• 15 Minute Dinners - 07

    From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to All on Wed Sep 18 14:48:00 2024
    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Ranchero Supper
    Categories: Beef, Beans, Cheese, Sauces
    Yield: 7 servings

    1 1/2 lb Ground beef
    28 oz Can baked beans
    11 oz Whole kernel corn; drained
    1/4 c Barbecue sauce
    2 tb Ketchup
    1 tb Prepared mustard
    3/4 c Shredded Cheddar cheese
    7 c Tortilla chips

    Sliced green onions
    Sour cream

    In a large skillet, cook beef over medium heat until no
    longer pink; crumble beef; drain. Stir in the baked
    beans, corn, barbecue sauce, ketchup and mustard; heat
    through. Sprinkle with cheese; cook until melted.

    Garnish with onions and sour cream if desired. Serve
    with tortilla chips.

    Karen Roberts, Lawrence, Kansas

    Makes: 6 to 8 servings

    RECIPE FROM: https://www.tasteofhome.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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