• More Sad News

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to All on Wed Sep 18 05:39:00 2024
    Tupperware, Food Container Pioneer, Files for Bankruptcy

    The once-mighty kitchenware company has struggled financially for years.
    It says the direct sales model that fueled its success has become a

    By John Yoon (New York Times) Sept. 18, 2024, 4:21 a.m. ET

    Tupperware Brands, whose name became synonymous with plastic food
    containers in kitchens across America, filed for bankruptcy protection
    on Tuesday after struggling for years with declining sales and
    increasing competition.

    The Tupperware brand was introduced in the 1940s by the chemist Earl
    Tupper, who developed a clean and durable plastic to create airtight containers. They came to be sold globally, propelled by a direct sales campaign called “Tupperware parties.”

    But the strengths of that model became “weaknesses,” the company said
    in its Chapter 11 filing, saying it failed to develop a diverse sales strategy, including for online shoppers. It also blamed a “challenging macroeconomic environment” over the last several years.

    “In stark contrast to the early days of the company, nearly everyone
    now knows what Tupperware is, but fewer people know where to find it,”
    Brian J. Fox, Tupperware’s chief restructuring officer, wrote in the
    filing. Only in 2022 did the company set up a storefront on Amazon and
    start selling at Target, he added.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Tupperware Bread
    Categories: Breads
    Yield: 3 Loaves

    6 tb Butter
    3 Pkg dry yeast; NOT rapid
    - rise
    3 3/4 c Warm water
    6 tb Sugar
    2 lg Eggs; beaten
    10 c Flour *
    4 1/2 ts Salt

    * omit the salt if using self rising flour

    Melt 6 tablespoons butter; let cool. In Tupperware "Fix-
    In-Mix Bowl, put yeast (not rapid rise). Add warm water,
    sugar, eggs, butter and salt with the flour. Combine all
    ingredients. Place seal on bowl. Place in hot water in
    sink, let rise until seal pops off.

    Butter hands, dough will be sticky. Separate into 3
    loaves. Let rise 30 minutes, covered with clean dish
    towel. Bake at 350ºG/175ºC degrees for 30 minutes or
    until browned.

    From: http://www.cooks.com

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to DAVE DRUM on Wed Sep 18 09:48:00 2024
    "In stark contrast to the early days of the company, nearly everyone
    now knows what Tupperware is, but fewer people know where to find it,"
    Brian J. Fox, Tupperware's chief restructuring officer, wrote in the
    filing. Only in 2022 did the company set up a storefront on Amazon and
    start selling at Target, he added.

    Most of the Tupperware I have, which was not hand-me-down, was purchased
    from retailers, likely Walmart or Kroger. I didn't realize they were still doing the direct marketing route.


    * SLMR 2.1a * "!Beavis! ?Donde esta su hall pass?"
    --- SBBSecho 3.20-Linux
    * Origin: capitolcityonline.net * Telnet/SSH:2022/HTTP (1:2320/105)
  • From Dave Drum@1:2320/105 to Mike Powell on Thu Sep 19 05:16:00 2024
    Mike Powell wrote to DAVE DRUM <=-

    "In stark contrast to the early days of the company, nearly everyone
    now knows what Tupperware is, but fewer people know where to find it,"
    Brian J. Fox, Tupperware's chief restructuring officer, wrote in the
    filing. Only in 2022 did the company set up a storefront on Amazon and
    start selling at Target, he added.

    Most of the Tupperware I have, which was not hand-me-down, was
    purchased from retailers, likely Walmart or Kroger. I didn't realize
    they were still doing the direct marketing route.

    Tupperware was so ubiquitous that any multiple use plastic container
    seems to get referred to as "Tupperware" whether it is actual Tupper
    or some cheap, overseas kock-off from Wally World.

    When I wore a younger man's clothes I got dragged to more than one of
    the "Tupperware Party" events by my mother and her mother. Talk about
    a hen party. Almost as exciting for a young man as watching paint dry.

    But the old toots' seem to eat it up. Especially the gossip. Yawwwwn!

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Church Potluck Jello Salad
    Categories: Cheese, Nuts, Dairy, Candy, Fruits
    Yield: 7 Servings

    3 oz Box lime Jello
    3 oz Box lemon Lello
    2 c Boiling water
    6 oz Cream cheese
    1 lb Small curd cottage cheese
    1 c Mayonnaise(not Miracle Wimp)
    14 oz Can Eagle Brand condensed
    - milk
    15 oz Can crushed pineapple
    1 c Chopped walnuts
    10 oz Bag Kraft mini marshmallows

    Dissolve both boxes jello with boiling water.

    Add remaining ingredients, mixing well after each
    addition. Put into mold or other container and chill
    for several hours until completely set.

    Serves: 6 - 8

    RECIPE FROM: Helen E. Moore's recipe box

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


    ... When you said the dishwasher was loaded I thought my wife was drunk.
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  • From Mike Powell@1:2320/105 to DAVE DRUM on Thu Sep 19 08:29:00 2024
    Most of the Tupperware I have, which was not hand-me-down, was
    purchased from retailers, likely Walmart or Kroger. I didn't realize they were still doing the direct marketing route.

    Tupperware was so ubiquitous that any multiple use plastic container
    seems to get referred to as "Tupperware" whether it is actual Tupper
    or some cheap, overseas kock-off from Wally World.

    Mine actually say "Tupperware" on them but, yeah, I have others that I am
    sure I might call Tupperware that are most certainly not. ;)

    When I wore a younger man's clothes I got dragged to more than one of
    the "Tupperware Party" events by my mother and her mother. Talk about
    a hen party. Almost as exciting for a young man as watching paint dry.

    But the old toots' seem to eat it up. Especially the gossip. Yawwwwn!

    Like I said, I had no idea they were still doing those parties. With so
    many women moving into the work force over the years, you'd think they
    would have seen the point to start pivoting before 2022. Guess not and
    that is why they are in trouble.


    * SLMR 2.1a * Computer Hacker wanted. Must have own axe.
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