• Terms was:Jerky was 8/29

    From Dave Drum@1:3634/12 to Sean Dennis on Fri Sep 6 06:04:00 2024
    Sean Dennis wrote to Dave Drum <=-

    I always thought "pogey bait" was a Marine Crotch term. I was mistook,
    I see.

    When I was born, my birth father was a Marine and later he joined the
    Army so you're not wrong.

    Then you'll probably know what is a "pogey bait whistle". Bv)=

    Back in the day when new drivers were licensed in Illinois and took the "road/driving test" in a car with a slush box their license would show
    a restriction to "automatic shift only". My last manual transmission
    was a BMW 7-series with a 6 speed manual. I got the car by running my mouth when I should have been listening. I didn't keep it for long
    since it's gas-hog V8 vouldn't seem to manage better than 5 mpg. My
    nephew bought it to use in "drifting" competitions.

    I bet it was a 740, right? My friend has a 740il that's like a 70s station wagon in size. Same six-speed as yours, I'd bet.

    In-zackly. It had a 4 Litre V8 and would pass anything on the road but
    a gas station. I dunno what it is with the German V8s. I also had a Benz
    540 SEC which was a pretty coupe - but got about the same mileage as the
    big Beemer. That was another one I got by letting my mouth lead a life independent of my brain.

    An acquaintance was shopping new cars and was amazed that a manual
    tranny was an extra-cost option for the Chrysler he was considering.

    I'd like to get a 2025 Nissan Versa S, which comes with a 5-speed like
    my 2016 Versa that was totaled by an accident in 2019.

    I drove a Versa delivering parts for the Zone. I don't fit well in that
    tiny box. And we couldn't seem to keep CV joints in the darned thing.
    AZ gave up on them as too "high maintenance" and switched to the Frontier pick-ups. Which made more sense for parts delivery anyway. I really liked
    the Frontier - to the point I wnet to the dealer and scared my bank book
    to death pricing a new one for personal use.

    I know Volkswagen Golfs and Toyota Corollas come with stick.

    I like the Beemer's 8-speed shiftless box.

    After dropping $2600 to rebuild my Pathfiner's auto transmission only
    to have it short out and then total the car in a fire, I'm not a huge
    fan of auto transmissions anymore.

    My main database is titled "Echomail" and is recipes I have gathered to post here or have posted here.

    Electrics are subject to short circuits. My current Beemer (a 2010 528i -
    X Drine) is on a recall for a potential fire in the engine electrics. I
    take it in to the dealer next week to have the "fix" applied. No cost to
    me. PHEW I'm not interested in "going to heaven in a flash of fire".
    (Hoyt Axton song lyric).

    I just happened on accidentally collecting recipes. I can't find a
    recipe manager for Linux that works as well as MM with a DOS emulator.

    Looks good. Here's another

    That looks good and just slightly Southern.

    Something random from Mr. Ceideburg...

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Afghan Chicken
    Categories: Poultry
    Yield: 6 Servings

    I have that recipe but the credit line says "From Gemini's MASSIVE
    MealMaster clooection" Bv)=

    When I file the serial numbers off a recipe I always let people know.

    Most of the stuff Steve posted was really good. Too bad he was on of the
    first casualties of the AIDS epidemic.

    Here's an Afghan Chiken recipe I like better. And w/proper credit lines.

    MMMMM----- Recipe via Meal-Master (tm) v8.06

    Title: Afghan Chicken Kebobs
    Categories: Poultry, Asian, Dairy, Citrus
    Yield: 4 Servings

    1 c Yogurt
    1 1/2 ts Salt
    1/2 ts Ground red (cayenne) pepper
    3 cl Garlic; fine minced
    1 1/2 lb Chicken; in kebob sized pcs
    Flatbread such as lavash,
    - pita or flour tortillas
    3 lg Tomatoes; sliced
    2 lg Onions; sliced
    2 Lemons or 4 limes; quartered

    Mix yogurt, salt, pepper & garlic in a bowl. Mix chicken
    with yogurt and marinate 1 - 2 hours at room temperature,
    up to 2 days refrigerated.

    Thread chicken on skewers and grill over barbecue. Place
    bread on plates (if using tortillas, toast briefly over
    flame), divide meat among them, top with tomato & onion
    slices and cilantro and fold bread over. Serve w/lemon
    or lime quarters for squeezing.

    Makes 4 servings.

    ** Newsday, Queens New York - Dining & Food section -
    27 Sep 95 **

    Scanned & formatted for you by: The WEE Scot - paul

    Uncle Dirty Dave's Archives


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