering the evolution.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5z6S0NUJbnKOpoJRJ8LTFQScITx5rgKOINiBXesUN0Ob= EfPe2gWMJVhQV8nJba8pv6RDHj97UgeB-Drp5EmGf5Ej4qE$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5z6S0NUJbnKOpoJRJ8LTFQScITx5rgKOINiBXesUN0Ob= EfPe2gWMJVhQV8nJba8pv6RDHj97UgeB-Drp5EmGp2GBSeo$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!5z6S0NUJbnKOpoJRJ8LTFQScITx5rgKOINiBXesUN0Ob= EfPe2gWMJVhQV8nJba8pv6RDHj97UgeB-Drp5EmGgCod98M$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 20 00:06:50 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 200006

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    806 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Central California...

    A few slow moving cells will persist over the central CA Coastal
    Ranges into this evening under an upper low. An additional inch or
    two is possible in the heavier cells. The Marginal was shrunk a bit
    based on radar depiction and recent HRRR QPF. More info can be=20
    found in MPD 1035.

    ...Upper Midwest...

    Most activity is fast-moving hail-producing cells, but some
    congealing/merging and repeating activity should continue this
    evening over southeast MN, southwest WI, and northeast IA. Thus the
    Marginal Risk was expanded south a bit, mainly over the Driftless
    area in the ARX CWA. More stratiform precip over central WI=20
    warranted removal of some areas of north-central WI. Recent HRRRs=20
    are in decent agreement with reality with potential for a quick
    few inches of rain. More info can be found in MPD 1034.


    Diurnal convection has pushed through the Miami metro corridor and
    nocturnal diminishment should proceed over the next few hours. The
    Marginal Risk has been removed.

    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    No significant changes were made to the ERO risk areas for the Day
    2/Friday time period.


    The upper low moving down the coast today will move inland over the
    Desert Southwest Friday. Associated moisture will accompany the low
    into the usually dry areas of southeast California, southern
    Nevada, and northwestern Arizona. The storms in this area will be
    associated with the instability maximum at the center of the upper
    low where upper level temperatures will be coldest. As is the
    nature of flow near the center of lows, the steering will be
    chaotic and highly dependent on where the exact center of the upper
    low will be at any given point in time Friday afternoon. With any
    more persistent showers and storms, expect isolated flash flooding
    with any burn scars, dry washes, and other flood- prone areas.
    PWATs between 0.5 and 0.75 inches in these areas will peak at about
    1.5 sigma above normal for this time of year.

    ...New Mexico...

    Broad upper level diffluence ahead of the positively tilted low
    over the Desert Southwest will cause a somewhat narrow 50-100 mile
    wide plume of training showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms
    to develop over eastern New Mexico and into portions of the far
    western Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Given the sensitivities of
    some of these areas to prolonged rainfall, the Marginal risk
    remains in place, especially for any burn scars or flood prone

    ...South Florida...

    A final day of heavy rainfall potential is expected in South
    Florida again on Friday. Once again the primary risk of flash
    flooding will be in the urban corridor from West Palm Beach south
    through Homestead. Slow-moving and persistent thunderstorms on the
    leading edge of an advancing cold front will be the primary drivers
    of any heavy rainfall. The timing of high tide with the storms will
    also play a big role in any potential isolated flash flooding due
    to much poorer drainage into the ocean during high tide. The front
    will clear South Florida by Saturday turning the predominant flow
    more northeasterly. This will cut down on the PWATs some, while
    also greatly limiting, though not eliminating the coverage of
    storms by Saturday. Thus, the Marginal flash flooding threat should
    end for now with the conclusion of Friday afternoon's storms.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    Only a few minor adjustments to the inherited Marginal across the
    central Rockies and Plains were made. The upper level low over the
    Southwest will track northeastward towards the Plains on Saturday.
    As usual this will help spur on a strengthening LLJ across the
    southern Plains, with warm and humid air from the Gulf running into
    a cooler air mass over the Plains. Expect the greatest coverage of
    heavy rainfall to develop mostly overnight Saturday night, as the
    strengthening LLJ interacts with an area of surface high pressure
    over the northern Plains. This will force strong frontogenesis in
    between, leading to a prolonged period of heavy rain and training thunderstorms.

    Thus, while the meteorology would support at least a Slight Risk,
    the tradeoff is that most of this area has been bone dry in terms
    of precipitation, and with the drought conditions in place, it will
    take a lot of rainfall to overcome the dry conditions and empty
    creekbeds to result in flooding. However, given that the surface
    low will be forming along the front, and the high to the north
    countering the low and the LLJ from the south will strongly favor
    training convection, it seems probable that somewhere in the
    Marginal Risk area the high bar will be met and exceeded for
    flooding. Thus, it becomes where the most likely area of training
    convection will set up, which for the moment appears to generally
    follow the KS/NE border from northwest KS to southeast NE.
    Fortunately much of this area is rural, so urban concerns appear to
    be minimized.

    It appears likely a Slight risk will be needed across the Plains
    but for now there is limited certainty as to how all these various
    ingredients will interact to reach that threshold. The Marginal
    risk was expanded southwest to include northeast NM and the TX and
    OK Panhandles partially due to expected lowered FFGs from the
    rainfall on Day 2/Friday. A bit of southeast KS was removed due to
    somewhat better certainty that most of the rain will be northwest
    of there, and a small bit of the southern Sand Hills was removed
    due to very high FFGs.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    The broad upper trough, closed low evolution over the West will
    translate eastward with an evolving setup capable of widespread
    convection across the Rockies through the Central Plains,
    especially as the trough axis picks up forward speed and slides
    into the Central Rockies during the back half of the forecast
    period. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to widespread thunderstorm activity with several
    heavy cores likely to initiate and produce locally enhanced
    rainfall. The most favorable locations for flash flooding are
    likely to be across the Colorado Front Range and the Central Plains
    between Southern NE and Northern KS, a reflection with the current
    ensemble fields and bias corrected QPF footprint. There will likely
    be an upgrade somewhere within the broad MRGL risk encompassing the
    Central Rockies into the Plains, but the finer details are still
    another succession of runs away from pinpointing specifics with
    regards to rainfall totals and the upper threshold of the
    potential. Ensemble bias corrected QPF depicts a widespread 1-2"
    across the above area, a testament at range on what could
    transpire. This will be a period to monitor closely for upgrades
    considering the evolution.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7RtK-zFsohYeRbyc0xEYTkbKiZKW9e9XQ6jnN7xEUgSb= Tvg0q-IdfmEILxGdYdKrFU1RApJv1xy2sHZzBAz1DdSHsB8$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7RtK-zFsohYeRbyc0xEYTkbKiZKW9e9XQ6jnN7xEUgSb= Tvg0q-IdfmEILxGdYdKrFU1RApJv1xy2sHZzBAz1Ck9aREM$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!7RtK-zFsohYeRbyc0xEYTkbKiZKW9e9XQ6jnN7xEUgSb= Tvg0q-IdfmEILxGdYdKrFU1RApJv1xy2sHZzBAz1WZxe_zQ$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From COD Weather Processor@1:2320/105 to wx-storm@lists.illinois.edu on Fri Sep 20 01:02:49 2024
    FOUS30 KWBC 200102

    Excessive Rainfall Discussion
    NWS Weather Prediction Center College Park MD
    902 PM EDT Thu Sep 19 2024

    Day 1
    Valid 01Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024


    ...01Z Update...

    ...Central California...

    A few slow moving cells will persist over the central CA Coastal
    Ranges into this evening under an upper low. An additional inch or
    two is possible in the heavier cells. The Marginal was shrunk a bit
    based on radar depiction and recent HRRR QPF. More info can be
    found in MPD 1035.

    ...Upper Midwest...

    Most activity is fast-moving hail-producing cells, but some
    congealing/merging and repeating activity should continue this
    evening over southeast MN, southwest WI, and northeast IA. Thus the
    Marginal Risk was expanded south a bit, mainly over the Driftless
    area in the ARX CWA. More stratiform precip over central WI
    warranted removal of some areas of north-central WI. Recent HRRRs
    are in decent agreement with reality with potential for a quick
    few inches of rain. More info can be found in MPD 1034.


    Day 2
    Valid 12Z Fri Sep 20 2024 - 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    No significant changes were made to the ERO risk areas for the Day
    2/Friday time period.


    The upper low moving down the coast today will move inland over the
    Desert Southwest Friday. Associated moisture will accompany the low
    into the usually dry areas of southeast California, southern
    Nevada, and northwestern Arizona. The storms in this area will be
    associated with the instability maximum at the center of the upper
    low where upper level temperatures will be coldest. As is the
    nature of flow near the center of lows, the steering will be
    chaotic and highly dependent on where the exact center of the upper
    low will be at any given point in time Friday afternoon. With any
    more persistent showers and storms, expect isolated flash flooding
    with any burn scars, dry washes, and other flood- prone areas.
    PWATs between 0.5 and 0.75 inches in these areas will peak at about
    1.5 sigma above normal for this time of year.

    ...New Mexico...

    Broad upper level diffluence ahead of the positively tilted low
    over the Desert Southwest will cause a somewhat narrow 50-100 mile
    wide plume of training showers and possibly embedded thunderstorms
    to develop over eastern New Mexico and into portions of the far
    western Texas and Oklahoma Panhandles. Given the sensitivities of
    some of these areas to prolonged rainfall, the Marginal risk
    remains in place, especially for any burn scars or flood prone

    ...South Florida...

    A final day of heavy rainfall potential is expected in South
    Florida again on Friday. Once again the primary risk of flash
    flooding will be in the urban corridor from West Palm Beach south
    through Homestead. Slow-moving and persistent thunderstorms on the
    leading edge of an advancing cold front will be the primary drivers
    of any heavy rainfall. The timing of high tide with the storms will
    also play a big role in any potential isolated flash flooding due
    to much poorer drainage into the ocean during high tide. The front
    will clear South Florida by Saturday turning the predominant flow
    more northeasterly. This will cut down on the PWATs some, while
    also greatly limiting, though not eliminating the coverage of
    storms by Saturday. Thus, the Marginal flash flooding threat should
    end for now with the conclusion of Friday afternoon's storms.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    ...Southeast Florida...

    A secondary period of impact from active sea breeze convection and
    propagation into the urban corridor is forecast to transpire on
    Friday afternoon. The signal is not as robust as the previous
    period, but any heavy rainfall prior would precede this potential
    event with lower FFG signals leading to a bit more sensitivity to
    flash flood prospects. The ensemble mean QPF is a touch less
    aggressive as stated, so it will remain a period to monitor to see
    if the threat trends higher once we move closer to the range of the
    CAMs. For now, maintained general continuity as the signal
    persists for a flash flood threat in-of the urban corridor
    extending from Miami up through West Palm Beach.

    ...New Mexico...

    The prolific closed upper circulation out across the Southwest will
    begin pressing eastward with an increased upper forcing pattern
    thanks to a broad diffluent axis downstream of the mean
    trough/upper low. Most of the latest global deterministic eject a
    rapidly moving shortwave out of Chihuahua, traversing over the
    Eastern half of NM by the afternoon and evening hours Friday. A
    tongue of modest instability based off the mean MUCAPE forecast
    from all the deterministic is forecast to bisect that eastern side
    of the state with the best focus aligned from the Sacramentos up
    through the western side of the Caprock and into the High Plains of Northeastern NM. Flash flooding threats will likely be tied to
    urban areas and some of the remnant burn scars located within the
    Sacramento Mountains, however these setups are notoriously tricky,
    especially with the propensity for convection to become anchored
    along the instability gradient favored in the terrain and adjacent
    Caprock. Some of the deterministic output is pretty reasonable for
    isolated flash flood prospects, especially when you add the
    increasingly favorable upper pattern. A small MRGL risk was added
    to encompass the areas above with the threat lying on the lower-end
    of the risk threshold.

    ...Desert Southwest...

    Our deep closed upper reflection will migrate slowly to the east
    with the circulation likely crossing Southern CA into the interior
    Desert Southwest as we move towards the end of the period. As of
    now, the current QPF output is not exactly what would constitute a
    favorable flash flood scenario. However, considering the expected
    pattern evolution and the advection of more moist, buoyant air
    northward ahead of the upper low, you have to acknowledge the
    prospects of a more scattered pulse convective pattern over an
    area that is much more conducive for flash flood potential. Recent
    ECMWF AIFS ML output was actually more aggressive than the recent
    deterministic in the spatial coverage of precip, and even for the
    magnitude of the expected setup. This tends to signal a red flag
    for the deterministic not being aggressive enough with such a
    strong mid and upper pattern. A low-end MRGL was placed over
    portions of Southern CA/NV into Western AZ to outline the favored
    area for scattered convective development with modest storm cores
    capable of locally heavy rainfall.


    Day 3
    Valid 12Z Sat Sep 21 2024 - 12Z Sun Sep 22 2024


    ...1930Z Update...

    Only a few minor adjustments to the inherited Marginal across the
    central Rockies and Plains were made. The upper level low over the
    Southwest will track northeastward towards the Plains on Saturday.
    As usual this will help spur on a strengthening LLJ across the
    southern Plains, with warm and humid air from the Gulf running into
    a cooler air mass over the Plains. Expect the greatest coverage of
    heavy rainfall to develop mostly overnight Saturday night, as the
    strengthening LLJ interacts with an area of surface high pressure
    over the northern Plains. This will force strong frontogenesis in
    between, leading to a prolonged period of heavy rain and training thunderstorms.

    Thus, while the meteorology would support at least a Slight Risk,
    the tradeoff is that most of this area has been bone dry in terms
    of precipitation, and with the drought conditions in place, it will
    take a lot of rainfall to overcome the dry conditions and empty
    creekbeds to result in flooding. However, given that the surface
    low will be forming along the front, and the high to the north
    countering the low and the LLJ from the south will strongly favor
    training convection, it seems probable that somewhere in the
    Marginal Risk area the high bar will be met and exceeded for
    flooding. Thus, it becomes where the most likely area of training
    convection will set up, which for the moment appears to generally
    follow the KS/NE border from northwest KS to southeast NE.
    Fortunately much of this area is rural, so urban concerns appear to
    be minimized.

    It appears likely a Slight risk will be needed across the Plains
    but for now there is limited certainty as to how all these various
    ingredients will interact to reach that threshold. The Marginal
    risk was expanded southwest to include northeast NM and the TX and
    OK Panhandles partially due to expected lowered FFGs from the
    rainfall on Day 2/Friday. A bit of southeast KS was removed due to
    somewhat better certainty that most of the rain will be northwest
    of there, and a small bit of the southern Sand Hills was removed
    due to very high FFGs.


    ...Previous Discussion...

    The broad upper trough, closed low evolution over the West will
    translate eastward with an evolving setup capable of widespread
    convection across the Rockies through the Central Plains,
    especially as the trough axis picks up forward speed and slides
    into the Central Rockies during the back half of the forecast
    period. A combination of favorable ascent and increased moisture
    advection thanks to a developing LLJ pattern east of the Front
    Range will lead to widespread thunderstorm activity with several
    heavy cores likely to initiate and produce locally enhanced
    rainfall. The most favorable locations for flash flooding are
    likely to be across the Colorado Front Range and the Central Plains
    between Southern NE and Northern KS, a reflection with the current
    ensemble fields and bias corrected QPF footprint. There will likely
    be an upgrade somewhere within the broad MRGL risk encompassing the
    Central Rockies into the Plains, but the finer details are still
    another succession of runs away from pinpointing specifics with
    regards to rainfall totals and the upper threshold of the
    potential. Ensemble bias corrected QPF depicts a widespread 1-2"
    across the above area, a testament at range on what could
    transpire. This will be a period to monitor closely for upgrades
    considering the evolution.


    Day 1 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/94epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Fl7UnB4d82BaPnP9yy1EvK1IE4qlzS1rRWVLNbtPUJm= td9_jeFXTSYkuJR8KUDkHj0sW_JcP8Yxqy4BSHtil5XHGS4$=20
    Day 2 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/98epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Fl7UnB4d82BaPnP9yy1EvK1IE4qlzS1rRWVLNbtPUJm= td9_jeFXTSYkuJR8KUDkHj0sW_JcP8Yxqy4BSHti2RUXwQE$=20
    Day 3 threat area: https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.go= v/qpf/99epoints.txt__;!!DZ3fjg!6Fl7UnB4d82BaPnP9yy1EvK1IE4qlzS1rRWVLNbtPUJm= td9_jeFXTSYkuJR8KUDkHj0sW_JcP8Yxqy4BSHtih0P2_e4$=20

    =3D =3D =3D
    To unsubscribe from WX-STORM and you already have a login, go to https://lists.illinois.edu and use the "Unsubscribe" link. Otherwise email Chris Novy at cnovy@cox.net and ask to be removed from WX-STORM.

    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)